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, ,: ._ . . � . . " . - . . . � y. .. � . . r � � � � ��31�� J CQUNCIL FILE NO- CITY O�F ST. PAUL R�eadl�utian Ratifyin� As�essment By� r File No. In the matter of the asseasment of �r�ita, ttl�t +��d �MS t�e s�pt�cw�,i,M si �to�t� at��atiM +�� iidNl�2l�i ist wi►tk twt�iat�ll t1w�s�k�I �al� ���4�i� �litx'#.tt MMi. �, �_ --L�vl►_�!• 7,_ sss�ssr►sLS: � F.O. #237323 - NinsloM St., east aid� frao W. �elas �t. to �9c�otp�st �1+Md, T.O. �237194 - W. Curtiae St., both sid�a tra� D�la�ar� ��. �o t�i�rew Mrra. ?.0. *237309 - W. Page 8t., both •id�s iror 8with A�. t1 Q��sM� �w. T.O. �237119 - 8. Morto� St., both �id�s frvn Livia��ton Aw, �ap �, �o�rt St. !'.0. #237314 - W. �obia St., both sides fro� Na�in Aw. to Qrl�ans St. P.O. #237196 - W. Gor� 8t. � �rorth sid� fro4 9. S�fth Aw. to Ottawa Aw. �.0. #238418 - AttaMa Av�., north�aat siae frpafi. Ceosge St. to Cha�oket A�rr►. f.0. #235539 - Cayn� �t. , boEh aid�a fra� A�ate St. to L'Orieat St. ' � ,�. 3 . .. .. -. ..-�: �.. . . . ., ..�... . . ..e. .... . . . -.� . �`: . 37"0'�6"i��3'��'`$�., both aid�s lydd°`�ii'itall S`t. to ?ork Av�. ,.:�. .<...... :. �.�- .n >., .:..,.: . .. , .. . . , .,..:� :_,. ._ . .. . , a . M,,.. ., . 11�1-A88lSSAaLB s �—� �.__. � �`.t�:"�71� - �l'l:�Fi�",�C`: . .. - ,.. .� .. . .�.. ._ ,..r _, _, , �,. , �ait Yi�e !'�oi ti. b�loa �'t. to Pros ct �lvd. l.0. �237194 - �I. Curtice St.� both sid�a fra� D�elaw�tre Ave. to Ch��p�w Aw. !.0� #��i�3tf9 • N�. "lsgdt� St. � botk° �rid��.:t�or1 S�Yth Avi. tio bt tars Ave, _ ,, l.4. *237119 - 1¢.,I�[or�Q�, $C,, both :a,�,d.�s fsa� :1.���n�tvn Aw. to< �►; ;Aob�rt St. � �.b`."��2�73i4 - ii. -,i�o$ii`�St. , �oth sidea fYO+a llaa�in Av�. te Orls�nr St. ;�, 1!.A.���.3�196 - M. �osg,t St., north •ids fr� S. 8�ith Avs. to Otta�a Aw. �.0. �237�36 - Glark 3t. , both ride• from Whitall St. to ?crk Av�. Y.O. f23$�39 - Cayuga St. , both side• grom Agate St. to L'O;i�at St. , • • . � ;,,. , . ;,: . . . �u�.� ...,...`�; .....�__ __ '__ -=' ; _ . , , ,. . , . BE IT FURTHER RaESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable i� � equal installments. r �/ �� �IG��C� i� � COUNGILMEN � ..-� _ Y� x�yx APR 161969 C!ltiso� Adopted by the Counoi� dalgtish Meredith ..�p�terse�_ �PR 1 6 1969 Spraf ka Approve� Tedesco � Byrne T�+ Favor • �l or Fo� x-z z� iasa a� v Agai�$t PUaLISHE� APR 19 1969 e �� � ) �` � 2431��.. . j '� CITY OF ST. PAUL ; _. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ���� Report of Complet�on of Ass�essm�nt �e No. ��'� In the matter of the asseasment of �Mliqw N�t � � � ��i�t � �• •t1Erol�llM� i!' IHri�wllpl� atN tlll�'k t1Mt���� �1�llt �� i�X� �Lllt�et �. ��, �A�rj �M. 7'� � T.o. 237si3 - i�ir�alw :t.. at�t aidi ts�er Y. M1N :t. to lrN�scr s1Ml. l.0. �23�I�4 • W. Ctistiet it., 1o�M► si�lMts ttn� Dilaws� Aw. to �ipMw� Aw. 1�.0. �237309 - W. xap $t.. `oth ��� #t�i1 �wi!qt i.w. to O�twa i�. �.0. i437119 - t. I�rtos it., iath �id�s t� Li�iaptan A�. to t. to'Mst it. �'.0. 1337314 - li. tobi� St., bath rid*t tsa� 11�aro�ia A�a. to Orl�aaf at, ° 1.0. �T)71+1� - i1. Q�osp St., north sid: frai i. S�itk /1v+s. to Ott�aMa ,w. Z.O. �23t41� - Ott�+e� l►w., sostb�aat si� !s� R. @�or� �t. to E�areiu�s A+n. -,�. � . ��� St..,..1�otb ,���s_:�l�pos. .. . _.. ..., . 