243119 � � ,
OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � 2�����
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul
does hereby concur in the recommendation of the City Gouncil
Land Committee and does hereby accept dedication of real
property from the Housing and Redevelopmen.t Authority of
the City of Saint Paul for Plato Boulevard and Ohio Street,
the legal description being more fully set out in the said
deed of conveyance, a copy of which is attached hereto and
incorporated herein by reference; and the Corporation Counsel
is hereby authorized to place on record in the proper
recording office the original of said deed of conveyance.
�ORM p
......— .7,�,o�a
APR 11 1�6!
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19—
Yeas Nays l�'`
Carlson � � � ��9�
Dalglish � Approved 19`_
Meredith In Favor
�et�f. o'�'n'
Sprafka Mayor
Tedesco -�-Against
Mr. President, Byrne
Voluation Engineer
Ass't Valuafion Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS
286 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minrt�sote 55F02
JanuarY 29, 1969 �1�`•"C���
To the Honorable Mayor and
Council of the City of Saint Paul
The Land Committee has considered and recommends that the
Council accept the dedication of Plato Boulevard and Ohio
Street, located in the Riverview Industrial Project Minn.
R-26, from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, as more
fully set out in the attached copy of said dedication agree-
The Department of Public Works ha.s reviewed the agreement
and recommends the acceptanee thereof.
Respeetfully submitted,
, � �
J. Wm. Donovan, Secretary
Z�SOLV�ll, Tkzat the Cauncil of the City of Saint �aul
d.oes hereby concur in the rccot�t�aend�tion of the City Council
�,ancl Co�ittee �.nd cioes hereby aceept cledaeation oF real
property fro�i the ��ousing t�nd �tedevelopment Authority o�
the City of Saint 3Pau1 for Plato �3oulevard a�d Ohio Street,
the le�;al description bein�; �ore �'u11y� set out in the said
cleeci o� eonveyanee, a eopy o� whieh is attaehea hereto a�d
ineorporatecl herein by reference, and the Corporation Counsel
is hereby ae:�tYaorize� to pl�.ce on record in the proper
recordin�; oa���ce the ori�inal of saic� deed of conveyance.
' n..'q�,w .
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ����� � � �'���19_
Yeas Nays
Carlson �1`����;. .
Dalglish � Approved A �Y'�? 19�_
Meredith n Favor
� Mayor
Spra�ka A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne
. � —
� °
- ' . �2g�-�
� /�
THIS INDENTURE, made this ��`r`day of C,./���i��±�?�;'*_ , 196�, bet�aeen
the Housin and Redevelo ment Auttlorit of tlle C o -� � - �
� P y ity £ Saint Paul, Minne�oLa, a
corporation under the la��TS of the State of Mint�esota, parly of the first p�rt,
and t;he City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a municipal carporation under the laF�s of
the State of Minnesot��, p?rty oL the second par�.
WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first �art, ir_ consicieration of the
sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other sufficient consideration, to ir in hand paid
by the said party of the second part, the receipt wt�ereof is hereby ackno�aledged,
does hereby grant, bargain, quitclaim and convey unto the said party of the
second part, its successors and assigns , forever, all the tracts or p�rcels of
land lying and being in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, described as
fol lo:�JS:
A11 tho�e parts of Slocks 161, 162, 16�5, 165, 166 and 193, P.obertson's
• Addition to West St. Paul and Blocks 192, 193 and 195, Irvine's
Addition to WesL• St. P�ul lying bztt�een the follot•�in; ciescribed l.it�es,
1. Comn.encin� at a point on the hortt;easterly line of Lot 5, Block
18 of Hazillc and �:ober�'s F�ddition to 4?est St. Paul cahicii is
25.0 feet Northwesterly of the Easterly corner of said Lot, t}zence
South SR° 32.' 4'est, parallel. to the center line of existin� Plato
Street, for 1�f1.8�+ f-eet, thence to t��e right o;� a curve havino a
radius of 471 £eet for an arc distunce of 167.77 feet, thence South
79° 56' 30" West f-oi 1652.IG feet, thence to the l.eft c�n a ctirve
havinG a radius of 5�1 feet for ��n arc distance of ?.06.>3 f�et,
thence South SpO 34� 30" j�lest for �s10.23 feet, thence to the righ::
on a curve having a radius of 471 feet for an arc ciistarlcE_• of
245.45 feet, thence Sou�h 85� 26' tdest for 2��7.25 feee, thc��ce
North f7° 40' W�st for 197.91 feeL, thenc.e North 0° 34' `F7est for
158.78 £eet to tti� Southerly line o� i•,es� 4;ater Street; and
2. Com:�encing at a point on the \ortheast-erly Iine of Lot 1, Block
23 of �,azille a.�i�l F:obert�s :cic�ition to 4'est S*_. �'aul which is
25.0 fe�t So�l�?�eascerl;� of. the \ortherly corner o£ said I:ot, thence
Souti� 59° 32' 4�est, parallel to ttie center li�e of existitl� Pla�o
Sereet, for l�s1.27 zcet, �C1�RCP. to the right o,� a curve havin� a
radius Q` 581 fe.et fc�r ar. a.rc distaztce cf 200.95 feet, thence South
79° S6' 30" 47est foi- )ob?_.].6 fc�t, thence to the left on <� cu�-ve
havi.n� a radi_i�s oi �:71 feet f-or an <_rc diseance of 167.��2 feet,
thence South 59° 3�;' 30" 4;est for 410.23 feet, tl��nce t� the ri�ht
on a curve hc.tirin� a radius of 5£1 feet f.cr �n arc distancc of
- 302.77 fe��t, tl,ence. South 5S° 2b' �dest for 555.76 fe�t Co a point
on a cuYve that l-,as a r�.di.us of 4�79.0 feeL and i_s coT�cave to t}le
tior�h, tlieilce �o t}�e left on sai_d curve. for an are c'.istance. of
306.1�F feet, to l•he point that is t�ngent to saicl c..z-ve on L-hc
Sour.he�.sterly a.i_ne of jde.st ?lat�.r Strcet, said point beino 9.7?_ feet:
Northcast o£ the cenr.er line of Ethel Streei, all accoi:•din� t:o tlz�
plat ther.eof on file 1nd of: record in ttie office of the Registcr o`
Deeds s•�itliin ar;d for Ra:nsey Couilty.
1 '
' � .
a °
}3. QiiIO STR1.EsT
All those parls of Blocks 193 and 196, IrviTic'� Addit3.on to tidest S�.
Paul lyin� betc��een the follo�ving describcd lines, r0-471�::
1. Conunencing at the inte�-section of the cetiter line oC kTest
Fairfield Avenue and tt�e SouthY_�esterly line of vacated Ethel
StrceC, thence South 51°-�s4'-15" East, along t-he Southcaesterly
line of vacated Ethel. Street for 170.00 feec ro �he point of
beginning of the line to be describt_cl, thence North 39�-29'-
30" East, parallel to the center line of West Fairfield Avenue,
for 331.16 feet, thet�ce to th� le�t on a curvc having a radius
of 292.00 �eet, an inte�-section angle of 4Q�-03'-30", for an
arc distance of 204,15 feet, thence to the le�t on a cui-ve having
a radius of 42.9�a feet, an interseceion aizgle of 90°, for an
arc distance of 67 .45 feet to a point on the Southerly line of
Plato Boulevard as described above; and
2. Commencing at tt�e intersectian of the center line of West
Fairfield �.venue and the South��*esterly line of vacated Ethel
Street, thence South 51°-44'-15" East, along the Southwesterly
line of v�,cated Ethel Street Eor 230.00 feet to the point of
beginning of the line to be described, thence Pdorth 399-29'-
30" East, parallel to the cen�er line of �]est Fairfield Avenue,
for 329.87 feet, t}ience to the left on a cur�re having a radius
of 352.00 feet, an intersection an�le of k0°-03'-30", for �n
arc distance o£ 24b.10 feet, thence to rhe right on a curve
having a radius of �52.94 feet, an intersection angle of 90°,
for an arc distance of 67.��5 feet to a point on the Southerly
line of Plato Boulevard as clescrib�d above, �11 according to
the plat ther�of on fil� anc� of record in the o£fice of the
Register of De�ds within and for P.ai:�sey County.
