242842 •OkI61NAL TO CITY CL6RK (1��/��� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL i "� ISc�r1s� cc�-��TT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY `- , COMMISSIONE DATF March 2 7, 1969 WHEI�EASt The Fourth District, Veterans of F'ore�_on Wars has made application for perr.iission to conduct a Ta� va;� on Friday� PRay 23, 1969, between the, hours of 6;00 a.m. and 12:00 midn�ght on the streets of the City of St. Pau�.� therefore� be it RESOLVEu; That p-_rrnissi on be an.d the sam� is hereb� ;rarted to the Four�h District, Veterans of roreign y'lars to conduct such soZic�.tat�.ons on the d�ys� date� and between the hours requested. I�iJE:di�L Informally anproved b�� �ouncil March 25, 19b9 Mai.lin� �ddress: Karvey G. Iv'estaval� Chairr�an ?552 Charles �,venue St. Paul, PTinnesota� 55101� MAR 2 � 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays es�e� �JIIP��t 2 , �9�9 Dalglish Approved 19�_ / �� , Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka 'J Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne p[ri�IS�t�r� MAR 2 9 19�9 �o � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Capital of Minneaota �� / ��-�}���,Z. �e a�ti�e�t o a�`ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICS AND FIBE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Depnty CommLsioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieen�e Insyeetor Y�Zarch ?.�;, 19�9 �:onorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, "�linneso�a sentlemen: The Fourth District, Veterans of Foreign b�lars makes applic�<.tion for per►�ission to conduct a Ta� Day on Frida.�*, Ma.vr 2 3, 19�9, between the hotirs of 6;00 a.m. and 12;00 m�dnight. The�T ha.ve c�nplied with Ordinance i1o. ?3338, arnencl?ng Chapter �10. l�50.00 of t,he St. Paul Legislative �ode and Ordinances which deals �aith solicitation of funds. The ap;�lication is m�e by Iiarvey J.rlestaval� and Emil J. La.��orelle� PoppJ Chairmen. Very trul;� yours� � V' //t/c . License Inspector ,#�. �j �,.. x.,, N. 1 `/ � � O ` y • I C�TY UF ST. PAUL OPfice of Licenee �nspact or 2�2 Public Safet�r Build�.ng St o Pau18 I�innesota 55101 A,pplication for permission to solicit funds, or to conduct tag days, upon the atreets of the City of St. Paul, �2innesota, � Date of Application""",�T�'�19� 1. Name of' organization genrt}s l�s�rt nt_ vwter�ba O1' F��ei.gl'� �..s�+s � Vetersna ot Fot�sigq Ware� Dept. o! �inn�so�� �ddress of organizationVete��ne qa+w� nw An� 7r�� �n_ A1:� p�nl _ Ytnn_ RRIQi 2. Chief officer of arganization Ksi�h 3mith, S,,.QB (�ltier. 3t. P�u1s Minn, 3. Secretary of organization 4. Nams af person or persons responsible for �ha distribution. of colleeted funds. _ �rvey (3. l�dst�na7 � 7 �iA? wt•1ws evw_� y�• PilaZy—K�Oii� 5. Purpose or object for which solioitation is to be made �� osAlst�nnw e* naedy vaterona and members o!' the Armed Foroes and their dependeats 6. Use to be rr�de o� funds collected p�l re ort. 7o SolicitatiQn grill be made on_ p�Z.����xa�-$3.r--19:�:° ��8�' - bet�esn the hours oP_ 6t00 �,,�j,� �nd �s�sALLYidniah� 8. Lo4ation �rhere s olicitation will take place ���� ��� 9e Liat the amounts of any w��esg fees, cormnissions, cos�s or exper�ses �id ar whieh are expected to be pa�id in connection �nrith solicitatione Also list n,ames of persons to wham payrnenta have been mada or will be made and the amoun.ts of such ymentso (A financial state�nt i.ncluding th�s inform�tian may be attaeheci,� 8eee ���°) � ' - I0. $ttach a copy of budget sho�ring solicitations for thia fiscal or calendar yea r. 11. Havs you read Chapter 450 of the St, �ul Legislative Code, which pronrides for the securing of permission to conducst the solicitation oP funds, or tag days, upon the streets of the City of St. Paul and do you fully understand `., the regulationa also provided in said ordir�ance? Ye� , • , 12o Application msde in behalf of the above organization bya Name Hal�vs� (�. l�estavsl Titie or OfPicse 1969 Diatriot Poppy Choirm�n .a„ Name $mil J. Laborelle Titie or Office Dept. 02'. 6�inn. Poppy Choir�aaa Dept. o! Minn. Qa+�rtermaater STATE �F' I��SOTA) �SS CQUNTY 0�' RAIdSEY Harvey a. l�estoval ana 8mi1 J. L�box�lls being duly ��rorn say that they are the petitionera irt tY� above �pplication; that they have read the foregoing petition and lrno�or contenta and purposes thereoP; that same is true of their o�m lrnawledge. . � - Subacribed and sworn to bef ore me this 6�� da y of /��7/�� 19�9 .,�� . a blic, Ramsey oun , Minneaota My commiasion expires /4'��/�- /G'� /�o ' .. . , Msrch 25, 1969 Hon. William E. Carlaon, Comsr. of Publ3.c Safety� Tenth arid Minn. Sts., St. Psul, Minn. Attn: I�r. Daniel P. McLaughlin Dear Sir: The City Council tod8.y inPorme�lly approved the appli- cation of the �'ourth District, Veterans of Foreign Wars Por permission to coruluct a Tag Day on Frfday� l�ay 23, 1969, between the hours of 6:00 a. m. and 12:00 midnight. Will you please prepare the customery resolution? Very truly yours, City Clerk hp