242653 ', � '� 2426�3 ORt15'�NAL TQ CITY CLERK � -r t `� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CO NCIL RESOLUTION-GENE FO PRESENTED BY � � � " COMMISSIONE D v!i �/ � ! ��`�. r `�1iHEREAS, An emergency has arisen and is so declared herein by the �' o cil , under Charter Section 206, by reason of the flooding of the is issippi River; a�d WHEREAS, Unprecedented high water conditions on the Mississippi River are threatening to inflict da�aages upo� public and private property which may be estimated in �illions of doliars, all property located with- in the City of Saint Paul and lying adjacent to the Mississippi River, and MIWEREAS, The United States Weather Bureau and the United States Cor�of Engineers have predicted that tMe Saint Paul area will experience a f)ooding of the Mississippi River equal or exceeding the 1952 flood level of 22 feet and WHEREAS, Said flood conditior�s ccnstitute a sadde� and unexpect�d e�ergency; and VHEREAS, Funds necessary to enabie the City of Saint Paul to take the proper steps to prevent sucl� threat of damage to public and private property are �ot available; and idHEREAS, Funds necessary to enable the City of Saint Paui to clear and clean up debris and wreckage occurring on public and private property as a result of the flood are not available, and �iHEREAS, Funds �ecessary to enable the City of Seint Paul to repair and replace public properties da�aged by the f�lood are not available, now ther�fmre be it, . � ` ' � proved: � . �� Joseph J. Mitchell . City Comptroller COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish ,..-_� Approve� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafk� Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne . � � 1 .. 2426�3 ORIG NAL TO CITY CLERK • � ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�E NC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, That the Mayor and the City Caaptroller are hereby authorized to borrow a su� not to exceed TMree Hundred Thousand Oollars ($300,000.00) and to execute and deliver to the party or parties �aaking the loan a pro�issory note payable to such party or parties, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5�;) per annum, said note t0 be payable one year fr�a date of execution thereof; and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, That the funds so borrowed be credited te the 1969 Flood Special Reven�e Fand, all of the said fund to be expe�ded for the purpose of preventing the threat of da�age by flood to public a�d private property, clearing and cleaning up debris a�d a�reckage occurri�g on public and private property fros� the flood, and repatring and replacing public properties da�aaged by the flood. MAR � 8 �9fi9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � � a ���� Carlson Dalglish � prove� 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson ' Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHEe I�►R 2 2 1969 � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER _ �� •J426�3 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 1��EI0.