242871 ORIGINAL O CITY CLERK /.��i� �`;� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. w � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONER DATF APPROVAL OF PLANS In the matte� of grading and surfacing with bituminous �aterial the alley in Blk. 4, Hazel Park Plat B from the C. St. P. M. � 0. Ry. Co. Right-of-way to Nan Dyke St. Tncluding tu�n-araWnd: Also constructing a sewer for stor� water purposes in an ease�aent �nder ps�el i�inary 6�der 236315, approved Dece�aber 22, 1967, and Final Order 240838 approved November 5, 1968. Resolved, Tk�at the plans and specifications as s�b�itted for the above named ia�provement be and the same are he�eby approved and the Co�issioner of Pe�blic Works be and he is hereby directed to do the �rcrk at an est i�oated cost of $4,488.33 by C i ty Forces and that the City Purchasing Agent proceed to secure the necessary �aateriais; and, be it Further Resolved, That the cost of the above named i�prove�ent _ incic�ding e�gineering a�d inspection expenses a�ounting to $673.25, plws Finaace Ct�arges of $63.00, or � total of $5,225.00 be assessed against the benefited property. �ept. Cont. No. 69-6-174�. Mp,R 2 7 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays �� 2 � ���� � Dalglish Approved 19_ Maredi+h � — Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUeLISHE� MAR 2 y 1��9 �� DU'PLICATE TO PRINTER �� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � =� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� NO.��`�'� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ���.� �� ����,s� CO M M 1 SS I ON ER DAT° APA�'�AI. �F' IKAN� tn the mattar cf gra�ding �nd sur�act�g Mith bituminous mater�ai tha at l�y ir� Blk. 4, Hazel 1�►rk p�ia�� B fram tF� C. St. P. M. S 0. Ry. Co. RIghC•of�wey to V�n Gyl�► �t. inctuding .tuw�n�arewnd: A1sa constructtng a sew�er far �torm watmr purposes i� sr� ssaea�ent undor proi lmfn�r�r crder� 236315. �PProv�d il�scemt�r 22, �9�7. and Finai Order 240$38 approve�d Nav�bar 5, 1968. Resol�rady That the plans a�+d sperctficatia�a� s�r �tub�nttted for the above� named improw�snt be and tha sue�a sr� tt�are�by approv�d and tt�a Camn�isstanar of 1"�bl ic Mqrks bs and t� ls h�reby ctirectad to do the wrotk st an �st i�te�d cos� o€ �4,�t8$.33 by C i ty �'orc�s a�d that the C i ty l�r�eh�s t�g Age�nt prc�r�ee►d to s�cure thee nac�essary materiais; ar�d, b�a it Furth�r �te�ol vod, Th�t #he cost of tha abpw► nam�d t�oprQVre�►nt including sngin�eri�g snd inspactic�n ax�osnatees sa�nttn� to �6y3.25, pius �inante Chargas o� �63.1ip, ow a tot�l of $5,��5•QQ � assessed aga lnst Che� bene�'1 ted prop�srty. I)epL• CmTlt• Nb. 6j�6w174C!• � � `�a"�_4� _ �' �;4i.,e:? COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya ,, c G-`'di'1�.b�' �. � . .v Dalglish '� Approved 19— M�� � Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafku Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �O