243073 OrIQinal to City Clerk
O"RDINANCE 24�0'73
An ordinance amending the
Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
inclusive, of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code, pertaining to
Use Districts, Height Districts
and Rezoning of certain properties
in the City of Saint Paul, as
Section l. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to
Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain
properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the
same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following
described property from "A" Residence District to "C" Residence
District, to—wit :
Lots 21 through 29, Block l, Lots 8 through 12,
Block 3, Lots 1 through 9, Block 4, "Merrills
Division of Rice Streets Villas" ;
situate on property located on either side of California Avenue
between Rice Street and the Soo Line Railroad right—of—way in
the City of Saint Paul. , '
Section '2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval
and publication.
A ition havint been �lledrequeat-
ing t Cha�tera HO to 64, incl.. 3t.
Paul Legislative Code, re ZoninB, etc.,
be amended so as to rezone property
described as Lots 21 through 29, Block
1, Lota 8 through,12,B1ock 3; and Lote
1 through 9, Block 4, Merrill's Divi-
sion 'of Rice Street Villas, located sp-
proximately 143 fceS east of Rice 3treet
north anti South of West California
Avenue and west o! P�rk Street, also
the southeast corner of Park 3treet
and West California Avenue, to "C"
Residence District, the Councff bf the
City of Saint Paui haa flxed the Srd.
day of Aprfl, 1969,at ten o'Clock in the
forenoon in the Council Chamber in
s the Cfty Aall of said City, and at said
i Hme and place, the Council will hear
I all peraone and ail abjectiona and rec-
ommendations relative to aaid piroposed
{ �ted 9Sarch 19, 19�.
City Cle�k.
(March Z8, 1pE6)
� APR 2 4 1969
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii
Carlson �
Dalgliah �
� Mer�ed'ith_ � In Favor
-- Sprafka
U A gainst
r. President Byrne) A oved: APR 2 4 1969
Atte t:
C' Cle /� M
�� ��
Form approved Corporation Counsel By�.�
pU�USHE� APR �� 1���
Daplleate to Prfnter
ORI� INANCE 24��`��
An ardinance amending the
Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 6�,
inclu�ive, of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code, gertaining to .
Use Diatriets, Height Df�tricts
and Rezoning of cert�,in properties
in the City of Saint Paul� as
Section 1. That the �oning Code, Chapter� 60 to 64,
inclusive, of �he 5aint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to
IIse Districts, Height District� and �tezoning o� certain
properties in the City of Saint Paul, as affiended, be and the
same is hereby further amended so as to rezane 'th.e following
described property �rom "A" Residence Distriet to "C" Residenee
Distriat, to—wits
Lots 21 through 29, Block 1, Lots 8 through 12,
Block �, Lots 1 through g, Iilock 4, "Merrills
Division of Rice Streets Villas" ;
situate on property located on ef.ther side o� Califarnia Avenue
bQtween Rice Street and the �oo Line ��.ilroad iight—of—way ixt
the City of Saint Paul.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take e�i'ect �.nd ba in
force tllirty (30) days ��om and after its passags, agproval
and publication.
