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� � o�aa c�cic,ciart � . . ORDINANCE 2���� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY— ORDINANCE NO / � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: t'An ordinance fixing the duties a.nd responsibilities and the mi.nimum qualifications for the varioua elasses of positions in the Classified Service of the City, °' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S.AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIl�T: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and � specifiEations for 1 Project Assistant � � � -1«. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Againat Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• - Attest: � City Clerk �--� May �� Form approved Corporation Counsel B / �///.�5 , .� . 2�2s�2 '� i�lr�' O�: �;.a.5� , ��/ {�) �'�y�_�:;�.'_',t.`J. .1�,>,:j.�� .�,��;'„`. �/ "/ ir`g.:L1."` �`�. :.i:Ti. 3'�:F.YiT(:11�s�1.il1Y:?.� _'PTZC�.'";I " t. . vx.r;iiT�. 6C' �1.`^�. ., ..i? t�?�' _a�a:'T:L"�.:3{;'Y'�lu .C,°ia .�. ,t:. 1\ �. ,V _ �..._�:�'�1�1;�, :3.i:� ....i,���iil`� ���,., � s'' i�'.�"�;,.� 1.A1 rZ7.l.. .:.i..,. !'i�`..-,. f_i: i-1�'a.R:��< <_.`�CI �'C:i�O'�I'Yl F.. ���, I.;, �,.�a ;�ex':c :-z�; �a�;7:.�rr�c,c'.. i:.��%a::?"lj.i�Y:._ ,J:% '.T't17.'?'C 7��'!'9.i`l.-a""Y:3`Ci. � �7 - �l s. ��.� <P 4_t'�T'C�ti�, �1_^�1,";:lti�' "?�g`3..�,..l,l���,' .��� �,,.1� _ __.._ �� .. ,." ?i1r.� ...�'�'t.11:3.27�:.�.''. ��.}�..li 5..r`�_ c...:�� �;�;� A �i E ��-, ., .J1°w't'.. ;:C'.` t . .z2: .t,.�.i.�'.'�',�:t'I`7.N��.T c.i:�.l ...i,7.i�i.?':'i ��.:?,7'{. Lr• '{"°,^;i.. i �t. �� ta+.°r. ::7.�b �"��:CALI i��". . f7;,1�✓:c� :�x'Q Cl-.;1"TT1�'�'.eE: �Iit'? �Ji� .':"f i'�, � - �a?_ i:t':-'_r»Ci: � S`.:C; �.i",ii'. ��'if)1x._.:i.i��%C _,�;?� �";.;..s c:S .. I7:c3.`Il. tli.,. .. .. „ . e t ` c:;'wr ,a.::: ST? {J.>;'rl . -Y:;1. !� ,`..{ L :. ::;�.i c,Tl�:. i f_ 1i1 i5,1���..�� ,. ✓.z,7 t.�`OW:�„�i..-`'E�`= i'i;il ):�-7'"r�:l�.. .. �. a:; C��r��' _?..,.ti. t. �.7�.'"�� iZ '�3�:� .�. .,., 7r' ti=,.}�:�'Y�� .<l .,<1T1 �(:4I' kr,�� ��r?'��� �;."�� ?^-. . .. . ... e�. . .. . . ..s�.�IC•n_ � :� 3:i fa ���i?i,�l.l `i s;> >':';r . ... {`"�T}.:C.) }'_:3.I�1 f.t� �. i ':�'1�, .�;.3 4�. -a .. �, i .._. �7c ^ m _ . , i�E T?C�: �i. _ `�, ._'r �.'�1�l, c�...>,_ � . � C <�:^.� �i'� i:z•C��.°�c:r�_:.�•.,. �:�. .;���>cz�''�_ �� _;�-:��� !