242654 �' 242654
WHEREAS, it is desirable to account for the costs of flooding separately
from other costs, and
WHEREAS, it is possible that the City of St. Paul will qualify for Federal
assistance to pay for the costs of flooding, and
WHEREAS, Federal regulations require that costs be kept in the following
1. Clearance of Debris and Wreckage
2. Protective, Health and Sanitation Measures
3. Emergency Repairs and Temporary Replacement
of Streets, Roads and Bridges
4. Emergency Repairs and Temporary Replacement
of Dikes, Levees, and Drainage Facilities
5. Emergency Repairs and Temporary Replacement
of Public Buildings and Related Equipment
6. Emergency Repairs and Temporary Replacement
of Public Utilities
7. Temporary Housing or Emergency Shelter
AND, WHEREAS, there are some flood costs which will not be eligible for
Federal reimbursement,
p_ '� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that t here is established a 1969 Flood Special
�i Revenue Fund consisting of the follawing activities:
l. Clear, Debris-Wreckage
2. Protective, Health-Sanitation
3. Emergency Streets - Roads-Bridges
4. Emergency Dikes - Levees-Drainage
5. Emergency Public Buildings - Related Equipment
6. Emzrgency Public Utilities
7. Temporary Housing - Shelter
8. Adm. - Ineligible Federal Reimbursement
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish Approved 19.—
Meredith Tn Favor
Peterson Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne
0�161NAL TO CITY CLERK 242s�4
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Public Works cost account-
ing system be utilized to account for costs by location, as requested by Federal
AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Comptroller is directed to establish
account numbers for the above fund and activities and is further authorized to
establish activity accounts and related numbers for the 1969 Flood Special Revenue
Fund as the need arises.
� � � 1�69
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19_
Yeas Nays ��' � � ��s�
Dalglish Approve 19—
Meredith �n Favor
Peterson Mayor
Sprafku u Against
Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHES MAR 2 2 1969
WHEREAS, it is desirable to account for the costs of flooding separately
from other coats, and
WHEREAS, iC is possible that the City of St. Paul will qualify for Federal
assistance to pay fox the costs of flooding, and
WHEREAS, Federal regulations require that costa be kept in tha following
1. Clearance of Debrie and Wreckage
2. Protedtive, Health and Sanitation Measures
3. Emergency Repairs and Temporary Replacement
of Streeta, Roads and Bridges
4. Emergency Repairs and Temporary Replacement
of Dikes, Levees, and Draina�e Facilities
5. Emergency Repairs and Temporary Replacement
of Public Building� and Related Equipment
6. E�ergency Repaire and Temparary Replacement
of Public Utilities
7. Temporary Housing or Emergency Shelter
AND, WI�REAS, there are some fload costs which will not be eli�ible for
Federal reimbursem�nt,
NO�W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that t here is established a 1969 Flood Special
Revenue Fund consiating of the follawing activities:
1. Clear, Debris-Wreckage
2. Protective, flealth-Sanitation
3. Emergency Streets - Roads-Bridges
4. Emergency Dike� - Levees-Drainage
S. Emergency Public Buildings - Related Equipcment
6. Emergency Public Utilitiea
7. Temporary Housing - Shelfier
8. Adm. - Ineligible Federal Reimburseroent
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish Approved 19—
Meredith �� Favor
Peterson Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Public Works cost account-
ing system be utilized to account for costs by location, as requested by Federal
AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Comptroller is directed to establish
account numbers for the above fund and activities and is £urther authorized Co
eatablish activity accounts and re�ated numbers for the 1969 Flood Special Revenue
Fund as Che need arises.
rr�:�!..k � 1,^ ��*N�`9
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish Approved 19.—
Meredith n Favor
Sprafku � Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne
�_ .. .
. ,.� �� � � �
, • �;itp af �aittt �?au1 � ���
��ui�S �� C�t�x� �,���t�,� MAR I8 ,
�� � DFP7. O� Pi18ttC +,,yp.
1000 NOR7H SNELLING AVENUE �'� SAIN7PAUL. MWNES07A 55�'�EF �1�►'GlNcE;� ��`
, MUNiCIPAL 57ADIUM ����, 645-9361 �
. •
. .1
, /
N'arch 1�, 1969 s:�H��. ��,►6oN. DtREC70A ,Q
i �
; �L�t�
� N,r. E1�ene V. Avery � ,� f`��''v
1 � Chief Engineer . � j��
' Public ��1orks Department ��
234 Cit�i Hall
{ St. Paul, Ninnesota 55102 •
Dear Mr. Avery:
The meeting conducted by the State Department of Civil Defense for .
tne U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Saturday, Narch 15th concerned
' the application of PL99 to the 1969 flood threat and the Corps of
�ngineers role in relation to the local govern;,nent which requests ,
. assistance. Mr. Manning attended the meeting and reports the fol— _
lowin;: �
For co;nmunities which qualify as having expended their resources, ,
j , the Corps of Engineers would do the following: � .
1. Provide technical assistance to plan protective works. '
2. Provide heavy equipment and trucks with operators to construct ,
protective works, and provide supervision of the work in prog—
� ress. ' � -
3. Provide sandbags and polyethylene sheeting. � � -
. . .
The local political subdivision would provide:
1. Right of ��Jays
2. Common labor � �
� 3. Borrow material
, 4. Removal of such temporary works .