��� � �f 1��'�
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the ouncit
Me�edith Tn Favor
Sprafka ��� Against
Tedesco ����
Mr. President (Byrne) ���'� �'= °'
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
hecord Orvner
Si ruiture Lo_t Block �3dd�t'ton
John M. Sh�rraeek
�. 8 � � � Merrill 's �ivision
of Rics St. �t1��
�Made1�ne ✓. Sh
�iq.��?� � `
, �
� °
✓Robert JoasF�h ShtmeK
�' ' . 1� � 11 4 Merrtll es Dtvis�on
_ ��►-1-r 2� o� kice St. V�11as
Note: The s�g�ner should appraiss himself of ths u;a�s permttted und�r th� nsw class�tf�ca,tion
bsfors sfgn�ng th�s petit�on. P`or ,�rther t�formation about the raaoning of g,p
property, ca1l the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. -i
�g�, .�-,
To ths Honorable l�ayor and Cit� Council
c/o The City Clerk, Boom 386, City Ha1I " `
Cit;y of St. Par.i1, ��nnesota �p�Y
� unders i ned o�vners o two- �
� C de we the
4- o the Ls �s1at vs o .f
1 Puraua,nt to �ectiort 6 06 f q , , 9
th�rda of the aavsm.I descr�ptiorts of rsal estate situated �vithin 10� feet of the
I real eatate affected, ri.ereby acquissce; and �ve, the orvners of S�a or more af the
frontaye to be reelassafied, petit�on your Honorable Body to re�one the follo�atnq
dsacribed propsrty: (Iega1 descr�ption)
. Lots 21 thru 29, d1 ock 1, Lots 8 thru 12, B1 ock 3, Lots 1 thru 9; BI ock 4,
Merril� 's �3ivis�on of Rice Strest V�11as.
Frari A Res�dsnt�al D�strict to C Residential D�str�fct, for the purpose of
construct�ng an dpartrnent Bui.Zding.
ltecerd Orvn�r S��na.ture Lot BZock Addition i
Casimer P, Urbanski �
� 1 � 2 �
�����n�,-� �'/1.,1Z = � � a11 of
✓ Bsrntce 1�, Urbsnsk� 3 dxcept the .I P�erri;tsla. Division ,
, c�- � p r�'1,� 5 ft. � of Rtee St. l�illas
��?�� / � 1-r�-�ail°._; 28 c4 29 � �
Ch�rokee Agency, Inc. 4 a the '
�"1,� 5 ft. 1 I�err�lls Diviaion
'' _ _� o,T Lot 3 of Rica St. V�.11as
Joe S, Pu1 ts '
r �� ��� 8 1 Merrtlls Division
� He1en I'ults � � of Rice 3t. 1�i11as
_�����-�� �,����� �
; � �
Gerald E'. �'risch ---
,/ 5, 6 e� 9� 1 li�rrilla D�vision
o,T Rics St. Yi11as
j Cather�rta Laber ,
� g 1 1Kerr�lla D�vtaton
of Bice St. Yfllas
TrfangZe Fczctl�ties, Inc.
11, 12 1�errills Div�aton.
� c� 13 1 of R�tce St. �i11aa
� �°�. - � I
. ` , . �' .
., - >
Record Owner S��nature L.ot Blocis �3c�dition
Adolph fs. Se�cienitrana, Jr.
, S 20� of 1 �Ierr�I1 �s Divis�on
`'Inex Se�denitran� � 19 � a1I o�f kice :it. �Tt11��,s
� � , o� z,ot �s
✓ Jac�r Wong ' ------__.__ � --
Zy c� zU 1 Merrtl2s Div�s�on
_ _ o,P Rice S't. Vt11a.s
✓ State of Mtnnesota 13, 14 d�
15 1�ing �ti'1,� �Ierrills Divtsion
_ of Soo 1 ine t� of hice St. Vt11as
right of r�ar� 2
�Martin J. �o1er =� �
M o d��1�— �, �, 20, iKarrill's Dtviston ' �
w 11. o� 12 � 3 of Rice St. t/i11ws
� Lr�cy So1er •?,, 3, � 4
/ John �1. 7'acik ! / l
sfa� 1'�lerrfll's I��v�lsion
GLzz I3 3 �,p Rtce �t, I�tlZas
�ilorothy N. Tac�is � except Wheelocis Pk�vy.
Joseph J. Schmia�t
�,�, �,� ye ` 14 c� W4 of �Ierrill 's Uivision
` � Lot '15 3 0,� k�ce .St, Villas
Ethel K, Schm�dt except part .
� ,
� , condem.ned ,for Wheelock Pk�v,y.
�'- �,.,,, _ ,.
