04-221Council File # �I-�—Z.� Presented Referred To 1 An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate 2 of pay for the unclassified position titled Director 3 of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement. Committee Date 4 RESOLVED, that the compensation for the unclassified position titled Director of 5 Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement shall be that as set forth in Grade 29, of the 6 7 Employee Group 17, Non-Represented City Managers, Salary Schedule, and be it 8 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force beginning the first 9 pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Deparhnent of: Auma� esources Office � ; $Y ' --- City � for Submission � � Appi � Green Sheet # 200115 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 5 Adopted by Council: Date t'�v.c:.r 'c� `1 O�-1 � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ��c1.�'1 � 1 v t+�� DEPARTM�NT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: , DATE WITIATED GREEN SHEET _ 1vo.: 200115 v HiJr'fAI�` RESOURCES m-zo-oa CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: 1N�7'1AIJDA7E INITIAUDA7E ANGIE NALEZNY 266-6515 � nEe.�arn+ENr nue �_ < crn� cou�+ca 70HN SHOCKLEY 266-6482 �cn�n zcrrYnrrow.�v ��_ cRrc�wc NUhffiERFOR MIISTHEONCOUNCILAGEt�DABV(Dw]'E) ROU7ING FA`ANC4LLSER�DIR FRJANCW.SERV/ACCTG As soon as possible. o�� 3MAYOR(OAASST.) CNILSEStVICECOMMI5Si0� TOTAL # OF SIC�ATIJRE PAGES_i (CLIP ALL LOCA7'IONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnox nFQUFSTev: Approva] of a resolution establishing the rate of pay for the recent3y created position titled Director of The Department of Neighborhood IHousing and-Properiy Improvement in grade 29 of Etnployee Group 17 Non- represented City Managers Salary Schedule, in the City of Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RECOMMENDATIONS. Approve (A) or Re�ect �) PERSONAL SERVICE CON7RACfS MOS7 ANSWER THE FOLIqW[IVG QUES710NS: � l. Hasthispersodfvmevaworkedwderacontrac[fmtLisdepamnwt? _PLANNMG COMMISS[ON y¢s No CB COMMI'ITEE 2. Hu this person/fvm eva bew a city employee? "- CNILSERVICECOMMISSION Yes No 3. Dcesthispersov/fmnpos5asaskil7notnom�allypossessedbyanycwrmtciryemployee? Yes No . 4. Is this persodfvm a targeted veudm? Yes No — Explain ali yg answers on sepante sLeet and attach to green sheet �' INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSIIE, OPPOR71JNI7A {W6o, W6ay When, Where, Why): Recently, an Ordinance was passed crearing the Department of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement. It ,; also created the department director posirion in the unclassified service. The Mayor's Administrarion requested that the ' ,` Office of Huma� Resources study this new position in order to determine appropriate compensation. This position will provides strategic leadership and oversight of the new department. Currently, the responsibiliries of the deparhnent ` include the investigation of complaints regarding and the subsequent inspecrion of one and two family dwelling units and , exterior properties, the registrarion of rental properties and vacant buildings, the administration of a truth in the sale of $ housing program, the abatement of graffiri, the provision of code inspec6on support to the Police DepartmenYs FORCE ' I3nit, special projects, the enforcement of the City's abandoned motor vehicle oidinance, and patrol wark. The position ', works at the will and pleasure of the Mayor. The Office of Human Resources evaluated the du6es and responsibilities of the new position and applied the City's QES Job Evaluations System. Also, the posirion was compared to similaz positions in the City that have responsibility for supervising the enforcement of legislarive codes. ,' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' Approval of this resolution will establish equitable compensation for this new unclassified posirion titled Director of the , Department of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement. The grade assigned, grade 29 of the EmpIoyee Group 17 Salary Schedule, is the same pay grade as that assigned to Assistant to the Mayor V. The current incumbent ' was appointed as Assistant to the Mayor V with the working titie of Director of Neighborhood Housing and Properry ; Improvement on May 21, 2003. Consequently, there will be no change in pay. , ;� -_ . r� �6-= � �—� ' � � � �" ^"� ,,, k � � ' +� � � o�. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � � Nor�e � ,� H �v � 2 1004 ' DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ���� ������!{ ' Equitable compensation will not be estabiished for this position recently established via ordinance of the City Council. TOTAI.AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: None COST/REVENUEBUDGETE��r,s�.