242826 OR161NAL TO CITY CLlRK 24���� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �OUNCIL RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM " PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF W�AS� under Seation 703 oY the Housiag aad tJrb�a Develo�eat Act oP 1965 the IInited Statea C�� America (herein called the "fiovernarent") has tendered to the City of t Saiat Paul (herein called the "Grantee") a propos�d Neighborhood F'acilities (�rrant Coatract under wlaich the Government agrees to e�ake a CC��rrant of Federal funds to the (irantee to aid in the con+�truction, ormership and operatioa of a Meighborhood Facilities Pro�e�at; designated Pro�ect No. Minn. N-8, de�cribed therein; and Wf�AS the C�rantee ha� given due consi.deration to aaid propo�ed Contract; aad W�REAS the l�rantee i� du].y authc>rized, under aad purauaat to the Constitution and ]„awe of the State of Minne+�ota to undertake and carry out �aid Pro�ect and to execute isuch proposed Contract: BE IT �iOLVED BY TA� COt1NCIL �F THE CITY OF SAIAIT PAtTL, AS �LLOWS: Secidan l. The proposed Coatraet, de�igaated "Neighborhood F'aeilities �r�nt Coffitract� Contrs�ct No. l�tinn. 3h8 (G)" consisting of Parts I and II, under and st�b- �ect to the provisioae� terms, aud ccr�dition�a o£ which the Governm�nt rrill make a Graat of Fsd.eral funda to the Grantee to aid iri fi.nancing a �eighborhood Facilities Pro3ect, desig�ated Project No. Minn. N-8, situated in the City of Saint Paul, Niinnesota ��� hereby ir� al.l re�spa�ts approved. Section 2. The l�ayor, Comniasiv�er of Parka ar�d &eersati�n and Axblic Building+�, City Clerk sn,d Comptroller are he�eby a���crized sad direeted to exeente said proposed Contract in txe cotinterparts on behalf of �he �rantee, and the City Clerk is hersby authorized and directed to impress ancl.attest the official eeal of the (irantee on each such counterpart aad to forward such couaterparts to the Department of Houaiag aad Urban Development, tog�ther with �uch other docum�nts relative to the �proval asd executioa thereof aa may be required by the Goeerna►ent. �ection 3. The Graatee a�re�s to abide by all of the provi�ions, ter�os aad . conditiona of said Con�ract. ' :�; _- _ �� � . MAR 2 5 �9�q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19____ Yeas Nays �I�R 2 5 1969 Carlson Dalglish Approve 19— � � Tn Favor ri ere ith ' Mayor Peterson ,U v Tedesca� A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� MAR 2 9 1969 ��