It is the intention of the party of the first part that this deed shall
extend to and convey any and all after �c�quired title or estate of said party of
the first part in said property herein�bove described.
The party of the second part agrees for i.tself, its successors anci assigns
that iC ��ill not discriminate upon the basis of ra,ce, color, relioion, sex or
nation�l origin in the sale, lease, or rental vr in the use or o�cupancy of the
property or any ir•aprov�ments erected or to be erected thereon, or any part thereof,
and that the foregoin� cov�nants shall run with the Iand.
To have and to hold the same, togeth�r with all the h�reditaments and
appurtenancLs there�sito b�lonoing or in anycvise appertaining, to the said party
of the sacond part, its steccessors and assigns forever.
IN TESTI�IONY 4,'HEP.r,OF, The saicl first party has caused these presents to be
executed in its corporate n�m� by i�s Chairman and its Secretary and its corporata
seal to be hereunto a�£Eixed th� day and ye�.r first above written.
1�-IE�'�2�1Y OF S�iIN�'-��U�,, I�fIN�,�ESOTA
_ ���� �� ���� t� f x��
� ��_ �� �:'-`.-.=-a�,. --,- r'
� Its .t�air^;;an f' �,�
f��� � �
E�'�,.!,9� ��,�-n ,,,� /�/ J� "
;���,; _.�� BY_.._ I�'.t�.:�.{,.��0 �� ��-�-4s�
`b � Its 'Secretary ��' ,
(S�AL) _2-
� ., , ..
� �
) SS
On this e:.�c���� day of ��;;���!T,,.�.�:� , 196 �, before me, a Notary
Public within and for said Coul1' ty, personally �.ppeared LaF�rence J. Hayes and
Orville E. Anderson to me personally knoc•rn, who, being each by me duly sworn,
did say that they are respectively the Ghairm�n and the Secretary of the corporation
named in the foregoing i.nstrument, and that the seal affixecl to said instrument is
the corporate seal of said cor13oration, �nd that saicl instrument was si.gned and
sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority granted pursuant to resol��tions
of the Housing and RedevelopMent Authority, No. 68-7/2-5 and �aid L��vrence J. H4yes
and Orville E. Anderson ackno;�ledged said instrum�nt to be the free ��ct and deed
of s�id cor��oration.
� - �
`_�_�i 1{ � �1�1, � �t�t. .
David S. McClung ��'�
Notary Public, Bamsey �ounty, r�innesota
riy coiumission e.tpires J�ane 1$, 1975.
� -3-
. _., � +.
�s'� ^,�.r^9.,�?...1''�'.� '
THIS INDENTUIZE, made C}�is �� day of G�►,,� ;,r�� , 196�, betcaeen
the Hausin and Redevelo ment Authorit of �e C o -� � +- `
� P y ity £ Saint Paul, Minne.,c,,a, a
corporation under the la�•�s of the State of Minnesota, party of the first part,
and the Ciey of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a municipal corporation under the laws of
the State of Minnesota, party of the second part.
WIT�IESSETH, that the said party of the first part, i_n consideration of tl�e
sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other suf:ficient consideration, to it in hand paid
by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby ackno�•�ledged,
does hereby grant, bargain, quitclaim and convey un�o the said party of the
second part, its successors and assigns, forever, all the tracts or parcels of
land lying and being in the County of Rar:�sey, State of Piinnesota, described as
fol lot•as: •
Al1 those parts of Blocks 161, 162, 164, 165, 166 and 193, Robertson's
Additiou to t�?est St. Paul and $locks 192, 193 �nd 195, Irvine�s
Addition to 4?est St. P�ul lying bettaee� the follo�•rino descri.bed l.i.ues,
1. Comm�ncing, at a point on the nortl.eastcrly li.ne of Loi 5, Blor_k
18 of Bazille and P,oberi:'s Additi.ot� to 4;�st St. Puul �•�hi.ch is
25.0 feet Northwesterly of the Easterly corner of said Lor, thence
South 59° 32.' ktest, parallel to the center line of existi.n� Plato
Street, for 141.84 feet, thence to the right on a curve havi�� a
radius of 471 feet for an arc distance ef 167.77 feet, tn�r.ce South
79° 56' 30" i�;esr £or 166?_.16 fee�, th��nce to the l.eft ot� a curvtl
having a radit�s of 5�1 feet for an 2rc distance af 206.�3 fee�,
thence South 59° 34' 30" t�lest for 410.23 feet, t.hence to the ri�ht
on a curve having a radius of 471 feet for an arc distartc�� of
245.45 feet, thence Sou�h 89° 25' t�est for 2�7.25 feet, thc�ace
North 87° 40' 47�st for 1�37.91 fe�t,. thence ;;orth 0° 34' �Y�°St for
158.78 feet to th� Sou�herly line of West 6��ater Street; and
2. Cor��aiencing at a po?nt on the Northeasterly Iine ot Lot 1, B?oc�c
23 of Bazille �r.d Robert's �ddit?on to �'e�:�C St. Faul c.�izich is
25.0 f:eet Souti�,�asterly o� tne \o:t-herly corner of said I:ot, tbence
Souti� 59° 32' West, parallel to the center li.ne oF ex�SClll� P�.S�O
Street, for 1�}1.27 �ee��, tlience to the ri�tit on a curve having a
r�dius of 581 feet rUr an �rc �istance o£ 206.95 feet, thence South
79° 55' 30" t;7est for 1'o62.1b f�et, t-hence to the left on a curve
havin� a racii_us of �s71 feet £or an arc 2istance of 167.�,� feet,
thence Sou��h 59° 34' 30" West for 4.10.?3 fee*_, thence to the ri�ht •
on a ctir.ve tiavi:ig a ra3ius of 5£? £eer fo�- an arc distancc of
302.77 fe^t, thcnce South 89° 26` tve�t £or 555.7G feet Lo a point
on a cur.ve that has a radius of 479.0 fcet ���d is c��ticave to the
North, ther.ce to the left on said cur.ve for an n�-c �:_s�a::ce of
306.14 feeL, to ehe poini that is tan�ent ta saic c��rve on the
Soutl�east:erly line of t��c:sr. Zdater Strrz�t, sai_d po}_nt bei.no 9.72 fcet:
Northcast of the center li.nc of Ethel Streee, all acc.ordin� to thc�
plat tllereof on file and af. r.ccord in the office ot tlle I:egister o;
De�ds within and for R.ar:sey Couzlty.
Al1 those parts of Blocks 193 and 196, Irvine's Addition to West SC.
