242664 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK i • " •• • 242s�4
RESOLVED, That James Ayotte be and hereby is permitted
to install and operate an 11—car trailer rental lot on
property located at the southeast corner of Smith Avenue
and Curtice Street, more particularly described as Lots 15
and 16, Block 51, Lawton Brothers Addition to the City of
St. Paul, in accordance with plans dated Received November
6, 1968; subject to the conditiors that the trailer parking
space noted as #1 on the submitted plans be eliminated to
maintain sight lines at the street in.tersection; that
advertising be eliminated from the street boulevard; that a
bumper guard rail be installed to protect the '7-1/2 foot
buffer adjacent to the trailer parking area; and that
shrubbery be installed at least every six feet on center
in the now blacktopped buffer area; an.d further subject to
; compliance with all applicable city ordinances, state statutes
and rules and regulations of public authorities having
cognizance. Fq� pp�
�"t' �O1'�°'�°" MAR 18 1969
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson � 18 1969
Dalgliah Approved 19—
Meredith � Tn Favor
Peterson '
SprafkF, � Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISHEI� MAR 2 2 1969
. . y , . ' .. � Z •
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Q�l��ia�! M;�,1.� i .
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. . . � ■MI���'i�rhi Fa�'�e .
March 12� 1969
��Ir. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
Room 38 6
City Hall� and Courthouse
Dear Sir:
On February 27, 1969 the City Council laid-over -Co t�iarch 3, 1969
the application of James Ayotte for a permit to install. and ooerate
an eleven-car trailer rental lot on the southeast corner of Smith
Avenue and Curtice Street. In laying this matter over the City Council
directed the Zoning Board statf to re-investi�ate the r�remises and
report on "housekeeping" on the site.
A new field investigation of this �roperty by our staff took place
on i�4ar�h 10, 1969. It was noted that the site is occupied by a Nidwest
filling station which, with an exception� conforms to vlans approved in
1957 for Skell.y Oil. Company. The exception is the 7 1/2 foot buffer
area at the rear of the site alons� the south property line. As noted
in the previous transmittal to Council, this buffer area should be
re-estab].ished 3nd protected by instal7.ation of a bumper guard rail.
The open area at the rear of the site, about 50 by 65 feet, is
used for pa.rkina, trash burning, and advertising sian and old tire
storage. The ille�;al advertisin�; si�n previously no�Ced as beinp on
the Curtice Street boulevard h3s been removed. Snow has been removed
from the paved areas of the site and from abutting sidewalks reasonably
we].1. a�C the time of this 1.atest field investi�ation. It was apparent, '
however�, that mosty if not all, of �Che accumulated snow has been piled
on the buf�er area along the south oroperty line, the City boulevards
abutting the site, and the CitV boul.evard across Curtice Street. Snow
niled along the south property line seems to be encroaching on the
adjoining residentia]. p�operty.
Curtice Street is stopped for Smith Avenue at the adjoinin� inter-
section. Smith Avenue is heavily traveled and sight ].ines are somewhat
restricted due to building placement and area tonopranhy. i�lhile the
piled snow did not ag���vate this problem at the time of this fi�ld
investi�ation� it may have ear�.ier in the winter af�er fresh snowfalls.
The Planning Board staff is not a re�ulatory or investi�ating
body and� as such, is not equipped to carry on policing functions which
� �,� '�,�'���,
� � �
� i
Mr. Harry E. Marshall -2- March 12� 1969
are more properly the preview of the Buildin¢ Department. As a
consequence� we hesitate to interject our eva3uation. However, recognizing
that this has been a difficult winter, it is our conclusion tha.t while there
have been some attemnts to maintain the appearance of this pro�erty, these
have been somewhat below avera�e and what may be exnected for a commercial
establ.ishment wishing to retain the public's good will.
Very truly yours,�
� ' � .�-a
� � ��----
� C ��� , �;,��-.
Nol�and R. He iden
Z.F. #6665
• . 1 .
