242686 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK 2426�� ' , CITY OF ST. PAUL fOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �cE?�rsE cc�������r�r� CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � M�T'CYl 7.�� 19d9 COMMISSIONE DATF 1�iER,�AS: The Ladies Auxiliary of Fost No. 162, Jetaish War Veterans has mar�.e applicati.on for permission to conduct �a� Days on P�Ionday and Tuesday� June 9� and 10� 1969, between the hours o� 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on the streets of the Cit;� of Sai.nt Paul� therefore� be it RESQLV:r�U: That permissi on be and the same �.s hereby �ranted to the Ladies AuxiliaM� o£ Fost No. 162� Jewi.sh ��Jax Veterans to conduct such sol_ic�.tations on the days� dates� and bett�aeen the hours rec�uested. R�-'IJEWAL Inforr►a11y an�iroved b� �ouncil Maxch 13, 1969 Mailing ��ddress: C�0 PSrs. �re1�Tn Broner 928 Grand �venue, �pt. �02 St. Paul, Minnesota� 55iot� MAR 18 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays !1� I � 1969 Carlson Dalglish pproved 19�_ Meredith n Favor Peterson ' Sprafka o Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE! �AR 2 2 196� 0 � � � C � _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL �„+ : Capital of Minnesota '�' �.Z C ��p �e a�ti�e�t a a��ic �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets AEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, DeDUty Commissioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, License Inspector March 13, 1969 Honor�.Lle May or a,nd City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlenen: The I,adies Auxiliary of Post No. 162, Jewish War Veterans of +he t1. S. A. make application for permiss3.on to conduct Tag �ays on Monday and Tuesday, June 9� and 10� 1969, bett�een the hours of 8;00 a.m. and 2r00 p.m. They have complied with Ordinance ATO. 13338, amendin� �hapter No. 1150.00 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and Ordinances which deals with solicitation of funds. The application is made by E�elyn Broner� President; and Rose Kuretsky, Treasurer. Very truly yours� � � � � . �',i..cense Inspector � �_- � � O � � C�TY UF STe FAIR, Office of Licsense �n.spector 202 Fublic Safety Buildi.n,g St o P�ulg I�.nnesota 55101 Application f'or permission to solicit ftulds, or to conduet tag days� upen the atreats of the City of St. Paul, A�innesota, Date of Application FESRiTARY�I9�Q 1. Name oP organization JEWISH WAR VETERANS OF THE U.S.A. AUXILIARY POST`�1�162 . � Address of organization 92� GRAND AVE�ST.PAUL,MINN. 55105 c/o MRS, EVELYN BRONER 2. Chief officer of organiz�tion pRFSTiIFNT�„�,�„�,_,,,E,yELYN BR�t?NER 3. Secretary of organization MRS. LILLIAN BERNSTEIt1 4. Name of person ar pers�ns responsible for �he distribution of colleeted funds. __ 1r1RS. EVELYN BRONF;$_, AND_(MRS� � nSF. K1IRFTSKV 5. Purpose or object for which aolioitation is to be made ,*T„� ,,,,, n� �kf�,�r � s. use to b� �ae o� fur�as collec�ed _ �EE IT�I �� 5 MINNEAPOLIS V 7o Solicitati�n will be made on � o dates, � i� betwesn the hours oP �%l(,/yt . and p'1��,ly� 8, Loaation where solicitation will take plaes DQ�„�ijq'p{,� ST. PAUL 9e Liat the amounts of an�r �+a�es9 Pses, commissiona, costs or exp�nses paid or w�ioh are expacted to be paid in connectiQn with solicitation. Also list n�ames of persons to whom psy7nenta have bean a�de .or vv�.11 be made and the amounts of such paym�nts o (A financial s�a�eu�sii�" iacluding this inform�tian may be attachea,) —_ ONLY�„�,T�S �Q� WfIICH D SBURS �, NTS WIL.L.��MADF� ARF FpR POPP�ES AND PoSTAC,E. THE ATTACHED FINANC.TAT. STATF'MF:UT : CONSISTING OF� FIVE (5)INK=WRITTEN PACzES. INCLUDES THE THIS FINANCIAL REPORT IS TO BE CONSIDERED AS PART OF THIS APPLICATION. (��°) a . 10. Attach s copy of bud�et showing solicitations for this fiscal or ealendar yea r. llo Have you read Chap�sr 450 of the St. �ul Legislative Code, whieh provides for �he securing of permission to conduot �he solicitation of funds, or tag days, upon the streeta of the Gity of St. Paul and do you fully understand the regulations also provicled in said ordinance? yES 12, Application u�de in behalf of the above or�anization bys 1Vame EVELYN RR(1NER Ti�le or �fficse pj�S7DFNT Name ROSE KURETSKY Title or Office TREASURER sTA2� oF �n�sarA) �ss covNTY oF �zsEY EVELYN BRONER and ROSE KURETSKY being duly aworn. say that they are the petitioners in tiva above application; that they hav� read the fbregoing petition and know contsnts and purposes therepf; that same is true of their o�m knawledge. ✓ ��LL� � EVELYN BRONER ✓ R E KURETSKY Subacribed and s�rorn to bef ore me this 25th ay of F BRUAR 969 � No ary blics, R�msey otmty M' esota NIy commission expires �iC�[}^�/ ')/ �, � .'riS.�.;�-1 FjCi`!.`'ril�litv `-' .y 1(fVi�.z �y.:':a>•y r':bi�sr., N.�;,',seY �-�.i�'� � ,,r�r�;i�slon �r.,r�.;:is P.�r .23, =� f:`,y ., :�iarch 13,1`�9 �1 � , ,, ; Hon. Wm. E. Carlson _._.__i �� Comsr. of Public Safety `��� - , Public �afety 81��. ��.��: ..----_` �.'� Dear Sir: Atte n: Daniel McLau�hlin � ���. The City Counci.� today infa�ly appr��a the application of the Ladies Aux:iliary af' P�st� 1�2,,r 'ewish ?-Jar Vet�er�ns �f L�. the U S A. �or permissi�n tc� con�.�. �g �ays on P•�onday t�nd Tue�da,y, June ��th an:9,;.(�,,19b9,� �t�reen �tze hours o�' �:00 r�.hi. �nd 2. :00 P.i�i. ,i�,-.�`_`_.�• �,, \��\ ,/� �� \y� ��7i11 yoi.z p:�.ease p�e��.re the cu �mary resolution cov�xin� �Eh3.s matter.`:� ` � `�_ ` �� '� �1�ry tr.+wl.�� y��urs, _._.�� \ �,,� / l �' �,.�.�t� l`l s,rk 21�; I � � 1 � � r /� f \� � � � ; .� �-.-_ �,