Paul lyin� betw.eGn the follocring described lines, to-wil-:
1. Commencing at the intersection of the center line of West
Fair.field Avenue and the Southtaesterly line of vacated Ethel
Street, thence South 51°-�¢4'-15" East, alang the Southcaesterly
line of vacated Ethel Street for 170.�0 feet to the point of
be�innin� of thc line to be described, thence horth 39�-29'-
30" East, parallcl Co the center line of t•lest Fairfield Avenue,
for 331.1G feet, t;hence to tlie left on a curve having a radius
of 292.00 �eet, an intersection angle of 400-03'-30", for an
arc distance of 20!s.15 feet, thence to tlie left on a curve having
a radius of 42.94 feet, an intersection angle of 90°, for an
arc distance of 67 .��5 feet to a point on the Southerly Lic�e of
Plato $oul.evard as described above; and
2. Commencing at the intersection of the center line of i�7est
Fair£ield Avenue and the Soutli;aesterly line of vacated Ethel
Street, thence South 51°-4��'-15'� East, along the Southwesterly
line of v��cated �:thel Street for 230.00 feet to the point of
beginnin� of the line to be describ�ed, th�ence Plorth 39�-29'-
30"_E�st, parallel to the center line of West Fairfield Avenue,
for 329.87 feet, thec3ce to the left on a curve havzn� a radius
of 352.00 feet, an intersection anole ot ��0°-03'-30", far an
arc distance of 2�s6.10 feet, thence to ttie right on a curvc
having a radius of �a2.9!�s feet, �n intersection angle of 90°,.
for an �rc distance of 67.45 £eet to a �oint on the Southerly
line of Plaro �oule���rd as ciescribed above, all accorclir�� to
the pl�t thereof on file �nci of recorci in the office of the
Re�i�ter of D�eds within and for F.amsey County.
It is the intention of the party of the first part that this dend shall
ektend to anc3 convey any and all after acr�uired title or estate of said party of
the first part in said property hereinabov� described.
The party of the s�cond part agrees fc�r its�lf, its successors and assigns
that it F�ill not discriminate upan the basis of race, color, reli�ion, sex or
national origin in the sale, lease, or rental or in the use or occup�ncy of the
pr�perty or. any ir.iprove*�ents erected or to be erectad thereon, or any p�rt thereof,
and that the foregoing covenants shall run with th� lan�.
To have and to hold tha same, toUether with all the hnreditaments �nd
appurtenances thereunto b�lon;ing or in any�,ise appert�.ining, to the said p�rty
of the second part, its successors and assigns fo<�ver.
IN TESTIi�10NY 4,'EI�;F,EO�, The said fxrst party h?s caiised these presents to be
exectrted in its corporate na*_n2 by its Chairman �nd its Secretary and its corporate .
seal to �ie hereunto affixed the d�y and year fir�t above written.
t � �� ,� . 1�I�j`TY 0'r SAIi;'t' �r�,U�,, MINi LSOTA
� -�� ` r y
_.._���_�:.�� �-�r. ���.�� �,' ,,; ' - -
ByE� � ,��,
fI�s�,,.�,�1 Zrta.t1' ,`� � ✓.
���� t
,..a�'�-'�;ti�/ �����J,./� /�/ �/� �
���, _�� By _.��'.r!.�.�:.�::�_,� . 2�-�-c_�2 .
� Its 'Secretary � �`- " ,
(SEAL) -2-
� � � � . L
sTar� or rizra:arsoT� )
) ss
On this c�c��j�'� day of ��.-�';a,�-�za,�.�.-�!'?.�'�-� , 196�, before me, a Notary
Public within and for said Cou`n�ty, per�on�Il.y appeared Lawrenee J. Hayes and
Orville E. Anderson to me personally known, who, bein� each by me duly sworn,
did say that they are respectively the Chairm=an and the Secretary of the corporation
named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is
the corpor�te sPal of said corporation, and that s�id instrument was signed and
sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority granted pursuant to resolutions
o£ the Housing and Redeveloprnent Authority, No. 68-7/2-5 and said L�wrence J. H�.yes
and Orville E. Anderson acknocaledoed said instrun��nt to be the free act and deed
of said corporation.
�' _ �,
��`�Ll�r�_ `> ��1 � ��.��.�ti.c'_i
Dav�.d S. McClun� �� \
Notar.y Public, �'.amsey �ounty, f•iinnesota
My corns:►is�ion expires J�an� 1f3, 1975.