242723 OR:�INAL TO CITY CLEFtK } �' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. �����# f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONER Robert F. Pet�rson �ArE_ M,arch 20. 1969 � WHBREAS, The followiag SIDEWALR CO1�ITRACTORS hsviag met all of the proviaions of Chapter 220 of the Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul, and haning made the proper application for a SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS LICENSE� it ia hereby RESOLVBD� That the said SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS upon providing a bond and the paym�nt of the Sixty Dollars �$60.00) licenseafee,ate hereby granted a license suthoriziag them to engage in the business of SIDEWALK COAITRACTOR in the Citq of St. Paul for the year 1969. �- Gerald A. Anderson Adolfsoa & Peterson Inc. Wm. Bawueister Construction Fri,dholm Construction Co. Mario Frasson Cement Co. Gilbert � Koch Inc. Knutson Construction Co. Krans-Anderson of St. Paul Oscar Nelson Pederaon Bros. Ceaieat Contractors Sheehy Construction Co. Lieberg Conatruction C�. Mp� 2 0 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson ' r` �969 Dalglish Approved �p�' r " 19—_ Meredith n Favor Peterson� ' , Sprafka J Mayor Tedesco ' A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHf! �R 2 2 196� .� �: � o :�; �^y """'''���� ('� D�IP'.ICAT6 TO PRINTBR " 7� Jt�'1- ".f, CITY QF ST. PAUL couNCa �• �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�iONER �efl��t �'. 1�et�rsAn DATF �farei� 2Q� 1469 w�,...... .,n _'._l7 1 � ttt..._f__. � i�B�8A5, T�e fall�o7riag SIDai1'AL1C Cp�ACT�O�tS h�►v3ng met a11 of th� provi�ions of C�apt�r 220 of th�s Legtslat3.ve Gode of th� City of St. Pae�l, aad having m�c�� th� proper applicatioa for at SIDaCMiA1�C CA14�9�ACT'ORS LiC�S, it ia� hs�ceby RE5abVlRD� Tha�t thr� �ta#.d �:CD�fiALX Cb�IT�ACTO�S apon proaiding a bond and the paym�eut of the� Sixty;�all�rfe t86�.00) lic�u�e�fee,at� he�r�eby graatad a lic�eas� �ut�aor���.t�� kt�em to eagage in th�s busicuess oi 8ID8i�}ALK CORl'RAC'!'OB in th�e Ci�y o� 8t. r�u1 fc►r tha qear 1969. Geralc� b. Artc���r�+�t� AdoifiOt� & 1�'etearMdr► �etC• Wm. lla+�i�r�e��r Con�ts�,ection Frtdholm Con�t�uctir+n C�. Mari� l�rasron +C+�nt Cc�. Gilbert b 16oah I�c. ]4tutson Conetruction �a. iCraus�t�8er��►n of �t. 'P�a�i1 asca�r l�elsoin �'ed�ereoa Brod. Cea�ec►t +GQ�tr�t+�ta�� �eehy Conetruc2ian Co+ bi�eberg Con�tructioa Co. ' ,t '�z ,-y z"��" i � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson . �;;; Dalglish � Approved 19� Meredith �1n Favor Peterson Sprafka b Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