D001253No. D bo i 253 nate: lJ r CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. ADMIN25TRATZVE ORDER, Wfiereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: __Rice & Arlington Sports Dome Support Building known as Contract 15888 , City Project No. B97-06-07 , Jor nson C struction In ., Contractor, is composed of the following: PR #1 Remove existing backstop, construct new backstop, erect 465 L.F., 6' C.L. fence. PR #2 Supply and install 14� wide C.L. service gate. PR #3 Remove temporary bituminous drive, construct concrete drive PR #5 Additional SAC fees not in contract allowance PR #7 Construct parking loC island PR #10 Construct precast concrete panels with 2" reveals Add $1b,202.00 Add 987.00 Add 2,447.00 Add 1,285.00 Add 6,870.00 Add 1.116.00 '----------- --'---- NET ADD $28.907.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum o£ $ 2a,907.00 , said .amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 15858 , and which amount is to be financed from: Original Contract Sum $1,113,000.00 Change Orders to Date -0- Amovnt this Change 23.907.Oo New Contract Sum $1,141,907.00 �i�Ti75l�TIUi C'(l 19� ��/�" is`� �creation Chief Engineer )irectar of :c: City Clerk Finance Department Department Aocounting Project Manager Contraator Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy TFCDA 326-23130-0894-33055 Di�tor of ' ancial S rvices e �. Administrative Assis ant to the Mayor OEPAfliMENT/OFFICEICOUNCR DA7E INITIA7ED Parks and Recreation .� �. ��, � 5J27�97 CONTAClPEqSONANOPHONE INRIAI(pATE � �' � i2 37'i67 INf71AU0ATE en Wehrle Zs6-6422 � � DEPARTMENT DIflECTOP _CRY COUNCI ASSIGN NIiMeER WR �GRV ATiORNEY 5 CfiY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY IDATE) HOUTiNG or�n 4- FINaNCIAL SERVICES DIR. B PARKS & RECREATION � MAYOR WR ASSISTANT) _ TOTAI C OF SIGNA'NflE PAGES � (COP ALL LOCAilONS FOq SIGNAI4RE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval ofi Contract Change Agreement Rice & Ariington Sports Dome Support Building RECOMMEN�ATIONS: Approve (A) w Re�ect (R) _P�MINING COMMISSION _QVIL SERVICE COMMISSIpN _ COMMI77EE __ r SiAFF _ _OISTRICT GOUNQI. _ SUFPORTS WHICH COUNQL 08JECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, Whai, Wh¢n, Where, Why). GREEN SHEET PEfl50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: i. Has this person�rm ever worked untler a cont2ct for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has Fhis personlfirtn ever been a city ¢m0�oyee? YES NO 3. Does ffiis personRrtm possess a sbll nox norcnaily possesseG by any cuvent aty empioyee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separote sheet an0 attach Yo 8��+ sheer. Necessary to compensate contractor for additionai work: remove existing backstop, install new backstop and outfield fencing; install 74' wide C.L. service gate; remove temporary bituminous drive and construct concrete drive; additional �ver access charges (SAC�; construct parking lot isiand; a�d construct precast concrete panels with Z" raveals, ADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: Removal ot existing and construction ot new backstop and outfield fence necessary to allow intended programming; 14' wide C.L. service gate at vehicfe air iock entrance inadvertenily left off pians; concrete drive and parking lot island deleted from parking lot contract and added to this contract to allow construction of adjacent support building; precast concrete wall panels manufactured with 2" reveals vs. specified 1" reveals to prevent corner breakage; project allowance did not cover total SAC charge. IISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: lone RECEIVED 'JUN 18 1991 C1TY CLERK �Vttl �J dJ.7f ���� �������� 4DVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: able to compensate co�tractor for revisions in contract. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S ZH.JO7.00 Vfa SOURCF Tax Exempt Bonds COST/BEVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTNfiY NUMBER VES ) NO '.IAIINFONMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � � PROP03AL .REQIlTsST #1 DATE: April 25, 1997 TO: TXllA ATTN: Rathzyn-Poare Larson - Project Architect 1�C0 �253 RE: Rice & Ax�lington 5gnrta Dome Support Huildiag FAX #: (61z} 292-6083 , APR-28-1997 08�03 ��� TKDGi scR��xsox cQ�rsTRVCriax �tc. 2622 93IiD i�1NF N.B. MINNEAl�OI.IS, 2+Qd 55449 612-784-3877 FAX 612-?84-1583 COMMENTS: Kathryn, Enclosed is a breakdown of coats for Frogosal Request No. 1 dated Apri]. 7, 1997, to provide a new backstop and outfield fencing. The Proposal Request c3oee aot include any landscape repair. l. Remove exi,sting backstop and {2) player benches in their entirety. Jerome Johnson Excavating - $ 500.00 Keller Fence Company - Z,695.00 JCI Commiesion 5� - io� Tota2 - $2,294.00 2. �nstall new backstap srith a concrete maintenance strip. } �I3!1'�1=1�� �yt-ll%1:1 Keller Sence Company - $7,53a.0o JCI Commissipn 5� - 377_00 Total - 57,907.00 RPR-28-1997 08�H3 7KDA 612 292 0083 P.03i08 .' 3. Install a 6� chain link outEield fence. ���� ✓ Keller Fenca Company - $5,?15_00 � JCI Commissian 5� - 286.a0 Total - $fi3O01.00 3ee attached breakdown o£ costs. Please review and provide direction if we are to proceed. r FR�M: Ste:ve Gansmoe - Project Manager CC: fi�.e THERE AI2.E 5 PAGE(S} INCLUDING THIS PAGE. PLEASE CALI, IF YDV DO I�IOT RECETVE ALL QF THS PAGES. r�tPR-28-1997 08�03 TKDR 612 292 0083 P.07/08 � 0 ��� JOAGSIZ3�T CQNSTRIICT2�N INC. 1622 93RD I�ANE N.B. M=I�Dtg}�PQLIS, 2�i 55449 612-?84-3871 FAS 612-78A-1S PROPOSAl'+ REQUEST #2 Dp.TE: April 25, 1997 TO: TxDA / p,TTTi: ICathryn-Poore Larson z'oje�t Azchitect g�; Rice & At23ngtoa Sporta Dome Support Euildiag Fp,X �; (612) 292-�483 COit�+II+[ENT& : KathSysl r I� e2_53 , EncloseQ is a breakdowa of costs for Progosal Raguamt No. 2 dated , April T, 1997, to pzovide a i4' wide service gate at the vehzcle air laek eatrance. 1, pxovide 14' wide x 6' high double swing gate witA lockable latch. Keller �Ence Co�any - 5940.00 SCI Commiesion 5� - --�L-4.Q. Tatal for RR Ho. 2 -$98T.d0 See attached breakdowa of cost�. directxon iE we are to proceed_ FROM: 5teve Gansmoe - Project Mazsager CC: file Please review and pxovide '�EgE ,ARE ,2� PAGE(Sl INTCy�DING THIS PAGE- PI,EASE CALL IF YOU DO NOT RECfiIVE AT,L OF THE PAGE3. ruaY-22-1997 12 � 01 J�'I �i25� � � 34RGENSON CONSTRUCTIDN INC. , � 1622 93RD LA1�TE N.E. � �q��� MINNEAl''OLIS, MN 55449 � �� 612-784-3$77 FAX 61Z-?84-1583 PRt3POSAZ REQUEST #3 � DA'i`fi: May l6, 1997 TO: TI�A ATTN: Kathryv-Poore Larson - Project Aschitect IiE: Rire &�rlirtgtott Sporls Dorrie Support Building FA?i #: (612) 292-0083 COMIv1ENTS: Kat2uyn, Eaclosed is a breakdown of wsts for Yroposal Ttequest No. 3 dated April I6, 1997, to remove , exi.tting bifuminous diiveway and adjacent concrete sidcwalk aad install a new concrete driveway and . crosswatk. ?his proposal does aot include any work associsted with loops/cornrols far the traffic signal. CurbMasters, Tnc. - 51,725.00 Jerome 7ohnson Excavating - 605.00 ICI Commission 5% - 1 t 7.00 Totai - $2,447.00 See attached breakdown of costs. Please review and provide direction if we are to proceed, k'ItOM: Steve C,ansmoe - project Manages CC: file O1G LlL VVIa� �. tv +�+ THERE ARfi _4 PAGE(5)1NCLUAINCr THIS PAGE. PI.EASfi CALL TF YQU DO �1Q? RECEIVE :4LL OF THE PAGES. pPR-30-1997 09�02 TKDA ��� n 1..J J'O22GEN�ON CODISTRIICTION II+iC. 2622.93RD LANL� N.E. iSINNEAPOLxS. MDI 5S$49 612-78�-3877 FAX 63.2-7Hg-1583 FAX TRANSM2TfiAL D.ATE: April 28, 1997 612 292 0@83 P.89i15 !.JW 12�� �� � �,. TO: TKDA ATTN: Kathryn-poore Lars - Project Architect RE: I2iCe & 1lrlingto.n Sports Dome 5uppoYt Bui:Ldiag �A.�' #: (622) 292-0083 COI�iBNTg; Kathryri, . Snclosad is a copy oP Che SAC and wAC fees for the project. 'Phe Allowance £or each item as noted in the Project Dacuments are listed ae w f:` • - :��. � �v.n�C<lNIqEI!►. sAC - s2,000.00 $s,eoa.00 WAC - 6.p,_____qp � S5.485,00 �d¢a� - $8 .000 .OQ $9,265.00 There is an additionaZ amount of $1,285.60. 