February 25, 1969
t�ir. Harry E. Marshall
City Cl.erk
Roor� 38 6
City H�al,l. and Courtnouse
Dear Sir:
This is written in resnonse to the apnlication ot James Ayotte for
a permit to install and operate an eleven-car trailer rental lot on
property located on the southeast corner of Smith Avenue and Curtice
Street. This property is further described as Lots 15 and 16, Block 51,
Lawton Bros. Addition.
This matter was consider�d at the becember 19,196�3 Board of Zonin�
meeting. The staff reported that the site is presently occupied by a
fi]..ling station approved in 1957. Plans for this fillin�? station
indicate provision of a 7 1/2 �oot buffer area along the south property
line. Field investigation, however, discloses that this buffer area has
now become part of a blacktopped parkin� area at the rear o.f the property
and that an illeaal. advertisin� si�n exists on the Curtice Street boulevard.
Three lettars in op�osition (attached) were noted . The staff recommended
several cha.n�;es if the a�plication w�,s to be approved. These changes are:
a) Trailer parkin,.a., spa.ce noteci as ;�l on the submitted plans
be eli.minated to maintain sight lines at the street inter-
b) Advertisin� be e�.iminated from the strEet boulevard;
c) A bumper �;uard r�il be installe3 to protect the 7 1/2 foot
l�uffer adjacent to the trailer parkin�; area; and
d) Shrubbzry b� insta].led at least every six feet on cent2r
in the nota blacktopped buffer area.
�""°- PZr. Geral.d Rummel, rep�esenting the applicant, irxiicatzd that the staff
recommendations �aere acc�ptable to the anplicant. �
Consequently, tne Board of Zonin� recommends approval of this agplication
sub�ect to the above staff recommendations. These cnang�s are r.ow indicated
on the �1.ans.
t �o, urs,
O)J .
Chai n
Z.F. t�6665
Attacn,-nents (3) � 80
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IIOARD OF 70NING RE��ORT AND ACTION December 19, 196� Pl.at M�p 47
Actin� under Le�islative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File Pdo�
� passed August 22� 1922 as amended to April 6f 19G8 6665
Also 3633 .
1, APPLICANT'S NAME ; James Ayotte
� 2. CLASSIFICATION s �Amendment Q Appeal �Permit ❑ Other
. 3. PURPOSE s Insta�� and o��ratz a trailer rental lot
4� LOCATION s Southeast cornGr of Smith Avenu� �nd Curtice Street
5� LEGAL DESCRIPTION s Lots 15 � 16, 3�oc'r. 51� Lasaton 3ros. Addition
6� PRESENT ZONING ; Com,� erci�l
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapters 60 Section: .05 Psragraph: f
A. }iISTORY: A germit to instaii and op�rate a fillin� station on th?s site was
granted on Au6ust 1, 1957.
B. ARE9 ZO�JING: The frontaQe a?on� Smith Avenue is zoned Conmercial� Area to the
east is zon_3 "A" ?�sidanc�,
C� DESIGN STAidDa:tDS: Th� plar. f.or the exist�n? fillina station cal.led for a 7'o"
buffer are.� alon; the south p.~�opesty lin� �aith a retainin? wall alor.� th�
eastsrly oortion of t�e buf.fen area, Rep-�irs to the bituminous narking area
east of t��e �uil.din� app�ar to have encroached upon the buff�r araa . The
buffer area is noca b�.acktopnad.
D. FROtdTAGE � AREA; The oroparty has ?5 foot frontage a):ong Smit'� Avenue ar.d 117.7
feet alonu Curtice Str�et rrith �.n area of 8s817 �5 s�uare f�et,
E. SITE CO21,�ITIOA!: Tne existin� .f-illina station is aoproxim�tely thre� to four feet
lower than property to the soutn. An ille�al advertisina si�n is on the Curtice
Street �oulevard.
F. AREA C�?JDSTIO:vS; Comm�rcial d�velo�ment exists on t5� southusst corner of Smit'�
Avenue and Curtic� Street. The pr�do-,iinatn area devalopmnnt is sin;la-fa�ily.
9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend X Approval � Denial Council Lt.
