PRESENTED BY / �� March 27 ]969
iESQI,�T'r�U: That ap�lication for the transfer of Qn Sale Li.quor and Sunday-Cki�Sale-?�.auor
licer.�es, issued to Patricic k. Conroy at 1553 University Avenue to Midway
Enterprises, Inc. at the same address, and their applic�.-�ion for Restaurant�
�ff '�ale Malt Bevera�e and Ci,�arette I,i.censes for the same location, be and
the same are hereby gr�ted on the condition that within � � days of
triis date said ��idway Enterprises, Inc. shall comply wit�a all requirements
of 1ihe �ureaus of Fire� Health, and Police, and the License Inspector pursuant
to t�'�e St. Paul Legislative Coc�e and all other ap�licable ordina.nces and 1aws.
MAR z � 19�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson � 2 � 19�g
Dalglish Approved 19—_
'�' n Favor
Peterson '
Sprafka � Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne
PUBLISHE, MAR 2 9 1969
f •
"` Cnpital oP Minnesota
�e a�ti�e�t o k�`ic �a et 2������
� �
POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH
ROGER M. CONWAY. Deputy Commissioner
DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspeetor
March 27, 1969
Honorable PiarTor and City Council
Saint Paul� rlinnes�t a
The �'idwa,;;T En+..erprises, Inc. is joined by Patrick A. Conro3*
in makin� application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License r1o.
7608� expirirg Januar�,� 31, 1970� and Sunda��-On-Sale-T,iouor License
No. 58�`7, e�irin� September 15, 1969, from the pr�sent licensee�
Patrick A. Conro� at 1553 University Avenue to Plidtray Enterprises,
Ir�c . at +,he same address.
Midtiaay Enterprises, Inc. also ma'.tes application for Restaurant,,
pff Sale A7alt �everage and Ci�are;t,e licenses for the sar,►e location.
The officers of the corporation are John J, �3igaouette,
President and 5ecretary; and i�onald r�. Orth, t'ice-pres_d.ent and
Treasurer. '1'hey also are the only two stockholders.
This location has been licensed. as a 3.2 establishment
s�.nce 1933, and as an on sale liquor establist�ent �ince 1955•
The present licensee, �'atrick A.Conro�, has held the licenses
since July 196f3.
I°ir. Bigaouette was emploJed by +,,he LT. j. �overnment from
196l� to 1966, in 1965 for the Federal Cartridge �orp. and sirc e 1966
with Univac.
P?r. Orth Has been with Remington-Rand-Univac for the past
fifteen years.
Very truly d=ours�
� Gv..wC.� ���
License Tnspector
March2�, 1969
License In�pector
Public Safety Building
lOth and Cedar Streets .
Saint Paul, Minnesota
L�ear Sir:
The undersigned hereby requests that you transfer the liquor license
.which is issued in his name, located at 1553 University Avenue, Saint
Paul, Minnesota to Midway Enterprises, Inc.
Best regards.
� ..rl'��',,/�rG�'� ^
;',. .
March 25, 1969
, License Inspector
�Public Safety Building
lOth & Minnesota Streets
St. Paul, Minnesota .
Dear Sir:
The undersigned hereby requests that you
transfer the liquor la.cense which is issued in the
name of �.atrick Gonroy, located at 1553 University
AVenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, to Midway Enterprises,
, �Yours. very truly, �
-, ;,
_ � __ . _
, : . , ,
bY .
ohn ig ue.tte,
President a d Secr.etary �
and��� �r.,i' %`�. � �,
: Donalc'� R. Ort
V�,ce Pxesident & "Treasurer
Date March 2 4, 196 9
1. Applioaticn Por liquor license � �� �1` � T� � _ Lieenao
2, Na� oP agplios►nt Donald R. Orth, as Viae Psesident atnd Trsaeurer of
Midway Enterprises, Inc.
3. Buaine�s addre�s�553 t�niv. Ave� . Residenae 1666 No. Sazel AVe. , St. P�tul
4. 2rade r�ame, iP az�y Midtwon Liquors
._...,.... _ _ . �
5. xetail Beer Federal Taa Stamp X Retail 'Liquor Federal Tax Stamp X will be u�ed.