��'aorge Thanas � E8 of 1� �
a11 0,�' Lots lti � �"�err�11 's Uivision
� 17 except part 3 o,f �ice S't, Vi1las
✓Mae E. Thomas corrdemned ,�or Wheel ocis F�crvy.
c� except part of Lot 17 ��
� _ _ that 1 ies rviti��ra the rig3�t of r.xcy of -+
t�Ipls. . St. Pau.2 cYc Sau1t �'te, l�lartg R.tc, Co.
,/State of l�ltnnesota �
Merr�11 's D�vision
_ 18 3 o,j' F,ice St. TTi11as
�Walter A. Se1 by ~
� 1 � 29 4 Merrilll3 D�v�sion
'�gZberta t:. Se1by � of hice St. i/�111as
� Casper J. Soler �'
5, ci, 7 4 Merrtll 's Dtvts�on
• � � 23 � aI1 of 24 of hice St. Vi11a�
' exes t E 8'
„�' ��Q � �
. - , � , . . .
, . � , .
� �� � . ,
kecord c�wneT Si�nature Lot B1 ock Ad,d t t ion
Adolph R. S'eideru�rana
� � ` 14, 15, 1 Merrtll �s Div�sion
`�James J. i✓hctle � I6 ci a1I of of ktce St. iTtllas
Lot I?,� Except
S 20 ft.
Nasel P. Wh.�3e� -- —
�J,�'��/�.r`�D 21 1 Merr�11 's Dtvision
�Jaunes J� Wha1 e y of 1�ice o't. Ti1 Zas
� `. � -
�Adolph Fi, Seide �
r �
` , �,._ �^__.___---
'� B�uura F. Sch1 oxer �
zc.� �' t��'�.�t 2�, �3,
'' Gots S. Harris �4, �5, 1� Merrtll�s Dtv�sion
� ������ �b �r �� of Rice St. villas
�Laura F. Scho.Z�er
L�� �`c��o Z,En 12, 13 j
� r � 14, 15 c� 4 �rerr�ll s t7ivisian
�, Lois a. Ha.rris ����2i�� 16 of ktce St. Vi11as
� _._ - Q��'.t�
State o� lfinnesota ( 3s
Countr� of l�ilsey �
�Pcr �, r,�,o,✓,�,,¢v✓ be inq f�rs t du1,� srvorn, deposes and s tates that he �s
the p�rson rvho circulated tile rvithin petit�on consist�n� of�ges; th,at the pcz.rttes
described above c�re the otaners raspectivel,� of tn,e .Iots �Zaced invnediately folZowfng �act�
name; that thfs pat�t ion wrzs s i�ru3d by each of satd owners in the presence �f this �f,�iant,
an� th,�zt the siqnatures above czre tne true c�nd eorreet si,qnaturas of eaeh cznd a1i of the
part�es so �escribed.
Subscr�bed/ and sworn to befor� �e �
this 6 da of� / .��
1032 Javneson St,�, St. Pdul, I�linnesota
Idotar� Pub1 ic, �ey County, �'inn.
l:,� commf ss i on expi re.s Phone 489-2072
Notary Publir., Ramsey County, Minn.
�9r L'c�^�i .:ien Ex. ;es June 8, 1973 --
. �� ; _
�`� � Q.�
� ��
�teport for Zonin� Purposes
$s to
Lots 21 thru 27 , Block L, Lots 8 thru 12, Block 3,
Lots 1 thru 9, Block 4, Merrill 's Division of Rice
Street Villas.
State of Minneaota Office of
County of Ramsey Gounty Absract Clerk
The AbatraaL Clerk of Ramse,y County hereby oertifies 'that th�
following exhibits Qonaiating of entries Ntambered 1 to 28constitute:;�
a true and complete report of the apparer�t ownership of each of t�.��
described premisea, whiah incl�ade pre�ises in Qaption and all parc:�l.s
of land situate within a radius �r L00 ��et of any par't of the
aaptioned pre�ises, all as ahown �.� tre record s in the Register of
Deeds and/flr Registrar of Tit�es oi said. County.