Moved by: Gad1�r Yeas Nays
Seconded by; :IcDartlin Cohen Date of Hearing
X Janes,Chmn.
X McPartlin Council Action
Secretary's remarks; Haarstick - Alt,
X Gadler Date
SU3JECT TO THE C�P�I�ITI�iIS S�T �71'; X Maietta -
3Y STAFF BEI`1� S:i�';^I 0*1 PT 4'iS.
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f\IJ�����`=�iV �I Jam�s ,Ayotte �-A��4:J�1V � . .
f�' i Prate a trailer rental lot \ �t'oiV� ���
4�llf�"����. Install ancl op_
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E'���.� �;0 #6665 . NoR'�f� • f�l � ��i��JS � ����.
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� S�t. Paul �'IClilTlltlC�j [3o�r�d, Da�?e� November 20 , 1968 ��'.����!� f'rop�rfi�,� Ui�c1�f CCi131G3'rqil0i
113 Court House 55102
February 14, 1969
City Clerk
File X632, Page
You are hereby not�fied that a public hearing will be held in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court �:ouse in the City of
St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on February 27, 1969, on the application
of James Ayotte for permit to install and operate a trailer rental
lot on the £ollowing property: Lots 15 and 16, Block 51, Lawton
Brothers Addition to the City of St. Paul. The property is located
on the southeast corner of S�ith Avenue and Curtice Street.
For further information contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce
Building or phone 223-4151.
Commissioner of Finance
_. - �G
City of Saint Paul, I�innesota
(Please print or type) �Q
. � the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing
y install and operate a new (cross one out)
No. of islands and pumps :
No. of tanks and capacity: ,
� PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other)
(indicate type)
Capacity of parking lot
To be used in connection with:
� MISCELI�ANEOUS: I r��.���.e� ��.ti� � c�� -- i � r -fi.�.��r —f v�c-.��`��
(indicate type such as Drive-in ltef reshment Stand, se Car
Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.)
Capacity of parking area:
*Location : � �l � �O J w�� �+
Legal Description : Lot ; � ij +"" l� Block j� �,;,,w�oy►�-dS.Addition
Applicant's Name : j�� A � ����
.�tomc-e•r Of f ice Address: � y,��• � ����.�
Phone Number .
� � �
(Signature ( ate)
Address : W g�� 0 `�� �c+X�cw..Jl�•s�.k-�J�� '
Phone No.: � .�� _C���r,
When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of
the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk,
ftoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Z-3 6/11/56
*EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St.
2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St.
� .
February 25, 1969
City of St. Paul
� Department of Finance
113 Court House
St. Paul, Minn. 55102 :
Gentlemen: RE: Permit to install trailer rental agency
Case File X632 Page 7
In regard to Mr. James Ayotte's request for a permit to install a trailer rental
ageney on the southeast corner of Smith Avenue and Curtice Street, I wish to
protest his application because I feel it will be a deteriment to the neighborhood.
There have been so many break-ins and accidents on that corner that one more
business place will invite more trouble or ag�reviate the situation, especially
ovexcrouding parking space, whish is now such that I can`t park in front of my home
or have access from my sidewalk to the street due to businesses alread,y on the
corner utilizing parking spaces.
I own m,y home and have lived there over fifty years and do not feel I should
have to move elsewhere because of business enterprize� taking over the residential
There is no parking on Smith Avenue from 2:00 A.M. to 7:00 A.M. and when weather
is such one can't get in an alley the only place to park is on Curtice Street.
Then too the new snow ordinance requests no parking on even numbered streets
startir�g March lst. 1.g69 which will further complicate parking.
I work at the Veterans Hospital and need �y car for transportation and winter
parking is already a problem. Smith Avenue is "Highway 49" and heavily travelled
and approaching Smith f'rom Curtice is a problem now, espically with cars already
parked nea� the corner and is a hazzard as it is.
I trust after re'viewing the situation you will revoke the application of Mr. Ayotte.
