242811 OR161IjAL TO CITY CL6RK 2���1 �- CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '�, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. ?�CENSE COl�II�IITTEE UNCIL ES LUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ �c1I'C�'1 25, 1969 COMMISSIONE pqTF RESOLV�U; That ap�lications for �unda�r-Qn-Sale-Liquor licenses� made by the followin;; applicaiits who are holders of On Sale Liquor L�censes, at the addresses stated, 'ae and the same are hereby granted ancl in compliance with C, r'. I1o. 23553i, Ordina-r:ce P1o. 137�5, t�►hich G.mends Chapter No. 308.00 of the �t. Paul F,egi.slative Code and Ordinances. Beau-Kel-Stock, Inc. l�.69 N. Snelling Ave. App. 9796 New New Loc. NE4J Informally anproved by �ouncil �Iaxch 6, 19d9 New Location MAR 2 � 1�69 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � a :� 1��� Dalglish Approved 19—_ ere ✓ Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka 1 Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne P1IBLISHE� MAR 2 9 1969 0 � ' CITY OF SAIN� PAUL �' � � • � Capital 04 Minnesota � �����/ �e a�ti�e�t o kblic c�a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, COrtlM1881oI1Ci POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,DeDaty Commlesioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspeetor March 6, 196g Honorable Mayor and City �ouncil Saint Faul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Currently Beau-Kel-Stock� Inc. are holders of On Sale Liquor License and miscel.laneous licer�ses at I�69 North Snelling kveriue, having recently acquired the establishment from Leo k. Boutell who was licensee for a similar basiness at thi.s address since 1931�. Application is made by the corporation for a Sunday-On-Sale6Liquor License in connection with the present licensQs. The officers of the corporation are Harvey L. Stockness, Presid�nt; John J. Kelly, Vice-president; and Eugene A. Beaulieu, Secretary and Treasurer. Attached is their inforraal application for sai.� license. Very truly yours� ��G?�� ��/�"�� < �� I.i cens e Insp ect� G� ,U !. . _ �� � f o "�l v r w �,FFIDAVIT F(7R SUNDAY LIQIIOR LICENSS APPLICATION �amQ Reaidenae Addrese � I,ioenaee _ ��C, — �j.��o--GfE, �c . 1` Address of Businesa s�� /(/, ' I hereby apply for a Specs�.al $unday Liquor liaense. I have a Reatauran� - •�'sl (cross out one) lioenae with aeati.ng oapaoity for �S/ people, � / � � Signed , Stx�te of )dinne aota) )ss c ounty oP �ey ) , being first duly aworn� depoeea an s upon oatli tha he ha� rea the foreguing affidav3t bearing hie s3.gnature and l�iows the aontents thereof a that the t9ame i8 tx�ue oP his vau l�c�uv].edge, exoept ae to"tYiose �ttsrs there� sts►ted upon informatirnn and belief and as ta �ho�e mattera he bel.ieve� them to be true. 1 . i Signatur� of app i�ant Subseri�l�sd and axorn o befcn-e me this _ day of 19� __��� 7 ��� Notary blia Ramaey Co�tp, 'nnesota CHERMAK M GO�II7.8Sldri A� ires ROBER R�eY Co«n{Y� M�����, � p MY CoC'n►Y►ssion xP�'SePt.?�.l - . 3t. Pa ul, M�.nne a ota 3-6-69 Beau-Kel-Stock� Inc. L�69 N. Snelling �ve. �o the Applioantr Your applic�stion for liaensea lias bee� informe►Sly appro�ed by the I+ioezise Ca�.ittae and the City Council. � �'hi� favorabYe actian meana that �rou �ay naw coaaplete nagoti�ttion� �oir transPer�of titla to property and pxooeed with impraveme��� you may hav�e in mindo You should naw go to the City C].erk's �DffiQe, 386 Court House, and pay the fees required for 1.icen,aea 1ia��ed below�. You �ir3.11 rec�i8e a blue reoeipt, xhich you muat bring to the L�oense Inapector's Office, 202 public �fety BuilcTixt'g. _ The licen�sea �.11 be g�nted by the �ity Council �heri a7,1 require�nts of the Polioo, Fire and Heslth Inspaotora have beer�. met. I,ICENSE CC�iII�4ITT8E Sutuiay-On-Sale-Liquor 200.00 Re steturaut On Sa le l�a lt t3Pf 3a le Ma lt � Cigarette Tvtal $ 200.00 �t.B. 2f you are applying fox �lt Beverage license�, please read ce►rePull�r the "RsguSat�.ons Go�arning the Sale o� On arid OfP 3ale 3.2 �alt Beverage" vrhich have been. hauded to you, Violation.s of aisy of the regulatiox�a will be oauae Por revoaation of all of yaur licsensas, March 6, 1969 Hon. Williaai E. Carlson, Cc�mmniasioner of Public 8afety, Tenth at�d Miar�esot� Ste., St. Pettl., Mitua. Attn: Mr. Daniel P. McLnughlin Dear 81rs The City Council today granted informal a�pproval of the application of Beau-Kel-Stxk, I�., holders of On 8ale Liquor License srid misce].l�aeous licenses at �69 North Snelling Av�emu, !or s Sunday-On-Sa4],e-Liqtior license in conaecti� �rith the prese�at lieerisea. Will y�ou pleue prepai-e tt� cuata�asry re�olutionY very truly yours, City Clerk hp