04-204Council Rile # 04-� Green Sheet # 104523 MINNESOTA 1 `Z ��'�--/ k�.��°r� -- I ��olutz'on Req s zng the Po Chie xaminatio`rlCommittee Conduct Four Community 2�REAS, Section 12.12.1 of the City Charter provides that, the Council sha11 estab]ish, by ordinance, minimum 3 qualifications for the vacant position and appoint an Examining Committee; and 4 WI�REAS, Council File # 03-1110 established the minimum qualifications for the position of Police Chief of the 5 City of Saint Paul; and 6 WI�REAS, Council File #�4-112 will appoint the membership of the Po]ice Chief Examination Committee; 7 WEIEREAS, Council File # 03-ll43 memorialized the Council's decisions on the process of establishing this 8 committee and requested the committee conduct four community meetings for the purpose of aiding the committee in 9"determining the personal characteristics and leadership style that 6est meet the needs of the community;" now, 10 therefore, be it 11 RE5QLVED, that the City Council hereby modifies its request that the committee hold four community meetings on 12 the personal chazacteristics and leadership style, to a request that the committee hold two such meetings; and be it 13 fulther 14 RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby requests the committee hold two community meetings near the end of its 15 deliberations, to introduce its five top candidates to the community; and be it finaily 16 RESOLVED, that the City Council requests the committee select its top-ranked candidate, per Section 1212.1 of the 17 City Charter, following the conduct of these meetings. Requested by Deparhnent of Benanav � ,/ :. • ���1� Hanis Helgen Landy � --I, Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � By: /_ Ai�lildlr/ Approved� Date By: \C 4,CA.cnr� rl ��p 5 ��,v� n, �� �e, �61` a�2-�l ��� �: Coun�ilmcn�be� La¢try. . DATE WRIATEO . . ,- �� � � �"" ° GREEN SHEET �'�� . n�o 104523 ■ u�� u��— � ❑�..,�, ❑�«�_ ❑ �..�. �. ❑ �.� ,�.a �� LJ r�,�a� m��.�m �,,,� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES tCLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) tio¢ requesting the Police Chief Fxar�,ina_.flon Committee conduc[ four communiry meetings � , r PLANNMG CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSlON TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTWN FUNOIN6 SOURCE FlNNiCNL INFORItATIDN (E%PWI� Haethis Dersonmrm everworkeA wber a cont+actior Nia AeaartmenC+ YES NO Has tMS 7tteoMrm ever been a dty empbyee9 YFS t� Dces this DersoMrm Pwsess a sk71 not romWtyO�� DY anY curtent citY emDloyee7 YES NQ la Mis pe�swJfirm ataipeted vendoYl VES NO iain all ves aax�ere on seba,aM sheet end aUach ta are2n 8h1� COSLREVQlUEBUDGETED(GRCLEONE� ACTNITY NUMBER L