243087 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 24�08� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RE LUTION—GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS the Commissioner of Highways has prepared plans, special provisions and specifications for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 280 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 280 within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul at the intersection of Trunk Highway Number 280 and Como Ave. ; and WHEREAS said plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul , Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 6241-26, 6242-44 (280=280); and WHEREAS said special provisions are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul , Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 6241-26, 624a-44 (28�280) , which, together with the Minnesota Department of Highways Specifications for Highway Construction, dated January l , 196�, on file in the office of the Corrxnissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for said improvement of Trunk Highway Number 280 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 280; and � WHEREAS copies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, . labeled and identified are also on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works; and WHEREAS the term "said plans and special provisions" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean , refer to, and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the fore- going recitals particularly identified and described. NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said plans and special provisions for- the improvement of Trunk Highway Number 280 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 280 within the limits of the City of St. Paul be and hereby are approved. BE (T FURTHER RESOLVED that the elevations and grades as shown in said plans and special provisions be and they are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and all changes in grade occasioned by the construction of said Trunk Highway Number 280 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 280 in accordance with said plans and special provisions. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci �g.19.—. Yeas Nays �1 rove APR � 19�� 19�_ '�—� „ Meredith n Favor .�et�ersa�r'— /�, � Sprafka V � �� Mayor Tedesco A gainat 11�: �:��:�::.::;`::. � ......... Mr. Vice President . PUBLfSHE� qpR 12 1969� O DUPLICATE TO PRINT6R � � � �►�oLj� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS the Commissioner of Highways has prepared plans, special provisions and specif"scations for the impr4v�ment of a part of Trunk Nighway t�umGer 2�3(� renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 2$0 within the corporate limits of the City of 5t. p�ui at the intersection of Trunk N i ghway Pdumber Z80 and t;cxno Ave.; and WHEREAS said plans are on fgl�e in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paui , i�inn�sota, being marked, labeled� and identified as 5.F�. 62�o-1-26, �i242-4L� (2�3t�280); and wEl�i�E�1� s�3 d spec i a 1 prov I s i c��s are on f i 1 e i n the of f i c� of th� Uepartment of 4ii�hways, ;�aint Paul , Minn�sota, being mark�:d, l�b�:ied� and identitied as S.s�. 62x+1-26, 6�42-44 (2�G=2dt�), which, tog�ther with the Mi��nesota �7��artr��rzt at Highways 5pecii�ications for HigOiway Cor��truction, cfated Jan�ary 1 , 1E16c>, on f i le in the �ffice of .he Cammi:��ir�ner �f Hiyh�raysr cc��stitute the specificatians for said imprc�vemer�t of "I'runk Nighway t�a�rnb�r 2t30 r�num5ered as 1°runk Highway Ptumber 2E3U; an� 4�H�i=,EA� c;apies �f said plans and special previsians as so markeci, lab�i�d �nd id�rrotiti�d are also orr file in tF,e �ffice of the Commissiar�er oi� Pubi ic 6�'ar�cs; ar7u ��ai�F7,EA� €he term "said plans anci specia{ provisions" as t�ereina�Fter us�ci in the �o::y �f this resolutian shaii b� deemed and intended ta ►n�:an, re±�:r to� as�d i�corporate the pla�s and special provisions in the fore- �oiny reci �als particularly identified and described. NObI� 7HE�1, B� IT RESt}l,VEp that said plans and special provisions Fo�- the improv�mc:nt qf 1'runk fiighw�y Number 2$0 renumbered as Trunk Nighway Nurnber 2�� within the iimits of the City of 5t. PauD be �nd hereby are a�s�rbv��l. 8E IS FURTHER F�ESOLV�D thaC the elevations and grades �s shown in sa6d ptiar�s and specb�! provisions be and they are her�by approved dnd consert i:; I��r�by c�iver� ta any and al ) changes in grade occasianed by the construc�ion of said Trunk Highway Flumber 280 renumb�red as Trunk COUN�ILMEN��er 2 t30 i n accordance w i th sa i d p A'�c�opte�-by ptphe��ou�ic9v i s i ons. 19— r,�, Yeas Nays ���' °' �� � —6ar�son— /� :a' T ' Approved � "'i 19�_ `_�-�ea'�iGi J . �.. Meredith Tn Favor wprv�Gwn...�. Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President,Byr�et � ,_� .a....... O