242806 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK 24��Of CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �c�i�s� coa�r?��. OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� T�Ia,I'C�'1 25, 196g COMMISSIONE DATF RESQLV�. That applicati on ior liestaurant� Qn and Off Sale 24a1t �evera�e and Cigaz�ette licenses applied for by Joseph P. Ray at 6]1.� Concordia Avenue be and the same are hereby granted on the condition tYiat within 9 o days of this date said Joseph P, Ray shal_l comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire: Health, and Police, and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative �ode and a11 other applicable ordinances arxi. laws. � � � 1�6� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish f Approved �'�� � '� ���� 19—_ ��' � Tn Favor Peterson i� Mayor Sprafka A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUeLI$HE� II�AR 2 9 196� - 0 � a CITY OF�SAIN� PAUL �� Cnpital of Minnesota //. ������ �e a�ti�e�t o ablic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRS PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY. DeDUty Commfuioncr DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inepector PZarch 20, 1969 Honorable Mayor and �ity �ouncil Saint Paul, Minnesota �entlemen: Joseph P. r'�ay makes application for Restauran+,,, On and �ff Sa1e AZalt Bevera;e and Cigarette licenses for 611� Concordia Avenu�which is located on the South side of the street between Da1e and Kent Streets. This location has been licensed for a similar business since 1959. The last licensee, Raymond 2'. Henry� held the licenses for one year and until they expired Nfarch 1, 1959. Since that time the establ3.shment has been closed, There are two 3.2 establishmen�s within two bloc�s. 'I'he closest OnSale Liquor place i.s five blocks and the closest Off Sale Liquor place is next door. The nearest church is one block and the nearest school is two blocks away. Mr. Ray has been er•:ployed bar the Pdorthwest Airlines for the past ten years. ery truly yours, . /J /„_ c (/ /��i T,icense Inspector � � V 0 � CTTY �F SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT �' PtTBLIC S�l,FETY LICENSE DNISION Date .,rl, 19 19�_ 1. appiioat3.ar,. �o�r �.� ��n Sa.le un� ���� ,Sa,�e j�eeic aruu� �vvd,�.trl.�� LiQenae �. �a� o� a�YiQant �o.aeph i'. �?a� 3. .Buainess s►ddre�a� 6�f1 (.oncv�.i.a Residenoe��'62 % ,j�,�z;:� .-:��,,�. �'nri,(� 4. Trsde name, if a�y .f�'vn Da.Ce 5. Retail Beer Fedaral Tax 5tamp Retail I,iquor Federal Tax Stamp t�„ �i11 be used. 6. {� �rhat floor looatad f.�1t,e.t l�umber of roama u�ed� ��'� ?. Bet�resn what aros� �traets�� �� Yihich side of street t,,,,�� 8. Are premiaea now Qaaup3ed��that businesa ;'� How long 9. �re premi.ses naw un.00cupied ye,eHo�ar long vacant ��' �� Previou$ use �_, /,ea� _ . ..�.�. ,m._, . 10, Are qou a new oamax�Have you been in a similar buainess before ,,,, '�hers 'INhen 11. Are you going to operate �his �uainess pereonally �tl,.� If not, �rho will opera�e it 12. hre you in any o�her business at the p�resent tim�e ;";'v ,�, 13. Have thare beer� any Qomplaints againat your operatian of thia type of p]ace �! YPhen i'Phe re 14. II�� you ev�r had a�r lioenae revoked j�`p Rha�6 reason as�t date 15. Are you a aztizea of the IIn�.ted States��Nati�o�s�TNaturalized 16. lAhe re w�a re you b orn SaEz %eu�, ��;.tn�t,, , I�te oP b i rth�..�cua a,��� . . I7, T am. 4��i�z�ied. �Iy (v�3,fe's) (husband•s) n.amo and addreas is . 18. (If msrri.ed fem�le) n�y maiden nams is 19, Ho�r lflug have you lived in 3t, Pa,ul („���; 20, Hav�a yuu ev�ar been arreated y� Vio].atioa aP v�r}aat criminal lavr or orc3inanae _._.._.__.... �'' �`.I..iJVR[�PJC. «r�tGd� 21, Are �ou a registered voter in the City of 3t. Paul �d , Yes rX„ No, _ ..., ,. (A��r fu_ lly and Qompletely, These a �lioations are tMorou hl ahea2�ed ax�d an falaa.ficai�an w'i.11 bs aause for enial. � � � , 22, Number of 3.2 p].aaes withi.n tqvo blooka /Yorr,e 23. Gloaeat i�taacicating liquor plaoae th� Sale 6 G,loch.� flff Sale 3p ,d�pp� 24. Neareat Church orce fi.�vc�t Neareat School 6 6,(,oc�Z4 25. Nwnber of booths [� Tables � Chairs �� S`tools �_ 26. 'pPhat occup�tian have you follo�ad for the paat five y�earso (Give namea of employ�ers e►nd date s eo employed.) 27. Give� t�mea and �ddreesea of two persons, reaidents of S�a Pl�ul, �.nne, �rho oan give informe►tion o�naernin.g you, Name �,�����,hA Addreas 862 ('oncoadi.a r?ve. _`i�. l'au,L Aam�e �joitdvn K.i.�t Addreas�7 fu,Clen ;�ve. S�. %au,�. �na of ,,pp ican State of Min.r�asota� �o eph I. J�ac� �ss C ounty of Ramsey �o.ae h i'. %�ac� being first c�uly anrorn, deposee and says upon oath �t he haa read the foregoing atatement bearing his signature and kno�ra the contenta thereof, and that the i�ame is �rue- of his o�m l�a�wledge e�ccept aa to thoee mattera therein s�ated upon inform�tion and belieP and as �o thoae matters he believes them to be true. gna� oF Applicant � v.e /. i2ac� b�abearibed ar� sworn to before a�e ' thia ��� day' of �-ip,�,C,�z 19� No ry lia, ey Courstys ,iune ota __ My Ccmm�isaion expires (Note� These statement Pox-ms are in duplicate. �Both Qopies must be fully filled outp notarized, and returaed to the License Divis iona�— AFF IDAV IT` B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR I;ICENSE Re: ��t� �� �Sa1e �� �evelca�e I,iQenae Name of applicant �� Busineas addY°ess �j�1 ����nCnQdln !'.IVp�. Ini.l._, Az°e �rou the sole awner of this business? y�e If not9 is it a partnership? corporation? , o�her? Qthers interested in business, inelude those by loan of rioney, property or other�rises Nam� Addre ss Haar If a corporation, give its na� Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor busineas? �t� As sole awner? Partner? Stoekholder3 Othern�ise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) Address of such business and nature of interest in aame gnat e of applicant r1�,��. y�� �a� e State of Minnesota as C ounty of �msey _ �v�ep/z 1�. i2a� bei.ng first duly aro�orn., deposea and says upon oath that he has read he foregoing affidavit beariing his signature and ]cn.ows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his awn lgiawledge, except as to �hose matters therein atated upon infor�tion and belief and as to those mstters hs believea them to be true. � �nat of applicant �'v,� -/. 2a� Subsoribed and sworn to bafore me this 19,th, day of nj� 19� � � Notary ublic, Aamaey County, inneso My aammission expires 19 �. . � STATE i� �"l1NNESOTA) � S$ CpUNTY 4F RAMSEY �o4e�fi %. f�a� being fir�t duly sworn, doth depose and say that he makes this affidavit in oonneetion with application for ,t� (),, " Sale" liquor license ("�� Sra�Se" malt bevera�;e license) in the �ity o� Saint Pau1, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein for ^3( yeara, mot�.ths� snd is now and has baen for the time above mentioned a bona fide rasident of said State and that he now residea at 862 ,��,�.efuzn,t �4ve. S�. i'awL, l�Zinn. _ _ __ ` —�Addresa S�. %acc� , Mihne s ota, City or Town � �v.a %, ?�c� ,� 8ubsoribed and sworn to before me tn�s >9-�. aay o� /�i�.rJ:. ls 69 , otary b1io, Ramsey County, My csommission expires"'�� � _S� March 20, 1969 • Hon. William E. Carlaort� Camsr. of Public 8afety, Tenth and Minnesota 3ts., St. Paul, Mitui. Attn: �Ir. D�aniei P. AfeLsnghlin Dear 3ir: Thc C3ty Council today �ranted informal approval of the application of Joaeph P. Ray Por Restaurant, On and Oft Sale Malt Beverage and Cigaxett� licenaes at 61� Concordia Avenue. Will you pleaee prepare the custamat�y resolutionY Very truly yours, City Clerk bp