242836 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK J�-j�.l�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL "�' �`• � ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E Na. LICEi35E COI�'IIrIITTEE COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / �� March 27 ]969 COMMISSIONE � C�� DATF � iESQI,�T'r�U: That ap�lication for the transfer of Qn Sale Li.quor and Sunday-Cki�Sale-?�.auor licer.�es, issued to Patricic k. Conroy at 1553 University Avenue to Midway Enterprises, Inc. at the same address, and their applic�.-�ion for Restaurant� �ff '�ale Malt Bevera�e and Ci,�arette I,i.censes for the same location, be and the same are hereby gr�ted on the condition that within � � days of triis date said ��idway Enterprises, Inc. shall comply wit�a all requirements of 1ihe �ureaus of Fire� Health, and Police, and the License Inspector pursuant to t�'�e St. Paul Legislative Coc�e and all other ap�licable ordina.nces and 1aws. MAR z � 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � 2 � 19�g Dalglish Approved 19—_ Tif....ed31L. '�' n Favor Peterson ' Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE, MAR 2 9 1969 0 f • CITY OF SAINT PAUL "` Cnpital oP Minnesota �e a�ti�e�t o k�`ic �a et 2������ � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Cammissioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY. Deputy Commissioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspeetor March 27, 1969 Honorable PiarTor and City Council Saint Paul� rlinnes�t a Gentlemen: The �'idwa,;;T En+..erprises, Inc. is joined by Patrick A. Conro3* in makin� application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License r1o. 7608� expirirg Januar�,� 31, 1970� and Sunda��-On-Sale-T,iouor License No. 58�`7, e�irin� September 15, 1969, from the pr�sent licensee� Patrick A. Conro� at 1553 University Avenue to Plidtray Enterprises, Ir�c . at +,he same address. Midtiaay Enterprises, Inc. also ma'.tes application for Restaurant,, pff Sale A7alt �everage and Ci�are;t,e licenses for the sar,►e location. The officers of the corporation are John J, �3igaouette, President and 5ecretary; and i�onald r�. Orth, t'ice-pres_d.ent and Treasurer. '1'hey also are the only two stockholders. �J. This location has been licensed. as a 3.2 establishment s�.nce 1933, and as an on sale liquor establist�ent �ince 1955• The present licensee, �'atrick A.Conro�, has held the licenses since July 196f3. I°ir. Bigaouette was emploJed by +,,he LT. j. �overnment from 196l� to 1966, in 1965 for the Federal Cartridge �orp. and sirc e 1966 with Univac. P?r. Orth Has been with Remington-Rand-Univac for the past fifteen years. Very truly d=ours� � Gv..wC.� ��� � License Tnspector O . March2�, 1969 License In�pector Public Safety Building lOth and Cedar Streets . Saint Paul, Minnesota L�ear Sir: The undersigned hereby requests that you transfer the liquor license .which is issued in his name, located at 1553 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota to Midway Enterprises, Inc. Best regards. � ..rl'��',,/�rG�'� ^ � Patri'ck`Conroy ;',. . ;,�. � March 25, 1969 , License Inspector �Public Safety Building lOth & Minnesota Streets St. Paul, Minnesota . Dear Sir: The undersigned hereby requests that you transfer the liquor la.cense which is issued in the name of �.atrick Gonroy, located at 1553 University AVenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, to Midway Enterprises, Inc. , �Yours. very truly, � , ' � ` ,� MTDWAY ENTERPRISES, TNC. . . -, ;, _ � __ . _ , : . , , bY . ohn ig ue.tte, President a d Secr.etary � and��� �r.,i' %`�. � �, : Donalc'� R. Ort V�,ce Pxesident & "Treasurer . CITY flF Sl1gIT PAUL DEPARTb�NT 4F' PtTBLIC SAFETY LICENSE DFtT�SICJN Date March 2 4, 196 9 ___._�._ 1. Applioaticn Por liquor license � �� �1` � T� � _ Lieenao 2, Na� oP agplios►nt Donald R. Orth, as Viae Psesident atnd Trsaeurer of Midway Enterprises, Inc. 3. Buaine�s addre�s�553 t�niv. Ave� . Residenae 1666 No. Sazel AVe. , St. P�tul 4. 2rade r�ame, iP az�y Midtwon Liquors ._...,.... _ _ . � 5. xetail Beer Federal Taa Stamp X Retail 'Liquor Federal Tax Stamp X will be u�ed. _ ._ �..-. 6. t� �hat Ploor loaated fir�t Idumber of roo�a used'� one 7. Bet�ex� w�at cros9 street� Univ. & 3ne11ingPhieh side of �trse� North 8, Are prem3sea now oacupied yes�at busineae liquor on saleHow lon.g .,......,.... _ ._ _ 9. ,Are premise� naw unocaupied�/Hov� long vacant Frevioue use . ._..._ _ , _ 10, �re you a new orna.er i=e8 Have you been in � similar bu�it�ess bePore no �her� 'GPhen 11. Sre you goassg to operate �his buainsas persor�ally Ye$ If a�ot, �rho xill oparate it 12. Are you in. e,ny other business st the present time �'o 13. FIave there been any Qo�plaints againat your oparatian oP thia type of p]aoe No �ihen Rhere 14. E�ve you ev+er �ad a�qy Xicsense revoked No 1Rhat reason and date ,— - - - - 15. Are pcu a a�.tizen of the IInited StatesY@8 IJatiro�e� Natt�ralized 16. 11Rie� w�ere you borx�,4�t�� Paul� i�iinn. Date of bir�h 6-22-26 17. T am X me�rried. My (v�i.Pe's) �A�i��K�sj name and addrees is Lorraine Orth, 1666 No. Hazel Ave. , St. Paul, Minne�ota 18. (If marr�,ed female) �y maiden name ia 19. Hapr long h�ve you lived in St. Paul 42 ye8rs 20, H�v�a you e�c�ar boen arreated No 'Violatioa oP what ar�mirial l.e�w or c�rdinan:oe� __.. � 21. Are you a ragis�hered voter in the �i�r of St. Paul X Yes No, (Ans�r �ull and Qompletely. These a �liQations are tMorou hZ ahealflad a�ri an fa aifioation �rill be oause for enial, 22. Number oP 3.2 plaQes within �o blooks None � 23. Cloaeat intaaciaa�ing liquor placee t?ri S�le 3 bldgs. p�f �1� 2 blocks 24. Neareet Chureh BpProx. 4 blocks Nearest 3chool aPprox. 4 blocks 25s Number of booths Tables Chaire Stoola 26e '�t oocupe�tian hava you followed for the pe�st fi4e y�earso (Giae names of empluyers and dates ao employed.) Rem. Rand Univac, 15 years -- 3-24-54 thru 3-24-69 27. Giv�e� a�mea and addressea of two persona, reaidents of 3te A�ul, b4i.nn„ who oan give information Qoncerning youe N�me Howara3 Gearin Addreas 2859 No. Griggs Rame P'red Bethke .�ddreas Suburban � i� . 3i�nature of pp ican ' 3tate of Adinn,ssota� )ss C ounty of �maeq ) Donald R. Orth bei.ng first duly s�rorn.9 deposes and says upon osth t he has read the foragoi.ng atatement bearing his aign,ature and l�o�ra the oontenta tlYSreof, and that the eamrs ia �rue� of his awn lrnowledgs except as to thone mattera therei.n s�ated upon informstion and bal�.ef and as to thoae mstters he believ�ea them to be true. � ��Z� Sa.gua ure of Applicant Subsaribed and aworn to before xme ' thia �4th day of Marc 19 69 u,� JpHN S. CUM� ��' � N��,��°�x� Publics, Re�meey Countye , sots► My Comm My Comaniasion expires ' (Note� These atatement forma are iu duplicate. Both copies must be fully filled outa notarized, and returned to the Lioonse Divisiona�- . AFFIDAV IT BY APPLSCANT FOR RETAIL BEER �R LIQUOR LICENSE Re s On Sale Liquor Liaenae Name of appiicant Donald R. Orth, Vice President & Treasurer of Midway Enterprises, Inc. Business addr^ess 155 Uni s A t Are �rou the sole owner of this businessRNo e If not9 is it a pax•tnership? Yes corporatian4 YeS , o:�her� Others interested in business, in.elude those by loan of' money, property or otherwises Name Summit Natl. Bank Address 205 Aurora Ave. How lst mortgage A & A Credit Co. 1625 University Ave. 2nd mortgQge If a corporation, give its name Midway Enterprises, Inc. Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or I,iquor business? No .�s sols oamer? Partner? Stockholder? Otherw'ise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) Address o£ such buginess and na,ture of interest in same ignature of applican� State of �nne s ota� �s s C ounty of �amsey Donald R. Oi'th being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and knows the contents thereof; that �he same is true of his awn l�.owledge, except a� to those matters therei.n stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he belieqes them to be trues � Signature of applican Subsaribed an.d sworn to before me this 24� day of March lg 69 S 10HN Rs���y�,�� AAin�. PubNc� � 1Q72 ary Public, Ramsey County innesota ��m�" '�� My aarnmission expires 19 , s�� � �2n�SO�rA) COII�TTY 4F RAMSEY ) s$ Donald R. Orth being firat duly sworn, doth depo�e and say that he makea this affidavit in connectior� grith appliea�ion for n On �le" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage licenae� in the �ity of Saint Pau1, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of Minneaot� and has reaided therein for 42 years9 monthsa and is nouv and has bsen for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of said State and that he now residea at 1666 No. Hazel Ave. , St. Paul Minn. � Addreas , Minne s ota, City or To�+rn � Donald R. Orth Subsaribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of � �h 19 69 �. tary blio, Ramsey Coun y, Minneso�a My commiasion expires �p�Y ' � s.�"���� ��� ��� �a M crrY � ssatr pAvL DEPART�NT C!E' PtTBLIC SQFETY LICENSE DIVISIf�T Da�a March 24. 19 69 �.,.- l, A,pplioatic¢� Por liquor liCen�e Licsen�e 2, Na�s oP �ppli�ant John J. �igaouette, aa �iresident & SaCretary of Midway Snterpriaes, Inc. 3. Buaineas addresa���53 jjniver�ity AVe "Residenae 608 i�iscon�in, Oai�dale, Minn. 4. Trade x�ame, if ar�r Midtown Liquore 5. Retai,l Beer Federal Tax 3tamp X Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp X 'ri.11 be uaed, 6. !�i what Ploor ioaatea let Number of roc�na aaed'� one 7. Betw�en �at croas streets Univ. i� Snellinq�l►hieh $ide pP stres� North 8, �re premiaes naw occupied Yes�at businese On sale li�norHrnr lcng _ _ .,......, _ _ _ _. 9. �,re premiee� now unoccupiedye�sHorov long vacant Previous use . _ _.._ .. _ . _ 10, �re qou a neW rnmer y�ve you been in a s im.a.7.ar bua inee s bef ore 'yes lrhero 886 Payne Ave. Nhen 1963 - 1966 11. Are you goi.ng to operate �his buainsss peraonally No If x�ot, rvho �►ill operate it Donald R. Orth 12. Are you ixi any otlaer bu$inesa at the present ti.me No 13. Have therei been aay Qo�mplaints againat your oparati.on o� thi� type of p]aoe No YPhan �Ihe re 14. B�ve� you ev�ar had a�r lioenae revoksd No Nhat reason and clate 15. Are you a eitizen of the IInited States Yes Nati�v�e Naturalized �...... �.... 16. lqaere �rere you bo�a 8s11e Plaine, Minn �te oP birth 12-16-31 . _ ., ,...: - � 17. I am. X married. �ty��wiPe'��,) (�ls��l name and address is Marcella Biqaouette, 608 �isconsin Street, Oakdale, �Minnesota 18. (If ma�ried female) n�y maiden name ia 19. $o�r long have yua lived in St. Paul 14 years 20. Hav�a you ev�er bsen arreated No Violatioa oP what orxminal ].aw or ordinancse 21. bre �ou a regiatered voter in the City of 3t. Paul Y'es No. (.