243105 2��?pf� co���ae xo..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEIVT ancl PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' Theundereignedhereby prapoeeef,hemal�ingof thetolYowingpubliaimprnvement bq the City of Baint Psul,vis.: � I Construct..Qublic.storm sewer�in 6LEN�ALE STREET fre�a Daane Avenue to St._Anthony.Avenue.:..S-12568........................................................._..........................._...---............................... Datedthie.......................dsy of.......................................... ....... 1 ..r ..... ...... ........ ........ !�,...... .. ............... �Counailman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: ._.....�4D��.[l���..P.u�1.i�..�tol:�...�ev,re r..I n..��E.�i��E..$.T.REET..f rora„�oane,.Ave�ue..to............_........___ --------��.,�..An�h�nar...Av�nuc...._�-1.2�.��.�........_-_ •.............................................................................................._.__...... having been preeented to the Council of the City of$aint Paul............................................•---........_...._..........._..__.... t6erefore, be it _ ftE$OLVED, 1'hat the Commissioner of Public Worke be and ia hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the neoessitq for, or desirability of�,the making of esid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and eatimated.coet of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. , 4. To stste whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeked for oa�he petitio�of three�r more owaere. b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the �mmiesioner of Finanoe. APR 1 0 1969 Adopted by the CounciL.._...................................................................... x�es APR 1 0 1969 Councilman 3 Approved.........._.............................................................._ ,��yti� ��a�wd Meredith ^ Pate..�__ ♦ Tedesco .........: �Y .................... ... ............_.. Mr. Pr��'�d�ent $:��:;: �i3f1A� Mayor. f00o 7-6�. Vice �Presideat Le�i.:............. � � �u�rsH� �qPR 12 1969 " � �