�,�¢ ?, , , .',. r` ,., ,. � FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: ` • � FfNANCtAL INFORMATION: (EJ:PLAiN) �� � � °7 ���g B Y , . G:FShared�ClassiflCi,P.SS�Consultant-ShockleyVohn'sClazsWork�DirectorofNeighbofioodHousingandProps.Greensheet.wpd � uRlvlf�AL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVEA, thai the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 does hereby consent to and appmve of the appointment by the lvf ayor of Andy Dawians as I}irector of the Office of Neighborhood Aousing and Properiy Improvement, Assistant to the Mayor V, effective, June 3, 2002. py-2'Li Counn7 F�1e # ��y cmea Sheet # ��O 6 RESOLUTION CITY OF SA.Il�IT PAUL, NIINNESOTA o�l- Z'�I CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT POSTTION STUDIED: Assistant to The Mayor V INCUMBENT: Andy Dawkins STUDIED BY: John Shockley DATE STUDIED: October 2003 PERSONS CONTACTED: Dennis Flaherty, Deputy Mayor Andy Dawldns, Incumbent AP�ROVA�y OF �IU]�AN RESOURCES DIRECTOR: (Date) Background Recently, the Office of Human Resources received a request from the Mayor's Office to study the proposed position titled Director of The Deparhnent of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement. This position will officially be established upon the crearion of the new Department in the appropriate section of the Administrative Code. The functions of the proposed Department have been under the interim leadership of an Assistant to The Mayor V since November 30, 2002, when the current incumbent was appointed to reorganize the old Housing Code Enforcement Unit. On May 21, 2003, the City Council officialiy approved the appoinhnent of the incumbent as an Assistant to The Mayor V with the working title of Director of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement. Section 12.03.1 of the City Charter establishes the Civil Service of the City of Saint Paul and states that the Civil Service shall consist of the unclassified and the classified service. Section 12.03.2, states that the unclassified service shall comprise: Elected Officials, Department Heads, Secretary to the Mayor, the City Attomey, Deputy City Attorneys, and Assistant City Attorneys, the Fire Chief, the Police Chief, the Human Resources Director, the City Clerk, members of boards and commissions, and such additional positions as shall be assigned by ordinance to the unclassified service, with the consent of the Civil Service Commission. Consequently, the new Director of the Department of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement, as a department head, will be an unclassified posirion. Stud�ponents Interview with the Deputy Mayor and the current incumbent Review of the City Charter Review of City organizational charts. Review of the currently assigned duties and responsibiliries of the position ��-�.v Review of the proposed ordinance establishing the Deparnnent and the powers and duries of the Director Review of the minimum qualificarions of department and office directors. Comparison of the duries with other similaz positions QES analysis of the position Recommendation Job Description This position has been created to provide strategic leadership and management of the City's New Department of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement. The work includes highly responsible strategic planning, staff supervision, and administrative acrivities. The incumbent directs housing code, health, and nuisance law enforcement programs intended to improve the existing housing stock, other structures, and exterior properties. Cunently, the responsibilities of the unit include the investigarion of complaints regarding and subsequent inspection of one and two family dwelling units and exterior properties, the regisiration of rental properties and vacant buildings, the administration of a program regarding problem properties, the demolition of hazardous buildings, the administration of a truth in sale of housing program, the abatement of graffiti, the provision of code inspection support for the Police DeparimenYs FORCE Unit, special projects, the enfarcement of the City's abandoned motor vehicle ordinance, and patrol work. This position works under the general supervision of the Mayor. Full supervisory authority is exercised by this position over approximately thirry-one directly assigned subordinates including supervisory, professional, technical, and administrative support staff. The position also supervises interns and temporary seasonal employees as needed. The position indirectly oversees the activities of two Police Officers and an Attorney from the City Attorney's Office. Specific duties that may be performed by this posirion, competencies, and recommended minimum qualificarions are described in the attached advisory class specification. Comparison to Other Positions The general duties that have been assigned to the position in question are consistent with those of other unclassified department and office director positions. The unit for which the position is responsible has been proposed as a department. The size of