�i��'� ,, i�.j o"`:� � " �.'a.i-c:Y".i, �_��� T3?��,.:' :'.1"';lIl�.r � tY',4aJ1f° i�:2�, .''a"�.PT ;)�i.��_�;'.� �35.; I`_^_3., �;>�:�} �_::�:�31L.. :'.': - . , , . . i�::;" +'i '2rr .�:?..r-_:. �ri �r,s5. :'. E.a1+.� .7.;i"t�: 'c' T?.c ...+_�� :!'r 'L.;.L'sr;. �k)� y-_<, '7E}�=:''"%1'��EJRA C7: (:Z1I1tC;.;:� � �: :tl`st�.: i?1i1'i.11�- t! �:`>+;..?� �.CS :"Ylc`i:.C�? i PpG�:`-� cZS"1�. 1'P'!;;C?.l-�':+.:::I�?:"!;�:.1� ZO�'1:,.. iVlinit:r,�,Y;� �.:=���alil�ir�taoz��,� .���'Jl:t�?'�'° 4y5'�LC�U�L':7,Ori 1°?�5`ril c; i"Y22T��:" 7.71 it '3s�Ctc3� 3��. 1�';7.�';T`t �dlik'153�w'!3,�, a�r p��l's� a��rz��z��'� ���,��:'ioz�, '3.ti7o ;�1�AYr��°c�:�.���:�,ak1 !�r ����r_a�`�c>�3 �� �G a . ' Orlslnal to City Clerk . f _ ORDINANCE �,���2 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��! Section 2. This ordi.nance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. �� � i ..3_ l�p�R 3 �9�9 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the ouncil Carlson � � Dalghsh Tn Favor A�ereel�r-- %� Peterson v � Againat Sprafka Tedeaco Mr. President r App v d• �R � 1969 tteat: , i Clerk � yor/ .- , �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By �-� pugusHE� APR 12 1969 ������ Dnplicate to Printer ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �/ An ordiaance amending Urdinazrce �t�. ��07. enti�Ied: "An ardinzuace fixi�g the dutiee az�ee� reaponsibilities aad the rninimua�n qu�.�.fications for the vario�ts classee of poeitions in the CTa�sified �ervice of the City, " appraved Februa.ry I3, ].935, as an�ended. TI�E C�iTNCIL C)�' T�IE ���`Y' t'J�` �NT' PAtTL DOES t�RDAIlV: Secti�n 1. 7:hat {Jrdirxa�ce Na. ?607, approved Februaxy Y3� 1q35, ae amended, be and the same ie hezeby further �r�ciended by inserting ir� it� proper a].phabetaical oader the followiag title, �nd specaficatione €or Project t�.Beistant -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peteraon Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) ��„_�_,�a, �Dnplicafe to Priater , , - J ORDINANCE � 2��6�2 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO��/ ° �ection 2. This ordinance shal.l take effe�t and be i.n force thirty da�ye after its paesage, �.pprova�., and pw.blf�+�atfon. � � ,.P:y���) •�- j��+�c�;m. � .,✓V,J� Yeas Councilmen Nays _Pasaed by th� Counci� Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By , � ' � � 2426�2 �a�rl� o� ���:.