�ne�aer full��and Qom�letely. These a �lications are thorou hl cheal�ed a�cl an fa aifioatzon wg.11 be oause for enial, 22. Number oP 3.2 plaaes �rithin two bloake none 2S. Cloaeat intoaiaating liquor plaae� On Sale 3 bldqs. flff Sale 2 blOCks 24. I�eareet Churah ap�rox. 4 blocks Nearast Sehool �►pprox. � block� 25e Number of bootha Tables Chairs Stools 26. '�Phat occup�tian have you Pollow�ed for the past five y+earso (Give namea o£ employ�ers and date a so employead.) Univac, 1966 -- Federal Cartridge Corp. , 1965 - 1966 O. S. Government, 1964 - 1966 27. Giv�e� t�e►mes and"addreases o� t�ro persona, reaidents of 3ta A�ul, ]�[i.nn„ who oan gi�e iaformation ooncsern3.ng yotz, xame_ Je�rry Bertram aaa�88 2Z�� Afahcrea� Driv� Na�e Rtt� 5��1 �ddress 1481 E. Barcla $igna re of pp ieant � $tate oP Minn,eaota� �ss C ounty of Ramse�r John J. B3 aouette being f3,rst duly aworn, depoeea end says upon oath t he has read the foregaing statement bearin.g hia aignattzre and kno�re the eontenta thereof, and that the aam� 3.s �rue- of his awn lrno�►ledgs except a� to tho�e me►ttera therein a�ated upon inform�tion and belieP and as to thoae matters he believ�ea them to be true. ) Signatiire of pplicant Subsaribed and aworn to before �s ' thie 24th day of Ma h 19 69 s � x^y bl i a, Ramse q C ountq ,inns s ote► .�+N s. cOt�uvoc'G1i Nomry Puenc, Ro�rmey Coun�,i� My Commisaion expires MY Commission Expires.latt�8.I972 (Note� Theae atatemernt form� are in duplicate. �B�th csopies muat be fully filled outa notarized, and returned to the License Divis ione�- AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR LICEIVSE Re s On Sale Liquor License Name of appiicant John J. B�aouette, President & Secretary of Midway �'nte—rp�r ses, Inc. Business address 1553 Universit��Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota Are �rou the sole owner of this business? No. 3f not9 is it a partnership? corporatian� Yes , o:�her? Qthers interested in business, include those by loan of' amoney, property or othex�vuises Name Summit Natl. Bank Address 205 Aurora Ave. Ho�r lst mortgage A & A Credit Co. 1B25 University Ave. 2nd mortgage If a corporation, give its na�^Midway Ent�rprises, Inc. Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Baer or Liquor buainess? No .As sole oamer? Partner? Stoekholder? Otherwise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain.� Addreas of such buainess and nature of interest in same � sgnature of pplic State of Minnesota� �s s C ounty of l�mse�r John J. Bigaouette being firat duly awarn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and l�aws the contents thereof; that the same is true of his own ]�.ovsrledge, except as t� those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those s�tters he believes them to be trues � gnature applica Subsoribed and awoY°ri to befare me ia 24th day o March 1969 �� �. �� otary Public, Ramsay County �dinnesota � p�,� My csarnmission expirea Z9 1��+M�1on ���� i STATE QF 1q7NNESOTA) COt3NTY 4F RAMSEY � �$ . John J. Biqaouette being first duly aworn, doth depose and say that he makea this affidavi� in connection with application for " �n Seale" liquor licenae (" Sale" malt bevera�e licenae) in. the �ity of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your af£iant is a resident of the State of �iinnesota and haa resided therein f'or 14 year�, m�n.ths� and is now and has bsen for the time above mentioned a bona fide rsaident of aaid State and that he now residea at 608 Wisconsin Street � Address Oahdale , Minnesotao City or To�+rn � Jo J. B ouette i Subsaribed and s�rorn to before me thi 24th day of March 1969 n � � ry Publia, Ramaey County, N!i esata N 5•���ql,� My c o�ni s s i on expire a ��'�����n• My �°m�n