_ ._ �..-.
6. t� �hat Ploor loaated fir�t Idumber of roo�a used'� one
7. Bet�ex� w�at cros9 street� Univ. & 3ne11ingPhieh side of �trse� North
8, Are prem3sea now oacupied yes�at busineae liquor on saleHow lon.g
.,......,.... _ ._ _
9. ,Are premise� naw unocaupied�/Hov� long vacant Frevioue use
._..._ _ , _
10, �re you a new orna.er i=e8 Have you been in � similar bu�it�ess bePore no
�her� 'GPhen
11. Sre you goassg to operate �his buainsas persor�ally Ye$
If a�ot, �rho xill oparate it
12. Are you in. e,ny other business st the present time �'o
13. FIave there been any Qo�plaints againat your oparatian oP thia type of p]aoe No
�ihen Rhere
14. E�ve you ev+er �ad a�qy Xicsense revoked No 1Rhat reason and date
,— - - - -
15. Are pcu a a�.tizen of the IInited StatesY@8 IJatiro�e� Natt�ralized
16. 11Rie� w�ere you borx�,4�t�� Paul� i�iinn. Date of bir�h 6-22-26
17. T am X me�rried. My (v�i.Pe's) �A�i��K�sj name and addrees is Lorraine Orth,
1666 No. Hazel Ave. , St. Paul, Minne�ota
18. (If marr�,ed female) �y maiden name ia
19. Hapr long h�ve you lived in St. Paul 42 ye8rs
20, H�v�a you e�c�ar boen arreated No 'Violatioa oP what ar�mirial l.e�w or c�rdinan:oe�
__.. �
21. Are you a ragis�hered voter in the �i�r of St. Paul X Yes No,
(Ans�r �ull and Qompletely. These a �liQations are tMorou hZ ahealflad a�ri an
fa aifioation �rill be oause for enial,
22. Number oP 3.2 plaQes within �o blooks None �
23. Cloaeat intaaciaa�ing liquor placee t?ri S�le 3 bldgs. p�f �1� 2 blocks
24. Neareet Chureh BpProx. 4 blocks Nearest 3chool aPprox. 4 blocks
25s Number of booths Tables Chaire Stoola
26e '�t oocupe�tian hava you followed for the pe�st fi4e y�earso (Giae names of empluyers
and dates ao employed.)
Rem. Rand Univac, 15 years -- 3-24-54 thru 3-24-69
27. Giv�e� a�mea and addressea of two persona, reaidents of 3te A�ul, b4i.nn„ who oan give
information Qoncerning youe
N�me Howara3 Gearin Addreas 2859 No. Griggs
Rame P'red Bethke .�ddreas Suburban
� i� .
3i�nature of pp ican '
3tate of Adinn,ssota�
C ounty of �maeq )
Donald R. Orth bei.ng first duly s�rorn.9 deposes and says
upon osth t he has read the foragoi.ng atatement bearing his aign,ature and l�o�ra
the oontenta tlYSreof, and that the eamrs ia �rue� of his awn lrnowledgs except as to
thone mattera therei.n s�ated upon informstion and bal�.ef and as to thoae mstters
he believ�ea them to be true.
� ��Z�
Sa.gua ure of Applicant
Subsaribed and aworn to before xme '
thia �4th day of Marc 19 69 u,�
JpHN S. CUM� ��'
� N��,��°�x�
Publics, Re�meey Countye , sots► My Comm
My Comaniasion expires '
(Note� These atatement forma are iu duplicate. Both copies must be fully filled outa
notarized, and returned to the Lioonse Divisiona�-
Re s On Sale Liquor Liaenae
Name of appiicant Donald R. Orth, Vice President & Treasurer of
Midway Enterprises, Inc.