�� An emerga��y l�as arts�n and ts so decia�'�d i�reln by Lhe Ccunctl , undar Charter �ectior� 206, by reason af the flooding of ti�+� ltiss�ssippi Rtver, and WHEREAS, t3np�eceder�ted h t gh water ccnd i t 1 s>ns on the �#i ss i�s i pp i �, Rlv�r ara threaten��g to Yn�ii�t damages upnn publi� '�nd priv��e proper�y wh�cl� a�y b� �s�imated tn adi t l ions of do1 lars, al t Property 1�►c.ated �i th- in ti� C3ty of S��n� t�"aui an+d lying �d�jacent ta,tt�e l�lssisslppt ttiver, �r�d W�ER�S. Tho lint ted St�tes 1�att�r �ar�u and tho Unl ted States �orp �f �ngtneers have pred�cted that thc� �a�nt E►�u1 ,�r�a wili experience a floodi�g af the �1�,ssls�i:pP� ttiver eqwai or_ exceading the 1�52 f1�d � 1eaa1 of �2 feet and �REAS, Sa t d �l�d cond t t t ons ct�ns t t t�te a sudden aad un�c�aected �rger�cy; and ��eAS, Fa�da nec�ssary to er►�bla th� City qf 5uir�t l�aul to take : tha Proper s#�pa to prev�ant suct� thre�t af da�gs to publ ic and prtv�te proparty �re ��t av�iiable; a�d W#�REAS, Runds necessary to enable tt� City of S�tnt Paul t�a cle�r �nd clean np debrls and �rreckage occurring on pub�i� and'�rivate property as a rssult of ths fTa�od �ra �r�r arr�t Tabla�, and MIt�REAS. 6�nds n�acess�ry to enable the 6i�y of Saint �aai to re�alr snd repl+�c� publ tc prc�►artf�s d+M�aagBd by tha f��d are nt�t avai 1�bte, now tharsform be tt, . Approved; Joseph J, Mitchell City Comptroller COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � � Carlson Dalglish Approved � 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka . Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne �O DUPLICATE TO PRINTER , �� � ���h� { CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� '� i''�� v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF R�SALY�ea, Tiwt the �Iayor +and ti�e Gity Com�tcroll�r ara h�reby �u�horfi7ted tv borrcw a sun► nat t+� exeead '�hree �1s�n+dred Thousand �?o11a�s �:�3�O,OOt�:04� �tnc# tn ex�eute and deltver Lp the p�rty or partfes m�kin� tl�+e ioan a praaissory ncate pnyable t� such part� or pa�tles, 6�a�ring �nto��st �t �t ��te not tfl axceed fiv� pe� c�� {5�,� per �nr��a, said note to be pay�bl+� on� year fcom date o€ e.Yecution ther�f; a�d �ae i t, f`t1R�'f�Elt R�Sf�.Y�, '�hat the fu�ds sc borr�sd b� cr�dited to ths i969 Flvod Special ltevQnae �und, aii of the said it�nd tQ be �acpanded #or tho �urpc��t of p��vmmr�ting Lhs� thr�at of ds�aage by f lood to publ ic �nd privstc� prop�ert�y, clearl�g and ciea�ning up d�bria and wreckage occurring an pub�ic �nd prty+�te property fr� tho fioocFy �nd r�p�iring and reptaetr�g pabtic propertias cle�g�d by th� f��od. ° MAR t � 19�9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,, Carlson ���'�� � �M i��`'� Dalglish '� Approved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor � Peteraon � Mayor Sprafka Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �� w�d � �wd .w.� � � 'W'd Y J _ � .W� � ,� �� ~ 'W d Wb � �Q 'W d ,Wlr � 'v - ;_ -_.y._ 1 . 1 �i.� � •Wd � O _ .W.� . a � o 0 0 'a' •wa _ — 'w'v Y o M 'Wd O ° � — • ~ - Wb m _ v -� N 'Wd �' 'a. n= wti a _ �wd a . .Wd O 'Wd o — . Z o� Q YY'b' � �^ � V « o � 'Wd o� o'p W t! � ;� � _ m 'W'd �c V 'W.b, tA � � C I` 'Nfd '� v a� wv � co w d �—` E m a�i t�0 } v .w.d � N � � � N � 'w d r�c � t� .�- p � ` N o ` N V p 'wv m v c � -� � m o �i .c T o � _ o � ,� � �t �w d o � � m � �. �r ,� �,o, :v � v •`—' c � m � �wv v� � � � : m W o � y � � � v � � .r' C �-- M .wd � � � � � O = O } .v3a -vyL o cn � o m a -o > w'd g � o vi o $ o � Q W : � p li. � � ti. U = � Nwa _ N M � O � � � W _ wd O wv Z _ � � 0 u t0 �Niad�� 3�nd� � � � o � o �w�v � �w�d �w v � �wa N �w�v N �wa .w.� N Wd �w�d N •wa .w.n � wd N .w.d N 'W'd 'w'd N �wd • WV N wa ri�v N wa .rro � �wd w�r � •wa .W.,� � 'W'd Y' � .W� � � 'W d 'NCtI � SQ 'W d 'W 1/ V I a W � �Wd � o Q _ �.d � �* �wd � O o — � . •yyd Y o° M 'Wd O ° � • _ 'W d � � • N •Wd � � G. wv � � _ 'wa a �wv o �wd 0 �Z � w�v �� `�" o� •wd � � � o . ,� .W.� o� �� « _- � •W•d �V � �wb C C I� 'IKd Z