Thank you,
i�� /` .�e��XiC�� �G�""o�
Mrs. Mabel Carlson
766 So. Smith. Ave. ,
St. Paul, Minn. 55107
. . _ . � February 25, 1969
�ayor and City Council R E C E I V E D
;City of St. Paul
� FEB 2" 1969
Concernin� File X632--Pa�e 4:
In regards to petition fox trailer rental to be allowed at the
corner of. Smith and Curti s (I,ots 15 & 16 block 51 , Zawton Bros. Addi-
tion to cit�T of �t. Paul.�
This letter is to inforn� you of the position taken by home ow'na�'o
in close proximity of existin� service station at 778 So. Smith Ave.
In the past year trucks delivering gas to Jims ' Ididwest have
broken dov�n curbs, scraped garages and literally chewed up the a,lley.
On Ja.nuary 30, 1969; a resident in the block on complaining of
such tactics wa.s punched in the nose� ca.using considerable discomfort,
profused bleeding and two black eyes. Police were called.
This winter snoi�v has not been removed from side Vvalks surrounding
this corner. This operator has plo�ed sno�� across both Smith Ave. and
Curtiss Street during heavy snot�s, creat�ng high piles of snow that
are hard to see around and impossible to see ovex causing a safty hazard.
No snow h�s been remov ed f r�m this site (winter '68-- '69) which
seems odd due to the fact that this man has the equipment and contracts
out to plov� for others.
Snow has rendered the lot smaller and smaller and would be smaller
still had not snow been pushed through and over neighbors fence and
against l�i s garage.
Considering ��r. and �rs. Ayotte's lack of consideration for their
fellotivs, we the undersigned home owners feel this petition not be
The affore mentioned incidents and others too numerous to mention
should suffice to show we don't want a trailer lot here. This letter
should also suffice to curtail G.ny further such pet�tions; should such
petitions persist. There may soon be a petition to curtail existing
business run nov� by �.�r. and Mrs. JU.mes Ayotte.
SIGN�D--Aieighbors on S�mith ve. �� � �0 S�
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113 Court Hou:s,6b102
JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner
LOUIS H.MeKENNA,Depufy Commissioner Phons:223-46�46
February 24, 1969
Mr. Harry Marshall
City Clerk
File No. X632
Trailer rental lot on SE cor
of Smith Ave. & Curtice St.
Hearing Date: February 2p, 1969
Dear Sir:
Forwarded herewith is a letter, with reference to the above project,
for consideration by the City Council.
Si erely,
� �`-"_
ames J. D glish �
Co�ission r of F nance
cc: Robert & Dora Hessger
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A1-�L�C!�N� JaMa Ayotte �G�3LIV�
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• PVt'���J� Inatall and operate a trailer rental lot L�IV� U��
,. . . o o���-Fl��iILY
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: P„�S�N(' ZO�I�JG Comm�rcial �"' ��"�0°F�I'l�ILY
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�' � St. Paul F�ianntn Boflrd, Data� November Zo, i9sa ��� Prop�rPy Under Co�sid�raii�
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� Capital of Minnesota
�e a�t�e�t o cs�`ic �a et
� �
� POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH
ROGER M. CONWAY. Deputy Commissioner
' DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN. Licenee Inspeetor
�arch 11, 1969
l,°r. :Iarrf E. ?�;�rshall, Ci�t,y Clerk
386 Court i-Iouse
St• Paul, T�::�.nr_es o�a 55102
.�ttentions 2.ir. kl Olson, Council ltecordsr
;�ear Sir:
An application by Jamos A;�otte, for an eleven (11) car trailer rental,
in connection tivith a ;-,asoline fillin�; station on the southeast corner of Smith
Avenue and Curtice Street, sras referred to Commissioner ►iilli.am E. Cai�lson, f�r
presentation to the License Co�nittee.
At the hearing on P',arch 4, 1969, �he mat�er was referred to me by the
Comr�4ittee for a physical inspection o7' the �reniises, as -�he area resident ob-
jections, ��rere mainly "poor housekeepin�".
On T�arch 6, 1969, myself and Deputy License Inspector Geor;;e ��arel
e�mined Lhe prer.:ises, and found -�ne station, both inside and the area ou�;side,
very neat, clean and orderly, r�.�h walks ahovelled, clear of snow and ice.
