04-17�� RESOLUTION Council File # 0 7�� 7 Green Sheet # �S ��3 � ° ResoluKon Directing Council Research to Rem�nd AnalyZe the City's Energy Policies, Plans and Activities Toward the Development of a Comprehensive Municipal Energy Policy t WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, as an undisputed narional leader, has adopted numerous energy conservation 2 related policies and plans broadly supportive of "green," environmentally sustainable and sound energy production, 3 dishibution and use; and a WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul regulates and issues franchises for energy production and distribution within the 5 city; and 6 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has brought these policies and plans to life through many activities and initiarives, 7 including: green building construcrion, rehabilitation and on-going maintenance; the City's pivotal support of District 8 Energy and District Cooling; the citywide, door-to-door energy conservation program; the replacement of street lights 9 with more energy efficient models; the support of community programs, state and federal laws and initiatives 10 encouraging energy conservation; and using lower-cost, environmentally-sound energy as an incentive to attract and i t maintain business and industry; and 1z WHEREAS, increasing environmental, economic and municipal budget pressures related to energy production and 13 distriburion, including impacts to public health and quality of life, require the city to assess and evaluate the full 14 range of its environmental policies and plans and integrate them into its current and fixture actions related to 15 municipal energy conservation, production, distribution and consumption; now therefore be it 16 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council directs Council Research to review and evaluate existing city energy 17 policies, plans, activities and initiatives; and be it further 18 RESOLVED, that this review and evaluation provide an analysis, by November 1, 2004 of policies which need to be 19 updated, amended, added or rescinded with the goal of developing comprehensive, environmentally-sustainable zo energy policy for the City of Saint Paul, and be it further z1 RESOLVED, that using this analysis and various alternatives provided by Council Research, the Saint Paul City zz Council will develop a comprehensive municipal energy policy, aimed at positioning the city for greater energy self 23 reliance and which will guide the City in its housing and economic development, inveshnent and regulatory endeavors. Requested by Deparhnent of: Adopted by Council: Date / � Adoption Certifi�l by Council Secretary � Approved � �yor: Date _ ��� � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ��. . �. �.�, TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET �,�� vy-i� No 205303 ��� �� F � ❑ CIIYATTOWEY ❑ GRYRFRK _ ❑ RMMCMLfE1NiF40R ❑ AMNCMLtFRVI/GCCi6 ❑ WYORI�MA4914fAM) ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) - 1i11V1YRCUVCJICU �.�. Approval of resoluti� diruiing Comcii Research to r¢view and avalyze the �City's energy policies, plaes and adivities toward the development of a comprehensive mwicipal euergy policy PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION AMOUNT OF TRIkN5ACT10N SOURCE RSONA� SERVlCE COBiRARS MUST /WSW ER iXE POLLOWING QUFSTSONS: f{251�115 PEISOfI/fIIRI EYCf WOtkEd UIId2f d WllffdCt fOf all6 dE�I11H1�� VES NO Has thie persoNfirm ever been a dty empbyee4 YES NO Does this persoNfirtn possecs a skill nM nwmallypossessed by any curreM dty emDioyee'7 YES NO Is th� persoMrtn a targeted vendon YES NO olain all ves ans�ers on seoa2te sheet and altach to areen sheM COST/REVQlUE BUDIiETED (CIRCLE ON� 11CTMTY NUMBER YES NO INFORMATION (IXPWN)