the unit is approximately 32 employees, including the Director. The main function of the new Deparhnent of Neighborhoad Housing and Property Improvement is that of enforcing legislative codes. Other departments, offices, and divisions that have enforcement activities for the CiTy of Saint Paul as a main function include the Police Department, the Office of License Inspecrion and Environmental Protection (LIEP), the Criminal Division of the City Attorney's Office, the Fire Prevention Division of the Fire Depariment, and the Department of Human Rights. The duties and responsibiliries of the position in question were compared to the following similar enforcement leadership positions: The Chief of Police is an unclassified position that is appointed to serve a six-year term. The Chief of Police provides strategic leadership for a departmentwith over 700 employees in three large divisions and twenty-two sections within those divisions. The ChieF of Police is the department director and also manager ofa division which is called the Office ofthe Chief. The Police Chiefclassification is assigned to grade 37 ofEmployee Group 17, the Non-Represented ��-Ztil Ciry Managers employee group. The salary range is $88,438 to $114, 288, annuaily. The Assistant Chief of Police class is also in the unclassified service. There are two such positions responsible for leading a division of the Police Department. This class is assigied to grade 31 of Employee Group 17, the Non-Represented City Managers. The salary range is $75,069 to $102,277, annualiy. The Commander ctass, which is in the classified service provides leadership to a section of a division. This class is assigned to grade 44 of Bargaining Unit 04, The Police Federation. The salary range for posirions within this class varies depending upon assignment and premium pay. However, the salary can range from a low of $58,880 to a maximum of $89,111, annuaily. Prior to the formation of the new Department of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement, leadership for most of the code enforcement functions that make up this new department was provided by a Commander on temporary assignment from the Police Departmen� The Commander reported to the Citizen Service Program Director. The Citizen Service Program Director is in the unclassified service and is appointed by the Mayor. The position is assigned to grade 26 of Employee Group 17, Non-Represented City Managers. The salary range is $65,554 to $89,006, annually. A Deputy City Attorney provides leadership to the Criminal Division of the Ciry Attorney's Office (CAO). The 32, Assistant City Attorneys, Legal Assistants, and adminisirarive support staff who are assigned to the Criminal Division work in prosecuting misdemeanor violarions of City legislative codes and State statutes. The division is made up of three main sections, the Trial Unit, the Charging Unit, and the Domestic Abuse Unit. The Deputy City Attorney is appointed by the City Attomey and is in the unclassified service. The class is represented by the Saint Paul Supervisor's Organization (SPSO). This class is assigned to grade 35 of Bargaining Unit 09; SPSO. The salary range is $84,357 to $114,288, annuaily. Leadership of the Office of LIEP is the responsibility of the Director of LIEP. This position is in the unclassified service and is appointed by the Mayor. The Director oversees a staff of 108, supervisory, professional, technical, buildingtrades inspecfion, and administrative support staff. The staff enforces City legislative codes and State statutes regarding environmental health, licensing, the issuance of permits, and inspection of construction. The LIEP Director position is assigned to grade 33 of Employee Group 17, Non-Represented City Managers. The salary range is $79,271 to $108,166, annually. The Deparnnent ofFire and Safety Service's Fire Prevention Section consists ofthe Certificate of Occupancy Unit and the Education Unit. Leadership is provided by the Fire Mazshall. The Fire Marshall is in the classified service and is represented by the Fire Supervisors Associarion. The Fire Prevenrion Section is part of the Support Services Division of the Deparhnent. The Fire Marshall works under the general supervision of an Assistant Fire Chief. Under the Certificate of Occupancy Program, City legislarive codes and State statutes are enforced. This requires inspection of buildings consisting of two or more dweliing units and also commercial buildings for compliance with basic facilities, fire, and building safety codes. The Fire Prevention Section is made up of supervisory, professional, technical, building trades inspection, and administrarive support staff. The Fire Marshall is assigned to grade 49 of Bargaining Unit 40, the Fire Supervisors Association. The salary range is $66,398 to $89,536, annuaily. The Department of Human Rights and the Human Rights Director position are established in d`'�,''l,l.