��: J 1 /'/ � ::'i20�EC'�' ��:.S��y`��A��� � / L'1,wWLC:� ?i1C1 Z'E."�DOi3c�'Ft?Zi1-:3`:'.±�'; '�."�:►c1Aa° .,?��S��z•u�aicn, :��' t�����, :.n t�zFi �,d,�:iY�d�'.'r.:��°c;z�z aA zl�.�: �'i�Y:��r�i`;1' �'1..;1Cj s,T1�.G11�K. l,�>:�.3'"Di ��:�i3',L"�': 1❑ Gtl-C.' Li1�T'�3?� G� i'i�?.i.:�X; �L:.f� �G j'Lb;'.'i0:.^Yfl X'w:�..`.i,'e-,,:.1 SrJO1'A: c�i �.�`is,�,:S'�:C}- .. E,d�.rn�>1�� �,:: ��=��rk r,�z-�:��r:;x,�ct �l C7 "'3e':S'v:'.' �� �3.I7 �L'�.I"i15,� �3';�'c1�:4?rN �?i3 :=;43Ti'% 'C)' ��.� 1 '�i;t:i"?h l.,'F�' 31)L� i' �;.11<iri::'7.3� �i.t�..:�' 1' �:11C� i,i�lf': k'i J . _,. '1t-0F ..,:01' ��... .�;� �,"lc•'.�:ti�?I:�r � '?.IaCl .:z)L�r�_:1'`' �.4�.7'(�. �TC:�'F'i;'i. `! f} yr,A :?,1c1 i�:C��! ... TC�. :'±'.°17C�Z . i?T"'. +�1:T7',.��.tT.Y� d11C1 . :��i3^T�.` �1.:�..�TY]1'�:;A C�.� w rC'(� �,::" ��1� ix�?�"i�.A';�.�,)jE. :,'_'�?`:�''�y7.'�,°i v < �! %Y�c1�.I't�-:37.Y?.•,_°CJ �.i fi zl.,;$$:,., ;2', t_�t� "r� ir`�'Itd:? �X(.`.T"2��_� ::?7.� iiC�lllit?1`^ai:�'�7 :9`yE; z).iU:.W:11f�E.::� 117C� lO:"i'Ylti. •.i�U C'�.°c al:;�?.;'C �::v.?7 .:7Lik':";!.:°t:'� �:".' :3.�7��'lOx'���t`.:G:�1 rOT i] a ='�J;.":3 ,..:?`?lO.i. 3a�C? y"Tl�c�l.�. E3,�;3'�Y; �,�� {rql �C'>P}ft?:""12.t:?P_t:�a �.'r? 3��j�''?v3�?1�a _t'=�':1?1'.^.:1. r �g3���: �I1C� It7d:'2.a .Z't.`.�;'o.:Ac3.,.`,:i,,t"1��, .�O C�t:'S!C IO�I ??i'JS°�CiS�.. .�t# F:�1 >"�.`n'�'}i:Ci2�(:` :>3�Ti:S?`'s: I.�?II�i.Y11�,� �Y1�:'. ?)i`';�'. _..".��'��G:�� aC� IYI�.�[�C. i?1'?'d.11�P;1.^..:1?'l:`� 1*1"; _�:d".Yl'ti ���jd.'..�.. c`�$i:i I:':`�i.i�".'c.� c4?;.�.-o�i�.l��: �43t,1z�i,'��t77.i� 8'�L,('�'- �r- . K r .'... 4.3".C� C,:i ..I' i'i'.:F`G?; .6r ,.�'�Cs 4'^)t' '�;.� O���t'�t�?ClTlt L� 4:21ri)��� re G �1:L�'.. �?`..�il.l'1�'r- ;-ir i.t . �.,s��l': c�,s `�.�� Ti:diC% 1fJUCii':,.�s �i�:F.� .,'?-�.;C;�i'�]:."�1 ;]�`t'.9::�.�>17c:. r�,�in.s?.;:��.tn r��,a�.i.iira,..��c-j:: �iOI.�P'�� f�2't-Lt�llcl.';?.��1� �S1X=I7 :� T1lr��]��i 7.11 .c3. 3f)�11f $�3?'?� ���. �:�j,°at'1`il``{f 7; � O?' �1:.�.?�l,C %1.L:3'[ll�.?.'3`r ct,„1.C)TI. �.VCl SL7b�:�}:`l.':'.O'1 �C: C,-'''3Yi°?-c.�:C'!Y'7t. 1 _L�. .�=�/� _ - �:� .._ �st 2n Laid over to �' � 3rd and app _._Adopted Yeas �; �.,� Neys Yeas Nays .._ `,' t Carlson Carlson Dalglish Dalglish ��' 2�2ss� ��d;� � Pe erson Pe erson Sprafka � � Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco '� Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O