242936 ORI61NMh.TO CITY CLERK , -7 ���V�jJ CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ` PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE " DATF RESQLVEOa That the Purchasing Agent be authorized undef ordinance i1467 amending Ordinance 3376 to sell at pubiic auctio� 12 automotive vehicles for the Public Safety repair shop after advertising the auction in the St. Paul Dispatch Pioneer Press for a minimum of 3 insertions. Resutts of this auction to be reported to the City Council . APPROVEDs _i� : ,. �� ��C�ity Comptrol r• ' urchasing Agent; APi'ROV�D AS TO F�RM: Ass . Corp. Counset . ' '; DS/ds AP R 1 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � L 1�s9 Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19— �� Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka J Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne � PUBf�6S�Yl�� �P� � �� � DUPLtCA.TE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL N�. 2429�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF �9?�ir,�t'���s 1'i�at �.�°,� �a�r���asi�°�e� F�r��tir+t �� au�fiF•�uri re�d ����;r �o•��rc�,�ys�=L � 3':�a, �:�;��:r�c��re�� or�in,;�,��� 3:3��i to �r.:ll �� �,��4:��Y� �:�ctit�c� i� �aai::�s:ti�°�: vE:��cd.::s ��r �€,e P��1 i c '��i��t� r��:,X,:�i r s?,:�s� �i't�.r' �c:'.v�-ar��si nr� t�ac� �ca�ti t��a i n ��3� S�. �ara1 �i s;��t��a 6�i a�n��r �'r�ss ��r �� ���i�a���srr3 c�~ � 7 r�s�w���r�s. ier��';i�5 �'r` i:#��i s ��uc9:i�:n �o i�e rer:rsrt����� x+�� t�a� tit��y ��.4:a'3C7 j. �'9� + .+.3"t?;..e'r" _ '�..4� � -���� cti�y`�;�a�P;��ro1� g/ � ,% . � �.���._...__ .� �� cn:,:,i;ak. :`�`��, , �`�'' �l :rt`:r ! . .�a ����j�a l���;�. �:�r;�. C:��.+���i .`.,._ I.�9��:.�!��1' i��»�+��, a. ������ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson r,;;��;,��. Dalglish � Approved 19— �h � Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku �> Mayor Tedesco - ASainst Mr. President, Byrne O