242744 ORf61NAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Wh3.te Bear Lake Page 3. ADDRESS USF �OTJ� 1810 Birch Apart�ents $206.72 1820 Birch St. Apart�ents 205.44 �05-�+09 Blooffi Ave. Shop & offices 23.76 1596 Cedar Ave. 8ere�ice Station 19.76 1805 Cedar Ave. Apart�ents 91.90 1813 Cedar Ave. Apart��nts 91.90 1821 Cedax Apartments 91.90 200-220 Clark Ave. Baxik 120.00 211 Clark Ave. Stores 47.g2 � 223 Claxk Ave. Service Station 26.80 County Road E & Bellaire Ave. Car Wash 16.00 2010 �. County Road E Service Sta�ion 15•92 2023-47 E. County 8d. E Stores 120.6�+ 2044 S. Covuaty 8oad. E Serviee Statioa 19.52 2055 S. County �oad E & �ervice stat3.on & 3615 va� Dyke ��tf'ice 21.28 2070 Countg xoad E Drive In 33•92 2086 E. County 8oad E �ffice & residence 12.01 2481 E. ccna.nty Road � store 18.24 2488 County 8oad E Drive In 9.60 2511 E. County Road � Service Station 2�+.6� 2555 B• County 8oad E �Ied3cal, Clinic 57.76 �Co�nty &d. F & Bellaire Shopping Center 208.00 1801 F�. County Boad F Office & gaxage 135.20 242�F E. Countg Rd. F Apartments 38.�0 20�8 E. County Hd. F Apart�ents 65.88 2050 T. Countg xd. F Apartmeats 41.88 2226 County Rd. F OPfice & residence 10.�+�+ 2490 County Rd. F Service Sta�ion 13.76 2520 E. County gd. F Apartments 12�+.84 216 Division Ave. Office & Warehouse 1�.96 218 Division Office & Warehouse 8.00 220 Division Store 8.00 320 Division O�fice & shop 22•95 2085-95 Dotte Drive Apartments 363.6�+ iio4 �� st. Shop $.00 335�+ Glen 4aks Ave. �f"fice � Residence 15.�4 3721 Highland Ave. Apartments 58.8�+ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19- Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafk2 Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � 24���� ORR'iiNAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL OENCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT� White Bear I+ak.e Page �. an��ss usa �r 3725 ��.7-aud Ave. Apartments ��8.81+ 3731 Highland Ave. Apartmer�ts 58.84 3735 Highl.and Ave. Apart�ents 58.8�t H�y. 61 & Cedax Ave. Restauxs�at & Bowling Alle� 152.96 H`�y. 61 & loo Mo�el 66.6}+ 7�5 �.�wa� 6� v�r�ve Ir� 26.32 3�59 Hi�hwaY 61 store 24.16 �+041 Highway 61 Factory 51.92 39�-20 Hoffh�an xd. Apax�tments 372.�+8 3563 Jerry St. ��fice � Residence 12.60 7Q5 Jo�tson Ave. A�Sxul.tiple Dwelling 12.6�+ 5 I,ak.e Ave. Service Statioa 32.00 114 Lake Ave. S. Office 8.00 198-�10 Lake Ave. , S. Apart�ents 16.y6 300 S. Lake Ave. Clt�b 12.80 301 S. Lake Ave. 8ervice Statioa 8.00 323 I,ake Ave. , S. Boat Work� 32.�+� 501 to 561 S. I,ake Ave. ShQpping Center 39�•� 103 Liscoln Ave. Sereice 8�a�ion 12.56 121 ?�incoln A,ve. Mox�uary & re sidence 9*9� 409 Lincola Ave, Apartmenta 8.00 Linden & Co�.ntg Rd. F Service Station 18.96 3900-A Linden St. Apartments �+9.12 39�-B Linden St. Apart�ents 51.28 39�-C Linden St. Apart�ents �5.92 3900-D I,inden St. Apart�ents 45.12 3959 Linden 8estaura�st 24.68 718 Morehead Apartffients 22.24 2009 Rishwarth 4Pfice & Residence 9.36 t+8 Shady Lane Service Station 17.12 �+06 Sharon bane Of'fic� & residence 11.16 514 Sharon Lsae �ffice & residence 9.48 710 Stewart Ave. Apart�ents 34.80 815 Stewart Ave. Hall 26.08 1.249 S-te�art Ave. �tore E� garage 16.�+8 130 Stickley Blvd. Serv3ce Station 10.80 206-10 Stickley Blvd. Cafe & service station 30.�+0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafk� Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � . � . ORF�INAL TO CITY CLERK CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO� ��� ���� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �LE COUNC SOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF B� IT �S4LVED, That ia accordance with Ordinan.ee I�o. 12387, Coun.cil File No. 210629, approved January 18, 1963, the a�nual sewer ma,intenance charges to be made in 1969 against the following co�aercial, industrial, and residential properties other than single and t�o-family dwellings, whieh are located in the City of White Bear Lake �d which axe co�nected to the Saint Paul Sewer System, be and hereby are determiaed to be the am.ounts set opposite the location of the connectioas as follows; ADDRESS USE AA40UIQT 1002 First St. Shop $ 9.60 701 Secogd. St. Theatre 13•52 808 Second St. Mortuary $.88 502 3rd St. & 221-25 Cook Mvltiple Dwelling 8.96 513 Third St. Apartments 10.16 51$ Third St. Club 8.96 521 Third St. Theatre 29.