243110 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK . 2jQ+3�� [ / ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� -�`�' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�'• �cE1�sE cor��Tr� COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS�ONE / �r]-1 �.�! 1969 DATF RESQLVID; �'hat Applicatior. K-1o553 .for the t ransfer of Sunday-qn»Sale-Liquor License No. 7759s expirin�; January 31� 1970� 3.ssued to Imo Co.� Inc. at 1601 University Avenue, be and the same $s hereby transferred to Clarence J. Wallraff as ��INACTIVE��. Q� Sale Li�uor �stablishment TRAIvSFE�t (Licensees) I nf orm ally approved. by �'ounc il April 8, 1969 APR �. (� 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays -earisvn-� /��� � rl �,�'�� Approve 19__ Meredith � � Tn Favor e er � Sprafka � ,� Mayor Tedeaco A gainst ..;�;;:���;.��?�.:.::_::' Pu�usHew APR 12 1969 �Mr. Vice President 0 � � ' C � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital o! Minnesota �� ,�/� / �� T / �,Ue a�ti�er�t o kb�ic c�a et � � POLICE Tenttl arid MInn0SOt8 StteetS AEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIRE ALABM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commia�ioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inapeetor April 8, 1969 Honorable Mayor and City �ouncil Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Clarence J. Wallraff is 3oined by Imo� Inc. in making application for the transfer of 0� Sa1e Liquor Za.cense No. 7598, and u�ndaf Qn-Sale-I►iquor �icense No. 7759, bot.h e�iring on January 31, 1970, arid i ssued �Go Imo, Inc, at 1601 Univ�ersity Avenue to Clarence J. �tallraff (I1�AC`�IVE) 1601 University Avenue. This location has been licensed for a similar business sir�ce 193l�, The present li oe nsees held the licenses sir�c e 191�$. Gzrrently Mr. i�allraff is retired. He had previously been associated with the business from January 193Lt to 195Lt and again from 1960 to 1966. Very truly yours� ��� /.-��` . I.icense Inspector 1 y+ Y � � �{ ✓1 �� A•:�4 �� t � I! � L' ` / � � �J O . . . . DONALD L. LAIS ATTORNEY AT LAW 800 MINNESOTA BUILDfNG SAINT PAUL. M�NNESOTA SS101 �'� . TEI.CPHONEI 224.3803 f � i�iarcil 31 , Z�1�9 � ; �„� ; ���za293o��r�� ' h`\, ,Qpn ��' 'Q� f M �?'� ��'i:9 -�r'..► �� I, N �°Q��c(.'/'rJ� B�,�� � Conmissioner of PuUZic Safety c, f�;,��FO��`� � � City of St. ?aul pc, `s�%Ety � ��,o 101, E. .lOth Stree� t� j St. Paul, �linnesota 55101 ��l�lq;c�,�j���� � � Attention : Mr. Daniel P. '�cLaughlin Dear Sir: This is to advise you that I represent tne IMO �Company, Inc. and Clarence J. t•Jallraff in the matter o� the on s�le liquor Iicense at 1601 University Avenue, St. �aui , Minneso�a. On behalf oi bo��'n parties , �,�e resnectfully reruest that the Iicense be transferred to Ciarence J. T�7allraf� at the above �ocation, that is 160I University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. j Enclosed, in duplicate, is th� application for the on sale Iiquor license sworn to by Clarence J. Gti7allr.aff, t�e AFfidavit of Residence and t'ne E�ffidavit of the Applicant. � j�?e wish . to than�c you in advance for your early consi�ieration. � � Very truly yours , s� � � � O P �� / _ . �� � U� � :� � Do�ald L. Lais . � DLL/me "� Enc1. � � . ;� � ! � � � ' ; � . C ITY flF SA IIdT PAUL DEPARTNN�NNT OF P�TBLIC SAF�TY LICENSE DItI�SZdN Da�e Merth 31 zs b9 1. Appliaatitim. �or O4 Stle Liqumr L#tteDl�e � Licerase 2. Na�e of applioant C1ar1�e J. Wslir�tf 3. Basineaa addreae �6Q1,I�,;vex'a�' Ava. Residenae 133$ No.S'imp�t�u 8t. . St. F'�►ul. �iifn�. " 9t.Pau1, Minn. 4, Trsde �me, if et�r NOa� 5. Retai]. Beer Fedara7. Taa Stamp Retail i,iquor Federal Tax Stamp�'�ri11 be uaed. _ Ra�►Ya and Ffrst Floor 6. �n �rhat floox loaatad�3a�l�nerlt $atrqt� - - Suslli�t Ave. dic F 7. Betva�en �at aroae etreets S �'YMh�i+oh side of street ��="�b e�� 8. Are premise� noav avoup3.ed X �ihat buaineseUr� �aie 1#qnor Horr longOve� $0 yearp ............ ._. _ _ . 9. �re prem3.aes now un.ocaupied -�_ :�oro� long vaoant Previous use � 10, �re qou a new rnmer����ve you been in a s itinilar bua inee s bef ore , y�� 11�Tkhere 9t, psui� b+I�es,arta Sfih�n I894 to IA�4 - 1960 t4 1966 � �... ...._�.._...... . � , 11. Are yc�u going to opera�e �hie busineas person.al].y yd� If not, vrho �vil1 operate it ],2. Are you in any other bueiness st the present tim,s No 15. Have thare been any Qomplaints againat your operation oP thi� type of p�ace No YPhen 1Rhe rs 14. Eava you ev�sr had any licenae revoked No What reason and date 15. Are you a aitizan of the Uni.ted States� F�►� i6atiro�e � Nat�ralized . �� �� 16. �Ilhere w�ra you born �t. Paul, Minn. Date af birth Ap1�i1 t�, 1898 . _ ,...� � 17. T am.�marr�,ed. My �wi.Pe's) (husband•s) name and addres$ i.s 18. (If married Perc�le) my maiden. name ia 19. Haar long have you li4ed in Str. Paul 71 yA�r� 20, Hav�s �ou ev+ex been arreated 1�To Violation of what criminal ]aw or c�rdinanoe 21. Are you a registered vo�er in the Cit�r of $t, Pau1 � Yes No, (Ana�er Pull and eom letel . Thees a �lioations are thorou hl aheelaed and aa fa].aif oation x9.11 be oause for enial, 22, 14umber of 3.2 plaQes within two blooks Bel#� polp Z. 23• Cloaea� intoa�icsating liquor plaQe� t7� Sals� ff Sale �s�� t. ,,,,e,. 24, Nearest Churah ��'��m � the Neareat 3chool 1�n �,ti ,,,.�,�,� ���,� 25. Number of b�otha �A Tablea �� Chairs ��� Stoola gg ..._,._...---- _ 26. 'VPhat oocupa,tian ha�'e you follovred for the past five yoaarso (Give namea oP emplo�er� and dates so employed.) danuary 1. I98� - J�n. 1, 1966 awoed aad operated tl�e Tra�e Wiodir 3anu,�ry L. 19B6 tQ er�ae�- fr�ud. 27. Gie+e� a�mea anc� addresses of two peraons, re�idents of S�� Pl�uls Ma.nnQ, who can gi�e inPorms►tion oonoernin.g you, Name �r. C'lt�' Witters dddrses M#dwsY r+litiOtf�1 B�►Dk . 8t. P�tiI Name r_ � � Wafef"�rt�er Addresa _ ignature oP p iaan State of Mi.nr�eaota) �s9 C ounty of Ramaey CltreA�te J. Wa1Xi"sfi being first duly sworn, deposes end say� upon �th hat he ha� read the foregoing atatement bearing his signature and l�o�rs the eontenta thereof, and that the ssmrs ia �rue of his aara lrnawledge except as to thoae me►tters therein. atated upan inform�tion and belieP and as to those m�tters he believ+sa them to be true. Si.gnature af A lica t b�.ibsoribed and aworn to before m�s ' thia day o,,f 19�� , ;% � � � ,� C� ` -- . � No blia, Ramsey County,� eaota My C cmnmi s s ion expire s Jtm� 2�,_„19.s�2_._..._ (Note� These statement forms �re in duplicate. -Both csopiss inust be ful7.y filled outQ notarized, and returned to the Lic�nse Division.o�� t AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Re s pr� Sale Liquor Lioense Name of applicant C1ar�t�Ge J. Wa1lrSff Business addx^ess 1601 Universitv Avenue; St. Paul, Minn. Are you the sole owner of this business? Y�s If not9 is it a partnership? corporatianB , o:�her? (Jthera interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwises Name None Addre ss Hc�r If a c orporation, give its nam� Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Baer or Liquor business? As sole aa�mer? NO Partner? �� Stockholder? No