In vie�r of our inspaction, �.�Ir. Karel and myself, feel that -the license
should be ;ranted, i�' cleanliness tivas the main objection.
I:`r. Ayoi;te stated that the trailers will be l:ept on a black-top sur-
faaed lot, in a nea� and orderl�T manr_er.
�'ery truly ,*ours,
� ���
. �
Daniel P. I.icLaughlin
License Insl�ector
CC= Co�unissioner d'l. �arlson
Corr�nissioner D. i:":eredith
C or�i s s i one r R. �'e�l:e rs on
Irir. Dan Iilas, Spscial Assist;ant
Corporation Counsel
Deputy Inspector CTeor;�;e liarel
C.C� C_. .
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�%ar ch 13, 1969
Hon. Wm. �,. Carls on �\
Comsr. of public Safety �
Public Safety Bldg.
Dear Sir: Atten I�lrr. niel MeLaughlin
The City Council today grante a cation of James Ayotte
for permit to install and opera 11-car trailer rental 1Qt
at the southeast cor r th and Curtice St., sub�ect
to the c�nditions et out the in� Board letter of Feb.
The Council reque t d that the condit4ons be referred to the
License Co�mnittee o consid ion at the time the licenses
are gre,nt a rene , e have att�.ched a copy of this
letter ; your informa on.
February 27, 196g
Co�e�ce°�uilding �
St. Paul �
The City C�uncil laid over to Mar th matter of' the applicati�n
oP James Ayotte fbr permit to insta operate an 11-car trail�r rental
lot at thc southeast corne th and Curtice St. and requeats - �
that the 7,oning Bc�rd st nve te premises and report back to
the Council on March 1 a� to"h keep g"on the premises.
Very truly yours,
/ ,.
% City Clerk
AO/ng /
�, l
. February 27, 1�69
Ha�. Wm. E. Carlson ,------------1
Chairman� License Co�nittee ��,
Public SaPety Bldg. \��
Dear Sir:
Th� City Council tada.y conaid�re appl ion o� James A�rotte for a
permit to install and operate an 1 - ar iler rental lot in connection
with a gaeoline fi3ling station on t e utheast corner oP Smith ave.
and Curtice St.
Two letters and a peti an cf resi t� in the arer� were read, mainly
pertainin� to "houseke ing' at thi location.
The Council rePerred th lettex nd p�titifln to the License Cammittee
�or investiga�3.o�,�
�/ Very truly Yc>u�s�
,\ �-�-- Cit C1erk
Ao Ing
Fe�. 28, 1969
Mr. Joseph Perran, �.\
792 S. Smith Avenue, �
St. Paul, Minn.
Dear Sir:
Please be infor.med that f Council on Thursday,
February 27th. considered t plic i n of James Ayotte for a
trailer rental lot on t a t co of Smith and Curtis,
and after discussion a ed to ha the ation inspected and
to hold another publi earing Th ay, March 13th. at 10 A. M.
in the City Council C bers.
The Ci Coun direc me to notify you as a leading
petitianer � tion� uests that you notify the other
ob�ectors se n�tmes appeaxed on your petition.
�\ Very truly yours,
City Clerk
Feb. 2$, 1g69
� i
� ��.
Mrs. Mabel Carlson, �\�
766 s, smith ave.,
st. Paul, Minn.
Deax �adatn:
Please be informed tha.t ty Council on Thuraday,
February 27th. held a p ing the application of James
l�yotte for a trailer r al lo� the theast corner of Smith
and Curtis, and after iscussion eed a investigate the location
and hold attother he g on Thurs a , March �3th. at 10 A. M. in
the City Council Chaffi re.
�, Very truly yours,
�, � City Cierk
AO�hp ����� �
Feb. 28, 1969
------. ��
Mr. and I�rs. Robert Tessmer, \\�
786 s. Smith Avenue, �
�i. P8t12.� M�.�171 s
Dear Mr. and P�s. Tessmer:
Please be infarmed that t e Council on Thursday,
February 27th. held a pub 3ng the application of James
Ayotte for �i trailer re c� the o theast corner af Smith
and Curtis, and after cus�ion eed t imzestigate the location
and hald a.nother hear on Thur�d Ni�xch 13th, at 10 A. M. in
the City Council Cham s.