�+�t 522 �'hird & 212-14 Banning Ave. Office, store & apartmeats 11.56 602 Third St. Gar�e 18.4� 607 Third St. Store & Apartments 16.80 609-11 Third 3t. Store � ��fices 18.80 614 �hi.rd St. 3�ore 81.52 620 Third 3�. Store & apart�ent 12.2�+ 62�+ & 626 Third 3t. 3tore & apartm,�at 11.04 698-702 Third St. Stores & �ffices 13.68 70� Third St. Tavern & apart,ment �- 8.00 708-20 Third St. � Store & �ffices 37.68 1107 Third St. Mortuary 26.80 1222 Third St. Apartments ].]..92 504-08 Fourth St. I,oeker Pla�t 8c stores 32.�+0 505 F'ourth St. Store 79.g2 512 Fourth St. Shop 11.92 520-2� Fourth 5t. Stores 19.44 521 Fourth St. Store 2�+.00 601-05 Fourth St. Store, office & apartments 20.�+0 602 Fourth St. Store & apaxtments 8.00 607 Fourth st. store 8.00 611 Fourth St. Store 9.20 612 Fovrth St. Store & aPax��ents i5.36 6��+ gourth st. A�tedical Clinic 13.92 615 Fourth 3t. Store & office 26.34 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19- Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �O 2����,� ORI'SsINAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Vhi-1-o Acnti. T_abn ADD�tESS USE �A4�UNT 616-20 Fourth St. Store & office $27.36 617-21 Fc�arth St. Store, theater � tavern 34.56 623 Fot�rth St. Service Station 2$.00 62�-3o Fourth st. & 330-32 �►lashington Ave. Stores 36.32 801 Fourth S�. & �O1-03 Division St. Tavern, apartments & beauty shop 13.04 803 Fourth St. Office 8.00 806 Fourth St. Store 8.00 810 Fot�h St. Store 8.00 1016 Fourth St. Office 78.32 1109 Fo�ar�th St. ;�'�e 12.00 1907 Fourth St. Studio & 8esidence 16.56 1957 Fonrth St. OPfice & residence 1�.08 1960 Fourth st. Apartments 61.5�+ 196�+ Fourth St. Apart�nt s 72,g p 1968 Fourth St. Apart�snts 67.82 197� �'ourth st. Apartn�ents 65.86 2000 Fourth 3t. Apart�ents 65.86 �vv� 2010 Fa�h St. Apaxtments 61.5�+ 2024 Fourth St. Apartments d9•3$ 1029 Fifth St. Gaxage 8.00 513 Sixth st. Aqul.tiple d�elling 8.00 702 Sixth St. Gaxage & Service Station 25.1�.4 6�5 Ei�th st. stores 2�.88 1699 �iath St. Office & factory 2,�+63.56 48 B�1.d Ea�le Ave. Service Station $.0p 111 Bald Eagle Ave. Store 13•56 322 Ba1d Eagle Ave. Garage & store 15,p�. �+01 Ba1d �a�l� Ave. Office & Service Station 14.24 215 Banning Ave. Store & garage 14.76 218 Bannin� Ave. Clinic 25,7( 3� Baaaing Ave• Store & apartmeats 8.00 5�3 Bannir►g Ave. Beauty Shop & residence 11.0�+ 612 Banning Ave. Apartments 36.56 4020 Bellaire A�e. Apartments 101.28 �+030 Bellaire Ave. Apart�nts 10�.32 �+0�+0 Bella3re ll�e. Apartments 101.12 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. Preaident, Byrne � � ORfGINAL TO CITY CLERK � f+�'• �f� , CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEIt_ DATF White Bear I,ake Page 5. ADDRESS IISE AMOUI�T 2i5 sti�xa.ey BZva. store $ 8.00 �+14 Stickley Blvd. Service Station & apartments 12.40 804 Stickley Blvd. Store & apart�ents 8.00 900 Stickley Blvd. A4otel & restaurant 133•��+ 302 �Ta.shington Ave. Service Station 14.72 308-10 Wa.shington Ave. 0�'fices 12.16 312-1�+ �Tashington Ave. Stores & apartments 10.08 316 Ra.shington Ave. Office 1�+.1+0 318-20 Wa.shington Ave. Store & Offices 9•52 322 Washi.ngton Ave. Store & apartments 8:0� 324 �Tashington Av@. 3tore s 8.�+8 326 Washir�tan Ave. Store 14.6�+ 328 Washington Ave. Store 8.00 �+12 Washixigton Ave. Of'f'ice 14.48 �+1�+ Washington Ave. CaPe, bo�ling a11ey & tavern 30.88 �+18 �iashi.ngton Ave. 8tare 63.12 1510 Webber �ursing Hase 120.40 35�� �te Bear Office & &esideace 10.88 3575-79 �te Beax Aee. & 2000-08 E. Co�nty Rd. E uhopping Center 142.64 3607 Whi.te Beax Ave. Stores 21.52 3615 Whi.te Beax Ave. & 2007 County Rd. B Stores 51.0�+ 3629 White Beax Ave. �ffice 9.60 390�+ White Bear Ave. 0�'fiee & Residence 10.6�+ 40�2 White Bear Ave. Shop & residence 12.84 4070-74 White Beax Ave. Stores & apartm,ents 22.�8 �+235 T�hite Bear Ave. Shop & Residence 10.40 1826 White Bear Court Of'fice & Residence 10.00 NIA� 2 � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays IU1AR 2 ?. 1�;�� Carlson Dalglish pproved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson /�/ ' Sprafku v Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne '�UeLISHE' I�AR 2 9 1969 0