249791 (2) ORIGINftL YO CITY CLERK • � /�j�� ��� �• ,. ; CITY OF ST. PAUL OOENCIL NO. �� � ' .�-•-- OFFlCE OF THE CITY CLERK • � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED RY . COMMISSIONE DATF WHER�AS , Michael J. McDonou�h made application to rezone four 4 and one-half lots situated on the southeast corner of Prior and. Iglehart Avenues in the City of Saint Paul from a "B" Residential District to a "C" Residential District for the construction of a 32-unit apartment building; and ' �JHF�.�AS , the City Council did vote on June 4, 1g6g, by a four to three maigin to rezone the property; and WHER�AS, the City Clerk, pursuant to Section 64.06 of the St. Paul Legislati�Te Code zahich requires a two-thirds majority vote \�rezoning mat�;ers, recorded the vote as "Failed of Adoption" and re used to publish same; and S�IiER�S , Michael J. McDonougll did appeal to the Ramsey Couizty District Court for relief; and WIiEREAS , the Honorable John W. Gra�f, one of the judges of the � �/, Ramsey County District Couri;, after hearing �argument from counsel �� �or r1r. McDoilough and counsel �oi the City did r.ule on May 25, 1970, � � that tha�; �art of Section 64.06 requiring a two-thirds majority o � vote ��Tas iilvalid, and did further rule tliat ttie �ouncil vo�;e on June 4, 1gG9, constii;u�ted a lawful adoption of the ordinance rezoning � �� a the four and one-half lots at Prior and Iglehai t Avenues iil the a � � City of Saint Paul from a "B" Residential District to a "C" Itesidential �� � � Disti ict; and ��" � WH�I�EAS, the Honorable John SJ. Graff did order 1;he City Clerk � to publisll the ordina�ice passed on June 4, 1969, aild to correct the ��.� -CC�-h-° �` Council minutes for June 4, 1969, so as to show thai; the ordinance {''" was adop�Led; now, thei efore, be it RESOLVED, that the ordinance rezoning the four and one-hal� loi;s at the southeast corner o� Prior and Iglehar�; Avenues in the • City of Saint Paul. �roni a "B" Residential Dis�;rict to a "C" I�esidential District be published to read as follows: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas ATays . Butler Carlson � Approve� 19� Levine ._�n T�'avor � Meredith MAyor Spr�,f lca Tcacsco A�ainst A'Fr. Pi•esiclent, D'IcCarty � �'��4 __ ._.«-,_ - -- --. ------------- - --. _ __ _ __ -- -- --- - �----- .. . 2��6'.°��. ORIGINAL TO CI7Y CLERK ,,� � . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF Page 2. � "An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, � of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districi;s, Height Distric ts and Rezoning of certain . properties in _the City of Saint Paul, � as amended. THE COUNCIL OF TIi� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES . ORDAIN: . Section l. That th� Zoning Code, Ch pters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative �ode, pertaining to. Use Districts, Height Districts and I�ez�oniilg of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and � the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone i;he following descriUed property from "B" Residence District to "C" Residence District, 1;o—wit: . The Saest 2 of Lot 5, all of Lots 6, • 7, 8 and 9, Block 26, Merriams Re— arrangement of Blocks 24, 25, 26, 27, � 28 & 29 Merriam Park; � situate on property located on the southeast corner of , � Prior and Iglehart Avenues in the City of Saint Paul . Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tliir�;y (30) days �rom and a�ter its passage, approval and publication� " � . � and, be it � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— � Yeas Nays • � Butler Carlson Approve� 19� Levine ..—In Favor Meredith Spra.f ka Mayor A gainst � ' Tedesco Mr. Pi•esident, 11'IcCarty . ��� � ' CRIGIMAL TO CITY CLERK �� /'� i� ` .i,f� , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE � ' ' ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIOhlER �ATF � Page 3. � � r FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk correct the Council minutes for June 4, 196g, to read as follows: '�C. F. 244003. FINAL ADOPTION An ordinance rezoning the west 2 of Lot 5, all of Lots 6, 7 , 8 and g, Block 26, Merriams Rearr. of Blocks 24, 25 , 26, 27, 28 and 29 Merriam Park, situai;ed on the southeast corner of Prior and Iglehart Avenues, to "C" I�esidence District. � � � ftoll call on Final Adoption of the ordinance. Yeas - 4 - Comsrs. Carlson, Meredith, Peterson, Tedesco. Nays - 3 - Comsrs. Dalglish, Spra�ka, PZr. Pres. Byrne. � . � Adopted. �� � � . . .�.�.�. � �� ���� COUNCILM�N � Adopted by the Council 19_. Yeas Naya � ���j_ ? :� �n •,� Butler ' ����`' Carlson . proved 19.— Levine . n ravor Meredith � Sprafka J ayor A gainst . Tedesco . Mr. President, McCarty 2� �g7� puat►sHEO ,JU�. �..�.� ��� ��rr a�, fAUL J. KELLY 2ZFi12t �°� �'� .lOTHNMR.�DUCKSTAO ° ARTMUt M.NELiON '�, �,,,".••� o JEROME J.56,G/1l � ... � THOMAS M.MOONE1f RO�RT E.O'COIqiEL4 . JMAES W. KENNEY p���y CITY OF SAINT PAUL ����� FIR/ATRICK 6ERAI.D H.SWANSON �ANIEt A.KLAS 60RDON C.AA005lRUG6ER �.��.� LLiAL pE�ARTY 6NT PAUI F.MeC�aSKi1r.�R. 31 i City N�11� Sf. �e�i. Ni���f�td 65102 �OfE�N �. f11YYtRs Corvoa�bs Co..ui T�� Qit�r Gleric t�n�: A��t T. t97'o Your lettar of A1t�tft 6t 197t3 . concern3ng 1�tt�r oi J� Diwbm�sy att�. far Cisr�so• Hiaita, a�r�a�r�►is� r�soxias is d. S. Ha�s'Ao�r t�►t� aa lio�. f�5, 19�9, has been received. Mr. St1�a�'ris of this offi,ce hss been assignect to the n�atter, and you n►ay direct future inquires concerning the sam� dfrectly to him. T�ISL A. YI.A9 Corporation C,ounsel � � Q � �� . l � 224-4345 a10HN E. DAUBNEY ATT�RNEY AT LAW � �° t: � � �' �!�+ .�y. �� � 73B MINNESOTA BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINNESOT.A 55101 ��+V � ��Fr� august 5, �9To �``�����N cou�ys�,,, The Honorable The City Council City oP St. Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55�� Deex Mayor McCarty, (3entlemen and Madam: In December of 1968 Mr. Cl�rence C. Bialka Yiied a petitian to rezone �t8 3�+, 35, �+2 ead the South 50 Yeet oP Lot #3, J. W. Basg' Acre Lots, alao known as 13� Westminster Str��t, St. Paul, Minne�ata, from"A"to "C" Residence Distr�.ct Yor the purpose oP construeting multiple unit dwellirtgs. The petition was re- ferred to the Finance Depart�ment on December 26, 1968, and the petition was deter- mined to be legally sufPicient. The Zon3ng Board approved the petitior� on January 22� 1969, and thereaf'ter several hearir�e were held befare the Council, and an ordinance approvirng the rezoning was introduced on Apri1 22, 1q69, bein� No. ��+3319• Sev�rsl Purth�r delaya result�d aPter the �ntroduction of the ordine�nce, and a final vote on th� matter Was taken on October 25, �969 at �rhich time the Council voted 4 to 3 in suppc>rt oP the ordinance, but the minutes noted that the ordinance "failec� of a8option" by rea�on of the fact it did not receive 5 affirmative vc�te�. The District Court o�' Ramsey County in a recent decisi.on imrvlving the McDonough property at Pr1or & Zglehart he�s