5. Save and hold harmless agreement with U.S. Government for work
performed by Corps of Engineers.
I.ieutenant Colonel Rees was speci�ically asked if the four foot � .
metal extension for the Shepard Road flood wall would qualify. The � .
ans��er was no because the Corps' regul�tion only provides for equip— .
ment and operators.
� - �- ,
. � ��
� /Y _• t. .._.
. Nr. Eugene V. Avery — 2 — March 17, 1969 '
5ubsequen�ly, on �;arch 17th and after co:�versation with Kent Schon—
ber�er, 1<<r. Roger Fast of the C. of"E. �aas asked if Saint Paul could
procu:e sandbags and polyethylene sheetir� from the Corps without .
cost for diki� operations. The answer was yes. No local resolution
is needed in this case because the Corps is operating under the Gov—
ernor's certification that Minnesota has exhausted its resources.
:�r. Schonberger �ras given the information on March 17th to call the.
Cortis' F`lood Center, 228-7648 with Szint Paul's sandbag and�poly—
ethylene requirements and if the supplies are� available, pick up
• instructions would be issued. The Corps' stockyard is at the Saint
, Anthony Zock and Dam.
Another ramification of the use of PL99 and the preflooding protec—
tive works is if such protective works• are successful, the President ,
• may not declare a Major Disaster under PL875• Hence, there would .
not be reimbursement to Saint Paul for its flood protective measures.
_ Sincerely yours, .
� �� ,�' .�' � � . .
�. �Cr� /�'/y � C� . .
cc: 24ayor Byrne, J.J. Mitchell, Comm.. Peterson :
� � .
,I , . .
, .
i � �
1 ,
; . . .
i . , .
� .
i � .
, • . ._
, .
f ,
; .
/�'�/� / .• • . • • • � . .4 . I `������
• w � �
i • � ' /,��1° � �/�.,
� � � � , �
Federal Aviation•Building f .�-�
�� b3�1 34th Avenue South �,r
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55450 � .
' , C� .
FOR RELEASE - - - - - - - - - - After 8 A.M. - - - Thursday N',�rning, March 13,1969
� 1969 SPRING FLOOD GUTLOOK -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �
j ,
� �. IJdssissippi Rive� and i-ts _--� . ... _ .. JV
.: . - . : . ._::�,... . rs
�� do:�m to and including� Gui�er.�;,:g, .�ovra
i " .
� � FLOGDING is t � . '
: he only word for this 1969 spring flood outlook, With -the heavy �
i �r,oti� cover and the excessive water content in this snotw tha-L exists, floodir� ' , .
;� • similar to that of the 1952 Spring High Water is forecast for most of this �
� ` � District cven V�ithout additional precinitation between now and the end of the '
; � first t-reek of April. In some locations, such as •Mankato and the upper end of the • .
� • , Mississippi River upstream from Fort Ripley, Minnesota, the 1965 High Water fs
; � forecast to be e�ceeded or equalled. � • � - � '
� . . .
i - The �reatest tivater content lies in the sno�v cover along the drainage area of the . �
� . Minnesota River in and around AQontevideo; Minnesota. In the Montevideo area �
} • higher crests are expected this year than those of. 1952. The 1952 High Water at .�
Montevideo was higher than the elevation reaehed in 1965. •
i . �
� . " .
! Basin ' Water Content of �- ,
' the snow cover on March 11. 1969 - �
� , 2JLinnesota River Basin �
� /� to 10 inches ,
i ' Mississippi River above St. Paul ' 4 to $ inehes � �
�� 2vlississippi River, St. Paul to � to 5 inches � '�
Guttenberg, Iowa � � . . .
;; � St. Croix, Chippewa and Upper VJisconsin 5 to 7 inches '
�'. River Basins ` . .
�' 1Jliddle and Lov�er �,`Jisconsin River �3sins 1 to 5 inches �
Lake Superior, Wisconsin, South Shore 6 to 9 inches
I' . . •
; • ,,.
� The second page of this Gtitlook has the river stage forecasts listed for the ' � �
j; locations described� The first forecast is bas�d ONLY on the water content of • �
,; the sno�v on the grot:n-� on Tu�sday, March 11, 1969. Assuming a normal melt this �
;' , _ snovr should begin to runoff in a three to five day period ��rhen the af-ternoon
. hi�hs are 50° or higher ar.d the lows do not drop below freezing; . The normal snow
� melt should begin the Izst v�Teek of Dfarch vrith most crests occurring the second or � ,. •
�� third tiveek of April. The tributary streams in southeastern Minnesota and v�est •
; . . central Wisconsin generally crest the last few days of March or early April.
i � The second forecast is based on the water content of the present snovr mantle pl.us
�'� an additional 1.50 inches of precipitation between now and the end of the first
� • �veek of April (April 7). The resulting forecast crests are similar to or greater . �
{ than those of 1965. So that you would have an i.mmediate reference to the 1965 �
±� elevations the 1965 High Water Crests are tabulated next to the second river stage
� forecasts. •
� CAUTTCN SHOULD BE NO'i'ED - -' - - �if the 'snow melt is more ra id than no �
other wor3s, if temperaturos should b� in the 70's the lastPweek of March) ornif
: heavier precipitation than 1.50 inches falls over the district, .greater and
' higher crests than indicated in either forecast column would oceur. Forecast
� � Crests are ori the next page; � ;
i ' • �
i • ,
+ . .
i . '
� ,
� : ' • •
� . .
� '
! . . .
� _ . ' . .
�j . . . � . . . . . . . :
$ . , ., . . - - . .� , . , . � . . , . ' .
� . . � . � . �+ � . . , . - . .
� . . .
1 . .. � � , . �. . . �' ' � � � � � ��.
j � � 1 � � " � , �.
� . . :
�1 .. . . . . � � . . .
1„ . .. � _
` �� r . . r.....,. ..�....«y.. ....+� inl► ....,.., ......-... ..��.. �1... .._.......- . . , .
; ' a .
� . � .
� � . ` . r . � . . � . . . . . . � . .
i � •
9 � ` • . , - � �- .
� , ' •
i ; � .
� � The rollo.�ins table lists the flood stage of each forecast location in terms of a • .
' common standard, elevation in feet above mean sea level (msl) , datum of 1929 • •
i ;� unless noted as the datum of 1912. ' -
� Spring
� Flood Stage Gage Zero Flood ' 1965�'� 1952
Forec:ast Point River (in feeC) (Mean Sea Stage High Water •
Level) (msl) (msl) _ .
, • Libby, Minn. Nississippi ' 13.0 �� 1204.6(�) 1217.6 1219.5 1216.9 , : �.'
� Aitkin, M:nn. Mississippi. 15.0 -. 1182.4. 1200.4 1202.9 . 1203.1
Ft. Ripley, Minn. Mississippi 10.0 1134.7(��) 1144.7' 1145.3 1146.9 �•
, � . Aelan�, Minn. Crow 8.0 904.9 912.9 923.3 920.5 �•
• Rockford, Minn. Crow 10.0 893.7(��) 903.7 912.9 909.9� �
S t, r ranc is, Minn. Rum � 8.0 861.1(�`) 869.1 872.6 872.1 �'�
Minneapolis, Minn. Mississippi ; 16.0' 794.3(�) 810,3. 814.3 813:8 '
� :Ion�evideo, Minn. Minnesota 14.0 910.9(�) 924.9 927.5 930.9. -
Granit�, Falls, Minn. •Yel. Med. b.0 .971.6 977.6 981.4 982.1
` � Marshall, riinn. Redwood � . 7.0 1144.9 1151.9 1149.7 1154.4
;. ►' Reuwood Falls,. Minri.. Redwood 6.0 972.3 978.3 988.2 . 984.1
� New Ulm, Minn. CotCOnwood� • • i. .11,0 .7g9.��) . 81A..1..., 820.0 -- '
:tapidan,• Minn... • Le S�ueur 15.0 '�"' 775�8 ' 790.8 797.9 792.2 � ,
� . .__ Mankato, Minn. Minn��ota..~ � ' 19.0 ' 747.•9 ` 766.9 777.0 772.7 ' • ,
� : � Carver, Minn. Minnesota �. 18.0 ' 690.0 � 708.0 724.3 718.3 .
' ' Chaska, Minn. Minnesota 18.0 � 688.0 706.0 722.3 717.1 ; �
' Savage, Minn. Minnesota 698.0 -- 698.0 719.4 714.2 .
� • .Mendota, Minn. �� Minnesota .. 699.0 • -- 699.0 • 717.5 '712�.4 '
+ � � - St. Paul, Minn. Mississippi 14.0 684.2(�) . 698.2 710.1 706.3 ..
Hastings, Minn. � Miss issippi 15.0• , 670.2 685.2 "°695.6 . 691.1
. � Stil2water,. Mirut. . St. Croix• � 87.0 600.0 687.0 694.1 689.7
� ; Red Wing, Minn. Mississippi 14.0� � 66.4.7 678.7 685.5 681.6 .
� � Lake City, Minn. Mississippi ' 16.0 661.I(��)��' 677.1 683.2 680.3
� Waba�ha, Minn.. . • ' Mississippi 12.0 .. 660.0(�) 672.0 680.1 676.7
� Alma, tdis. � ' Mississippi 16.0 656.0(�) 672.0 675.8 �b72.3
' � �au Claire, Wis. • . Chippewa ` 77�3.0 -- ,,,.� 773.0 -- 779.b(j67}
j '' Durand, tdis. �Chippewa 11.0 ' 694.6 705.6 708.3 711.6('67) �
'; i Rochester, Minn. Zumbro ,. ". 12.0 . �. ., • 949.6� " .'96L6 � 968.7 9b3..6
i ; ' Zumbro Falls, Minn. . Zumbro , '._'18.0 811.3• - 829.3 839.7 E35.3 ..
� ; Theilman, Minn. Zumbro � 38.0 700.0(�) 738.0 745•.8 " 741.5 • ,
' � - Winona, Minn. Mississippi , 13.0 . 639:6 652.6 b60.4 657.5 `� •
� ' bod�e, Wis. Trempealesu� ' 7.0 • 663.4 :-.` � 670.4 672..5� b72.2.