1►'. . f4 7 �as .tt- �eo.L'o.�i.w�,..s�.�. .�.. ._. .. � � : �' - c�.,rk ac.. soeh .sd.. lra. �htc.li sr. ro Yosk Av.. .,. .. . � :, r,��,f�,��.� . . .. ,.. � ... . _, , , ,:: . �. _ :�•-<. .r. .r ,f� ,� _ _ . _ : , >,. . .., M .�.,.., .., .. : _ ,. . ,..._« _.. . ._. ,� �. � ..:. .,�.. .._.. . , .�.+., ...• ;. , .,,..,,. ,:.. .... .. ..,..._:....... ..�.. .�..,... ,....:. . ..,,.: , _... ..,...;.. Y. . . 7313 - Ni�l�r ttt., �ss� side lro� fi. Dtlor =t. to lro�p�ct alvd. -; �.4. ���719�4, ,;.W. �qr�ia� 11t,.i, tiotb sid�� l�aaa D�lawr� Av�e. Co Chippn� �w. �'.0. �ZJ7309 - N. Tap 8t., both sid�• t�ra� 8�itia Aw. ta Ottws Awt. l.Q, r�$�T�1l.;-.� :�. li�stioa Ltr, ist6_�t��r fsMM L�itr�ator'`�rnt. t+oi `it:"�s�iitR �t�. ` � T.O. I337�14 .• .N. ;;Rvt�iit St.,, both #��s t�ca� 14�a�i,�;�y�. to �Lq�s.-��e. ,,;. !.�'!: `#Y3`7��6 - M. C�os� _�.+ �erCk side #ror S. �tsith Aw. to Otcaw Av�. 1.0. �2�7Q96 - Ci�sk 8t., tiotA sia�• tsow Nhit�ll �t. to York Aw. !.0. f23s,�,�9: ',�!�i+i �t.` iwtb •��de• �ra� A�a� 3t. 1� L'Or#�rrt Aft. °'` Postalcarda . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . ... ..... .. . . . � - Publications .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ..... . ... ... .. $ 96 �_ Collection costs . .. .. .... . . . . . .. . . .. .. ...... ... $ 192 �� Court costs for co�firm.ation•. .. . .. . . . .. .. . ... .. . � 9 �— Comptroller's Costs 96 00 TOTAL EXPENDZTURES .. . .. . .. . . ....... $ 14�425 �_ Charge to . .. .... .....�I4�:4��€,e,s,ssble... .. . . .. . . . $ 2,918 S-8_ . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .Q��O'7Qa,.. ...... . . . . . .. . .. $ 661 �_ Net Assessment . ..... .... . . . .. . . .. .. .... .. .. .. .. . $ 10,845 20 Said Cominisaioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, tawit: the sum of � 1 U.845:20 upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ca.se of each lot,part or parcel of land in accorda.nce with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment haa been completed, and that hereto atta:ched, identified by the signature of the said Cammissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as couu�pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Co '1 for auch action thereon as may be conaidered proper. Dated February 2��t 969 ommissi r of P��e. Form x,.2 8M lo.6a E� April 9, 1969 '� � �__=.�d���..:�� t�, ,,\,\ � \ Mr J �Tm. Donovan, ���, �'�'� Yaluation Eo A+asessment Exigineer, �,% �`� i�/ i ' Dear Sir: �� �`� ',� ,�''� , r %,, The City Coun�cil today'�i� over one keek to April 16th. the R��olution��, As �ment in the matt�r of the a�sessment of �fita, t an �per�ee� �"or conatruction or r�canstruction ��ideoralls� ,e�d wo incidental. thereto: C.OIIfiI'A.C�'. ����F3�� �BtY`�Ct. NO• �� �V�/ rT0• `r• , � � V � � -- �V_�.r'" /f v@�, �X'� �'OU2'8� ----' �.�.__�� j ��/ <'"� City Clerk � hp ��, � i \ � ;% ! `�. ` ` ;, ;, P.S. Roy�esT�h�.: Nated that Mrss. Uni.se might have left the Chaagl�rs bei"c�re knor�ing the exact date of re-hearing. Thi�, �or yatar inf'Qrm�ation. Mike.