rt�.led th�t the ordinance requ3rir� 5 affirmstive votes i� invalid and th�t State law anc� C�ty Charter require but a si�ple ma�o�rity, or k vates, to e��ect a rexoning 3.n the City of St. Paul. Th�t this decision has been accepted by the City Couneil by resolution implementin� the Court's decieion. It i� respectf'ully requ�`estefl the,t similar action be taken on the Bisl.ka mat#�,er. This would involve the introduction of a reaolution by the� City Couneil instructing the City Clerk to correct the Council minutes of Novem- ber 25, 1969, showin� that the ordinance had passed, an& furth�r instructing the City Clerk to cause -�he ordinance to be published as provided by l�w. To the best of my knowledge there are na other propertiee similarily a�fected, as previous C�uricil policy we,s not to cau�e an ordine,nce to be introduced unless it reaeiv�d 5 affirmative votes in support of the p�tition �►t the time of the so-called public he�►rin�. At the time o�' the Pinal �doption o�' tlie ordinaace an both MeDonough and Bi�,].ke. ordinaace� c�rze Councilman changed his vate from a�firma- tive to ne�ativ�� resultir� in a 4 to 3 a�'firmat�ve vc,�e on fina3. reading of the ardinance. In th3.s f�,ctual situetion the Court d�termined tha-t the rezoning had in fact been accomplished, but that �inal implementation requ�red that th� record indicate that the ordinance had paBSed and that th� ordina�ace t�herea�'ter mugt b� published bef'ore it became formally e�'fectiv�; it ie this adminietrative action that is request�d in conformity with Jud�e Gra�'£'s ruling in the McDcnough case. Resp et , ub�nitt�, �`�—�OHI� E. I)AITBl EY`� �� �--� �:Px '� Att rn�y �'ar Cl�rence C. Bi cc - Draniel Klss, Corpc>ration Couricil .� , . � PETITION AGAINST LINEAR PARK Nim'IBER OF SICNATURES � � . TOz T� HOAtORAB,LE MA�GpR, AND CITY COUNCIL Navember 25, 1969 ST. PAIIL, MIlJNESpTA WE ARE IN OPPOSITIO�t TO THE PROPOSED LINEAR PARK THAT IS B�ING DISCIISSED BY THE Ct�MPREHENSIYE PLANNIN(} CO�iTTTEE OF THE PHAI�T AREA P�OR TI� �1DLI�WING REA5t)NS s �'P��T� 52 properties could be atfected by the approxi�aate 23..Acre Park Plan, xhich msaa� �re property going off the Tax Rolla. A va,st amount of money Wonld be ne�ed to acquire these propertiea. This would �erease onr Tax Base, thereby INCREASING OUR TAXE,S. The Parks and Recreation Depa.rtment does not haae enough funds to fn11Y maintain onr present park sy�tem. St. Paul does nc�t have enough furxis to completely maintain our Park Police Force. With these reasons in mind, we are fearful some parks could become blighted or deteriorated. Money presently bndgeted to the F..arks Department is not eno�gh to •sintain serrices in the present Parks and Playgronnds for the children. To constrrtct ar�d maintain a LINEAR. PARK in this area ia conceivabl,y �ery eYpenai'e. ST. PAUL NEEDS MORE MONE3C (3QINa INTO TFiE TREASIIRY. We, the underaignmd t,axpay�ers xo�td aupport the 10 Acrs Pl�ygrvn�ci Park presently ui�der consideration for thia arsa b�tt teel the linear park aoncept is econwnically msaeQeptable. We, the vmdersignsd taxpay�era c�f St. Panl do hereby oppos� the plarming of the approximat� 23-Acre linear park as is beir� discussed in the Bast Side �t�ea. � /�� � .�Y l�� , Q��-� �D�� ���-�'` J � , t � 2� � �Q f� � �� '� � G � � � J%/ � , � . -..�.. � � �/ ;j, J � ` , . / ��� i / ����� /��� . �....7 ��:; � r' /, -� ! ' /� ... . � � • � . �4 f ^ � 0 "' . �m`h��` - • ` ' �� �Of �. 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