� � ,
� � Neillsville, Wis. Black 18.0 � • 962.8 . 980.8 978,A 679�.3 � :
� .� � � Galesville, Wis. Black 12.0 � 658.4 � '670.4� 672.0. 672..4
� i La Crossc, •Wis. . • �.Mississippi 12.0 � ' 625.8 637.8 °� 643.7 640.1
� • Iiokah, Minn. Root 47.0 �600.4 � '�' b47.0 650.8 .... 648.8
� , Houston, rfinn. � Root ' � 15.0 660.0 ; 675.0 ��679.5 ' 677.6
' Decorah, Iowa Upper Iowa 12.0 ' 850.0 862.0 859.7 --
; ; � Dorchester, Iowa Upper Iowa •14.0 , 660.0(4�) 674.0 . 677.9 676.3
' ! Lunsing, Iowa Mississippi' 18.0, b11.8 • 629.8 634.3 ' 629.9. .
� Brairie du Chien, Wis. Mississippi 18.0 r . '604.8(��) 622.8 b30.2 625.8
i ;
� ± Merrill, Wis. ` Wisconsin 11.0 , 1228.9 1239.9 1238.3 1237:5
; ' Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Wisconsin 12.0 980.2 , 992.2 992.2 � �990.2
� ' Portage, �'is. Wisconsin 17.0 775.1 792.1 793.5 790.b
ti:uscoda, Wis. Wisconsit► 9.0 � 667.1 676.1 676.0 674.6
� ' La I'ar�e, �Jis. Kickapoo -_ 12.0 . 782.0(�) � 794.0 794.6 --
� � Readstown, Wis. . Kickapoo 40.0 ' 700.0 740.0 739.1 - .
! Soldiers Grove, .Wis. Kicicapoo 723.0 � - 723.0 726.1 --
' `. . Gays Mills, tdis. Kickapoo 698.0 -- � 698.0 701.1 . -- �
� ` Steuben, Wis. Kickapoo ' 8.0 • 657.5 665.5 668.7 667.3
� � Guttenberg, Towa Mississippi 15.0 600.0 615.0 623.7 619.7 .
; �� I�'lood of record for most locations. .
� . (�k) 1912 Datum ' : .
� ' • Weather Bureau Forecast Office
� � • � ' Minneapolis, Minnesota 55450
; . . , . � • 03109 . �
j� � � • � .
, . , ,
3, ' , . � ,
_, � ! . .
+ .
; � � , � , � '
j , . . . �` . �
. . i � . � . . . - �
��j � • . . . � . . . � � �
; •
� Flood Forecast ForecasC High
• ' � Stage Sta ge Stage Water
1'or�c:zst Pofnt � River (in W/C Only W/C Plus Spring
„ feet) (3-11-69) 1.50" Pcpn 1965
Libu;, Mn. Mississippi - � 13.0 18.5 Z9.0 14.5
Ait?;i:l, :In. Mississippi 15.0 20.0 22.0 14.4
Ft. i:ipley, Mn. ' Mississippi 10.0 15.0 16.0 13.G
, L��:;:no; N�,�. ' Crow 8.0 • 14.0 . 1b.0 18,��
� ^c•�kford, '.•;n. Croia ,, I0.0 14.5 16.5 . ?9.3
.. S_� i'rancis, Mn hum" 8.0 . 11.0 12.5 � 12.5
i; �no�:_; r�., Mississippi � 840.s 842.5 s43�4
;; . I.ir:n_zpolis, Mn. � Mississippi • 16.0 � ' 18,� 20.5 ?_Q.0
a' :�'^n'-evicieo, .�n. Minnesota , 14.0 � 21?."'0 . 22.0 20.0 (r$2)
;� G.::-ite Fa7.1s, Mn. - Y. Medicine 6.0 12.0 � 13.0 � 9,9 �'S,1) �
i:� M�x=t:s11, :•i��. Redwood . �
�.o �.o $.s ii.i ( si) .
!; =�^..�'*.:a�!i �alls, Mn. P.ed�rood 6.0 . 12�� . 13.0 15.9x ,
. *:�:•: „"�m, M�z. Cottonwood 11.0 ' � 16.0 17.5 20.9� �
;i . • �ia;i:lnn, Mn. . � Le Sueur 15.0 � 15.0 17.0 21.9
� Man?c�to, ��'In. Minnesoea 19.0 29.0... 32.0 29.1 '
� ::�:�;an, Mn. Minnesota �- 2p.0 ' 31".5 . � 34.5 35��2 ' �
C3rvcr, '.•:n. Minnesota 18.0 31.5 34.0 34,.3,'�
ii Cl�asl:a, r;n. Minnesota 18.0 3I�5 � 34.0 34.3' �
�; .�t:•�4�;e, Mn. Minnesota --698:0 716.0 718.5� -- 719'.4 �
i � I'I�.a:'o�a, Mn. Minnesota 699sQ y14�D 717.0 717.5
�� _"'' ='���1. Mn. Mis�issippi 14�0 22.5 25.5 . 26.1
!; �:r•�:.n�r,, :•In. Mississippi 15.0 . 21.5' 25.0 25.4
:i : 5��.:�.it•�ater, Mn. St� Croix 87.0 92.0 95.0 94.1 � � .
