243165 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 2431fi5 f CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �c���s� coa���a�rT�:�, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �.pri1 15, 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF ��1HERr;AS: Proper notice has been rece�ved as to c�ia��e o� officers in O��aughnessy� Inc. holders of Qn Sale Liquor License i�o. 7533, e�irin� Jazuary 31� 1970, at 573 �1est �eventh Street� thereforei be it RESOLVEi1; That the present off�cers, Geraldine Smith� President and Treasurer; Olga ��icCarthy� Vice-pr�sident; �nd Dorothy l�dding, secretary, a11 bein� removed� and with Geraldine Sr�ith recentZy becoming Geraldine QiShaughness�, becomes President and Treasurer; and Raymond. �. O�Shaughnessy becomes Vj.ce president and Secretary; and. Ueraldine (Smith) O�Shaughnessy remai.nin; as sole stockholder be and the same is hereby approved. O�I S�iLE LIf�LTOtZ ESIABLTSI��•�:�1�T CF��GE OF QF�'IC��RS Informally �proved by �ouncil Apri.l lo, 1969 Apnn. 8638 ppR 15 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays A�R 1 5 1�6� ..Sa�e�—' Dalglish � Approved 19�_ Meredith Tn Favor , Mayor Sprafka U A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUeLiSHES APR 19 1969 O � +�ITY 0'F SAI'�1T PAUL � '� � Capital of Minneaota �� �� `�� � �e a�ti�e�t o a��ic c�a et p � POLICS Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Depaty Commluioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN. Lieense Impeetor April lo, 1969 Honorable �tayor and City Council Saint Paul, riinnesota Gentlemen: Currently QtShaughnessy, Inc. are holders of � Sale Lic�uor License No. 7533, at 573 West 5eventh Street, expiring January 31� 1970. The Corporation has held the license since November 1959. The existing officers, �:�eraldine �nith, President and Treasurer; Olga McCaxthv� Vice-president; and Dorothy Redding� Secretary ��ere all removed. Geraldine SMith is the sole stockholder. Kecently Geraldine Smith became Airs. OtShaughnessy and. under the name of Geraldine O�Shaughnessy returns as President ar�ci Treasurer; and Raymond n. Q'Shaughnessy becomes the Vice-presi.dent; and Secretary. Gerald3.ne {Smith) O�Shaughnessy remains as the soZe stockholder. Attached is a copy of a letter issued by their attorney as to these transactions. Very truly yours, �G�-ru.CJC/ � G �" License Inspector � C � r 'J '.� ` O p. ♦ • • •• � � • DONALD PATRICK I�AN� ATTORNEY AT LAW _ 773 Univcrsity Avcnue • ��s�cac. x��cxvcrac 225-2256 ST. PAUL 5, MINN. 55104 January 3, 1g69 The Honorable Mayor Thos. R. Byrne and i�iembers of the City Cauncil Court House Si. Paul, Niinnesota, 55101 Genilemen: Purs�:ant to the requirements mf the Ordinance relating t• "On Sale" Liquor Licenses you arz �ereby notified mf a ch�nge in the directors and officers of 0'Shau�hnessy, Incorporated, a Minnesota Business Corporati�n, which ouns and op�rates the Knotty Pine Bar at 573 West Seventh Street, St. Paul, i�innesota. On December 9, 1.966, three persons uuere named and elected directors and officers c�f tl�� corporation, as foll�v�s: Gerald.ine Po S�nith, President and Treasurer Olga L. A:cCartny, 1296 1-'Vest 7th Street, Vice-President _ Dorotny Reding, 1332 Hi�hland Parkway, Secretary. Geraldine P. Smith nas been thc sole shareho�d.er of 0'Shaughnessy, Incorperated since September 10, 1965 when she purchased the shares then owned by Raymond A. 0'Shau$hnessy who was then a directur and an officer of the corporation. During the year 1968 said Geraldine P. Smith became married to said Raymond k. 0'Shau�hnessy. On December 30, 196& the former Geraldine P. Smith, naw Geraldine P. 0'S'_:augnnessy (Mrs. Raym�nd. �i.), as