� the legisiarive code to enforce the City of Saint PauPs Human Rights Ordinance and provide leadership and educariona] outreach in promotion of human rights and human relarions within the City of Saint Paul community. The Human Rights Director is appointed and removed by the Mayor with the assistance of the City of Saint Paul Human Rights Commission. The Human Rights Director is in the unclassified service. The Human Rights Department is a small unit consisring of several professional and administtative support staf£ The Human Rights Director is assigned to grade 31 of Employee Group 17, Non-Represented City Managers. The salary is $75,069 to $102,277, annually. Currently, the interim Director of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement, is appointed as an Assistant to the Mayor V. This is an unclassified position appointed by the Mayor. Assistant to the Mayor V is assig�ed to grade 29 of Employee Group 17, Non- Represented CiTy Managers. The salary is $71,088 to $96,740, annually. Based strictly on a comparison of duries and responsibilities, type of City legislative codes and State statutes enforced by the unit, and the staff size, the position in question compares most closely with the Fire Marshall position. However, the Fire Marshall is a classified position that works under the general supervision of an Assistant Fire Chief, while the Director of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement is an "at will" position that reports directly to the Mayor. Also, much of the work conducted by the new department is complaint based, while much of the work of the Fire Prevention Division is conducted on a scheduled basis. These factors would make the new position much more politically sensirive. Regarding the minimum qualifications for the new Director of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement, attached is a listing of the current minimum qualifications for department and office directors. The ordinance drafted to establish the new department indicates that prior to appointment of the new director, the Council may prescribe minimum qualifications by ordinance. O. E. S. Evaluafion and Anal,�sis The QES analysis supports assigning the position to grade 29 of the Non-represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. The salary range is $71,088 to $96,740. Recommendation It is recommended that the position be allocated to the new unclassified position titled Director of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement and assigned to grade 29 of Employee Group 17, the Non-Represented City Managers Salary Schedule. It is further recommended that the minimum qualifications for the position be advisory. Minimum qualifications serve to establish limits on the pool of candidates. Minimum qualificarions for unclassified posirions appointed by the Mayor and serving "at will" like the position in quesrion, are better left "advisory." This gives flexibility so the minimum qualifications can be established, following a study, at the rime a vacancy is announced prior to posting the selecrion process. This makes the qualificarions more up to date and relevant. G.�Shared\Classif�CLASS\Consultano-ShockleyVohn's Ciass Work�Dir.Departrnent ofNeibofiood Housing and Property Improvement rpt.mp.wpd The City of Saint Paul Class Specification Proposed Title of Class: DIRECTOR OF NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING AND PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT (ADVISORY SPEC ONLI� DESCRIPTION OF WORK CODE: 262B BU: 17 (��, General Statement of Duties: THIS IS AN ITNCLASSIFIED POSITION. THIS CLASS SPECIFICATION IS FOR ADVISORY PITRPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT COVERED UNDER ANY PROVISIONS OF THE CIVII. SERVICE RULES. Provides strategic leadership and management of the City's Department of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement to include highly responsible plannang, supervisory, and administrative work in the direction, development, and implementarion of housing code, health, and nuisance law enforcement programs intended to improve existing buildings and structures and exterior properties; and performs related duties as required. Sunervision Received: This is an unclassified position that works under the administrative direction of the Mayor and the Mayor's designated Deputy. This position serves at the will and pleasure of the Mayor. Suaervision Exercised: This position exercises full supervisory authority and direction over assigned code enforcement inspection and administrative support staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Provides management leadership and oversight in, planning, directing, coordinating, evaluating and administering the activities of the Department of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement including the investigation of complaints and the inspection of all one and two family dwelling units and