;�� Very truly yours,
� City Clerk
AO�hp `��`
Feb. 28, 1969
,� .
p�Ir. Gerald Rummel, �;
Attorney at Law, `'
W-2581 - lst. Aiatl. Bk. Bldg.,
St. Pa.ul� Minn.
Deax Sir:
This letter is our lephor�e conversatian to
inform you that the Cit ouncil lai er and wiil hold another
hearing on Thursd.ay, h 13th. in he ma ter of the applic�tion of
James Ayotte for a per to ins n 11-car trailer renta.]. lot
on property at the sou ast corner f Smith and Curtis Str�ets.
Very truZy yours�
�� City GZerk
AO�hp �
` � I30ARD OF ZONING RE.PORT AND ACTION December 1�, 1.�;�? P1at Map 47
Actin�; under Le�;islative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No,
*.�assed Au�ust 22�='1922 as amended to April 6� 1968 �'�6�
Also 3G33
1. A?PLICANT'S NAME , 1a�;e; :��,,o:t?
2� CLASSIFICATION s U. Amendment 0 Appeal L�IPermit ❑ Other
3� PURPOSE s ir.st�ll and o�=-rate :� trai��r r�r.tal lor
4, LOCATION s ��ut'�east c�rn�r of c�?it'.� 4v�nu�' a*�� ^u_rt_c: ^.tr��t
5� LEGAL DESCRIPTION S Lot:� i� .. 1Fi, _',loC�: 51, L.3'.rton -3?,0=, qr:;it'.on
6� PRESENT ZONING ; Co^��erc�•�1
7 , PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapters �>? Section: .05 Paragraph: !:
A. �iL;.T�?Y: A �ermi� to in�tall and on�rat� a fillir.^ �'�ation or, *'��.� s�t� •a�>
�ranted on <4urust 1, 1�57� �
�• �'��.A -7.+�NI,�1G: The fronta=*Q d10�1^ C^li�ti7 A.VP_Tlllt3 1.z3 ;Oi12� ��C:^.1^l°r'C131� =�5.^n,a f:0 ±i.,�
�3st is zoned "4�� `'e,i•�l?nc•::.
�� • ��' �1��:�1 STn:1)'�t2�5 T�l� D13P. {7I' �}1° 2X?�t�.P.t? '-'_11..7.'ln �1'a±�7i� ^?1 1 ;ri �:�T` � '���r�
Uf'fAr sre� a�_on:r t"!f_' SOlit�l p:0??I't_�1 l.ifl': Wlt.^. .3 L`A�3�il..ii�"r -.v�11 �1 1^-^ ':ii_.
@�;atFl^IV PC)I^t',.711 O� ?.'ti1E t.:•llf�'-Y. 32`H3 � rE`13].Z'S t0 i.'i° }�l.tll?^1^:OU= �3T`�!1,^.�' 32^?3
@3S� O�" �le ;:llli'�''i;l? a�'JpgdT' t0 �ldV° °_i'iC?'C?aC�'1°_:� ll7^Tl t�1° C>llfi=T` 3T':.-1 . itl��
Uuffer area ?S T10�! �13C}:t�^!�2G� �
'�. F?�.��'�TA�i: � A��A; Tne �^operty na, 75 �oot fronta?e along S-�it'� aver.ue and 117.7
faet alon� Curt�.ca Jtrg?t :J1th 3L1 area of 8,�317 .5 s��zare f�et.
:. �IT�� C�,�'JITI')?1: T�s existin�? fillir.? station is aor,roxi�natel;� three to four .`e�t
lower than �rcoert;� to t;ie scuth. .4n ille�al advertis:�nq si�n is o� t5e Curtice
Street '�oulevard.
t'. .A�:::i C��NDSTIOi�1S: Co^�mercial develoo�ent exists or. r'�e seu*_'��rest corn�r of �mit'�
4venue dI1C; CUY't1C8 �treet• ltilf: b]^PC�O'1:Tk3t° 37'23 G�?V°10'.)T.'1°Pt' ?3 �lri�l°-�3'?111;!.
