243081 Ori�inal to City Clerk r t ORDINANCE 243081 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO l �L�� Al�t ORDINAAICE SE'T`TLING THE CLATM �F SNYtIER BRQS. F#F�€JGS AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINf PAUL, THE COtA+tCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDATNt Sectiot� 1. That the preper City officers are hereby anthorized to pay a�t of the Tort Liability Fund 0435-421, to Snyder Bros. Drt�gs, the s�m of �►254.U�, in fn11 settle,�ent of clais £or damages sustaia�i a►n Fabruary 6, 1969, as a result of an accident involving a Citq vehicle driven bY John Mc�ss, at or near 1580 University Avenue, Saint Pa�l, MfII1ieSOta. Secticra 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said elai�ant upcm its execution and delivery of a rel.esse i.n full to the City, in a f�x� t� be approved by the Corporation Couasel, for alI damages sfastai.ned ia the �anner aforesa.id, Section 3. That this ordinaace shall take effeet aad be ia fcrce thirty days after its passage,, apprmval and publication. APR 2 4 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson �� Dalgliah . Mer� e�d�h� � In Favor � � A gainst Sprafka Tedesco APR 2 4 1969 Mr. President Byrne) App ved: st: ty C erk � Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By puet�sH�� R 2 � ���9 Dnplieate to Printer ORDINANCE 2��p�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ;�;I �TtDIN�'�NCJE SFTTLIP�G TI-lE CLAIP�t OF SNYDER :?�'.�5. DRL�GS AGAIr,'ST TiIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL T(�� COUPICIL OF TE-!F CITY QF SAINT PAUL DQES ORDAIN: Section 1. 'That �he proper City officers are heretay authorized to pay out of th�: 'Port Liability Fund 0035-421, to Snydex Bxos. Drugs, t�e stua aF :,">25�.t�7, in full settleraAnt of cl�ir� for c!m:���;es sust4ined �n �eLz��.xy b, 1969, as a result of an accic3�n�t inve�lviz:rf a City �rehicle driven ny Jahn �-foss, at or near 1580 Universifiy llvenue, Saint P�ul, r9innesota. 5ection 2. That said su�n shall be paid to tPie said clairuant u�on its execution �r►d clelivexy o� a rel�ase in ftill to ti�e �ity, in a forni tv Ue a�proved iay tho Corporar.ion Cotuisel, for a11 dama�es sustained in the r,ianner a�oresmid. Section 3. That ttiis ordinance shall take e�fect and t�e in £orce thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. ��, ''�"� % �`+��� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish � Tn Favor Meredith ��On^ -'� Againat Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) a � � �� �.�,,"� Approved: �� `� � _ Attest: City Clerk Mayor ^�O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Ist `� `/ ` + 2nd �// "-' Laid over to 3rd and app � � —Adopted �f'-��y Yeas Nays Yeas Nays ~Carlson `'`�Carison 'Dalglish �``\Dalglish `Meredith ' "��O���eredith � .�s#e�caa— 'fleters�n� \ � � � `5prafka �prafka � �Tedesco �edesco � Mr. President Byrne � Mr. President Byrne �O