^+��'. 'NJin�, Mn. Mrssissippi 14.0 17.5 - i9.0 20,5
i , I.�:�a :;it��, Mn. Mississippi ' 16.0 . . 19.0 21.0 22�2
� ?�r,�':c!^.i11� Mn. Mississippi 12.0 16.5 -19.6 ' 20.1
' A��na, Wi3. Mississippi � 16.0, 16.5 19.5 20,0
;1 L;v Claire, Wis... Chippewa � 773.0 � . 775.0 - �, 777.0 779.6 ('67)
;1 �,it:�r.Z, tJis� Chippewa . • 11.0 14.0 � 15.5 17.0 ('67)
�� Tc�c;�e.^.eer, 'Mn. 2umbYO � 12.0 . ' 14.a 3.7.5 lg�i .
` Zur.::�:.� Fal ls, Mn. � Zumbro 18.0 . 23.5 28.0 � 23,�. '
j� � Zumbro 38;0 � 42.0 46.0 � .. �+5.8
• '�'t�si�man, Mn. .
jJinor..w, :4n. . Mi�sissippi 13.0 � ` 19.0 . 21.0 � � 20.& .. •
^��?g., tJis► Trempealeau 7.0 � • 9.0 10.0 9.1 , • .
;, :��:t�sv:.11u, Wis. E1ack . 18.0 11.0 12.5 15.2 '
I � , �aLn��-i,lle, Wi3. ' 131ack ` - 12.0 � 12.5 13.0 13�6
- ! La C�n�;;e, Wis. Mississippi 12.0 16.5� 18.0 17.9
: i . :Iok=.:�, I•in, :toot 47.0 48.5 SZ.O ' S0.8�
'' � , :::��:�::on, iin. Root 15.0 '• 18.0 19.5 19.5� . '
' I Dnc:+►1h� Is. � TJPpex Yowa 12,0 9.0` � I1.0 ' 9':7 •
= 4 , ,. s,. UPP,.Y Iowa. 14.0 � , , 16.5 18.5 ' 17,9
Dor...�;,,., .,. � �
Lar.sit�g, iae ' Missis5ippi 18.0 18.5 - 22.5 ' 22.5
Prai:ie �u Chien, Wis. Mississippi 18.0 21.5 25.5 25.4
� . Me::ill, Wis. Wisconsin 11.0 � 13.0 14.0 13.0_ ('67)
Z����,. P.apids, Wis. Wisconsin 12.0 9.0 ' � r 11.0 : 12.1 ('67)
� i�orta�e, jdis. Wisconsin . 17.0 I6.0 I8.0 ' la.$ •('S7)
� ; T1•s�coda, Wis. Wisconsin , 9.0 7.5 9.5 , 9.5 .(T67)
� � La ri�TV�� Wis Kickapoo 12.0 12.5 13.0 , 12.6
� ; , Kickapoo 40,0 38.5 41.0 38.4 :
, ?:eac stown Wis.
! ' :�aldi�:rs Grove, Wis, Kickapoo 723.0 726.0 729.0 720.1 �
� 1 ('�ys Mills, Wis. Kicicapoo 698.0 701.0 703.0 701.1 � •
� S,:•suben, Wis a Kicicapoo 8.0 11.5 13.5 17..2 '
�, � Gut_auber�, Ia. Mississippi • 15.0 21.0 24.5 23.7 � ' '
; ,
As .:�is sprino�s rise progresses, additional advisories will be issued depending on �
thc e:��ent and the amount of daily precipitation. AI1 interests should remain alert
to li•�.+r and read these advisories which will be disseminated through your local � ,
off:cials; press and radio and television stations. 2hese advisories will also be
' reyc,ased over the Minneapolis�St. Paul local weathnr teletype circuit and the ESSA-
� ' '�eat:�er Bureau'teletype circuit,_i� Wisconsin and Iowa. ° ,
j : � . 'r � � Ice Jam .
` . � / ` / ' , .
i ' . ry�I` � �4_ . .
. �'�L',/�r �,��,�/,�9j:> , �
Ja e 9K H S '�/��
�p . trub, rry . .
. Meteorologist' in Ch�rge
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� Federal Aviation•$uildin� „°�`s �-_ .
� _ 6301 3l,th Avenue South �;�-
,� Minneapolis, Minnesota . 551�50 � �� /� ,
, `/ .
FOR RELEASE - - - - - - - - - - After 8 A.M. - - - 7"hursday N',�rning, Mareh 13,1969
; ' 1969 SPRING FLOOD G'JTLOOK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � '
J y
; • IJ4ississippi Rive� and its ��...♦ . • .J... ..��. �.Vr1.��. .�.JLrs
�� , do:�m to and including Gu-i�e:i.;,;+g, ;�owa
� .
� FLOGDING is the only v�ord for this 1969 spring flood outlook. With the heavy • �
snoti� cover and the er_cessive �r�ater content in this snot�r ;,hat exists, flooding ' ,
� � similar to that of the 1952 �Spring High Water is forecast for most of this �
�: � District even 1��ithout additional precipitation between now and the end of the '
j first ,�reek of April. In some locations, sucr as Mankato and the upper end of the � •
; � . P�Iississippi River upstream from;Fort Ripley, Minnesota, the 1965 High Water is
� forecast to be e�ceeded or equalled. � � � � :
; .
; The �reatest r�ater content lies in the snow cover along the drainage area of the
� , Minnesota River in and around AZontevideo, Minnesota. In the Montevideo area
� : • higher crests are expected this year than those of. 1952. The 1952 High Water at •
Montevideo was higher than the elevation .reached in 1965. • .