Business addr^ess 155 Uni s A t
Are �rou the sole owner of this businessRNo e If not9 is it a pax•tnership? Yes
corporatian4 YeS , o:�her�
Others interested in business, in.elude those by loan of' money, property or otherwises
Name Summit Natl. Bank Address 205 Aurora Ave. How lst mortgage
A & A Credit Co. 1625 University Ave. 2nd mortgQge
If a corporation, give its name Midway Enterprises, Inc.
Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or I,iquor business? No
.�s sols oamer? Partner? Stockholder?
Otherw'ise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain)
Address o£ such buginess and na,ture of interest in same
ignature of applican�
State of �nne s ota�
�s s
C ounty of �amsey
Donald R. Oi'th being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and knows the contents
thereof; that �he same is true of his awn l�.owledge, except a� to those matters therei.n
stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he belieqes them to be trues
Signature of applican
Subsaribed an.d sworn to before me
this 24� day of March lg 69
S 10HN Rs���y�,�� AAin�.
PubNc� � 1Q72
ary Public, Ramsey County innesota ��m�" '��
My aarnmission expires 19
s�� � �2n�SO�rA)
) s$
Donald R. Orth being firat duly sworn, doth depo�e
and say that he makea this affidavit in connectior� grith appliea�ion for
n On �le" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage licenae� in the �ity of
Saint Pau1, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of Minneaot�
and has reaided therein for 42 years9 monthsa and is
nouv and has bsen for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of said State
and that he now residea at 1666 No. Hazel Ave. , St. Paul Minn.
� Addreas
, Minne s ota,
City or To�+rn
Donald R. Orth
Subsaribed and sworn to before me
this 24th day of � �h 19 69
tary blio, Ramsey Coun y, Minneso�a
My commiasion expires
�p�Y ' �
crrY � ssatr pAvL
Da�a March 24. 19 69
l, A,pplioatic¢� Por liquor liCen�e Licsen�e
2, Na�s oP �ppli�ant John J. �igaouette, aa �iresident & SaCretary of
Midway Snterpriaes, Inc.
3. Buaineas addresa���53 jjniver�ity AVe "Residenae 608 i�iscon�in, Oai�dale, Minn.
4. Trade x�ame, if ar�r Midtown Liquore
5. Retai,l Beer Federal Tax 3tamp X Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp X 'ri.11 be uaed,
6. !�i what Ploor ioaatea let Number of roc�na aaed'� one
7. Betw�en �at croas streets Univ. i� Snellinq�l►hieh $ide pP stres� North
8, �re premiaes naw occupied Yes�at businese On sale li�norHrnr lcng
_ _ .,......, _ _ _ _.
9. �,re premiee� now unoccupiedye�sHorov long vacant Previous use
_ _.._ .. _ . _
10, �re qou a neW rnmer y�ve you been in a s im.a.7.ar bua inee s bef ore 'yes
lrhero 886 Payne Ave. Nhen 1963 - 1966
11. Are you goi.ng to operate �his buainsss peraonally No
If x�ot, rvho �►ill operate it Donald R. Orth
12. Are you ixi any otlaer bu$inesa at the present ti.me No
13. Have therei been aay Qo�mplaints againat your oparati.on o� thi� type of p]aoe No
YPhan �Ihe re
14. B�ve� you ev�ar had a�r lioenae revoksd No Nhat reason and clate
15. Are you a eitizen of the IInited States Yes Nati�v�e Naturalized
�...... �....
16. lqaere �rere you bo�a 8s11e Plaine, Minn �te oP birth 12-16-31
. _ ., ,...: - �
17. I am. X married. �ty��wiPe'��,) (�ls��l name and address is Marcella Biqaouette,
608 �isconsin Street, Oakdale, �Minnesota
18. (If ma�ried female) n�y maiden name ia
19. $o�r long have yua lived in St. Paul 14 years
20. Hav�a you ev�er bsen arreated No Violatioa oP what orxminal ].aw or ordinancse
21. bre �ou a regiatered voter in the City of 3t. Paul Y'es No.
