243093 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK �'�+��00�,7� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ` �c�r1sE cc��Tr� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NC RESO UTION—G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �—'�� � � APr�-1 �-�) �-769 COM M I551 ON E � DAT� ��t The Fourth District American Legion Auxiliary has made Application for pexmission to conduct a '��'ag Day on Fr,i,day, May 23, 1969, between the hours of 6r00 a.m. and 12:Q0 midnight on the streets of the City of Sainr., Paul� taherefore, be it RESC?L�JE:D: That permission be and the same is hereby granted to t�he Fourth District� American Legion Auxiliary to conduct such solicitations on the days� date� and between the hours requested. RENEWA�, Inforn�al ly ap proved by Counc il April 8, 1969 Mai.ling Address: I�irs. Williarn I,inke� Poppy �ha3.rnian 396 Eaxlst. St. Pa�,.l, Minn. 55106 ARR 1 �l 1�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �P�$ 1 s1 Y9�� Carlson ...��� �,, pprove 19—_ Meredith � � Tn Favor Sprafka � ��� Mayor A gainst Tedesco ,�����.�,�.e...�'::: Pu���sHEt APR 12 196� Ie'Ir. Vice Yxesident � ' _ ' • CITY OF SAINT PAUL � '� Capital o! Minnesota � .z y,� ° 93 �e a�ti�e�t o k��ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PBOTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIAE ALABM ROGER M. CONWAY, Depnty Commladoner DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspector April 8� 1969 Honorable Mayor and �ity �ouncil Saint Paul, M3.nnesota Gentlemen; The Fourth District� �merican Le�ion Auxiliary makes applica�ion for perrii.ssion to conduct a iag Day on Fra.d�y, May 23, 1969, be tween the hours of b:00 a.m. and 12:00 �i.dni.ght, They have complied with Qrdinance Pdo. 13338, amending �hapter No. �50.00 of the �t. Paul Legislative Code and Ordina.nce which deals with solicitation of funds. The application is made by their Poppy �hai.rman, � Mrs. Wm. Linke. Very truly yours� '� ,,7 �������� ��� °� � License Inspector ,,� ,�..� 1 � r� �o C�TY CJF ST. PAUL OPfice of Licsnse Zia.speetor 202 Public S�i'et�r Build�.ng S�o P�ul, Ati.nnasota 65101 Application for permz.ssion �o solicst fundse or to conduct tag days, upon the atresta of the City csf St. Paul, l�a.nnesot,�, Date of Application �plil� I� 19�� 1. Name of 'organization ' Addresa of organisation �� ,����� 2. Chief officer of organization � �� 3. Secretar of or anization � � g ���-��i�. 8r;��ri�ti.,.,►, a,�.. ��k. � 4. I�ms of person or persons responsible for the distribution of collseted fun.ds. � ifiaaits oT tarri� DiK�iat� �r�4��, L�ir t�zii�,�.,__ 5. Purpoas or object for which solioitation is to be made � o�11Nt_t�ae��Y t�l� u..d, t. b.ip .itL rlci.rll� �►! uuDa.uZto�r, o! �.1.r�. ..� 11�.l.r �.i�ts.., �! �iatr., 4l�atr�i�� *�Lli►s#r�t.:J�� ����tl..�rl�t!.�t �M�. 6. Uss to be made of funda collaeted t�. ,�y� I������� 7o Solicita�ion v�ill be made on_ �� � i��� dates, betwesn the hours of' �=Qp�r and jZ�00 pY 8� Looation where solicitation va�.11 �ke plaea�,`�1� Y����� 9e List the amounts of any wagesa fses, ccmrm.issions, costa or exp�nses p�id ar v�iich are expected to be p�id in cannection with solicitation. Also list names of persona to v�ham pQyments have been rr�de or wrill be made and the amounts of such p�ymentso (A financial state�nt includin� this infos°m�tion , may be att�checi,) � �C wA�'i 4�' T� �'�'�,�R• (Over) 10. Attach a copy of budget showing solicitatiana for this fiacal or calendar yea r. llo Have you read Chapter 450 of the St. �ul Legislative Code, which provides for the securing of permission to conduct the salicitat ion of funds, or tag days, upon the streeta of the Gity of St. Paul and do you fully understand the regulations also proeicled in said ordinance� Yea 12. bpplication made i.n behalf of �he above organizatioM bys Name Yr�. I►II,LIAM LIlQ�C. Title or Offic�OPPY CAAIRi�AN� Name Title or Of'ficePRES. OF 4Tti DIST. AMERICAN LEGION MRS, ZEL,SA BYBQTH AUXILLARY � STATE t)F' I,�IN1�ESt3TA) , � )SS COtJI�TTY OF I�AMSEY � . . MRS. WILLIAM LINKE and MRS. ZELBA BYBOTH being duly sworn ssy that they are the petitidners in tl�e above application; that they ha�e read the foregoing petition and 1Qiow contents and purposes thereoP; that same is true of the ir own lrnowledge. . �./ID� ��(�'i��i����y� . Subscribed and aworn to bef ore me this 4TH day of APRI L lg 69 G�C.� ' - ublioD R�xnaey Coun.ty, Minnesota I�y cammiasion expires 01►i� E. ELL�„ Notary u ic, se�► . qn. My Commission Expiros Sopt 21. 1974� f A�'�. $� l� Hon. William E. Ca,rlson, Comsr. of Public Safety, Terith and Minn. S�s., St. Paul� Minn. Attn: Mr. Daniel P. A�cLaughlin Dear Sir: The City Council today grarited informal approval of the application of the Fourth Df.strict� American Legion Auxiliary for permission to conduct a Tag Day on Friday, Ma,y 23, 1969, between the hours of 6:00 a. m. and 12:00 midnight, Will 3rou please prepare the custaanary resolution? . Very truly yours, City Clerk hp