� . � -
� , Basin ' Water Content of
� ' the snow cover on March 11 1969 - -
� .
�� • Minnesota River Basin •, 4 to, 10 inches .
; , Mississippi River above St: Paul ' 4 to 8 inehes
�� :' Mississippi River, St. Paul to � Z to 5 inehes � �� '
Guttenberg, Iowa • . .
�` St. Croix, Chippewa and Upper Wisconsin 5 to 7 inches '
��` River Easins . .
�,� � 2Jiiddle and Lower 4'�isconsin River r3sins 1 to 5 inches
� Lake Superior, Wisconsin, South Shore 6 to 9 inches
� .
�� The second page of this Glxtlook has the river stage forecasts listed for the '
{ locations described� The first forecast is based ONLY on the water content of ,
�; the snoir� on the grot:n•� on Tu�sday, March I1, 1969. Assuming a normal melt this '
�, snovr should begin to runoff in a three to five da
i� ' o y period when the afternoon '
� . hi�hs are 50 or higher ar.d the lows do not drop below freezing; The normal snow •
I melt should begin the l�st vreek of Narch vrith most crests occurring the second or , ,
�` ' third week af April. The tributary streams in southeastern Minnesota and v�est • �
� . . central ��-isconsin generally crest the last few days of March or early April. �
i �
1, • The second forecast is based on the water content of the present snovr mantle plus
j an additional 1.50 inches of precipitation between now and the end of the first
` ti��eek of April (April 7). The resulting forecast crests are similar to or greater .
i� � than those of 1965. So th�t you would have an immediate reference to the 1965 �
�, elevations the 1965 High Water Crests are tabulated next to the second river stage
�. forecasts. •
CAUTICN SHOULD BE NO'i'ED - - - - if the �snow melt is more rapid than normal (in �
, other rTOr3s, if temperaturos�should be in the '70�s the last week of March) or if
heavier precipi�ation than 1.50 inches falls over the district, .greater and
� � higher crests than indicated in either forecast column would oceur. Forecast
, Crests are on the next page;: .
( . . , ' � �
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, The follc:.�in� table lists the flood stage of each forecasC location in terms of a •
� � common standard, elevation in feet above mean sea level (msl), datum of 1929 � •
; unless noted as the datum� of 1912. -
' � Spring
• Flood Stage Gage Zero Flood ' 1965�' 1952
: Forecast Point River • (in feeC) (Mean Sea Stage xigh Water •
Level) (msl) (msl) -
• Libby, Minn. Nississippi ' 13.0 � 1204.6(��) 1217.6 1219.5 1216.9 . : �
Aitkin, M�nn. Mississippi • 15.0 . 1182.4. 1200.4 1202.9 . 1203.1
Ft. Ripley, Minn. Mississippi '" 10.0 I134.7(�r) 1144.7' 1145.�3 1146.9 �� '
. Delano, Minn. Crow 8.0 : ' 904.9 �12.9 923.3 920.5 � .
� Rockford, Minn. Crow : 10.0 893.7(��) 903.7 93:2.9 q09.9� •
St. Francis, Pfinn. Rum 8.0 861.1(��) 869.1 872.6 872.1�� '
Minneapolis, Minn. Mississippi 16.0 ` 794.3(��) 810.3. 814.3 813:8 . �
Mon;.cvideo, Mixtn. Minnesota 14.0 910.9(,�) 924.9 927.5 930.9. ' -
Granit�, Falls, Minn. •Yel. Med. 6.0 .971.6 977.6 981.4 982.1
r' Marshall, Minn. Redwood � 7.0 1144.9 1151.9 1149.7 1154.4.�
Reuwood Fa11s,. Minn.. Redwood - 6.0 972.3 978.3 988.2 984.•1 �
ilew Ulm, Minn. Cottam000c� • - r. .11.0 , .759.��) ' 8LQ.1.. „ 820.0 -- '
, Rapidan,• Minn.. . • • Le Sueur � 15.0 '�"! 775�8 ' 790.8 . � 797.9 792.2 •
' � --- Mankato, Minn. Minncsota•�-- � ' 19.0 �: 747r9 766.9 777.0 772.7 ' � ,
� � Carver, Minn. Minnesota 18.0 ,� 690.0 708.0 7.24.3 718.3
� ' Chaslca, Minn. Minnesota 18.0 � 688.0 706.0 722.3 717.1 , '
, ' ' Sava�e, Minn. Minnesota 698.0 -- 698.0 719.4 714.2
� � . • .Mendota, Minn. Minnesota . 699.0 • -- 699.0 � 717.5 ' 712.4 �
+ - St. Paul, Minn. Mississippi 14.0 684.2(#).. 698.2 710.1 706.3 .
, ; Hastings, Minn. � Mississippi 15.0•. , 670.2 685.2 "-•695.6 691.1
_ ! Stillwater,. Miiut. , SE. CYOix� • 87.0 . 600.0 687.0 694.1 689.7
� , Red Wing, Minn. , Mississippi 14.0' 66�4.7 678.7 b85.5 681.6 .