9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend X Approval � Denial Council Lt .
Moved by: ;adler Yeas Nays __._ _
Ames I
Seconded by: '�1c?'artlin Cohen Date of Hearing
'{ Janes,Chmn.
X bicPartlin Council Action
Secretary's remarks: Haarstick - Alt.
� Tr� �- * T + r t * !C Gadler � Date
S)3�....,�T TJ TH.. C�:dDI;_'J,IS SLT D��7.; v Maietta -------
3Y �TAFF �3EIN� SH�':;'d �'�I pt�,4•IS.
Re: File X632 - Page 7
In re: James Ayotte: Permit to install and operate a trailer
rental lot on the southeast corner of Smith and Curtice Streets
in St. Paul, Minnesota.
We, the following named residents of the area in and adjacent to
Smith and Curtice Streets, object to a permit being granted now, or at any
time in the future, to James Ayotte,� for the operation of a trailer rental lot
at the location above stated, on the grounds that it is a public nuisance and
will interfere with the parking and premises of the owners of the property
adjacent to and on Smith Avenue and Curtice Streets.
�..., �
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767 So, Smith Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55107
March 11, 1969
City Council of the City of St. Paul
Re: File X 632 pa�e 7
I object to the granting of a permit to operate a trailer
rental lot on the following property: Lots 15 & 16, Block 51,
Lawton Bros, Addition to the city of St, Paul,
Appli¢ation of James Ayotte, for this per�ft is detrimental
to the reaident�l property in this area, James Ayotte has
violated �any city ordina�cea; burning rubbish, �+ainly old
tirea and oil rags in the back af the gaa atation �e operates.
The p�11ce have been called, because of this violation.
I board the bus every morning on the corner of Curtice and
S�ith Av�.; the walk �nd cross walks were not shoveled all
winter in fro�t af the gas station, Resi�ents in this area
have been awaken by such noises as the big oil tank trucks de-
livering gas supplies to the station. They proceed c� to Cnrtice
Street then back up to the tanks, cressing Smtth Avenue, wiLh the
horns blowing, Loud clanking h�s resulted in relemsing the tank
eoverg. The polic� , also have been nofifi�d of this�
South S�ith Avenue fs in_direct view of our State C�pitol
and I do not think this street should be used for such coarneretal
enterprise, �amely, a trailer rental lot..
I live �t 767 So. S��th Avenue �nd I have liv�d� in this block
for over 50 years. I dislike any deterioration of property and
any annoyance to the hocre dwellers in this area.
Thank you kindly,
Very truly yours,
(Mrs.) Lillian Meier
767 So. Smith Avenue
St. Paul, riinnesota 55107
llece�.ber 17, i968
G�orge G. I�1cPartlin
Secretary, 3oard of Zoning
1010 Commerce Bldg.
St. Paul, PLinnesota 55101
Ref: 3F �6665
Dear Sir:
One of My neighbors notified me of the hearing on December 19, 1968
on application of James Ayotte for a permit to install and operate a
trailer rental lot on the property located on the southeast corner of
Smith Avenue and Curtice Street. Lots 15 g 16 Block 51.
I am in the process of buying, this month, the residence at
767 So. Smith Xvenue - which is within 200 feet of above=named property.
I am very much OPPOSED to such a perLni.t. This district has al�aays been
a residential area - I have lived in this block for 50 years.
Smith Avenue is in direct view of the State Capitol. I highly
recommend that these permits be NOT granted for the Smith �venue district.
The Transfer Comp�ny� that is located at Smith Avenue and Baker Street,
should be moved to our Industrial area. It is a hazard for the trucks
to enter and exit on 5mith Avenue.
Thank you for my interest.
Very truly yours,
� �t�� (
' ` �
.csLs�e..ce.�,� -�
(I��rs.) Lillian�H�ek Neier
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