dtherv�.se? (Through loan. o�' money, etc. Explain� N0 Address of such buainess and nature of interest in same , _- c__ ignature �f pplicant State of Mii.nne s ota� � �ss e ount�r of �msey � C1aF�11Ct .T. Walll'8ff being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the fore�oing affida�vit bearing his signature and lmows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his own lrnrnrvledge9 except as to thDSe matters therein atated upon information and belief and a� to those matters he believes them to be true. Signature of a pl can Subscribed and sworn to before me thia�/ —day of �r lg 68 i ��� ' � `. Notary Public, 'Ramsey County, Minnesota My o�.ssion expirea June 2, 19 72 . , ` STATE OF MINNESQTA � ss CQRJI9TY 4F $tl�l[S�Y ) �i��� ��� � being f 3r�t duly sworn, doth depose and say that he makea thia affidavit in. conneotion with applioation for "�_Sale" liquor lieense (" _ Sale" malt beverage 13cenee� in the City of . . .�,..._ Stats of �3nae sota Saint Paul, Minneaota; that your affiant is a resident o� the a rxi ha s re sided there in f or � �y�a ra, p mon.the, and ia stste now and ha s been for the time sb ave �snti oned a b ona f ide re side n� oP ea id� and tl�at he naw reaides at N0. 155� No. Simpson St. , Sk. Paul. �le�n�ovta ��., Minne s ota. Subsoribed and e�rorn to before me thia--��day ;f 1'Ch 19 69 �`����.� �- "._ � _ Notary Public, Ra�ey County I�innesota Bdy Qommissian expires June 2� 1972 . Ap�i1 8, 1969 Hon. William E. Carlson� Comsr. of Public 3afety, Te�th and Minn. St��., St. Paul, Minn. Attn: Mr. Daniel P. A4claughlin Dear Sir: The City Council today granted informal approval of the application of Clarence J. Wallraff, �oitied by Imo, Inc., for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 759$, and. Sunday- Oa-Sale-Liquor License No. 7759, both expiring on �anusry 31, 1q70, and issued to Imo, Irc., �,t 1601 University Avenue, to Clarence J. WallrafP (INACTIVE), 1601 University Avenue. Will you please prepare the custaeaary reeoluticn? Very truly you�s� City Clerk hp O�RI��fNAL TO CITY CL6RK �`����� . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. z���JS� co�I� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �►t�I''�.l ZO� 19E9 COMMISSIONE DATF �',SOLUED: That lf.censes phlied far by the follo�,�ing persons at the addresses stated, be and the sa�e are hereby �ranted. Delmer Trandem Z�95 st•�lair �r,ber �pp.9064Rer�ewal Mont�omery '�Tard & Co. 1400 Unzversity �est�ura?Y� `=2" 9563p " " Confectionery n n r� u n GroCery e4-1 n n r� n n �.oY'ISt—�. �i ►� s� " " H�,rdware �� n n ° n Pet Shoo n n �� Vernon ?bnnelly 201-lOth Ave.�o.-�o.St.P,2V Mast�r '" 9775° Phillins Petroleum ^o. 617 �tryker Gas Sta.�� " 9'?76" n n C�ri.Ret��G3?'• ►t n n '� " Cf,garette " " " Sol Fox 836 �. �mith I�y.DC Plant " 9788" John Woodhams 710 �mzth Ldy.DC P1ant ° 10012" , 1lraelia 3��Z. Kodelka �: P�larcella �iblisr:auer �3 E. George Cro^ery A-2 " 10031" " �� Frozen roods '" " " " " Off �ale Mait " '"' " �� " Cigarette " " �' Julian A�. Cleraens 1�5� St.�lair �utrrer B " �.00E4" Su�erior I7airy;"'Nort'::ern �oox�era�e o.551 Concor� V.��.Loc.1�T " 10073"1 " �'arwell I�etal Fab. �Ji.vn. 7S ��. Fairfield �I.N:.Loc.l� " 10074" Nalpak, Ir�. 333 SibleY Pk�.Lot 51-75�" 10].24� Philin J.&MMyriam Stei.n 355 Robert Orig.;ont. D � 10125" n n �.�are'�'�e 1� n n �.oca ^oZa�ri.^kson Petroleum, rorp. 18�5 S. Wabasha V.M.Loc.11i " 10127" " �►S'�. Paul 5ani.atary Distr:i.ct 2400 %hi�lds Rd. V,M.Lo^.1M " 10165'" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O