243084 � � � 24�0�4 ��ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK `, CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. F OF THE CITY CLERK _ O TION—GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ROb . Pe rson /r'" COMMISSIONE pqTp MHEREAS, Notice was given to the City of St. Paul that the portion of Trunk Highway No. 56 located o� Concord Street between the Lafayette FreaNay Inte�change (i� the vicinity of Browr� Avee�ue) and Robert Street having a length of 0.62 a�ile, the portioa of Trunk Highaay No. 3 a�d No. 56 located on Co�cord Street and Wabasha Street betaee� Robert Street and Kellogg Boulevard, having a length of 1.12 �iles, and the portioa of Trunk HigMway �lo. 56 located on �iabasha Street (north bound) a�d St. Pe�er Street (so�th boc�nd) betweea Kellogg Boulevard and Mest Sevec�th Street each k�aving a length of 0.30 mile, are to be reroated with Trunk Higbway No. 56 to foitav the Lafayette Freeway froaa the interchange on Concord Street to East Sever�th Street and Trunk Highway No. 3 to continue on Robert Street f rc�na the j unct i or� wi th Conco rd St reet to Kel l ogg Bo�i eva�d, and are no lo�ger needed for truc�k highway purposes a�d witl revert to t�e ,jnrisdiction of the City of St. Pa�l , effective Jc��e 2, 1969; and VHEREAS, The State of M i nr�esota, BeRartaaeat of !i i gt;ways, has by 1 etter dated October 29, 1g68, addressed to Mr. Eugene V. Avery, Chief Engie�eer, City of St. �aul , Department of Pc�blic ltorks, sigaed br J. F. Bergford, District State Aid Engi�eer, a copy of whic� is attached hereto and �acorporated herein by reference, has detera�ined that these sections of roadarays will qualify for State-Aid designatio� and as s�ch, will be eligible for recogstructioa under tbe provisions of the Tnrnback La�+ (Ninn. Stat. 1967 Ch. 161). NOiMii, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of St. Paul , that _the afore�entioc�ed turnback be included jn the �aunicipal State Aid Street syst� of the City of,St. Pa�i. BE IT Ft1�tTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is �ereby aathoriZed and directed to forward two certified copies of this Resolution to the Co�aissioner of Highways. � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council�� � 1969 1s- Yeas Nays r....in,... ^�-� �� ���� ��— rove 19_ � Meredith n Favor Petersa�—' � Sprafku O �. � ayor A gainst Tedesco ::�;, q1 'RUeLi�HE� APR 12�196� y .. .�iui i��� Mr. Vice Yresident � ,� , � - _ .. _ tp�c w,� �� :�,..; .�.,� 4�0 �`��- .. 84 r .�!�,a';�As'y'',� �Y', .. r� . �'�'�r�'^�•'.ur;'�✓r.'11. .�;�°����` ��V�"-� � �.;< < ;; ,_. ^�`y..::f.y„y�'�TJ,;^�:.^JY'..='.l� STATE OF MlNNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS • COIVSTRUCTION DISTRlCT 9 1246 UNIVERSITY AV6NUB ST. PAUL. MINN. 55t04 � � � � � � � �' October 2q, 1968 y �' ��, �c��3 ��., '�� 1'`�:��:f3�:. e�r�'l�l3"s�.�i �r}�'8.;r ,. 9t`� �. � �Y4•fri w���� --r. �u;,renc '�I. �.very Crief �:�ineer C-ity oi �t. ;�aul �epartmen� oi Public i�lorks 234 City �i�:ll and Court ?-Iouse ��. Pau�, =�iinnesota 551U2 � In ren1J reier to: 319 S.�. 0219 `l'.:z. ;�=112) and . J23� �'1�.... �=117� �runk �i�hway :.�a,�_.'�ack Dear ::r. gver�r: i�,otice is hereby given that the portion of Trunk F.i�hway No. 56 located on �or.cord Street bettreen the i�.iayette rreeway interchanoe (in the vicinity oi .�rot•rn .�venue} and :�bert �treet, having a leng�h of O.o2 mile, the part of Trun}.L Hight�r�,y :'o. 3 � anci :�o. 56 located or. Concord Street and �1a,basha Street be�ween ='.obert S�reet and Kello�f� �oulevard, navin� a leno h of 1.12 miles, an3 the portions oi `irunlc :ii�r,way �;o. 56 loca�ed on �tlabasha S�reet (northbound} and on St. 1'eter Street (southoound) bet:aeen T�ello�; Boulevard and Ea,s� Seventh Street, each having a len�h o� 0.30 ��ile, are no lon�;er required for trunk hi;hway purposes and will reve}~t to the jurisdiction of the City of St. Paul effective June 2, lg6g. lt has been deter,nined that the aoove described por�tions oi ci�y streets, whicn revert to the City of St. Paul, will qua.lify for State-.�id desi{,ma+,ion �.nd as suc'_:, t�.*iil be elli�i'ole for reconstruction under the provisions of tne `l�.irnb�.c:� Lai�r. Before State-tlid d�si�nation car. be �iven �he streets that are invoZved in tnis irunk hi����a;;r �urnback, it tia'ill be necessary to ha.ve your City Council pass a. resolution re�ue�tin� that desi,;nation. 'lrun'.c :+i�;h�,�ay Vo. 56 will be rerou-ted to f'ollo�a tne I,afaJette Free���af from �re inter- chazige to T�.:a,st Seventh Street and `l'z''U,T1�L �iighway i�o. 3 �rill be rerouted to continue on l�bert Street fro� the junction with Concord Street to Kello�� Boulevard. • Ii you have any auestions concer:ling this turnback or if I can help you in any t•ray, �le�se feel free to call me at 221-3795• . Sincerelf, � - _, _ _ ;' � �y , .��r' 1,���;'/J'_., .) �_.��—�--�.' . . / J , J. �'. I�ergio.rd �is tric� �;;ate xi�: En{�ineer �m�0 � �. � � .� � �� April 9, 1969 I��I � � - � ' �� __.� ` �.. State Commissioner of Highways '��,, Stat� Highwa.y Department Building .-- �'.� St. Paul, Minnesota /'%'"``� ° / ; Dear SirR %� � �,� � ;° The City Gouncil today directe�n����fiend you the enclosed two certified copi�s of Council File �To 243t�84, adopted �pril 9, 1969, pertainin� to t�ki'e�ck ii'� icipal State Aid Street system, as more fu1� describe{��,�in t�_,resolution. \ � �� ' Very truly yours, ,��� _ __vi ��-�-!„=%�` AO i�� City Clerk ng , � � 1 � ,� 1' � '� :l � �f / / \�/ i