2leasz review anc� issue a Change Order �or this amount. =f ynu have anY questioas let me know. FROM_ �tieve Gansmoe - Project Manager CC: file T�� R�E �__ 1'AGE {S) TNCLUDING THIS PAGE. PLEASE C;p.s,L SF YOiJ DO NOT RECEI�IE ALL Of' TI-i$ PAGES. MAY-22-1997 11�59 . , fl �� JORGENSON CONSTRUCTIUN INC. i 162Z 93RD LANE N.E. NiINNEAYOLIS, MN 55449 612-7$4-3877 FAX 612-784-1583 PROPOSAL REQUEST' #7 DATE: May 22, 1997 7"O: TKDA AT7N: Kathryn-Poore Larson - Project Architect RE: Rice & Ar&ngtoa Sparts Donce Support Xiuilding �A3i #: (612) 292-0083 . COMI�4ENT5: Kathryn, � ���J �,�.�t� � Enciosed is a breakdown of costs for Proposal RequesY No. 7 dated May 1, 1997, to provsde concrete curb, paving and bacldll and Yopsoil. See attached for breakdown of costs. Curb Master� 3nc. - $3,503.00 Jerome 3ohnson Ex. - 2,042.Q� NW Bitvminous - 998_00 ICI Commission 5% - 327.00 Total - $6,870,011 Ptease review and provide dimction if we are to proceed. FROM: Steve Gansmoe - Projeu Manager CC: t'ile 612 Z92 0083 P �3i15 � ,� , • - f l�� THERE ARE 5 PAGE(S) II3CLUDING THIS PAGE. PLEASE"CALL IF YOU DQ I30T RECEIVE 4LL OF 'THE PAGES. • OS/19/97 14:00 J�l $612 784 1583 JORGENSON CONST JORGENSON CONSTRUCTION INC. J.622 93RD LANE N.E. MINNEA.POLIS, MN 55449 b12-7843877 FAX 612-784-1583 IQ.001/ODZ i� �Z�3 o � � �� ..�.� , � ,� . � �;,�i ' I DA7E: May 16, 1997 TO: 'Z'�DA ATTN: Kathrym-Poore Larson - Project Architect RE: Rice & Arlington SpoRS Dome Suppmt Building Ft1X #: (612) 292-0083 COMNSL•'NC5: Kathryn� l.J Enciosed is a breakdown of costs for Proposel Request No. 8 dated May 19, 1497, to alter the relief graplrics per the architect's direction. See attached £or brealcdown of costs. SpancreteMidwest $1,063.00 JCI Commission 5°10 53.00 Total $1,116.00 Piease rev7ew aad provide direction if we aze to proceed. FROM: Steve Gansmoe - Project Manager CC: Ken Wehrle file THERE ARE _2_ PAGE(S) INCLUDING THIS PAGB. PLEASE CALL IF YOU DO NOT RECBIVE ALI.OF THE PAG�S. JUL— 2-97 WED 10:52 P_92 � --�o\�.53 �. r,.;..� : �; =: -R� 4 �� . �:..��.. _ w _ FouMed By qfCH,aRO SAGSTETTEF �ichards �roperties Wishing Well Aparfiments 44 WESTARLiNG70N TEL. 468-4526 3uly 2, 199? To: Councilmember Bobbi Megard Counc�lmember G�adys Mortott Councilmember Dave'Ttiune Councilmember Joe Collins Councilmember Jezzy Blakey Counca)member Mike Hazris Re_ CQniract 15888 City Project No. B97-06-07 ST. PAllL, MtNNESOTA55117 ``, `Y,^ , • �,,`�,� 1, nti»� F a�s3 � o O We have concems with the requested $28,907.00 contract increase for the li.ice Axlington Sports Domc. On 3w�e 18, 199? we noti£�ed the City that they were in violation of the temporary the height variance of sixty fect. A copy of the letter is attached. Our rcpeated efforis to find out whesl this project will be in compliance have gone nnanswered. Since this project is currently in violation of the temparary height vaz•iance I feal the council should sYOp all payments, and conuact changes until the dome is down. Sincerely, ����' Connie Sagstettez Attachment � JUL- 2-57 WED 1�:53 , P.Oo p _ �Q�as� 7uire 18, 1991 Mr. Phil Byme 400 Ciry Hall 15 Wes[ Koliogg Blvd. St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Rice Axlingtoa Sports Dome Dear l�z. Byme, A temporary height variance of sixty feet was granted to the C�ty for the above project. The application fox the height variance cleazly states that it is temporary, and that "The dome is oaty up 180 days each year." All subsequent decisions, City oouncil and judicial, wae tased on this information. The doma was erected on December 16, 1996. Therefore it is our opinian that the City is now in violation of the temporary variance. We requcst that tfie City immediately removo the dome and provide us with assurance that the dome wilt be down for 186 days. Your prompt attention to this matter is appceciated. Piease catl mc as ro your courae of acrion. Sin erely, Coruzie gstetter � �a H� �'7 frfYr �0.rt✓eIJ��.�,� �i �j �v, �Jn,-c�'aL fo h�J l�a>d�✓�'C k