the sole sharehold�r of 0'Sh�ughnessy, Incorpmrated adopted a resolution amending the by-laws of the corporation sa as to provide that its Board of Directors "shall be two (2) in number whenever all of the shares �f this corporatien are owned beneficially and of record by less than three shareholaers and which shall be three (3) in number whenever all of the shares of this cmrporation are owned beneficially and 0f record by more than iwo shareh�lders." On December �0 ig68, �he said Geraldine P. 0'Shau�hnessy, as the �ole shareholder of 'S�haughnessy, Inc�rporated adopted a urther resolution removing tbe existing directors and officers from �ffice and nomin�ted and elected the hereinafter nam�d persons as directors ana officers as follev�s: . Geraldine P. 0'Shaugnnessy Presicient and Treasurer R,�.ymond A. 0'Shaughnessy, Vice-Preside�t and Secretary. � S�id direct�rs and officers reside at 790 I,aurel Avenue, St. Paul. Very truly yours, � . �,'`'z'.ii�-�---�-- D.P. Kano • � � C ITY flF SA�NT PAUI, DEP$RTi�NT � PtTBI,IC SAFI�TY' LICENSE DNISIfJN � ; Da te ��Zl--^-c-� �Z�/ 19_'�-- 1• applioation �ar � Licsense ! 2. l�a�e of appl�c3ant '� 3. Business addreea� ��� (�c�. /� �-- 8esiden�e � 4. Trsde a�etme, if a� ,�� : 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax 3tamp Retail Zzquur Federsl Taa Stamp���ri.11 be used. 6. t�,i �rhnt floor loQated ��Z,��y� Number of ro�ons used� _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ?. Betwes�n w3�:at aroas streeta � ich side of etrset ��Z� 8. �re prem�.aee now vaoup3ed.�' L.�,,.,�.� hat businesa��� ,�' � o�r lon.g / / 9. �Are premises nox unocaupied�Aov� long 4�Qan� Pre4ioua use 10, �Are �ou a new awner Aave you been i�s a simi].�r buaanesa bePore��-�—� �� ------- 'i�her� , .� (,�`� �,�, � YPhen�J� •-- /�� S� 11. dre you going to operate �his buainesa pers�ally �-:J-�---c--� _ �T. If not, ,�h.o w�.11 up�rate it 12. Are you �.n. axiy other busineea at the present time ]� _ _ _ _ _ _ ........� .... r. 13. Hav'e there been any csom�plaints againat your oparatioa of this type of p]ace��` yihen Rhere 14. II�vet you ev�er had a�q lieense revolaed_� 'ithat rea�on aad date -,., _ - — .. � 15. Are �rou a esiti,�en of tha United Statea���,P.d�(ati� Na�tc�ralized ` ._.,.__..____ 16. 11R�era �rere qou bora � " Date of birth l __ �- ' . _ .-. 17. I eim.�married. My (vv�.fe s) (husband's� name and address is ' "v 18. (If m�rried female) my maiden. name ia 19. Horr long hsve yo� lived in St. Paul��l;��!�,��...j.��. � ��� 20. Have you ev�ar been arreated�rViolatioa oP what cr�mi�al ]a�r or orciinanoe 21. Are qou a registered votor 3.n the City o£ $t. Pau1 Yse No. (Anatatr f'ull� ar�cl aompletely. These a �liQations are thorou hl cheoload an+d aa falaific�a ,iz' on �r5.11 be oauae for enial, �2. 8umber of 3.2 p]acses within two bloaks 23. Cloaest intoxia�ting liquor plaQe� t� Sale �� Q �(�Off Sale ��-" � _ .. ' 24. Neare at Churah,������-� Neare st 3cho ol_�(�'.�_�����'�-�iL� /yac-�� � 25. Number of boothe_� Tablea � Chaira+_`� Stools /� 26. �iat oacupe►tian. have you follovred for the paat five y�sarso (Give namea of amploy�sre and datea so employed.) �Ct-c �-a�(!�f'�� _ % `� ,. ':7- � � ,. / / � � //] � Z�� � � �/ '."� ./'�� 27. Give� �mea ancl addreases of two paraons, reaidenta of 3te Pl�ul, �.nne, �rho oan gi� informatioxi ooneerning youo � � � � � �-v---�_ Name�� ,�.i � Addreas ����,���C�� 7 / �/ � �� Name � C�.� �ddresa �/ � �:.a.-- �, _� u. 3i tu P pp ican St�te of Min.n�asota� � �ss C ounty of Ramsey ` ,J' � P • . - y �d ��-�.4..� ' ��•e;�=.