243199 2�3��9
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� and
� Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefolYowIngpublioimprovement by the City of 8aint Psul,vis.:
� reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Flandrau St. from Ross Ave. to 7th. St.
, and.b�doin�all_other work which is necessa� and incidental_ to ccm�lete. said im-
. ........................................................ .......... ......_....
...........»...............---_.»......................................................... ......._...................._....................................................._....
Datsd thie.. 15 th»......dsy of.............................Apr i 1 .......». g 69 .... ..
..... '..... ....... �•... ..... .�'� ��......__..
/ µ��oilman.
WHER,EAB� A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement,vis.:
, reconstruct_.the. sidewalk..oq,both,.�,ides of__Flandrau_,St,,,_,from_Ross„Ave .to__7th�._Sts_
1` __and_.by doing_,all_.other, work.which_i$„neces$ary,,,�,�c��l„ig�.��er��a�_.�Q„�Qmp�_�g..$��1„�m�
�rovement........--•--•..................................___............-----.....................................--••---....._........_............-------......... ....
hsving been presented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul....................................................._......-•---........_..........
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Publio Worke be and ia herebq ordered and direated:
1. To inveetigate the neoeseity for, or desirability of,,the making of esid improvemeat.
2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated ooet of said improvement� and the total ooet thereof.
3. To furniah a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. ,
4. To stste whether or no�eaid improvement ie asked for on�,he petition of three or more ownere.
b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commieaioner of Finanoe.
Adopted by the CounaiL.._..............................APR_.1 b 1969
APR 1 b 1969
Councilman Carlson.
�r De l g l ish Approve�.........................................._....................----
A��2'�/�� �e�-1$,IILI
Meredith � ^
� ' .
Tedesco ----------• - -----
Mr. President B�rzrre Mayor.
�000 s.so
PUBLiSHE� APR 19 1969