243056 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 2Li�IO�V CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. �� LI�Er15L C�i�•�i'T��. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY April 8a 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF WHE;�EAS; Proper notice has been received as tr� cha:.ge of officers in the St. Paul Aerie ?do. 33, r,. 0. E., a frater�nal orgai�.i�atifln� holders of Qn Sal,e Liquor License P1o. 758�, ex�ir.ing JanuarS� 31, 197�� at 113 ?�1est Universit;� Aven�ie, therefore, be it RESQL�I�; That the new officers for the current year� Phillip I�.inning� Presider_t; R��ond RandaZ l� Treasurer; and irli_lliam Sharp� Secretary; be and the same are hereby approved. �.-:- � Sale Liquor (Chanoe Officers) Tn_�'ormally amprov�d by Covrzc,l 1�_3_",0 Ir��+�r.� __. APR a i969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� 8 ��6� Carlson �� � pproved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor ' P�eu Sprafka � ,���� Mayor Tedesco Against �¢�,���,� ..,,,;;:.: '`��:�:;:.... .,: ..,,ll,a� ...,�...... .:.... Mr. Vice President �B��SF{� pPR 1� 196� 0 , ` � � CITY O� SAIIVT PAUL � �(,' 3 p� Cupital of Minnesota �e a�ti�ce�t o k�lic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commissioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN. Lieenee Inepeetor i�pril 3, 19�9 Honorable I�a;lor and City Cou*?cil �ai.nt Paul, RZinnesota Gentlemen: Currently the St. Paul_ Aerie, i1o. 33, F. 0. E. are holders of Qn Sale Liquor License A'o. 75£38, e�iring Januar�� 31, 1970, at 113 �vest University �1venue. `�'he i�ollowin�; change of officers is made known at this time. Phil��p (Jack} Running renlaces Carl I�Iatson, Jr. as Fresid.ent. irlilliarn Sharpe remains as Secretar�,� and RaS�rnond Randall as Treasurer. Httachec? is a copf o_ their letter of information. Vexy tluly �'nurS� �.� P�-�� . License Ir.spector O 3 � � �.� � .. � �... .. . . i'�YtF.I..(P t.luck) RU\NlN(:, P�csider,t Wm.H.SHARP,Secretary J _ �,�i 'c°ta-�`.s � ~��K"_�"....,. °.� . . - -':'l.f�¢..:M=1::wJ%G^"'"'�,�;=.�� � +`-"...-r'�."'�5�,'y.�7'4�"T�,'3S�W:::��..1, :,�,�'�'\�.�� - �;1�„a��..3�=r..z="'.... �y,\� z p� ��r- � �y'p � b . � m .�� r Ctl'YE I�{ a�"� y I��� � _—�..... . ��.����, � � ��� �E o, �� ���{ �a��,� �.�, ��-��=-�� r�.�er��.l � �r a �es .�, ti�/��^W,�- ,��a� ���.,�.,� � r r / �� !FI I'� �C�'h� 4.'—��q t'�l�� l23 W. ��1lC'�EI2S]'Y"Y AVENilE f��y 4;-��� ,r.�>,����,���� wF r_ ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55103 j,_ I �ad,� .,."�'"C,���'� �� Officc:�'hone 22Z-5243 ��;�`°'''� ;K'r�p" '�=��+. _'Y� Club: Phone 222-4411 �N l.��r ��— � March z4, 1969 � �� I}anir��. P. McLaugh�.in �1C9Y2S�' IriS�76C'fA2" Tarath c� I�.nnesnta Streets - i Dear �ir: . I� Referrin,; tr� yov.� le�t��► datezl P?arch 20, 19�s rega.rdir� n�mes of the c�rrent officers af St, Paul Aerie �33, Fraternal Order of �,ag2�s a Ihze to an ov�rsi�ht txiis �ras overlooked herewith axe same: Phill.�.� (�ack) Rlxnning Presi.dent I �ymox�� Randall 2�easurer � . I ; Willi�� Sharp Secre�F,ary � o� Very y u s . � � � �3].liam H. S arp ��"' f & �� ' Secretary; � �"���.�..�� �� � �•.,..,��''"� � i i � ,k "Every n�emGer Q�VES at Ieast oYxw aaerN member to his Aerie each year" � ...�-.........,,.M.wnwmnr»nnmriHpannIM;ARrT!iRnC:MMANF.1119Kf;lMR�AM�Ai�If�iMr'114E1A . .. �_ . . qk71'AIfMn�A�11N. . .. .. . . . ... . . !�m?AARmm��'� � . w • April 3� 196q Hon. Wm. E. Carlson Cansr. of Public SaPety Public SaYety Bldg. Deer Sir: Atterition: Mr. De►niel McLaughlin The City Council today informally appraved the change of ot`Picers in St. Paul Aerie, No. 33, F.O.E., holders oP On Sale Liquor License No. ?5$8, �Piring January 31, 1970, at 113 W. University �1ve. Will you please prepare the cu�tomsary resolution covering this matter? Very truly pours, City Clerk n8