Given at 8t. Paul, Minneaflta, Det 28 1968 at 8 0' clock A. l�ie
Liability under thi8 certlfiaate li�r.ited to �25.00. Witness my
hand and seal of Office.
� � �.
Abstract Glerk of Rarnsey Co�anty
By__..�C�i"'�' �.�..�...�r�'lva:�c�t..o—.,•�
De.a-.::y .
,� �
.,1 �
`�� '�`
1 . Casimer T. Urbanski and Bern.ice M. Urbanski a�e the owners of Lots 1 ,
and �, and all of Lot 3, except the Wtly 5 ft and Lots 28 and 29,
' Block 1 , Merrills Division of Rice Street Villas .
2. Cherokee Agency, Inc is the owner of Lot 1�, Block l , Merrill �s Division
and the W' ly 5 ft of Lot 3, �lock 1 , Merrill � s Division of Rice Street
Villas .
3 . Joe 5. Pults and Helen Pults are the owners of Lot 8, Block 1 ,
Merrills Division of Rice Street Villas .
!�. Gerald E. Frisch is the owner of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 1 , Merrills
Divisiom of Rice Street Villas
5. Catherine Laber is the owner of Lot_ 9, �Block 1 , Merrills Division of
Rice Street Villas .
6 . Triangle Facilities, Inc is the owner of Lots 11 , 12 and 13 , Block 1 ,
Merrills Division of Rice Street Villas .
7. Adolph R. Seidenkranz and 'Jame� J. Whaley are the owners of Lots 1L4.,
-� 15, 16 and all of Lot 17, except the S �0 ft Block 1 , Merrills Division
of Rice Street Villas.
8. Adolph R. Seidenkranz, Jr. and Inez Seidenkranz are the owners of the
S 20 ft of Lot 17 and �11 af Lcat I,8, Block 1 , Merrills Division of
Rice Street Villas.
. �,=�.
9. Jack Wong is the owner of Lots 19 and 20, Block 1 , Merrills Division
of Rice Street Villas .
�` 10. Hazel P . Whaley, James J. wahley and Adolph R.Seidenkranz are the owner
of Lot 21 , glock 1 , Merrills Division of Rice Street Villas .
11 . Laura F. Schlozer and Lois S. Harris are the owners of Lot 22 , 23 , 2LF.,
`�� , 25, 26, and 27, Block 1 , Merrills Division of Rice Street Villas .
12. State of Minnesota is the owner of Lots 13 , 11�, and 15, lying W' ly of
$oo line Railroad �ig t of way, Block 2 , Merrills Division of Rice
Street Villas .
13. Martin J. Soler and ucy Soler are the owners of Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and
12, B1 ock 3, and Lot 2, 3, �.., B1 ock L}., Merri l ls Divis i on of Rice
Street Villas .
ll�. John A. Tac ik and � rothy M. Tac ik are the owne rs of Lot 13, B1 ock 3 ,
Merrills Division o Rice Street Villas except Wheelock Parkway
15. Joseph J.Schmidt and Ethel K, gchmidt are the owners of Lot 14 and
the W4 of Lot 15, �lock 3, except part condemned for Wheelock Parkway
Merrills �ivision of Rice Street Villas .
16. George Thomas and Mae E. Thomas are the owners of the E� of Lot 15,
and all of Lots 16 and 17, Block 3, except part condemned for Wheelock
Parkway and except part of said Lot 17 that lies within the right of
way of Minneapolis , St . Paul & Sault Ste , Marie Railway Company,
Merrills Division of Rice Street Villas .
17. S�ate of Minnesota is the owner of Lot 18, Block 3, Merrills Division
of Rice �treet Villas .
18. Walter A. Selb� and Alberta M. Selby are the owners of Lots 1 and 29,
Block 4, Merrills Division of Rice Streets Villas .
