04-23Council File # Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, Ameg Assurance Company would like to donate a bait car to the City of St. Paul, Police 2 Department, approximate retail value of $17,545; and 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul, Paul Police Department, would like to accept this donation from Amex Assurance Company; and WHEREAS, this bait car will be used for auto theft prevention; and WHEREAS, the public purpose of this donation is to provide assistance to the City of St. Paul in reducing auto thefts; and BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this generous donation, and egtends its sincere thanks to Amex Assurance Company, and authorizes the City of St. Paul to enter into the attached agreement with Amex Assurance Company, which includes an indemnification clause. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIl�TNESOTA Green Sheet # �� oy- a3 205983 � ���� ��� r�„ow�.� �„g �,a�w oy- a3 VEHICLE DONATION AGREEMENT The purpose of this agreement is to assist the parties by providing for the donation of motor vehicles in law enforcement programs funded by the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program. Secti.on 1. Descriptioa o£ Vehicle(s) The AMEX Assurance Company, hereinafter referred to as the Donator, agrees to donate to the St. Paul Police Department, hereinafter referred to as the Receiver, the following vehicle(s), for the purposes of this agreement: Description o£ Vehicle 2000 Honda Civic, VIN: 1HGEM1154YL002226 Claim# 506229 Sectioa 2. Tezm of IIse ,� The term of use of the vehicle(s) will commence on the date this agreement is executed. Section 3. Restrictioas oa IIsage o£ Vehicle(s) The Receiver agrees that under no circumstances will the vehicle(s) be= (a) used for non-official purposes including, but not limited to personal business, leaves, vacations, or similar purposes (b) purchased by any personnel assigned to the funded program Section 4. Receiver Liability The Receiver agrees that it sha1l fu11y protect, indemnify, defend and '� 1 Phone: ($(�) 447-6282 10330 S. Roberfs Road Fy� (7og) 430-2492 Palos H11s,1L 60465 unvw.nic�.org - �r� � - oy-a3 �J �a���� ���_� Nnnowu. u�raar,ce � eu�u, hold harmless the Donator, the National Insu�ance Crime Bureau, and the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program from any and all claims/demands by Whomever brought relating to a11 matters involving the vehicle arising from this agreement. In addition, the Receiver assumes sole responsibility for all damage or loss to the vehicle caused by collision or in any manner, whether by the Receiver's negliqence or not. Sectioa 10. Mianesota I.avrs The parties to this Agreement will comply with and be governed by all laws of the State of Minnesota. Section 11. Acceptance The terms of this agreement are hereby accepted and executed by the proper officers and officials of the parties hereto: Print Name ' Sign Name Official te RECE I VE %�-DE PARTM P 'nt Name -------------- Sign �--- Official i_tle � ---------------- Date -t `J-e �Gv `�C� Se�G��z.. �-� �S G� S, c� ✓ic..j Area 1 10330 S. Roberts Rrnad Paios Hi�s, IL 60465 Phane: ($�) 447-6282 Faz (708) 430-2492 www.nicb.org : 266-5588 izizzios I GREEN SHEET No. '� 205983'�� % �N����'f f �' F � �. ��%/��/�f����F //l,� �/ 1 �/f �;���� � .i����F' � �� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES REQUESTED � CLERK L� ❑FNMKI/ L SERV/ACttG L.� NIC-0!�S 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the attached council resolurion accepting a bait caz donauon from Amex Assurance Company. 1. Hes ihis perso�rm everworked under a contrect forthis d¢partment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2, Has fhis person�rm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a slall not normairy possessetl by any wrrent cRy employee� YES NO 4. Is ihis personKrm a targeted vendor� YES NO Expiain ali yes answere on separate sheei and attach to green sfieei Amex Assurance Company would like to donate a bait car valued at $17,545 AO to the City of St. Paul, Police Department. The City of St. Paul, Police Department would like to accept this donaflon for auto theft prevenfion. Ability to enhance auto theft prevenfion by using a donated bait car. None. IF NOT APPROVED ������� DEC 3 1 2003 ��TY �1T`��R1�� ����@ �e�°are.h �Q'���'r Lost oppor[uniry to accept a donauon of a bait car to aid in auto theft prevention. JAN � 5 �0�3 AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ doII3hon COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO SOURCE Amex Assurance Company AC7IVITY NUMBER _ INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) �//'� ccag