242995 � 2429�5 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLtRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�`E Na IL RESOL 10 —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF WHEREAS, The City Council passed an overtime ordinance, Ordinance No. 12854, Council File No. 220541, as an amendment to Ordinance No. 3250, effective January 1, 1965, indicating its intention to allow deviations from the general overtime rules, under Section 1 of said ordinance, which states in part: ztTo meet unusual conditions, and in the case of certain seasonal employees whose tota.l yearly hours do not exceed 2088, upon request of the department head, a different schedule may be established for particular groups of em- ployees with the approval of the Civi.l Service Commissioner axzd approva.l of the Council by resolu�ion, t' and, WHEREAS, Unusual conditione exist throughout the whole City of Sa9nt Paul�and in every department thereof as a result of flood conditions now ��` •xistent, and WHEREAS, The ;'Associated General Contractors of Minnesota, Inc. m Contractors= Agreements for Highway, Railroad, Municipal and Heavy Con� c � struction" include the following paragraph: > o �'EMERGENCY OVERTIME. It is agreed that in case of�work required Q� '� because of emergencies caused by floods, fire, or disaster affecting a � n general area or community endangering life and property, all overtime n- �o`� as required i.n this agreement shall be waived pending the time of the emergency, and the Unions who are signators of this agreement shall � "�' determi.ne the duration thereof. " � Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City af 5t.Paul in all of its departments pay all employees, whose overtime work is directly caused by and is related to flood conditions, at the regular hourly rate regardless of the number of hours worked per day or per week. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� ApR 3 196�9_ Yeas Nays Carlson �� � 1969 Dalgliah ,;• Approved 19—_ ���� ��n Favor Peter�on ' Sprafka ✓ ayor Tedesco a gainst ARr.President, Byrne P�igLiSHE� APR ,12 1969 � �� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � +^�V l"J� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, The City Councf� pas�ed an overtirne ordinance, Ordinance No. 12854, Council File Na. 220541, aa� an amendment to Ordinance No. 3250, effective Jauua.ry 1, 1965, indic�t�,ng ite intention to allow deviations from the gener�i overtime rulee, under 5ection 1 of eaid ardinax�ce, whfch sta.tes in part: ' "To meet unusual conditiane, a��.d fn the caee-of certain seaeonal emglayeea whoee total yearly hour� da not exceed 2088, upon requegt of the department head, � different echedule may be eetablfshed for parti�ular groupe of em- ployeee with the approval of the Civil Service Commiaeioaer and approval of the Council by resolutiox�. �' and� - WHEREAS, Unusua.l conditione exist throu�hout the whole City of 5aint Paul and i,n every departme�nt thereof as a result of ilood conditions now exiete�nt, and � �- - �';�`� ��� WHEREAS, The �'Aeaociated General Contractore of Minneeota, 1nc. :� - - Contractora� Agreemente for Highway, R�.ilroad, Municipal and Heavy Con- etruction" include the following paragraph: "EMTRGEN�Y OVERTINIE. It ie agreed that in case af work required becauae of emergenciea caueed by flood�, fire, or dieaeter affecting a general area or community endangerin� life and property, �11 overtime ae requirec� fn tlaf� agreemeat sha�ll be waived pendl�ng the time of the emerge�cy, and the Uniane who are s3.guatars c�f thie a�reement eha.11 determine the duration thereof. " Now, therefore, be-it RES�LVED, That the City of St.Paul in all of i.te depa�tmente pay all emplayees; whase overtime work is directly caused by and ie related to flood, conditions, at the regular hourly rate xegardleep of the number of houra worked per day or per week. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council `'k �' �� '�''� 19— Yeas Nays , Carlson �:'� �'- Dalglish � Approved 19—_ ���- Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka ,� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne bF