19. Casper J. Soler is the owner. of Lots 5, 6, 7 and 23 , and all of Lot 2L4.
except the E 8 ft , Block 4, Merrills Division of Rice Street Villas .
20. John M. Shimek and Madeline V. 5himek are the owners of Lots 8 and 9,
Block 4, Merrills Divisio� o�f Rice Street Villas .
21 . Robert Joseph Shimek and V��let D. Shimke are the owners of Lots 10 and
11 , Block 4, Merrills Di�ision of Rice Street Villas .
4{�� 6.:z. :. ..� .
22. Laura F. Scholzer and Lo#s �. Harris are the owners of Lots 12, 13,
� 14, 15, and 16, in Block 4, Merrills Division of Rice Street Villas .
23. Commercial Investment Company is the owner of Lots 17, 18, 19,
Block 4, Merrills Division of Rice Street Villas .
24. Dorothy B. Wolfe and Albert Wolfe are the owners of Lots 21 and 22,
Block l.}., Merrills Division of Rice Street Villas .
25. John M. Bearth and Judith Nnn Bearth are the owners of the E 8 ft of
Lot 24 and all of Lot 25, and W 10 ft of �-ot 26, Block 4, Merrills
�ivision of Rice Street villas .
26. John P . LaClair and Catherine L. LaClair are the owners of Lot 26,
except the W 10 ft thereof and the W 20 ft of Lot 2 7, �lock 4, Merrills
Division of Rice �treet Villas .
27. Martin J. Soler and Lucy Soler are the owners of Lot 27, except the W
20 ft and all of Lot 28, Block� !�. Nlerrills Division of Rice �treet
Villas .
28. Minneapolis, �t. Paul & Sault Ste Marie Railway Co. is the oumer of
Tracts B, C and D, Soo Li�e .Plat No. l .
, _
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� March 6 1969 Plat Map 32 ;
� �-� BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION ' -- _ " � f {� ' � i\
File No�
' � '� Actin�; under Legislative Code Chapter 6� thx�u 64 ��06u
nassed August 22� 1922 aa amended to April 6� 1968 Also pqFZkwA'
150 not
r <+ 1. APPLICANT'S NAME : Roy T. Spannaus attached . ...-�..-�.—T--��
< ,
� 2, CLASSIFICATION � �Amendmant Q Appeal ❑Permit ❑ Other , _�� ._ Q �
_ ^ -—� 1��-- -L ,.-�
. .' � � . � ..T.�...�.
3. PURPOSE S Rezone Co�r�ercial and "A" Residence to "C" Resider.ce for --� 1 r �_r+
O � � apartrnents � � O ��
y ;:orth and south side of California Avenue hetween Soo Saine �� �.
R.O.'v7. and Rzce Street ca
5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION s Lots 21 thru 29� Block 1, Lots 8 t'�ru 12� 91ock 3, �ots 1 thru
f .� !
Ov 9� 81ock 4, Merrill's Division of Rice Street Villas � ,
� � O�O;O�Oj01�
' __ � ! ; � , �.
''� --.- -- -� 6� PRESENT ZONING s � „^.rercial and "Ar' Residence r ;�-.1 __�. i_._:.t�
t f--� -
. � �. -� r- -r
_ __� 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Cod� Chzptsr� 64 Sections .of Psr�graph: ; i � !
8 STAFF INVESTIGATIDN � REPORTs Dat�s 2/12/69 BYs CLS Q 4 0�0 0(
l " .
f A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated Januar,y 30, 1969, the Commissioner of Fi.r,�-�nce
_ �, ' ec ar the petition su f ficien t wi t h 3 f� o f a t�o s s i bl e 5 1 o w n e r s !�av:.n� si gnpd � ���O'O '
8 - �' the petition or 70.5�n. ,
� � 5. HIST�RY: Two lots on th� northwest corner of this site were rezoned to CommArcial � � I � M
- - �:l � __L_ _1__1____�
; —in�g27.
