241851 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK _J4����� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ti _ �� �z��?s� �t�;zaT.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. `� ° OUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF Mar.ch 2'7, Z9� ft�"'�QLVED: That licenses a�p?ied for b�r the followin� �ersons at the addresses stated, be and the s�ne are bereby �?ranted. Wal?ace :�ar, Inc. 674 �o�d Rd. Restaurant �-2 A�p.8739 Renewal �� " �ff Saie Ma.lt '� � � " " Cigarette n n r� Henrv J. 5cheibel 4?7 S. Waba.sha Restaurant C-7_ " 8816 " " " Of£ Sale l�Ialt n n tt " " Tavern " " " " " C�oarette " " ° Velotta's Bar, In�. 381-3 'n�. ?th Restaurant �1 " 9166" " " Off �ale j�ialt " " " '° n Cf.garette " 'tl n A�ob�l 03.1 -o., Inc. t�2C� Adri.na 1ZV�994-1004(�.iel Dlr.)9279" George A. Koutek �75 :>. Chatsworth �n,�en.�ar. �op.95�'T �enewal V�rnon Shackleton 728 Stew�rt Junk Gatherer " 95�-2 " L.C. Roth a: Arnold L. Roth, Jr, 1�85 T�'. 7th Grece,~��• �_l �� 954g• Cross Bros.-Kroni.cks 3�9 Fu?�on Ldv.I}'% Plant " 9597 ° Cl�ren�e M. Gran 171 Front Barber " 9E58 ' l i��m. Se�'al ��holesale Cxrccersr Co. 531 Riee Foods MPI7�1� " 968gn n n 1V�lOhH e a n Anthor�y P. Mangir.i 117'� ^larC�� Restaurant �-2 '" ;�7�� " n f� CI.gaI'G'ttt' n n ei General EZectric Co. 2225 IIni.�Tersity .R1ec.,�pp.Rep. " 9749 " Gerald �. Engen 2526 6T. 7th ^igarette " 9?81" Or'oe 0. Weithoff 182 ?�. Grotto Gen.RPp.�Tar. '" 9�1" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK ��(1['��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0� �4��j Lz��?JSG ���I�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �' � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY L�, COMMISSIONER DATE March 27. Zg'Tf �ont�. Page 2 :�7m. .�. Hoff 1257 �. 3rd. ^ig.Qper.2,ki App.98S0 Fenewal n „ 5 add.mach. " " " Fairda�T ^ornor�tion 325 �a�Tton V.Ni.L�.^.1�i " 9�74 n ❑ K_rbowlan Super �i�.rket, Tn�^. 688 Hague V.t:.Lo�.lt•� " 9976 " n �� 1 add.ma^h, " �� « John �. Gitzen 231' atis V.i�i.Lo�.1M " 998�" Aaloh & James Utecht 166�3 Se1by I�y.DC ?�].ant " 1000b' Hvrnan I,a�hman 8f5 �. 7th Ldy.DC Pickun " 10007"' Kerbert '�. S�hauer 600 PortJ.anc3 P�tr.Veh.Dr. * 100?4" R.J. 0'i�eil '%o. ��0 E. 6th Fkg,Lot 2�c " 10026" Ha.rold Gu�.den 1202 Payne tiT.M.Lor.1hl * 10035" Cyril J. & Eleanor %. Brozek 999 H�adson Rd. V.M.Lor.lM " Z0036" n �� � add.ma^h. n n n Roy K. Voss 305 Maria V.Nf.Lor.1M " 10037" " " 1 add.mach. " �� g Paul �i4. �. Thomas L. Pari.seau 695 �rcade V.M.Lo^.l� " 10039" A-� Atato Parts & Salvarre, In�R 38R �'omo �T.i��.I,o�.1M " 10040'r K. Keith & R4ary ISurrasck� 908 Mounds St. V,M.Z;oc.1NI " 10050• Albert Fidell & Allen �IichZin 10� W. Lake Nipls. TV Master ' 10063" :•�n. A, Hoff`;�Eugene Prender�ast 12'72 -�.Pt.Douglas Rd. V.I!�.Loc.1M E' 1.Q070" Super�or Dairy F�Sh Milk,�merican Bak�ries, In^. V.N.Lo^,1M " 1Q071" n 97 E. 12th 1 ad�.ma^h� ° n �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne O .^) K� OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK /,���� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL r'' t,z��vs� CON�iIT'.I�' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�'. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SSIONER DATE March 26, 1969 ontd. Fage 3 Sunerior Dairy Fresh Mi1k�Railway Express Agencv 290 �'. Ke11o�g V.A�i.Lo^.1M Aop.10072Rer�ew � ��onve�or 5c�e�ialty !'o. 100? ^ornf.n� V.�i.Loc.:Lm t�pp.10075"' " �F.Q.K. 160 E. Ke11o�� V,P�Z.Lo�.�.1M " 10081" * n 1 add.ma^.�'a. n n n � ,`�+iaster Industries '�o., Inn. 51� I�afayette �?d. V,M.Lo.^,1P�i " 10082� ° �Buckbee I�ears '%o. 2�� �`. 6th V.NT.Lo^.1M " 10087" w n 2 add.ma��h. �� ri �� " �St. Paul Dis*�atch & Pioneer Press 5� F. 4th V.t�.I,oc.1PR " 10091" MAR 2 7 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� `�����? �? , �9�9 Dalglish �_ pproved 19�_ �h `� Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka `� Mayor A gainst Tedesco PU�LISHES MAR 2 9 1�69 Mr. President, Byrne O