243008 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 24�008 •• CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ''� � � LIC�ISE CCI��''IL'I'TEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. OUNCIL RESOLUT ON—GENERAL FORM COMM SDONE �' DAT� Ap�"1' �� 19d9 RESOLVIDr That application for �testaurant, On ancl Off Sale A?alt 3everage and Cigarette, licenses, applied for tirr Edwin Lewis �ashington at 628 Selby Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that within �� days of this date said Edwin Lewis 1�ashington sha11 comply with all requiremen�s of the �ureaus of �''ire� Hea7_th, and. Police� and the License Inspector pursuant to the st. Paul Legis].ative Cocie and all other applicable o:�inances and laws. �___ _ AP� � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �� �# 1�69 ,�g� Appr ed 19—_ � , Meredith Tn Favor , Peberso�x v ���� Mayor Sprafka %� A gainst Tedesco , :�x;:�������;�.���3���r��� �ueusHe� qpR 1� �Mr. Vice President 1969 0 _ > • CITY OF SAINT PAUL 24�OQ8 C.apital oP Minnesota �e a�ti�e�t o c��`ic �a ef � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota StteetS HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, CoRIRlISS1onC[ POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Depnty Commlastoner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Insyeetor April 8, 1969 Honorable i�Iayor and C�.ty Counc il Saint Paul, I��innesot� Gentlemen: Edwin Lewis t^lashington mal:es applica�;ion for �estaur.ant On and Off Sale ATalt i3PVerage and Ci�arette Licenses at 628 Selby Avenue tahich is on the South side of +he street between Dale and St. Albans Stree��. This location had been an on sale licuor establishment froml931� until recently when the establishment *�oved to a new location. There are no other 3.2 places within two hl ocks. �e closest QnSale Liquor place as w ell as t}ff ,ale Liquor place� are both within one bl Uck. �e nearest church as well as s chool, are each abo ut five b locks away. Iir. ��Tashing�on was empl��yed at the 5+, Paul Ramse;;r Hospital fron 195� to 1967, and since +.hat tiMe at the 1��npper's Coke �o. Very trul;� ��ours, � ,G��J + �c • `� , / License Inspector O . � �� �''"-`°� . C ITY OF SA IldT PAtR� �'�' �- � �'�� DEPARTMENT �F' PUBLIC SAFETY � LICENSE DIVISION Date 19-�`--f _.__.._� 1. ,�pplio�t3.on Pcx - � /��Ct,.��i L3.Qen�e • . . . 2, bTas�e of �pplittant 3. Buaines� sddresa��� Residanoe - . � 4. Trade �ame, i� any 5. Retail Beer Fed�ral Tax Stamp�Ret�il Ziquor Federal 2ax S�amp �ri.11 be uaecl. 6. t� xhat floor located l „�'j� Nu�ber of roo�na used� l - - - ..�_ _ _ ��-. : 7. Bet�ireen �at cross �treets,_I��G��,g �,G�'�Whioh side of �treet_ �..� 8. �Are premisee naw esacupied�'1�hat businese Ho�r lo�ng _ . 9. �,re premi�es n�r unooaupie �$Ho�r.long vaoan���,(�/,��� Previaus use� v0� ' � 1�, �re qou a new owaer Q� l�ve you been in a si,mi.lar buainess be�vre � 'l�here �PYien 11. Are qou g4�g ta operate thia busineas personally .S If not, who �vill opara�e it 12. hre you i�. any other business st the present time ��� _ _ __ . � �f �'�--+�' --�-� " 13. Have there been any Qaraplaints againat your operation of �hia type oP p].aQe1I/O ,,,_ �Ph.en 11Phe re 14. Eave qou ev�er had a� licenae revoloed��'�Ihat reason and date 15. Are �au s� aitizea of the IInited Statea Rstiv� Idaturalized _.....,.�...._._ � 16. �ex� were you bora�c���e �O_,�_Dats of birth ��p?/0'�*5 � 17. T am �marriad* �Iy (w3.Pe's) (husband's j nam� and addresa is . . ..S -- � � /� i� 18. (Zf m�rried female) my maiden name is 19. HoW long h�ve you li�ed in St. Paul � ���/�,� .. 