� v� • : � �� C, PROPOSED USE: Develoo the prooerty with an apartment complex. �.'.�-�-�- �
aJ� � ±). FRONTAc�E AND A2�A: The prooerty consists of three tracts frontina on C�lifornia � � � '
-'— �;� venue. � e areas of each are 45,388.8 squar� feet, 45,280,8 sc}uare fe�t, ard � i O � I�Oj�
( 12,937.1 square faet or a total area of 103,606.7 square feet. Q�
� � -' AREA 7��1I�fG: 'I".-�e frontage alonp Rice Street is zoned Commercial, t�ro, lots to t`�e
-� ..... �.
', nort are zoned "C" Residence and the rest of the area is zoned "A" �esidence,
`� F. CO'�PREHENSI�'E PLAtd: The Comprehensive ?lan recammends a classification of R.-4, �"'T'"""'T""�`?
.< � one an twc� ami y uses at a masimum of 11 dwellin.o_ units ner ac re. for t'�is �rea. ; � � �
�. SITE C��iDITIONS: The oronerty is vacant and low at the west end. ; ' � ( � �
'� � � j--�, �� 0, S; The Rice Street �frontaqe is developed witn a mixture of new and �� �1 1 1 _�
� o der commercial structures. To the t�rth are single family residenc�s and an � --,- �.- -r, �=-:_T
apartment buildin�?. To the east is the Soo Line Railroad and t'�e area to t?�P ' ` I i �j -
� �
. o in le famil residences. � u� � � �
_ eloo..d with s g Y
ev t
E�,_f s o u t h i s d . _t . I �,
1 �--�-._��
� . . - .
. , .
. ,; - --��.�
- , �
-���•' r; Council Letter I � i �' i
r-�� �'"� Dated ; j' i i -!
� �� ,PLICA
9. BOARD ACTION: To Rscdmao�t►d L J APProva l Den i a l �_ ,i _i.. �L::�
�^� _
.'� . Na s Date of Hearin� � T �i��?� '�
r � �
Moved by s Mc Pa rtl in Y� y �,' 1 _ � t . :�
� `FF�URPOS -: x anes � � .. . ` c ►
Secondsd bys G3 d ler '� Dari� (A,l,t) Council Action -1- E-- _1_ -�-_'.�f
' �'PRESENT X cadlar . ,
. f , _ Gauger � T T" 7' �
�'PETITON ; secretary' s r�markss x Mai�tta Date i. �,,. t � i
, �_ X McPartlin (Alt) � � � � � �
��� Mansur �Al,t) � t �- ;��
` .
, . / :�--
� � � ' ! '
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Mr. President B�rne � Mr. President Byrne
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� , BOARD OF 7ANIN(� REPORT AND AC�'ION � March 6, 1969 Pl,at Map 32
`� °�Acti�,�.p, under Legislative Code Chapter 69G' th�u 64 File No.
� passed August 22� 1922 as amended to April 6� 1968 6706�
'4�' 1. APPLICANT'S NAME : � 150 not
�^, Roy T� �oannaus attached
�.. t-�
2, CLASSIFICATION � �x � ltmendmant QAppeal QPermit ❑Other
G. :
s ' 3. PURPOSE t Rezone Cor�nercial and "A" Residence to "C" Residence for
;�. , apartments
4� LOCATION s tiorth and south side of California Avenue hetween Soo Line
� R.O.W. and Rzce Street
�,� . :. 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION s Lots 21 thru 29� Block 1, Lots 8 *_'�ru 12, �31ock 3, Lots 1 thru
- � 9, Block 4, Merrill's Divisian of Rice Street Villas
� .:<; ;'
�t, ' , 6. PRESENT 7ANIN6 s Cor�,��rcial and "A" Residence
���`�'�„},m. 7. PURSUANT T0 Z�ning Cbds C'hapter� 64 Sections .06 Paragraph:
=x .
i . ' 8� STAFF INVESTIGATION � REPORTt D+�it�t 2/12/69 BY3 CLS
� :. :�
> � � A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated January 30, 1969, th� Commissianer of Finance
—Tec�are.�the petition sufficient with 36 of a possible 51 owners having signed
,. ` - the petition or 70.58 0.
