242716 �G�� �1.V ORI6MNAl.TO CITY CL6RK � �)A•1��� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �`�% ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N4• COUNCIL ION—G E L FORM . PRESENTED BY J � COMMISSIONE �r � 7 Yi�REAS, By authority of the Laas of Minnesota for the year, 1g59, Chapter 300, N.F. 21] and ratified by C.F. tlo. 192216, approved I�iy 2, 1959, the City of Sai�t Paui may pay a portion of tbe assessable ccsts of Sickwalk Constraction when such costs exceed the b�r+efits to the property c�mer, VHEREAS, It has been determined that the following described parceis of property be relieved of the foilowing amount: Description Aa�ount Lot 8 t (ex E 20�) Lct 9, 81 tc. 7, Qu i�aby Pa rk $92.4ti Lot 11 , �lk. 7, Quimby Park � 81.20 Lot 6, Blk. lA, Qui�by Park 95.2� Lot 11 6 M � of Lot 12, Blk. 25, Merriam's Re. of Blks. 24-29, Mierria� Park 7.91 Lot 14, Btk. 17, St. Anthony Park I�orth 20.84 VHEREAS, Tlae total amount of assessable costs the City siay pay is �297.55, nov+ tk�erefore be i t� RESOLVE�, That the Commissioner of Public Morks be and he is hereby authorized to pay f rom the Per�anent ImproveaAent Revolv�ing Fu�d, Ccde 60�0, the �ount of $297.5$, a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Coc�- struction under the 1968 SideNalk Coatract 68-l4-432, Levy bio. 7, District No. 1 , L-7�06, in the as�ount of $297.55, said Pera�anent Improve�ent Revot v i ng Fund to be re i�+bu rsed f ran ti�e C i ty's Share of Loca 1 t�provea�ent Aid Fund 0920-7�1 . (1969) ��+l `'`'. N„P,R 2 G 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , ; Carlson � � < .9 6� Dalglish pproved 19—_ Meredith �n Favor Peterson ' Sprafka J Mayor A gainst Tedesco g11BLI�HE� MAR 2 2 1969 Mr. President, Byrne O DUPL:tATF TO TRINTER � � &I`�!F��;,j CIN OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMM SS�IONER Ilnbart �`_ P�twrsnry DATF i�lt�, $y autticrity o� tha I.sw� �f M1nn�so�a� �ar ths ya�r, I959• Cte�pter 30Q. H.�'. 317 and �stift�ad by C.F. Mc�. 1�221fi� �p�roved Mi�Y 2. 1959. tl�� Cttyr of S�►tnt �au1 a�ay' ,pay a pc�rtion of tbe s��ss�bt� costs c�' S t de,wa i k Const t�Cfi t on a�hen se�h �a�s ex�d t!� bw�nef i fis ta the property ��m�er, V1�RE�1S, It h�g b0sr� d�tarmin�ad thst th� fallawing des�rTbed parcels of propdrty be' n�l i�v�d of tl�e �01 la�wing a��ntz D�scr�t�t tc�r� �� Lc�t $ � ��x � '���,� lQC q, B l k. �, Q�t�a6y 1°'ark �92.4Q �ot 11 , l�1k. 7. Q�ui�y �ark 81.ZQ Lot 6, Bl k. i ti, Q�u imby P�r�k 9�.2Q l.at ti � �1 � of 1�ot 12, �Ik. ��+ Moi'riaim�s ,�e►. af Biks. 24�2Q, M�arriaQa !�a►rrk 7.g1 t,ot i�, 6�k. 17. St. An th�ny P�a r6c North 2G.84 1iH��1S, fihe tatai a►c�unt vf a��ssabrle �osts tha CitY �X P�Y is ��97.55 r �o*r tha rofore ba i t� ���D411Eq, That tb� Cc�am i�s iorsar nf 1�i+b i tc '�orks ba r�nd i�e i s he�ra6y authcri�d to pay frc�m the Pst�ta�an��t 1r�pr�vsment �avaNving t�und. Cc�de 6000, the amount of �297.55. a pcartton of the assossahle costs of �tcMwaik Cc�- s�ract i on uncl�r tho 1�$ S►i d+�ara 1 k C�ar+t ract 68-M�432, Ld�r�y� 11a. y: D�str i ct Nc►. 1, lrt70t96, tr► th� �,ount cf �Z97•SSr s�id !�t`martent i�prtaweraent : ��vcc�lv.lrr� F�nd tc►' :��. �reimbr���d �roi� th� City�� `�hare� qfi �,oca1 �Improvement Aid �und �092Q��6i1. (��►9� � � �°� � ., �,�,�;.,., �Ehf�iz. �'. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays i,��1I�:` ��. �� � Carlson , Dalglish ' Approver� 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka "�U Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr.Preaident, Byrne �