� f�"�� be�.ng firat duly aworn., depoaes �nd saye upo oath t he ha� re the fo going state�nt bearing his sxgnature and knawe the contenta thereof, and that the sam� ia �iue- of hia o�arn l�.o�vledge eacept aa to thoae mattera therein s�ated upon inform�tion and belief and as to thoae matters he believes them ta be trueo % �� i ��-�< ure o� Applicant S�.ibeeribed ar�i sworn to before ma � ' �hia day oP 19�� ,/' No ry Public, �� Countya �irine aota �!/Q�O��t H: A: PATNEAUDE, My CO1�.R3.8�8�OZi AXpll'9� Notary Pubiic, Dakata Courtty, Minn. ' y . ommission pires June ; 72 � (Note� These statement forma are in duplioate. Both esopies m�uat be Pully filled outa notarized, and returaed to the License Divis iono�� ARFIDA�tIT BY APPLICAftT ' , , . . 'F1�2 ` RETAIL BETR +OR LTQIIOR LICENBE s �1 Sale Liaense Na�ae of applioant % LX ,� �� Buainssa addreae �I bre you the sole o�m.er of this buaineag4 /�j�. If not, is it a pQr�tnex�hip4 0 orporat f onY Ci/�C4.� , other� � �' ()thers interested in buainess, include thoae by loan. of money, property ox other�r38es ` � `����+ . Name��2..r,�,�:��f f ' adareas ��"a ;�f�,c,...�- How �-�ct, � ���� If a corporation, give its name � Are you intereated in any �ay i.n any other 8etail Beer or iquor bu�irvess? �� ds sole o�vner? PartnerY Stoe]�older4 Qthervrise? (Through loan of money, etv. l�plain) Addreas oP euah buainess and nature of interest in sa�s ; � � _ _ _ _ � ,,t L��.wr �,�->�r Signatur o� applioant ` �/"" State of Mis�esuta) )se County of Re►maey ) ;' y � *` _ _ . �� . . being firat-dulq aworn, depoees and saqs upon oath at he has read th orego g a fidavit bear�n.g ha.e signature and l�,ows the content� thereof; that the sQm9 is trua o� his own knovrledge, eaQept as �o those mattera therei.n atated�upaa informstion and belief and as to those ma�tera he be� lievea them to be true. � ,./rf� ,f�� � .��. ✓ � s ' 3i t e oF epplioant l Subacrib and svcarn to bePo m� this d day af 19� N t�r�r b a, y ounty, innesata f�d l�o��t H. A. P�EAUt?:, �T (ShcllIIlJr.38].ORl 9Xp1I'9$ Notery Public. D a Cni��ty, «tt;��;, J$r Commission Expires Jene 30, I972 STATr �' MIlQN�SOT$ ) ) SS Ct�Ul�TY OF AAMSE7 ) �� ^ ;,c� being firat duly arrorn, doth depoas aad say that he makea this aPfidavi in connection �vi�th �pplicatioa� for " � S�le" liquor Iioenes (" �►ls" awlt beverage licmnae) in the City cf 3tate oP '�inne sota �int Peiul, Minneaota; that your a►ffiant is a reaident of the •n,d h�►a r�sid�d therein for y�ears, �� montha, and ia state now e►nd he�a b�ea for the time► e►bmre msntioned a bona Fide reaident oP aaid � � atnd that 2�s naar resides �t N�. 7 l�C� � �..zy__.�__ �i�. Hixine a ote�. 1 ' � `� �� ��� , �� ..�� a ��-�-.- � �., .�. � � - �. � .._� . .� � l iY�,��,�1 • Subsaribed snd sworn to before a� thia�_day of I9� r a ry ia Coun y, nne s o a �A� � H, A. PATNEJ�UDE, ]Vl� caoa�is�ion expires Nptary Public, Dakote Gounty, Minn. My ommissi , 1972 .. ` J • Y Ap�31 Zo, 196g Hon. William E. Carlson, Camsr. of Public SaPety, Tenth and Minnesota Sts., St. Paul, Minn. Attn: Mr. Daniel P. Mclaughlin Deax 3ir: Th� City Council today infa�rmally approved the appli- cation of 0'Sh�aughnQSSy, Inc., holders of On Sa.le Liquor License No. 7533, at 573 West Seventh 3treet, expiring January 31, 1970, for a change in officers as follor►s: Geraldirbe Smith, Preaiderit and Treasurer; Olga NLcCaxttxy� Vice-president; ar�d Dorot�r Redding, Secretary, t�ere all removed. Recently Geraldine 3�ith became Mrs. 0•Shaughnessy and uzyder the name oP Geraldine 0'Shaughr�essy returns as President and Treasurer; and Raymoad A. 0'Shaughnessy becoanes the Vice-preaident, aad Secretaxy. t7eraldine (Smith) 0'8hau�nessy remsins atis the aole stockholder. Will you pZense prepe►re the cuateo�wry reaolutionY Vei'y trul,y yours, City ClerY � �