exterior properties, the registration of vacant buildings, the administration of a problem property progam, the demolition of dilapidated buildings, the administration of a truth in the sale of housing disclosure program, and others. Provides supervision of assigned code enforcement staff, to include work assignment, project assignment, work scheduling, managing and coaching employee performance, training employees, recruiting, hiring, reward and discipline, and the processing of grievances. Represents the Department as the chief enforcement officer in meetings with other agencies, groups, the court system and the media. Conducts and oversees the conduct of reseazch and analyses in order to determine the most effective and efficient method of providing the services of the Department; prepares reports for the Mayor evaluating the programs and personnel. Develops new strategies and progams that improve the delivery of services; drafrs new and revised legislarion; deploys, as necessary, the resources of the unit in order to better meet identified problems; modifies programs and services in order to maintain and improve the City's existing housing stock. Plans and reviews the development of the annual budget for operation of the Department and special projects; reviews and approves expenditures within the approved budget. Communicates program objectives, priorities, and progress to the Mayor, the City Council, citizen groups, and the public; conducts surveys to solicit feedback in evaluating programs and services. �TEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING AND PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT (ADVISOI Page 1 PrAposed. Title of Class: DIRECTOR OF NEIGABORHOOD AOUSING AND ' PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT (ADVISORY SPEC ONL Provides expert testimony on behalf of the CiTy in regard to legal actions and legislative activities. CODE: 262B � BU: 17 � � � Makes final enforcement decisions, facilitates conflict resolution in order to obtain successful enforcement outcomes; ensures that decisions are consistent with the laws covering housing and health code enforcement. C0�4PETEI�CIES Demonstrates a conceptual understanding of the state and local housing laws and ordinances, housing and building codes, standazds, and nuisance control laws: demonstrates the ability to apply that understanding in strategic planning, identifying and solving complex problems associated with the work; demonstrates an ability to propose and dtaft improvements to such laws. Demonstrates a conceptual understanding of the policies and procedures related to code enforcement activiries and those of related deparhnents and service agencies; demonstrates the ability to apply that understanding in solving complex and ambiguous work related problems; demonstrates an ability to propose and develop new policies and procedures. Demonstrates an ability to expertly plan and manage, simukaneously, multiple projects that have Citywide and/or community impact, within negotiated deadlines; demonstrates an ability to direct the development and implementation of budgets and the management of funds. Demonstrates an abiliTy to identify and minimize risks and liabilities associated with programs and projects and refer potential problems or issues to appropriate legal counsel. Demonstrates an ability to handle multiple projects and changing priorities; demonstrates an ability to plan, coordinate, lead, and monitor complex projects, prepaze work plans, develop protocols, and standards, define and appropriately measure results. Demonstrates an ability to lead planning acrivities and assist elected officials, staff, and customers in problem solving and analysis. Demonstrates effective leadership by providing effective work direction, by promoring the mission and vision of the unit and the CiTy, and by reinforcing employee desired work behaviors; demonstrates the ability to facilitate the group problem solving process, recognizing positive results, managing conflict, and negotiating satisfactory outcomes. Demonstrates the ability to select clerical, technical, and professional staff that are best suited for the assigned funcrional azea and demonstrates the ability and sldlls necessary to effecrively manage such employee's performance. Demonstrates an ability to listen, speak, and write, in an effective manner, with a diverse group of individuals, including elected officials, department and office directors, xepresentatives of other jurisdictions and private organizations, subordinate employees, and the general public. Demonstrates an ability to transfer one's laiowledge to others and positively influence others; demonstrates an ability to provide for and encourage the creation of a positive work environment for assigned staff. Demonstrates an ability to direct others in conducting customer service needs analysis and develop citywide customer service standards. MINIMUM