242898 2428�8 co��� xo.._.�.....�.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMYNARY ORDER. ' Theundereignedhereby propoeeef�hemal�ingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of Saint Psul,vis.: . reconstruct the sidewalk on the southwest side of Como Ave. from Doswell Ave. to ` .�.Eto�.�t:...��a_b.Y..ao�.�.8..$��r..4��€1�.�4�k.I��l.#��1�..��...���.��3'.a�a...��:d�,ntal to complete said�im�rovement�........................».................................. ...........................»................................................................ Dated tLis... 28th:.......day og.................................March . .... .. 19 69 , ........... .................. __�.��.. ... .......... Couaailman. � PRELIMINARY O1tDER. � WHEREA$, A written propoeal for the making of the following imprnvement� vis.: ` ;� reconstruct�the_.sidewalk_on the._southwest .side.of_Como.Ave.__fro�m Doswell.Aveµ�to �'� Brompton„St;,_and.,by._�ing„all.,other,work„which_is„necessary,_.and„inciden�al._to complete said improvement. ...._..................................•--........................_.......___.................---•---................................---.........._._......---............._...................._ having been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul..............._...................................._._...-----.........._... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worke be and is herebq ordered and direoted: ' 1. To investigate the necessity for� or deairability of,.the making of eaid improvement. : 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and estimated cost of said impmvement, and the total aost thereof. � 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. • 4. To state whether or ao�eaid improvement ie aeked for on P,he petitio� of three or more ownere. b. To report npon all of t,he foregoing mattere to the �mmiseioner of�nanoe. Ni�R 2 �► 1969 Adopted by the CounciL........--•................................................................ Yses ``�`�: :::` ; `.�:�`�� Councilman .Carlson De1 g 1 is h Approved.........._............».....-------•................•-•----...... ���G��� u,.�,,.sa�_ P�����ri,— n, Tpa=---- .......... . : , ��r,��esidet�t B�tt;�re _ ` ayor. Vace Yr�ai�eLt (h'etetaun), � ` •000 7-�s• r— �/ PUBLISNE� �F� � 1969