243065 - 243��5
_ , ^
' • By
Resolution Ratifying and Conftrming --
Condemnation and Awards of Damages Fil
and Assessment Therefor
In the matter of
-_ --- _ _ � . ...�- . .,.�.
_ _ -- -- - �—
,------- - - _ _ _ _— . . � .-,.—f-- T,-_.- __-___-_�- ,
. ,
, � . ,
' Openi�g, widening and extending Lafayette Road (City Project P-347A) by con- �
deming and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, 811 in , �
the City of St. Paul: '
Those parts of Lots 1, 2, 3 �nd �+, Block 7, in Waxren & Winalowa
, addition to the Toc�n of St. P�.u1, bounded on the sou�hwest by the
northerly line o� Arkwrig'rit Street, on the southeast by the north-
westerly 13ne oP the present Lafayette Road, on the northeast by
the southerly line oP Rivoli St., and on the northweat by a line that
is 37 �'eet northwesterly of and parallel to the hereinaf`ter described
line designated as "�ine B" �
Also, those parts of Lots 1 and 2, Block 9, in Waxren & Winslowa
.. addition to the Town of St. Paul, bounded on the southwes� by �he
northerly line of Rivoli St., on the southeast by the northweaterly
line of the present LA�'ayette Road, and on the north by a stra3gh�
line run from a point on the northerly line oP Rivol� 5�., said
point being 10 feet easterly from the southwesterly corner oY said �'!
Lot 1, Block 9, oP said addition �o the nor-theasterly corner oP said
Lot 2, Block 9, oP said addition.
' A1ao condemning and taking easernents 3n the land nece�cary fox the slopes, :
cuta, and fills, including ri�ht of removal of lateral aupport from aub,�ect
! land or rer.,uzinder thereoP occt�sloned by excavationa thereoP or conatruction
of clopc� �n the gradin�, und pavin� of L�.fr�yet�e Road ae herein opened, the
ex�ent of caid eaaet�ents to be aa �hown on plan� No. 1807, Dr. +4, on file
in the Department of k'ublic Works�
Corranencin� at the point of intersection of the center line oP Grove Street
and the origin�l center line of Lafayette Road; thence northerly alon� the
said center line of' L�sPayette Road a.nd the northerly extens3on thereof a
distance o�' 8�+0.6� feet to the point o�' beginning o�' the line �o be deacribed;
thence deflect to the right at an a.ngle of 45°03° on a straight line a dista.nce
_ o� 662.79 feet to a point; thence on a �°�+6.5° de�ee curve to the righ�
(delta anf,l.e 7°02' ) With a radius o�' 1,200 feet, a distance o�' 1�+7.30 Peet
to a point; thence northeasterly on a straight line tangent to the aforesaid
curve a distance o�' 28�+n20 gee� to a point and t2iere teaminat3ng.
_. .. . --�--�cv......_. . .... .. . -__ . . i�NNi .� _ .. _ . _...
Ted6SCO �In Favor
; ��ff'{1@ - Q lAg Mayor
' v �--�- ' —_Against
��drM��3 Prc�iLS
PU�LlSHE1 APR 12 1969
� . r
. � 2430�5
� Report of Commissianer of Finance
on Condemnation of Lands File No. ��f
In the matter of
__ __ _ _------ --_ _ _ __ — _ .� - - - - -- -- � -
-- - ----- ___ _ -- ------- ---- , . _ .
� " �. '
� Openi�g, widening and extending Lafayette Road (City Project P-347A) by con- • � �
deming and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in �
the City of St. Paul: - '
Those parts of Lots 1, 2, 3 und k, Block 7, in Warren 8e Wiaelowa
actdition to the To�rn o� St. Pz.t:l, bounded on the southwest by the
northerly lfne of Arkwri��t Strcet, on the southeast by �he noxth-
westerly line of the present I�fayette Road, on the northeast by
the southerly line of Rivo11 St., and on the noxthwest by a line that
is 37 Peet northwesterly of and parallel to the hereinafter 8escribe8
line designated As "�ine B" �
Also, those parta of Lo�:s 1 and 2, Elock 9, in Warren & Winslowa
addition to the Town of S-�. Paul, bounded on the southwest by the
northerly line of Rivoli St., on the southeast by the northweaterly
line of the present Lafayette Road, and on the nor�h by a straight
line run from a point on the northerly line oP Rivol�. 5�., said
point being 10 feet easterly �om �he southwesterly corner o� sai8
Lot 1, Block 9, o�' said addition to the northeasterly corner oP ea7.d
Lot 2, Block 9, oP said addition�
I11.ao condemning and taking easernents 3n the land nece��ary �'ox the elopea,
cutc, and fills, includin� rip,h� oP rcmoval of lateral aupport �om aub�ecl:
lnnd or rcr.u�inder thereoP occflcior�ed by excAVationa thcreoP or conatruction
oi' clopc� in the �r,radin� r�nd pavin� of Laf�yette Road �.a herein opened, the
extent of said eaaem.ents to be aa ahown on plan� No. 1807, Dr. 4, on file
in the Departznent of Public Works�
��LTNE B`"
Corr�encin3 at the point of in�ersection o�' th� center 13ne o�' Grove Street
and the originta.l center line of La.fayette Road; thence northerly alon� the
�aid center line o�' Lafayette Road and the northerly extens3on thereof a
distance o� 8�+0.63 feet to the point o� beginning o�' the line �o be described;
thence deflect to the ri�ht at an a.ngle of 45°03' on a straight line a dista.nce
oP 662.79 feet to a point; �hence on a 4°�+6.5° de@�ee curve to the righ�
(delta an�le 7°02' ) uith a radius of 1,200 feet, a d3sta.nce oP l�+'j.30 fee�
to a point; thence northeasterly on a �traip,ht line ta.ngent to the afore8aid
curve a distance ot 28�+n20 �eet to a point and there team3.nating.
v _ _