242861 ��2,�,�� c��Fue xo...�......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT , and PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6eundereignedh�eby propoeeef�hemal�ingof thefollowingpubl�aimprovement by the GYty of 8aint Paul�vL.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of Fairview Ave. from Berkele.y._Ave;�north .. ........._____....................•----....»................... ............................................ ......... to the all�_a�proximately,_.143„ft;, and on both sides .of Fairview Ave=_,from„Wellesley Ave. to Berkeley Ave. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to com lete said.im�rovement�.......�.....�w.....����. ������....���_���� Dsted this.».... 27th�....dsy of..........March..................... .. . 69 .-.......�ZY;2!?�:.�' .......... .............. Counoilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the west aide of Fairview Ave. from Berkeleq Ave. north to the alley approximately 143 ft. and on both sides of Fairview Ave. from Wellesley .............................................................................___................-------..........-•---............................................................................. Ave. to Berkel�X.�Y�x..a��:.b.x..�o.�aag..��,l..Q�h.�x..�ux�s..��i��h..�..m���a��,xy..�m�..�.c��.�n��l to.cqm�le tg..�a��.._��►P.�S?.Y.��i1�..�....___.......--•........................•-----..................._._............................................... 6sving been preeented to the Council of the City of$sint Paul..............._..........._................._................................._.... therefore, be it R.E80LVED, That the Commisaioner of Publia Worke be and is herebq ordered and direoted: 1. To inveetigate the ne�eseity for,or deairability of,.the making of eaid imprnvement. � 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement� and the totsl ooet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plsa, proSle or eketch of said improvement. - 4. To stste whether or no8 eaid improvement ie aeked for oa t,he petition of three vr more owner�. b. To report upon ull of t,he foregoing mattere to the Commieeioner of F'iae►noe. r�`.� Adopted by the Counal..._................................:....:............................._.. Ysee Councilman �attson MAR 2 7 1964 ) Da 1 g 1 i s h �PProved.........................._........................................ �j��c�� f�o�e�d .Mer.editi�- Peterson Tedesco ----- --••••=••• Mr. President B�tzrre Msyor. �000 �.sa JS '� � PU�LISHE, �AR � 9 19��