243035 . . � ` INTERMEDIARY ORDER �OUNCIL FILE NO. .. ;..y :... .. � r Y File Na 38761 In the Matter of reconstr�cting the sidewalk on the south side of Scheffer Av�. fram Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave. and by doing all other work �hich ia nec�ssary and incidental to co�plete said iaproveaeat. , � >, �� under Preliminary Order 242675 app��� �arch 18, 1969 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is to reconstruct the sidewalk o8 the aouth s3de of Sche�fer Ave. fram 61an�lsnd Ave. tv Cretin Ave. and by doing all ather work wlzich is aecessary and incideatal to cvnplete aaid i�prove�eent, except wher� good and s�€ficieat poused sid�elks ac�rr exiat. with no alternatives, and that the estimated c�at thereof is $ 3•50 per �:in. ft. for 5' walk $� per n ft. for 6' walk Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on thP �� day of May. 1969 , at the hour of 10 o'elock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hail Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of sa.id meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total co�st thereof as estimated. �PR 8 �9�9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas � Nays �1�{�' 8 1969 Meredith Approv � �e�- �-- Sprafka ��n Favor T� � ctiaq Mayor Mr.�Vice£Yresident ,..��.•� •.•• � Ag"A1IISt � � s-�-�� �� �� APR 12 1969