242717 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 242��`� , FILE NO. s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE I N EN L ORM COMM SS�ONE Robert F P+eterson DA WHEREAS, 6y autbority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year, 1959, Cbapter 300, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, appraved May 2, 1959, the City of Saic�t Paul,, may pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction when suck� costs exceed the beaefits to the property owner, W�IEREAS, It has been deteraaic�ed tt�at the following described parcels of property be rel ieved of t�ie fol loMring a�ount: Des�t�iation A�ount W'ly � of lots 12, 13 � 14, Lawton�s �e. of Blk. 149 and Lot or Blk. "E", West St. Paul Proper $180.22 W 70' of Lats 1 � 2, Bik. 1 )2, West St. Paul 235.57 Lot 9, Blk. 147, West St. Paul 45.15 S ? of Lot 4 and ali of Lot 5, Blk. i2, Jackson � B i clv�e 11 's Add. 325.90 Lot 1 , Blk. 19, Jackson � Bidwell 's Add, to West St.Paui 212.�A W 35' of E 75' of Lots t , 2 S. 3, B1k. 56, w. St. Paul 6.16 Mlest 1�a' of Lot 5, Blk. 55, �st St. Paul 15�.11 Ex. W lA0' ; Lots 1 � 2, Blk. 62, Mest St. Paul 3�.52 (Ex. alley) Lot 6, Bik. 8, Woodbury � Case's Add. 75.6� WHEREAS, The total aa+ount of assessable costs the City �ay pay is $1 ,265.23; now therefore be it� RESOLYE�, That the Co�issio�+er of Pfabl ic Works be and he is hereby authorized to pay fi rom the Permane�t improvea�ent Revoiving Fund, Code 600�, the amount of $1 ,2b5.23, a portion of tbe assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1968 Sidewalk Contract 68-M-434, Levy No. 6, District No. 3, L-70�8, in the arnoant of $1 ,265.23, said Per�aqent I�provement Revolving Fund to be reimbursed f ro� the City's Share of Local Improvement Aid Fund 092�-7�1 . �1969) r ��,� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council MAR 2 � 1' _ Yeas Nays Carlson �� � �' ���� Dalglish Approve 19—_ Meredith � �n Favor Peteraon ' Mayor Sprafka J A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne FUBLISHES �AR 2 2 ���� O DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTER f+ �n , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ����-� O F F I C E O F T H E C I T Y C L E R K COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONErt RO�f"'� �. �ll�Nl"4bt1 pqTc WHEREAS, By a�thority of tMa �,s�r� of Minne�t�ta for the yaar, 1959, CMa�ptar 304. H.�`. 21� �nd rs�ifi+�d by C.1�. N�. 19�216. apprr�vad May �, 1959, ths Ctty cf Satnt l�a�l� maY p�Y a portion of tha as�rsssble� c�►sts of Sl�s1k �onstruction whe� �u�h co�ttg axceed the bens�its ta �hs property ownar, MM�It�AS, it has be�n detertain�d tl►at tih� fol�crwtng dascribsd parcets of prop�r�y t� rel tavad of tlie fol Iawtag �mawnt: p��c�t at i oni �nt„ w'ty � of I.oEs 12. t3 � 1�4, Lawton's 11m. o� 8tk. 149 �nd �.ot or 61k. "�", I�kst 8t. P�u� 6�+-oper� �►180.2z M 70' c►f l,�ts 1 �r 2, 81k. 112� Mfmat St. Paul 23�.5? I.ot 9, 81k. i�ty, tiif�st 3t. Paul +�+5.15 S � of !ot �1 +�nd ai 1 of Leat S. B1 k. 1�, .tsckson t �1ldwei 1 "s A�d. 3��.9�1 4ot 1 , B1 k. 19, Jactc�on � (�f da�l 1�'s �Add. to ifest �Ct.rau� 212.i�0 �' 35' o� � 75' of I.ots 1 . 2 �► 3. �1k.' �►� '�. �i�. Paat 6.16 W�st 1Qp� of I,ot 5� Bik, 55r Yest 5t, P�ui 15►0.11 Ex. w �f�Q'; Lot� 1 t� 2, Blk. 62, M+�st S't. P"a�l 34.�2 (E�. a11ey� 1.o�t +�,' 81ic. 8, M�aodbnry t Ease's Add» ' '�5.6Q MHEREAS, The to��l �unt o€ �s�ea�able ccsts the Ct�y +�aY i�Y t� �1 .2f 5•23, now tt+arofore be 1 t, �";�Q�L'V�@, That the Coa�mtssia�ar c� �bt i� 1k�rks b�a and he is hereby authcarize�d t+� pa�y, �From Che P4�ra�an�nt Imptrc�v+�nt lt�wolving i�und. Cc�ds 6000, the amcrun� o� �`},�65.2�, a po�zton of the assa�a�sable� �+���� of �Cldewaik Constructton under�' �he i�8 �►�dewarik 6vntr�ct 68•N-434, l,svy l�o. 6, Distrtct No. 3, L�►iQ4$, tn th� a�auat of �1 ,265.23, sald lrM�raran�r�t ln�provem�nt Rsvol v i ng �'�nd �o ba �i�nb�rsed �ro� ths C i ty's Sha rs a►�F Loc�a l I�aprov�ment X1d �und Q92Q�701. (1��a9� ,� �r�a� �: �P��c ". � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson `,'i���: .:: Dalglish �'� Approver� 19__ Meredith �_ Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor �gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne 66