Qi3ALIFICATIONS �IEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING AND PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT (ADVISOI Page 2 Proposed �'itle of Class: DIRECTOR OF NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING AND ' PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT (ADVISORY SPEC ONLYI CODE: 262B BU: 17 _ , ` �'L1 �` . A Bachelor's degree in Law Enforcement, Public Administration, Political Science, or a related field and 6 yeazs of progressively responsible administrarive experience; at least three yeazs of such experience shall have included supervision of an assigned staff; or a Juris Doctorate and three yeazs of progressively responsible administrative experience: at least one year of such experience shall have included supervision of an assigned staf£ Must have a current Minnesota class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state license wiYh no suspension or revocations within a two yeaz period pnor to the date of appointment. Must possess, ar obtain w�thin six months of appointment, a Minnesota non-commercial pesticide applicators license/certificate. JEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING AND PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT (ADVISO] Page 3 -` �- g � Z,'t.\ � co,���i F�i� � �} $ � o�a�n� # Crreen Sheet # ��1. \ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refeired To Committee Date : 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 An ordinance creating a new city department to be Irnown as the department of neighborhood housing and property improvement and estab3ishing appropriate functions and responsibilities. THE COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Chapter 14. Department of Neighborhood Hausing and Property Improvement Sec. 14.01. Department generally. • : • a i ;�.. �. IK; (a) Department established. There is hereby established an executive department of the City of Saint Paul to be known as the department of neighborhood housing and properiy improvement. The head of such depaztment shali be the director, who, prior to such appointment, shall possess such qualifications as the council may by ordinance provide. (h) Departmenrat functions. The department of neighborhood housing and property imgrovement shall be responsible for administering and enforcing city housing and property maintenance codes and shall perform the foIlowing functions: {1) Inspect ail buildings and properties as required by the city codes. (2) Administer and enforce laws regulating the maintenance of residential property including, but not limited to the city's vacant building program, the city's nuisance dwelling and nuisance abatement ordinances, the city's renial registration ordinance, the city's abandoned motor vehicle ordinance, the city's truth in sale of housing ordinance and program, and the ciry's gr�ti removai program. (3) Maintain appropriate deparimental records, including but not limited to, garbage service bilIing records if applicabie, excessive consumption of inspection services billing re�ords, grafFiti removal billing records, reinspection biIling records, nuisance abatemenY bilfing records, vacant building registrations, renial registrations, truth in sale of housing disclosure reports, (4) Investigate and enforce the city's boulevard plandng ordinance. � i: ' i ' 2 0 6 7 4 10 11 12 13 I4 15 16 17 18 19 zo 21 22 23 24 � (5) Enforce violations of the city's codes related to pmperty maintenance, utilizing enforcement tools in accordance with applicable law. {c) Director; powers and duties. The director of the department of neighborhood housing and property improvement shali be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the aouncil, and shall ba in the unciassified service of the city. The director shall be accountaUle to the mayor and, subject to supervision and control, shali adminisYer the affairs of the deputment. The director shall have general autharity and contcoI over aIl departmental staff and shall oveisee the proper fulf�llment of all tasks and duties assigned to the depamnent The director shall have the power to prescribe such ruies and regulations as aze deemed necessary or expedient for the proper operation of #he department and to that end shall keep informed of ihe latest administrative practices. The director may designate, with the approval of the mayor, an employee of the department of neighborhood housing and property improvement to perform the functions and duties assigned to the direcEOr by taw during Yhe absence or disability of the director. The di�ctoi shali have the power and duty to take all personnel actions, including hiring, assigning and reassigning employees, including supervisory personnel, within the department, and shall supervise their performance. Sec. lAA2. Reserved. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3Q) days following its passage, approval and publication. p�-22� �'i t4