(.�ne�aer full��and Qom�letely. These a �lications are thorou hl cheal�ed a�cl an
fa aifioatzon wg.11 be oause for enial,
22. Number oP 3.2 plaaes �rithin two bloake none
2S. Cloaeat intoaiaating liquor plaae� On Sale 3 bldqs. flff Sale 2 blOCks
24. I�eareet Churah ap�rox. 4 blocks Nearast Sehool �►pprox. � block�
25e Number of bootha Tables Chairs Stools
26. '�Phat occup�tian have you Pollow�ed for the past five y+earso (Give namea o£ employ�ers
and date a so employead.)
Univac, 1966 --
Federal Cartridge Corp. , 1965 - 1966
O. S. Government, 1964 - 1966
27. Giv�e� t�e►mes and"addreases o� t�ro persona, reaidents of 3ta A�ul, ]�[i.nn„ who oan gi�e
iaformation ooncsern3.ng yotz,
xame_ Je�rry Bertram aaa�88 2Z�� Afahcrea� Driv�
Na�e Rtt� 5��1 �ddress 1481 E. Barcla
$igna re of pp ieant �
$tate oP Minn,eaota�
C ounty of Ramse�r
John J. B3 aouette being f3,rst duly aworn, depoeea end says
upon oath t he has read the foregaing statement bearin.g hia aignattzre and kno�re
the eontenta thereof, and that the aam� 3.s �rue- of his awn lrno�►ledgs except a� to
tho�e me►ttera therein a�ated upon inform�tion and belieP and as to thoae matters
he believ�ea them to be true.
Signatiire of pplicant
Subsaribed and aworn to before �s '
thie 24th day of Ma h 19 69
s �
x^y bl i a, Ramse q C ountq ,inns s ote► .�+N s. cOt�uvoc'G1i
Nomry Puenc, Ro�rmey Coun�,i�
My Commisaion expires MY Commission Expires.latt�8.I972
(Note� Theae atatemernt form� are in duplicate. �B�th csopies muat be fully filled outa
notarized, and returned to the License Divis ione�-
Re s On Sale Liquor License
Name of appiicant John J. B�aouette, President & Secretary of Midway
�'nte—rp�r ses, Inc.
Business address 1553 Universit��Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota
Are �rou the sole owner of this business? No. 3f not9 is it a partnership?
corporatian� Yes , o:�her?
Qthers interested in business, include those by loan of' amoney, property or othex�vuises
Name Summit Natl. Bank Address 205 Aurora Ave. Ho�r lst mortgage
A & A Credit Co. 1B25 University Ave. 2nd mortgage
If a corporation, give its na�^Midway Ent�rprises, Inc.
Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Baer or Liquor buainess? No
.As sole oamer? Partner? Stoekholder?
Otherwise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain.�
Addreas of such buainess and nature of interest in same
sgnature of pplic
State of Minnesota�
�s s
C ounty of l�mse�r
John J. Bigaouette being firat duly awarn, deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and l�aws the contents
thereof; that the same is true of his own ]�.ovsrledge, except as t� those matters therein
stated upon information and belief and as to those s�tters he believes them to be trues
gnature applica
Subsoribed and awoY°ri to befare me
ia 24th day o March 1969
�� �. ��
otary Public, Ramsay County �dinnesota � p�,�
My csarnmission expirea Z9
1��+M�1on ����
� �$ .
John J. Biqaouette being first duly aworn, doth depose
and say that he makea this affidavi� in connection with application for
" �n Seale" liquor licenae (" Sale" malt bevera�e licenae) in. the �ity of
Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your af£iant is a resident of the State of �iinnesota
and haa resided therein f'or 14 year�, m�n.ths� and is
now and has bsen for the time above mentioned a bona fide rsaident of aaid State
and that he now residea at 608 Wisconsin Street
� Address
Oahdale , Minnesotao
City or To�+rn
Jo J. B ouette
Subsaribed and s�rorn to before me
thi 24th day of March 1969
� �
ry Publia, Ramaey County, N!i esata
N 5•���ql,�
My c o�ni s s i on expire a ��'�����n•
My �°m�n