D001254CITY C3F SAINT' PAUL OFFICE OF TTIE MAYOR No.: !JW � ��W - - - --- - - -- - — -- - �a_��=`i7 ADMINISTRATIVE Date: � ORDER GS �: 32221 BUDGET ItEVISION ADMIlV7$TRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with ths authority granted to tbe Mayor in Section 7 0.07A oi the City Charter and based on ths requsst of fhe Director of the Oepartment o£ Pub 1� c Works toamend3het9 97 6u&jetofthe CaAital PYOjects iund,lhe0irectorofiheDepaRment oi Pinance and Management Services is authorized to arnend said budget in the tWlowing manner: Curtent &�t FINANCING PLAN C97-2C040-25057 OHIO ST - Annapolis to George ar�rd�d ��,� Bt�jet MSA97 726,000.00 21,123.72 747,123.72 PIA 97 10,62D.73 10,620.73 Assessments 22,000.00 16,565.50 38,565.50 748,000.00 48,309.95 796,309.95 � SPENDING PLAN C97-2C040-25057 OHIO ST - Annapolis to George Construction FINANCING PLAN C97-2T695 LOCAL STREET, ALLEY, SE4VER PIA 97 Assessment 748,000.00 48,309.95 796,309.95 748,000.00 48,309.95 796,309.95 50,000.00 -10,620.73 39,379.27 325,000.00 -15,570.50 3�9,429.50 375,0OO.Oa -26,191.23 348,808.77 1 CITY OF SAINT PAL7L, r1 � OFFICE OF TH6 MAYOR ADT�7ISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION �o.: � o� Date: �,��' GS #: 32221 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistert with the author'rty grarned to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on tfie requ-ast of the Director of the Department of P�blic Wo�ks toamendthel9 y? budgetofthe Capital Projects {�� y1eD1�y�pro{{heDepartrnerd of Finance and Management Services is authotized W amend said budget in the foilowing manner: Curtent E�.d9zt SPENDING PLAN C97-2T695 LOCALSTREEf,RLLEY,SEWER Construction FINANCING PLAN C97-2T020 � MSA CONTINGENCY - 97 MSA 97 SPENDING PLAN G97-2T02� MSA CONTINGENCY - 97 Construction •. 375,000.00 -26,19�.23 348,808.77 375,000.00 -26,191.23 348,808.77 433,270.00 -21,723.72 412,146.28 433,270.00 -21,123.72 412,146.26 433,270.00 -21,123.72 412, t 4628 433,270.00 -21,123.72 412,146.28 � � � ror � ��'°'°_"� �.3 — �� � t � mm Public Works CONTACT PFRSQtg Ed Warn [ SJ13J97 GREEPi SHEET�� INI ATE INf 'bEPARTMEMDIREC(OR � CRYCOUNCIL _ CRYATTORNEY O CIttCLERK BUDGET OFFICE O FlNANGE-ACGOUMING MAYOR(ORASSISTAPff) O r. 266-6142 U�� �.� ''�e�" # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1G ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANRE7 ❑1 �� � E� ❑2 ���TTM� Approval of attached Adminishative Order amending the spending and financing plans of the 1997 Capital Improvement Budget for Ohio Street Reconstruction by transferring funding from the MSA Contingency and the Alley projects. RECOMMENDATIONS:Appmve (A) ar Reject (R) _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVII SERVICE CAMMISSION CIB COMMYi'fEE _ _ A STAFF _ �ISTFICTCOUNGIL _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE? budget PERSONAL SERNCE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this persoMtirtn ever worketl under a ContraCt for this aepartment? YES NO 2, Has this perso�rm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. �oes tMS personlfimi possess a sltill noi nomially possessed by arry current city emplayee? YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet a�W attxh to green sheet INITIA7ING PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPOFNNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHYf: Public Works has opened bids for the reconsuuction of Ohio Street and found that it is necessary to increase the MSA funding on this project by $21,123.72. There is sufficient funding in the 1997 MSA Contingency to cover this addition. Also combining the alley in KnisQel's Subdivision (bounded by Ohio, Page, Chazlton and Sidney) under this same contract will provide for construcdon efficiencies. Therefore we aze also proposing moving financing from the 1997 Alley project to the Ohio Si Reconshvcfion project. will be sufficient monies in the Ohio St Reconstruction budget to award contract of this ptoject. OIS0.DVANTAGES li APPROVED; None. RECEIUED JUN 2 3 i997 1 C1TY CLERK '�AWANTAGES If NOT APPROVED: iere will not be su�cient monies in the budget to award the contract for Ohio St and the accompanying alley work. . AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $qg 3pg Q5 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) r�o SOUflce 1997 MSA, 199� FIA & Asmts nCrniiv nuMSER C 97-2C040, C47- IAL INFORMA710N: tEXPLAII� � NO C97-2T020 dt�U