� � �. B. HIST�RY: Two lots on the northwest eorner of this site were rezoned to Commercial
� C. PR4POSED USE;� Develop the property with an aoartment complex.
� �` ; �. FRONTArE A?dD AR�:A: The property consists of three tracts frontina on Califcsrnia
venue. , e arsas of eac}r are 45,388,8 sc�uare feet� u5,280,8 square feet, arxi
K-= 12y937.1 square feet or a total area of 1J3,606.7 square feet.
;,��' E. AREA 7ANING: The frontage alonQ Rice Street is zoned Commercial, taa,lots to the
�`� nort are zoned "C" Residence and the rest of the area is zonad "A" Residence,
, " F. COMPREHENSIVF PLAN; ; The Comprehensive Plan recoanmends a classification oi R-4,
one an twc� am y uses at a masimum of 11 dwellinP units per acre for this area.
�. SITE CONDITIQNS: The pronerty is vacant and low at the west end.
H. . ; The Rice Street-frontaqe is develo+�ed with a m�xture of new and
' .� o er cammercial structures. To the north are single family re,idenc�s and an
apartment buildin�. To the east is the Soo Line Railroad and t'�e area to the
south is develop�d with sin�le family residences.
Council Letter
9. BQ�LRD ACTIQN; To R�co�est►d LJ Approval LJ Denial �ted
Mov.d bys r4cPartlin Ysas . Nays Date of Hearing
X M1es
Secotui�d bys �3dler iC Coh�n
Danna Gl41t� Council Actfon
X Gadlar
Secretary's r�ms�►kss X Mai�tta Dste
X McPartlin (Alt)
Mansur (A1t)
� -
113 Court House 55102
March 21, 1969
City Clerk
File X665, Page
You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the
Council Chambers of the CiCy Ha11 and Court House in the City of
St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on Aprfl 3, 1969 on the petition of Laura
F. Schlozer and Lois F. Harris and others to rezone from an "A"
Residential District to a "C'" Residential District the followi,ag
property: Lots 21 thru 29, Block 1, Lots 8 thru 12, BZock 3, and
Lots 1 thru 9, Block 4, Merrill's Division of Rice Street Villas.
The property is located on both sides of West California Avenue
between Rice Street and Soo Line Railway.
For further inform�tion con.tact Pl.atusia,� Sosrd,, Room L01L1.1',o�mr►exce
Building or phone 223-4151.
Commisaioaer of Finaace
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l.errills �iv�s�on o Rice t. ftllaa
Ldts 10 thru 20 �ots 10 thru 20 �
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' ' ,
April 2, 1969 �,430'�3
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
Room 38 6
City Hall and Courthouse
Dea.r Sir:
This is w�+itten in rest�onse to the petition of Roy T. Spannaus to
rezone from Commercial and "A" Residence to "C" Residence, property
located on either side of Cal.ifornia Avenue between Rice Street ard
the Soo Line Railroad right-of-wa�r. Th� Dro perty is further described
as Lots 21 thru 29, Block l, Lots 8 thru 12, Block 3, Lots 1 thru 9,
Block 4, M�rril.l's Division of Rice Street Villas.
Thi� matter was cansidered at the March 6, 1969 Board of Zoning
m�eting. The staff reported that two parcels at the northwest corner
of th� site were r�zoned to Commercial in 192'1. The site cansists of
three tracts fronting on California Avenue. The total site comprises
about 103,600 square feet exclusive of street right-of-ways. The site
is currently vacant and low at the west end. Staff conclusions noted
that the site is landlx ked without the improvement of interior streets
and is genere.11y bounded by major travel routes. On the other hand,
medium density might b� more suited for the siteqMa'the Comprehensiv� Plan
recommends lower density and the proposed use may be detrimental to the
single-family uses adjoining to the south.
