242840 ` Ori:lnsl to City Clerk �, � � � O R D I N A N C E 4���0 2 COUNCIL FILE NO � � � ► � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF SAMUEL H. SABEAN AND MRS. SAMUEL H. SABE�tN, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS HUSBAND AND WIFfi, AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: - Secticm 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay out of the� Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to Samuel H. Sabean and Mrs. Samuel H. Sabean, individually and as husband and wife, the swn of $258.30, in full settlement of their claim for damages and in�uries sustained on January 30, 1969, as a result of an accident involving „ a City vehicle driven by £dward Quast, at or near the intersection of Ivy and Hazelwood Avenues, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimants upan their execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, 1 in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages a.nd injuries sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval aid publication. � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� APR 15 1969 Carlson � `���- Tn Favor �'— Meredith U � �s�'�c�soai� Sprafka Against Tedesco �":� _ ��' �-:- A ect: APR 15 1969 ttest: �r. �,,� `z'° �Sh PP . le Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By puB��sHE� APR 19 1969 DnPlieate to Pru►ter � RDINANCE ���,��_� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.— � AI3 ORDiNANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM t?P SAMUEL H. SABEAM AND A4RS. SA�IUEL H. SABEAN, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS HUSSRND ,AA!U N)I�F, A�AINST THE CITY OP SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL 0� THE CI'i`Y OF SAINT PALiL DOES ORDAIN: Sectian 1. That the proper C3ty vfficers are her�by authorized. to pay out o£ the Tort Lfability �rand fJ035-421, to Samuel H. Sabean and h1rs. Samuel. H. Sabean, 3.ndividually and as �usband and wife, the sum of �258.30, in £t�11 settlemert't of Lheir claim for d�ma�es and injuri.cs sustained on January 30, 19Ea9, as a result of an accident involving a City vehicle driven by Edward Quast, at ox near the intersection af Ivy and Hazelwood Avenues, Saint Paul, 1�4innesota. Section 2. That said �um shall be paid to the said claiman�Cs upon their execution ar►d delivary of a release in full to the City, in a for� to be approved by the Carporation Counsel, �nr a11 daanages and injuries sustained in the manner atoresaid. Section 3. That this ardinance shall take e�fect and be in faxce thirty days aft�r its �assa�;e, apgroval a►d publication. ��� � `� ���� Yeas Councilme Nays Passed by the Councit �a�ls��'� _ll�t,.�...ti. 5 --�— In Favor �- Meredith U � �rsen- U Against Sprafka Tedesco �P� � �; �,��9 Mr. President (Byrne)-:�: ._______�. Is+ � � � 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app���ldopted �/�� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson �Carlson �� � �eredith `Meredifh �- ,�. 2���,`� .�„�- j . Sprafka � , �prafka `� Tedesco \Tedesco krtF. ��rden# Byr� �:1�.�'„'�,�,��n� ; ;:::: e: ..... � ' , °° .. ..... �'�'. Vicc Preaident ............. 1�,iY.���r�1.,�. .'1':,.;�:��n� 0