04-223Council File # �'�� RESOLUTION Green stieet # 204224 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date W HEREAS, Ramsey County is proposing the construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of Lower Afton Road and McKnight Road to address operational problems; and W HEREAS, The City of Saint Paul and the Ramsey County staff have negotiated terms and conditions for the future operation and maintenance of the proposed traffic signal; and W HEREAS, The City of Saint Pau! and the City of Maplewood are to share the costs of Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP) as part of the proposed traffic signal construction; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works and the City Engineer of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to execute County Agreement PW2003-14 and any amendments, and thereby assume for and on behalf of the City of Saint Paul all of the contractual obligations contained therein. Yeas � Nays II Absent II Requested by Department of: f '� / �� ' r h Adopted by Council: Date a a a 5b S Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ay Approved � . Date � Form Approved by City Attorney BY= ��5� �� ���1 Mayor for Submission to Cpuncil ny-�2� DEPARTMEM/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIHTE� N p �4224 r PublicWorksDepartment-TrafficDivision 2/3/04 GRE ET INITIAWATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE I � � DEPARTMENT Dl .� � CRY COUNCIL KarlJohnson 651-266-6256 �Me£ I� I '�cmaewc MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA ROUI�NG ;� gUDGET OIRECTOR ��� FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES �IR. ASAP R l� MAYOR (ORASSISTANn OTAL90FSIGNA7UREPAGES _ (CLIPALLLOCAiIONSFORSIGNAiURE) 'ASSOCIATE �,DEPT.ACCOUNTqNT TION RE�UES7ED � thorize the Director of Public Works and the City Engineer to execute an agreement with Ramsey County regarding the consVUCtion of mergency Vehicle PrEemption (EVP) as part of new a traffic signal at the intersection of Lower Afton Road and McKnight Road and long erm operation of the signal system. RECOtdMEN�ATIONS: Approve (A) ar Rejxt (R1 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGTS MUST ANSWER THE POL.IOW�NG QUES7(ONS: PLANNINGCAMMISSION C�VILSERVICECOMMISSION 7. Hasthispersonlfimieverworkedunderacontractforthisdepartment? — — YES NO CB CoMmmEE _ 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? A STAFF _ YES NO — 3. Does ihis personffrm possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any current ciry employee? DISTRICTCOUNqL _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH ClJUNCAiO&fECTIVE? �plain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATINGPROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNIiV (WHO. WHA7. WHEN, WHERE. WMI�: Ramsey County has conducted a traffic study at the intersection of Lower Afton Road and McKnight Road and has determined that a traffic signal is justified. The County has developed plans for the construction of signal system and minor geometric changes in order to accommodate turn lanes. Ramsey County Agreement Number PW2003-14 pertains to the maintenance and construction of traffic control signals and construction of Emergency Vehicle Preemptian. AOVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Installation of a traffic signal at the intersect will benefit drivers by improving the operation of the intersection. The intersection is currently controlled by a four way stop. Operational problems have persisted during peak hours due to traffic volumes. DISADVAMAGESIFAPPROVE�: RECEIVCD None FEB 1(� zuuti � FEB 1 1 20�4 � ��..������ MAYOR'S OFFICE DISADVANTAGES 1F NOi APPROVED: If Maintenance and Construction agreement is not approved, the County project will be unable to proceed with the project. 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ estimate $3 ,�JOO.00 COSTIREVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YF NO FUNDING SOURCE Sianat tnstallations Program ACnViiv NUMBER C04 2T830 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) I