After scxne discussion the Board of Zoning voted unanimously to
recommend approval of this petition to rezc�ne to "C" Residence.
Very ly yours,
_ � , , _
� _.._._
`Peter J ie a
Z.F. #6706
� �� ., , ,'��
�� r ,
i Harry,E. Mars6all , • , ClTY o�, Albert B. Olson
� City Clerk and �`�4� i �� Counoil Recorder
Commissioner oj Reg�istra� 4 ��
, �
; - �-
vP o ^e:
:l86 City Hall
St.Paul,Minneaota 5510�
Jan. 30, 196g
Zoning Boaxd,
Co�merce Bld�.
The City Council referred to you for recommenda.tion the
attached petition of La,ura F. Schlozer and Lois F. Harris, Adolph
R. Seidenkranz and Jaznes J. Whaley, Casmier T. and Bernice M. Urbanski�
Ma.rtin J. and Lucy Soler, Walter A. and Alberta M. Selby, Casper J.
Soler and John M. and Madeline V. Shimek to rezone the following des-
cribed property to "C" Residence District:
Lots 21 through 29, Block l� Lots 8 through 12,
Block 3 and Lots 1 through 9, 'Block 4, Merrill's Div.
of Rice Street Villas, located apprrncimately 143 feet
east of Rice Street north and south of West California
Ave. and west of Park Street; also the southeast
corner of Park St. and West California Ave.
Very ruly yours,
�.-�` �-,-_-�
City lerk
hp C�
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I13 Court House,bb102
JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commiasioner
LOUIS H. McKENNA, Depufy Commissioner Phons:223�4646
Janusry 30, 1969
To the Couacil
Citq of Saint Paul
I have checked the attached petition of Laura F. Schlozer and Lois
F. Aarris, Adolph R. Seidenkranz and James J. Whaley, Casmier T.
and Sernice M. �rbanski, M�artin J. and Lucy Soler, Walter A. and
Altierta M. Selby, Caaper J. Soler and John K. aad Madeliae V.
Shimek, fil�d in the matter •f rezoning,
Lots 21 through 29, Block 1, Lots 8 through 12, Elock 3 a�d
Lots 1 through 9, �loek 4, Mexrill's Div ision of Rice
Street Villas. The property is located approximately 143
feet east of Rice Street north and sot�th of Weat California
Avenue aad west of Park Str�et; also the southeast corner
of Park Street aad West Califarnia Avenue,
from a Class "A'� Residence District to a Class "C" Residence District,
and find that said petiti�n is sufficient. .
s ��ry t��.y,�,
� ..
� �
�ames J. algli i�'{''�
Co�oQi�s oner of iaance
Re: X-665
c.c. Mr. Ames
N. R. Aeiden
Frontaffie: 100'x
Parcels EligiLle - 51
larcels Signed - 36 or 70.58'�
Needed - 34 or 66-2/3X
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` �I�URPOSE ��zona Caromercial E "A" Residence to . LAN� USE ± {- i � �/ �; � � � y ' i �
� �, 1 ' F -���
"C" Residence for apartment building ; � i ; � ' � _ f . j 4 !
� � ONE-FAM I LY ' � � � ,.. �- -� -- . � l��. _1_ .��: �.
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. �PRESENT ZONING �omraercia� � ��A'� ttesider�ce , -U- TWO-FAMILY ' . . � : �
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;t - , � T HRE E-.FAM I LY 'a , i � �� � :i.j -�- �` -r- -�
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:�.. ` , ' . -�- FOUR-FAMILY ; �, + , j ' : :� ; ` �- . �; ` 'E
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