04-245CouncIl File # `� / — � / J �7 Crzeen Sheet # ;7� � �� �j � RESOLUTION 1IN� PAUL, MINNESOTA p � / Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments and 2 reappoinhnents, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Board of Water 3 Commissioners. 4 5 6 APPOINTMENTS 7 8 Councilmember Debbie Montgomery - term expires December 31, 2007 9 Councilmember Dave Thune - term expires December 31, 2007 10 Gregory Kleindl - term expires June 30, 2006 11 12 13 REAPPOINTMENTS 14 15 Councilmember Pat Harris - term expires December 31, 2007 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet o�l-a�s � Departmentloffice/council: Date IniGated: Mo "MaYorsOffice z�FE� Green Sheet NO: 30�2457 CorHact Person ffi Phone: ���eM SeM To Aerson initiailDate KuR Schultz � 0 � 2 ��� A55ign I a o's �ce De art eotDir r Must Be on Couneil Agenda by (Date): Number Z � For RoUting 3 a or's �ce av r/ t p�� 4 n 'I 5 i erk i lerk ToWI # of SignaW2 Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Appoinhnent of Councilmember Debbie Montgomery, Councilmember Dave Thune, and Gregory Kleindl to the Boazd of Water Commissioners. Reappointment of Councilmember Pat Harris to the Board of Water Comnussioners. Recommendations: Approve (A) a Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Gommission i. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? � CIB Committee Yes No CivA Service Commission . 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any _ aRent city employee? Yes No Ezplain al! yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sAeet - Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who,,What, Whert, Where, Why): - None. � AdvaMages {f Approved: � Disadvantapes If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of CosURevenue Budgeted: Transaction: Funding Source: Activity Number: Financial fr�formation: (E�cplain) o� ays CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor To: 390 Cirv Hall I S West %ellogg Boulevard Saint Paul. MN 55102 Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Pat Harris Councilmember Lee Helgen Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember Debbie Montgomery Councilmember Dave Thune From: Kurt Schultz Date: f� February 25, 2004 Board of Water Coxnmissioners Te7ephone: 65l-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-266-8513 Mayor Kelly has recommended the appoinhnent of Councilmember Debbie Montgomery, Councilmember Dave Thune and Gregory Kleindl to the Board of Water Commissioners. The terms of Councilmembers Montgomery and Thune shall expire on December 31, 2007 and the term ofMr. Kleindl shall expire on June 30, 2006. Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappointment of Councilmember Pat Harris to the Board of Water Commissioners. His term shall expire on December 31, 2007. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as Mr. Kleindl's application. Please remember that certain information on the applications is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you have any question regarding these appointments and reappointments . Attachments cc. Steve Schneider � � OF`FICE OF TRE MAyOR 390 CITY I3ALL SAINT PAITL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone:651-266-8525 FAX:651-266-8513 o �- a ys Name: Greeorv John HIeindl Home Address: 1038 Colbv Street Saint Paul 55116 Street City Zip Telephone Number: (651) 699-2884 Home (952) 826-4669 Work (612) 750 5757 Mobile Planning District Council: 15 City Council Ward: 3 Preferred Mailing Address:1038 Colbv Street Saint Paul, MN 55116 What is your Occupation: Communications Liaison Place of Employment: Committee Applied For: Lifetouch National School Studios, Inc. Minneanolis Minnesota Board of Water Commissioners What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee for which you seek appointment? I possess egcellent oreanizational and communication skills Throueh mv vears of professional emaloVment I have been commended for mv abihtv to successfullv complete high nrioritv comnlicated tasks down to the smailest deta�l. I have a tremendous histo of bein able to work with rou s of individuals with multiple agendas in a manner that brines about a result accentable bv all parties Mv knowledee of the polihcal process �s well versed at all levels Throueh mv involvement with voluntarv bustness and council orgamzations I have been involved in business develonment and budEetarv decisions. I feel that this weil-rounded back round has iven me an excellent foundation for this board AositiOII. The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 i / � o �- ays �ame: Mathew Anfan2 Address: 1635 B�ard Avenue; Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 Phone: 651-699-1338 Name: Dan Galles Address: 1910 Rome Avenue: Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 Phone: 651-690-4809 Name: Patrick Harris Address: 1438 Saint Clair Avenue; Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Phone: 651-690-5052 (Home) 651-266-8630 (Work) Reasons for interest in this particular committee I have a strone desire to be involved in a Citv Service that is vital to the erowth and well beinE of our Citv. � Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making an application? If so, when and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our coramunity, please check the line appiicabie to you. This information is strictly voluntary. X White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo X Male Female Disabled: Yes Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: June 16,1962 No X If speciai accommodations are needed, please specify: NO �„ � How did you hear about this opening? Board of Water Commissioners Patrick Harris and Matt Anfane