` � Lake City, Minn. Mississippi 16.0 + 661.1(��)� ' 677.1 683.2 6g0.3
' WaUa�ha, Minn., . • ' Mississippi - 12.0 . • .. 660.0(�) b72.0 680.1 676.7
� Alma, tdis. � Mississippf 16.0 • 656.0(#) 672.0 675.8 '672.3
� ! �au Claire, Wis. • . Chippewa . . • 773.0 -- ,.,_� 773.0 -- 779.b(jb7)
� � Durand, Wis." �Ch�ippewa 11.0 ' ' 694.6 705.6 708.3 711.6('67)
' � Rochester, Minn. Zurabro . 12.0 . � • 949.6 ''� `961.6 � 968.7 963..6
; ; • Zumbro Fa1ls, Mian. . Zumbro , 18.0 811.3 829.3 839.7 835.3 ,. ;,.
` ' Theilcr.an, Minn. Zumbro - . 38.0 700.4(�) 738.0 745•.8 ' 741.5 . + .
' � Winona, Piinn. Mississippi 13.0 b39:6 652.6 b60.4 G57.5 �' .�
� � , nod�e, Wis. Trempealesu' ' 7.0 . 663.4 :. . 670.4 672..5• b72.2.
� i Neillsville, Wis. Black � 18.0 � � 962.8 . . 980.8 978.0 679�.3
� � � Galesville, Wis. Black � 12.0 658.4 � 'b70.4� 672.0. 672..4
' ? " La Crossc, •Wis. � • �.Mississippi 12.0 ' 625.8 637.8 �' 643.7 640.1
� ; Iiokah, Minn. Root 47.0 : 600.0 � "' 647.0 650.8 .. 648.8
� Root 15.0 6G0.0 675.0 � �679.5 677.6
! ; . Houston, Minn. , ,
j } Dccorah, Iowa Upper Iowa 12.0 850.0 862.0 859.7 --
Dorchester, Iowa Upper Iowa 14.0 660.0(��) 674.0 , 677.9 676.3
Lunsing, Iowa Mississippi ', i8.0 611.8 � . 629.8 634.3 ` 629.9 .
� ' Pr�irie du Chien; Wis. Mississippi , . 18.0 � �604.8(��) ' 622.8 b30.2 625.8
j �, Merrill, [Jis. � Wisconsin , 11.0 , 1228�.9 1239.9 1238.3 1237.5
� Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Wisconsin I2.0 980.2 992.2 992.2 � � 990.2
� � T ' ' � 1 793.5 790.6
, - Portage, kis. �aisconsin 17.0 775.1 792.
; ' Muscoda, Wis. Wisconsin ' 9.0 � 667.1 676.1 676.0 674.6
� La rarge, tJis. Kickapoo '12.0 782.0(�) � 794.0 794.6 --
i Feadstown, Wis. . Kickapoo 40.0 700.0 740.0 739.1 --
; ' Soldiers Grove, .Wis. Kicicapoo 723.� -- 723.0 726.1 --
� ' . Gays PIi11s, Wis. Kickapoo '698.0 -- � 698.0 701.1 --
Steuben, Wis. Kickapoo 8.0 • 657.5 665.5 . 668.7 667.3
Guttenberg, Io�wa Mississippi 15.�0 600.0 615.0 623.7 619.7
�t I�'lood of record for most Iocations.
; (�) 1912 Datum
. , .
; , ,
j • ` � ' Weather Bureau Forecast Office ' �
i, - � . � Minneapolis, Minnesota 55450
;. . , . .
;. , .
. , , ., . , _ _. _� ' ' . 03109
• . , � . .
. . . . . 1 . . . ' . . i . . . . . . . , . . . .
.. ' ' � i � . . � . ... � � .. . . ' .
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r_ . . ... _� .._._..._. _ � �. _ ,_ . .... _
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. . � � �
. . .
: , , ,
+` Flood Forecast Forecast High
�� ' � � � Stage Sta ge Stage �•jater �
" r'�zec.:
;'. st Point • River (in ' W/C Only W/C Plus Spring
. , feet) (3-11-69) ' I.50" Pcpn 1965
;; ' Libb�, Mn. Mississippi 13.0 � 18.5 Z9.0 14.5
' Ai;::;i:i, .in. Mississippi 15.0 , 20.0 21.0 14.4
? Ft, i:ipley, Mn. � Mississippi 10.0 15.0 16.0 ' 13.6
L'��.;:,•�o; N�,Z. , Crow 8.0 ].4.0 . 16.0 18,�s
�' • ^�•�kford, I•:n. Crow � 10.0 14.5 16.5 19.3
s; .. S_� i rancis, Mn Itu�n ' ,• 8.0 11.0 12.5 � 11.5
''' Ario:;r, ri: Mi�siss i i .
�� • � . PP ' ' 840.5 842.5 843�4
,; : N.ir:ns��olis, Mn. Mississippi • 16.0 ' 18.� � 20.5 20.0
;' ' ;'^.a'-evideo, rin. � Idinnesota , 14.0 � � 2I.;� . 22.0 20.0 (r52)
�� G_�-ite Falls, Mn. . Y� Medicine 6.0 ` 12.0 13.0 � 9,9 ('�1) '
�, � ri�x:=�.�11, .•tn. Redwood . 7.0 . 7.0 8.5 , 11.1 ('S1) ;
�' ���'�:a��i 'r'alls, Mn. P.ed�aood 6.0 • 12.0 � 13.0 15.9*
;; : ":':: ;:'=m, �:z. Cottonwood . 11.0 16.0 17.5 20.9* .
