242937 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK 2429�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTION— EN L FORM C MM SS�ONE +�� �`' DAT��1'Z�. 1} 1�69 �'�iiER:AS, Ordinance No. 3250 authorizes and provides for �a4�rnent for overtime vsrork, and 4��'_�AS, the eommissi�ner of I'ublic Saie�y �as authorized overti�:a ,^rork in his departr�snt (General Acl�inis�cra�tion, buildin�; I:�:az�enance) durir_;; the period fro� l�;arah 22, 1969 to Apri1 4, 1969, therefore, be it RESC►LV.C:D, �hat tlie proper City officers �re herebv authorized �to psy the anplo�rses �,�ho per:�ormed such overtime work in aecordance v,tith the pr�visions of Ordinances I�o. 644b and No. 3250. � � �9�9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �� � �969 Dalglish t pproved 19—_ w,� --,_LL j Tn Favor Peterson "� Sprafka v Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �G.IS1i"E`� �lPR 51969 O