242718 , � ti OR161NAL TO CITY CLHRK �L�.����� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�,. � g''� ���' • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL L TI -G L FORM PRESENTED BY �o�rt F. Peterso COMMISSIONE � TF WNEREAS, By authority of the Laws of Min�esota for the year, 1959, Chapter 300, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, the City of St. Paul� aAay pay a portion of the assessable costs cf Sidewaik Construction when such costs exceed tbe benefits to the property �,r�er, MMEREAS, It bas been detersiined that the followic�g described parcels of pro- perty be relieved of the following amount: Descr i at i on A�unt S 50' of Lots 2Z, 23 �r 2�+, Bi k. 2, Wright S� Wi 11 iaa� Re. of Bik. 12, Macalester Park $18�.49 Lot 1, Blk. 1 , Auditor's Sub. #5$ 178.94 Lot 40, Blk. 1 , Auditor's Sub. #58 178.94 (Ex. E 10 inches) Lot 8, Blk. l , Berkeley Place 178.99 M 45' of Lot 7, �lk. 1 , Berkeley Ptace 178.97 Lot i , Blk. 2, A�ditor's Sub. #58 1b3.11 Lot 40, �lk. 2, Auditor's Swb. #58 18�+.9� Lot 9, Blk. 2, Berkeley Place 185.30 Lot 8, Theresa Place 208.60 E 5� of Lot 6 ar�d �li of �ot 7, Blk. 18, Merriaaa Park Third Add. 24.29 Lot 8 and E � of Lot 9, Bik. 18, Merria� Park Third Add. 262.6g Ex. Sc�it; Lot 8, Re. of Bik. 3, Macalester Park 81 .56 Lot i , �lk. 17, Merria� Park 2nd Add. 218.77 Lot 20, Bik. 17, Merriam Park 2nd Add. 63.�1 Lot 7, Masl�burns Re. of Btk. t8, 2nd Add. Merriam Park 218.77 Lot 8 � V 18.50' of Lot 9, Mlashb�rns Re. of Blk. 18, 2nd Add. ller.Pk. 218.77 Lot l , Blk. 6, Macalester Vitias 182.30 Lot 17, Bik. 6� Macalester Vitlas 75.6� M 52.4' of Lots 1 8 2, Blk. 8, �yer's Re. of part of Macalest�r Pk. 127.75 M 60' of Lot 16, Blk. 8, Macalester Park 138.92 Lot 5, Bik. 2, Nacalester Villas 182.65 WHEREAS, TE�e total as�cunt of assessable costs tba City �ay pay is $3,433.32; now therefore be i t� �/��/ (Continued) �- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approvec� 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � "� -. ORIOINAL TO CITY CLF�RK 242r���( CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�,. � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMM SS�IONEa Robert F. Peterson DATF RESOIVE�, That the Coa�aissioner of Publ ic Works be and �ie is hereby authorized to pay from tb�e Permanent I�aprove►aent Revolving Fund, Code 6�A0, the amount of $3,433.32, a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Con- struction under the 1g68 Sidewalk Cont�act 68-M-433, Levy��o��trict l�o. 2, L-7007, ln tbe amount of $3,433.32, said Perniane� evolv�ng Fund to be reimbursed fro� the City's Share of Local Improve�ent Aid Fund 0920-701. (19b9� ;��'� � 2 � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � 2 � l�s� Dalglish � pproved 19�_ Meredith In Favor Peteraon ' Sprafka ,j Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. Preaident, Byrne !PBeCI�HEi �aR � � (�69 O DUPLICATB TO PRINTER � � 2��F�� .� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL" NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ���'„t �. ���',�� COMMISSIONER DATF MHEREAS, By authority of tfi� i:aws �af Minr►�s+ata for �ha year, 19�9. Chaptesr 30n, H.�. 21] �nd r�tifi�d by C.�. No. 192216, aPPra�vad Ml�y 2. 19�9. th� C1ty of St. P�al , msY paY a portl�rs o1� fihe a�a�es�able c�oa�ts ofi Sidew�i.k 6ons�ru�tion when such casts �x�e►d the bene�i ts to tlt�, pre�pet�ty r,�mer, YF1ElEEIA4, !t has beer► r�e�Ce�aine�d tha� t,he �'ailowing destcibed parcels.of pro- perty be re1 iaved of thm #ol iowCng �c+nnL; D��crt�ttan unt S 50' af �,ots 22, 23 8. 24, 8�k. �, �lrlght S I�i 1 T Fam� ,Re�. af B1k. 12, 1��tester Parlc �180.49 Lot 1, B11t. 1 , Audttor's Sub. �58 1y8.g4 6ot 4Q, Bi�c. 1 , Aud i ta�'s �ub. �`5$ 17'8.94 (LX. � 10 ittChes� Lo� 8i Bik. 1 , 9erkal+�y Pta� 1�8.99 W 45� of bot 7, B�k. i, Be�rtc�t ey Pl aca 178•97 Lot 1 � Blk. 2. /�uditor's Sub. �5$ T63.11 #.ot 40, Bl k. 2, Aud i tor'� Sub. #�SS 184.90 Lat 9, Btk. 2, Berkeley Pl,�cie 18�.30 ' Lct 8, TAarasa Ptac� 2t1$.60 E 5' of L,Qt 6 ar�d �11 mf �,at ]'. Blk. 18. iNerriar� �ark '1"t�ird Add. 24.29 Lat 8 and E � of Lat �� �tk. 18� �rrt�na ih�rk Third Add. 262.69 Lx. Su�n,it; Lot 8, Re. of B1k. 3� Ilsc�lest�r Ih�rk 81.56 Lot 1 . �ik. 1], ll�r�t�ia�a #�ark 2nd Add. 218.y� Lat 20. Bik. ly� MerN� �►ark 2nd Add. 63.01 Lv� 7, Wa�rhburna R�. of 61k. t$, Znd l�dd. Miarriam hark 218.77 Lot 8 � M 18.Sp' Qf �.ot 9. Waathbu rns R�e. of d t k. 1$, 2nd IAdd. M�r.l�Ic. 218.77 I.ot l. 61k. 6, ll�cale�tar 1111 i�s 182.34 i.ot 17x B1 k. 6, Mecr�laster Yi�1as ?5.6p M 52.4' af Lc�ts 1 S Z, 6ik. 8, i�►er�� Re. af p�rt of �!Iscal+�ster Pk. 12�.75 a 60� of !ot 16. Blk.. B. war.�i��ter �rk 136.92 Lot $, �lk. Z, Na�laster Yillas 182.65 #�liEREllS, The totst aawur�t r►f �ssessabie� costs the Ctty ma�y ry�Y is �3•433.3a► ne�nv th+erofore be It, (6ontin�edj COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafka Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne S5 DUPLiCATE TO PRINT£R 2�` �`��� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co MI55 ONER RoberC f. t�ter�r�n DATF RESQL�D, �'hat the �Gcxnmt�sic�ner of I�ub1 ic Wc,rks ba and hs ls I�reby authariz�d ta pay from �kt�e P�rma�n�nt tmprov�nt Risvalving �'ancl, �,AC� 60�lQ, th� amount of �3.43�.�2, a par�iac� o� tha assasa$ble costs of S1e#�w�r�k �Ccn-� �t�uction under tt� )�6$ S3dev�lk Contr^act b8�1�433. Levy Nc. �r, DistE1�� No. 2, 1-700�, fr� th+� amcant of '$�r�33.32., said lrbt�sn,er�t �volvring �und to be retmbursed fra,n tha ttty's 5h�re o!` Lo�i laaprova�aent Aid �'und +Dg2a-��1. (19b9� �'������., �:: ;��. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � .�°,,. �_,����, Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—._ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka f� � Mayor �Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O