242925 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � � ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OOE NCIL N0, 429��5 ISCLivSE COI�II'IT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCI UTIO GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY April l� 19E9 COMMISSIONE DATF �nl!-IEI�EAS: The �rand Avenue T�Iotor Company� 850 `urand kvenue have surrendered License No. 7035, ex�iring �ecember 31, 1969, and three (3� plates, Nos. 203, !�� and 5 for the yeur of 19�9, issued to them to operate three (3) vehicles as Motor Vehicle Rentals, because they have discontinued such business as of Februaxy 23, 19d9, �d �quest reftii.nd of the fee for the unused portion of the license, therefore, be it �SOLVL"U: That the proper cit�T o fficers be and the�� are nereb;,� authoriz ed to refund to the Grand �venue I�Sotor �ompany� the p�ara�edfee of :� 87.�1� deductin� the fee of $ 17.1�9 from the original fee of $ 105.00 for the period they operated such busir�ess, t��hich r�1i11 cancel said license. CANGII,LATZQ[J QF LI CE'r;SES (�ro-rated Refund) License No. 7035 returned and attached to City �lerk's Copy of Reaolution. Plates Nos. 203-1� and 5 retained by the License �ivision where they were issued. Ori�. Appn. 7938 �t 1 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays ��� � '� Carlson ���� Dalglish pproved 19—_ � Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco � A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne p��L`�� ��ff 5 l� O