20. Hav�e you et�sr been arreated_�_Yiolation oP what arimin.al 1sv�r or �rdinanoe �-- 21. Are �ou a regi�tered voter xn the Cit�r of St, Pl�ul � Yes No. (Ans�er full r�a�rui cam�etely, These a �lioatioas are thorotz hl c�eaked ax�i an faleif�on. �rf�l-be cause for denial. / � 22, Number of 3.2 p7aaes within two blooks ���.., 23• Cloaeat intaxioating liquor plaoe. t�. Se�le ; � OPf $ale � ___ .� o 24. Neareat Churnh � /�� Nearerst 3chool � . /d'� 25. Nu�mber of b�o�tZie � Tablea � Chair$��rStoolB ,�I 26. i1h�t oocupe�tioa ha�'e you �ollovred for the past five y�sarso (Give namea of employ�ars and dates so employed,) � � ,�- - � � 6 - , . 27. Gie�e� aetmea and addreseea of t�ro psrsons, residenta of 3to Pl�ul, Minna, who can give in�orme►tion concerning oue �� '_ � a���8$ 9�� � ���e�//��� Ra�'�,��s �U�;/� i��.�2 �a.dreas �— �� � r5/ igrlature of pp ioant 3tate of Minne�ota • ss . C oun�y of Ramaey � � � . ��-��� � �� being firat duly s�rorn, c�epoaea ar�cl says upon cm,th t he ha� reed oregoing st�tem�nt bearing hi� aignature and l�taers the con�enta thareo�, and tha� the sams 3.a �rras of his o�m l�awledgs eacept aa to thoee me�tters therei�a. s�ated upon informa�tion and belief and as to thoae matters he believ�ea thsm ta be true. ' � Sig�.ature of �pplieant Subearibed and eworn to before ms ' thie � �=� aay o� J 19 G y d N� x°y bli , ey Countys �inne sot My Cc�m�niasion expires �° - a� �y 7� � (Note� These statement fox�ns are �in duplicate. �Both copies must be fully filled uuta notarized, ax�d returned to the Lioensa Diviaioner� DOROTHY J. MUNKELWITZ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn: My Commisslon Expires Oc�25,�'iZQ . � � AFF IDI�V IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Re s �/��Sale � Lioenae Name of applicant `'�_ Business addreas Coo�� � Are y�u the sole wmer of this business? � If not9 is it a partnership4 corporation3 , o:bher? (?thers interested in business, include those by loan of money, propert�r or otheru�riaes Nama11���'i� ��fe�' Address ,���j w• �G�a' Ho�r I�, � � If a corporation, give its nama Are you interested in any way in any o�her Retail Beer or Liquor buainess?�� ,A,s sole ou�mer� Partner? Stocskholder? � (?therwi.se? (Through loan of money, etc, Explain) Address of such business and nature of interest in same r � Signature of applicant State of Minnesota� ss c o ty of �ms , �� � bei first dul a a de oses and sa s u on oath ng Y �' rn 9 P Y P that he has read the foregoi g affidavit beariing his signature and lrn.ows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his c�wn l�ov+rrledge, except as to those matters therein stated upon infozznation and belief aad as to those me►tters he believea them to be trues � DQRJTHY J. MUNKELWITZ s Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. S �rn,�tL1�+A of applicant My Commission Expires Oct. 25, 197p Subsaribe an.d sworn. to bafore me this o2 -- day af � 19� 9 — /%�'�'/ d /(�-c.��! Notary Pub , Ramsey County9 nnesota My csommzssion expire� �� �a.r 19� , � STATE i�F' MINNESOTA) 3 �� CUUNTY OF RAMSEY � � W ` being first duly sworn, doth depose and say that he make a this affidavit in connection �ith application f or " Sale" liquor licenae (" Q�/ Sale" malt bevera�e liaenee) in the �ity of Saint Pau1, Minnesota; that your affiant ia a re�ident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein for �� year�, months� and 3s now and has bsen for the time above mentioned a bona fide rssident af said State and that he now resides at � �� �" Aaare9 g � G�� , Minnesota, City or To�rn �� 8ubsoribed and av�rorn to before me this 'a� day of � 19�0 y a� ��-,�-, . otary b�i , maey County, Nti esota My co�iasion expirea / ° - as- �9 7 a MUt��tt�,,)Irc.�J ����,�pr1,�.1�f�N'�t�,o�w.r ��c r�it�lissib�i �c�au.�+�.� My Ccmmissio