� �ia,�i l�n, Mn. Le Sueur � 15.0 15.0 , � 17,0 � 21.9 �
; Man:c�to, �`4n. • Minnesota ' 19.0 29.0... � 32.0 29.1 ' �
�� ° .
, .:�.�;an, Mn. MinnPsota 20.0 ' 31�.5 • , � 34.5 35.2:' �
;� � Cawcr, t:n. Minnesota 18.0 3T.5 34.0 34�3.��
ji : �I�asl;a, 2;n. Minnesota 18.0 3�1j5� � � 34.0 34.3"
�� •;�:���;e, Mn. Minnesota 698.0 716.0 718.5� -- 719'.4 �
�, • TI<.a:�o�a, Mn. Minnesota 699s0 y14,U 717.0 717.5
'I "'' . :'�vl. Mn. Mis�issippi 14�0 22.5 25.5 26 1
, �_ ,
;j t..•=.r•.:.np,^, .•in. Mississippi 15.0 21.5' 25.0 25.4
� S��.�.it•�aCer, Mn. St� Croix 87.0 92.0 95.0 94.1 ' �
� `
_ ^,e�? 6�Iin�, Mn. , M�ssissippi 14.0 17.5 . 19.0 20.5
,� Lc^..�? ::it•►, Mn� Mississippi � 16.0 . . . 19.0 21,0 22�2 •
!� • ?'r,�':�:�aa, Mn. • Mississippi 12.0 16.5 19.6 20.1
i,1 41ma, Wi�. Mississippi 16.0 I6.5 19.5 20,0
� L�u Claire, Wfs_. Chippewa � 773.0 775.0 � �. 777.0 779.6 ('67)
;; �u.r:�r.�, Wis� Chippewa � ' 11.0 14.0 15.5 17.0 ('67)
;� Iwc:�e.^.ter, 'Mn. 2umbro ' 12.0 � 14.0 I7.5 19„?
'': ' Zur,;;,�,, Fails, Mn, Zumbro . 18.0 ' � 23.5 28.0 � 23,�; � '
�,+ . Zumbro 38:0 42�0 . 46.0 . 45.8
� �� T;���:.man, Mn. '
�; Winor..a, :4n. . Mi�sissippi 13.0 . 19.0 � . 21.0 � 20.a •
^��g., t�is, Trempealeau 7.0 � � 9.0 10.0 9.1 •
:; :��"sv�llc3, Wis. E1ack : 18.0 I1.0 12.5 15.2 '
;� . �aiecLi.11e, Wi3. ' Black. ' 12.0 � 12.5 . 13.0 ' 13�6 �
� ! La C�n�;;�, SJis. Mississippi 12.0 16.5� � 18.0 17.9
� i , :ioka:t, tin, ;toot 47.0 48.5 51.0 ' S0.8�
� � . ::;�,:�;_on, i�Ir.. Ro�C 15.0 , •_ 18.0 19.5 19.5�
; 1 ��c��,�h, I:;. ' TJppe?: Towa : 12.0 � 9.0 ' I1.0 ' 9':7 .
; f Dor,..,;,.,..�.. .�.a,.. UPper Iowa 14.0 . 1b.5 18.5 � 17,9 � .
; �Lar.sit��;, iae ' Missis5ippi 18.0 18.5 22.5 � • 22.5
, ; prai:ie �u Chien, Wis. Mississippi 1$.0 21.5 25.5 25.4
!j Merrill, Wis. Wisconsin 11.0 � � 13.0 14.4 13.0 ('67)
'' SJzs� P.apids, Wis. Wisconsin 12,0 9.0 ' � - � 11.0 , 12.1 (i67�
ii . iortage, Wis. Wisconsin . 17.0 , . 16.0 18.0 18.8 •.('S7)
;? _ '
� ; M•s�coda, Wis. Wisconsin , 9.0 7.5 9.5 , 9.5 (t67)
''� ' La F2Y�s, tdis Kickapoo 12.0 12.5 13.0 , 12.6
j ?:eac:stown, Wis. Kickapoo 40.0 38.5 41.0 35.4 �
I �aldic:rs Grove, Wis. Kickapoo 723.0 726.0 729.0 726.1 �
Gay� Mills, Wis. Kicicapoo 698.0 701.0 703.0 701.1 '
5;,��uben, Wis. Kickapoo 8.0 11.5. 13.5 11.2
t � Gut=�uber�, Ia. Mississippi • 15.0 21.0 24.5 23.7 • ' '
; � As riiis spring�s rise progresses, additional advisories will be issued depending on � •
the �x�ent and the amount of daily precipitation. AI1 interests shou2d remain alert •
to li•�.tr and read these advisories which will be disseminated through your Zocal �
' off:cials; press and radio and television stations. These advisories will also be
reyeased over the Minneapolis�St. Paul local o�eather teletype circuit and the ESSA- �
. �eat:�er Bureau'teletype circuit,,i.� Wisconsin and Iowa. . �' ,
. • / ?_ � � • � Yce Jam
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- ��$ . trub, J� r��• . . . ,
• � Meteorologist� in Ch�rge �
. I . � � �� � , ' ,