243096 ' 24�U�� OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK � ���; C. �„ ; �:.� CITY OF ST. PAUL OOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO TION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF "WHHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul entered inta an agreement with the United States Government for an advance far preparation of planning documents pertaining to the Eagle Street Parking Facility, P-Minn. 3093; and WHEREAS, Comrention Center Architects and Engineers, Inc. were engaged to prepare the planning documents for the aforesaid Eagle Street Parking Facility, and said Convexthon Center Architects and Engineers, Inc, have cc�mpleted documents and submitted them £or approval; and WHEREAS, the ca�npleted planning documents have been ap roved by the Civic Center Commission by resolution dated April 10, l� a copy of which is hereunto attached and made a part hereof; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the planning documents submitted by Convention Center Architects and Engineers, Inc. as the basis for construction of the Eagle Street Parking �acility dated D�cemb�r 15, 1968, and that the statements and forms CFA-430 request Eor review and approval of planning documents in connection with Ilepartment of Housing and Urban Development, Project No. P-Minn. �Q4y� be a.nd the same are hereby approved and that certified copies of this resolutioa be filed with the nepartment of Housing and Urban Aevelopment. APR i � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �P� 3 t�� �9�g -�a�3sex�� ��, � pprove 19�_ Meredith n !In Favor R P°�v�- Sprafka � ��t��ayor Tedeaco A Sainst n,�,:,,�,�������y:::=:: PUBLISHEr APR 12 1969 ni�. Vice Preaideat � ������ DFIPLICATE TO PRINTER CI� OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATF COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, the City o� 5aint Paul entered into an a�rae�;enr with the United States Gove�ntnent far an advance for pre;�aration r,� planning dacu�nents pertaining to the Bagle �tr�et Parking Facility, P-Minn. 3093; and WHEREAS, Camention Center Architects and Engineers, Inc. wers engag�d to prepaxe the planriing documents for the aforesaid Eagle Street �arking �'acility, and said Conventi.on Center Architects and Engineers, Ine. have complet�d docuttcents and submitted th�m for approval; and WHEREAS, the completed plannin� docwi►ents have been a roved w► by the Civi� Center Commission by resolution dated APril 10, 1 9 a copy of which is hereunto attached and made a part hereof; now, there£ore, be it RESOLYED, by the Council o£ the City of Saint Paul, that the planning documents submitted by Conv�ntfon Center Architects and En�ineers, Inc. as the basis for construction nf the Eagle Strest Parking Fa�ility dated D�cember 15, 1968, and that the stat�nents and farms GFA-430 request for review and a�proval of planning documents in connection with Department of Housing and Urban D�velop�ent, Project No. P-Minn. 3t3.93, be and the same are hereby approved and that certi�ied copies of this resolution be filed with the Uepart�ent o� Housing and Urban Development. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit �'°�� �� � �`f•r19_ Yeas NaYs �''t 1� � �. u.r . r--Gs��s:.:. -_ n��M�= � � Approved 19-- Meredith _�n Favor ��'�"'" � Mayor Sprafka �/ Againat Tedesco Mr.President, Byrne O