241885 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK ��`���� �- CITY OF ST. PAUL fOENCIL N�, � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DAT� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute, on beh�,lf of the Gity of Saint Paul, Cooperation Agreement between the Housin.g and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Min.nesota, and the City of Saint Paul respecting loan under Section 1�02(a) of Title I, Housing Act of 1949, as amended, to undertake redevelopment project activities in Auditorium Ren.ewal Projeetfi Min.n. R-53, copies of which are hereunto attached and made ab?' part hereof by referenee. .a� 0 PROV Asst. Corporation se{ 1AN 2 31969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �A� � 3 �9�� Dalglish Approved 19—._ ' Meredith n Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafka � ,, � Tedeaco gainst Mr. President, Byrne -- - � �►sN� �1�12 5 19fi9 0 e . . � , ��• • \���'�i �� , ��� COOPERATION AGRFFrIF.NZ' RESPECTING L�JAN UNDER SECTION 102(a) OF TITLE I, HOUSING ACT OF 1949, AS AMEiv'DED TO UNDERTAKE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ACTIVITIES IN AUDITORIUM . RENEWAL PROJECT, MINN. R-53 THIS AGREEt�iENT, entered into this day of , 1969, by and between the HOUSING AND REDEVEIA PA�NT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL, MIN�IESOTA, hereinafter referred to as the "Authority", and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, hereinaft�r referred to as the "City", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that the area design.sted as the Auditorium Urban Renewal area and project, describect as foilows: Be�inning at the point of intersection of the northexly right-of-way line o£ W. Fifth Street k•itn the easteriy . right-of-way line of WashingCon St?,eet, tP►ei1 sout'r.erly along said line of Wasiiir.gton Street (projectr.d) to �he point of intersection wirh the southeasterly right-oi'-;�ay line (pro}ected) of Hill Street, then southw�sterly along said liae to the point of intersec�ion tai�h �he southwe�terly rignt-of-way 2ine (projected) of Eag�e : Str�et, th�n northwesterly along said line to the point of intersection with the northwesterly r�ght-af-way line (pro,;ectad) of West Seventh Street, then norL-heaster�y , along s�.id line to tl:e point of ir.tnrsection with ttte northerly right-of-way line of. S�est Fiftt. Stree�, then easterly alono said line to' the poi.nt of i�tersection with the easr_ern ri,ht-af-way line of Washington Street which is the point of beginnin�, is a blighted, deteriorated and deterioratino area; and WHEP.E4S, th� Autaority has obtained f.i:�ancial �ssistance fror: the t�nite3 States of America unc�er Title I of the Housing Act of I9�9, as amended, to undertake surveys and plans for the �1u3itorium Urban Ken�wal Project, Mi*�n. R-53, and has prepared and approved a Redevelopmet�t Plan fo� said Project providing for the acquis�iti:�n an� clearance �f 'flZightecl ar.d deterioti�.ted gro�erties, constructi.on o£ project irt�provemen�s anc' as;emoly of land. ror dis�cs�i.icr, for pualic use for a civic ce.r�*_er faci_lity wi_th a;�ci�?.ary us�s includ.ir.g parki.ng; and . , WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that the conditions of bli.ght and deterioration existing in the Auditorium Renewal Project ar.e detrimental to the welfare of the community and that the eliminaGion of such conditions of deterioration and blight can only be accomplished by governmental assistance to be in part obtained by a Federal grant under Section 103 or 131, Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, and further determined that the length of time necessary to prepare, process and obtain governmental approval for such grant was such that it was necessary to make application for a Federal loan under Section 102(a) of Title I of the aforesaid Act in the amount of $3,236,232 to the Authority to acquire and demolish substandard and blighted properties and to carry out the objectives and provisions of the Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, a condition of a loan under Section 102(a) of the aforesaid Act is that the governing body of the locality shall have assumed the responsi- bility to bear any loss that may arise as the result of such property acquisition in the event that the property so acquired is not used for. urb�n renewal purposes because the redevelopment plan for the project is not approved, or is anendeu to omit any of the acquired property, or is abandoned for any reason; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the sound interest of the community and otherwise beneficial and advantageous for the City to cooperate with the Authority in carrying out the Project tio the end that deleterious conditions in the Project Area be removed and that the Project Area be redeveloped in , accordance with the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan thereby contributing , materially to the well-being, progress and development of the community as a whole; and WHEREAS, under its general powers and under Section 35, Chapter 487, Laws of Minnesota 1947, as amended, the City is empowered to cooperate with the Authority to undertake a redevelopment project, including among other things tFie power to pay tY,e �bligations of the Auti�ori�y or ma�e Ioans and cantribueions for such projects and enter into agreements with the Authority respecting actians to be taken by the City. , -2- NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits and advantages hereinbefore recited and the mutual covenants hereafter set forth, the Authority and the City do hereby agree as follows: � 1. The Authority will proceed with all due diligence to secure approval by the United States of America of the Application for a loan in the amount of $3,236,232 under Section 102(a) Title I, Housing Act of 1949, as amended, for which application has heretofore been made. It is understood and agreed that the undertakings of the City under this Agreement are predicated upon issuance of said Loan by the United States. 2. The Authority will proceed with all due diligence to prepare an application for, and secure approval by the United States of a money grant under Section 103 or 131, Title I, Housing Act of 1949, as amended, to aid in the financing of the Auditorium Renewal Project. , 3. The Authority will, upon approval of the Federal loan, proceed to andertake the proposed property acquisitions, and relaeed activities, in order to assure the re�noval of conditions of blight and deterioration in the Project Area as soon as practicable. � 4. The City agrees, w ithout condition, and notwithstanding the provisions of any other agreement between the Parties respecting the Auditorium Rene�,aal Project, to assurne the responsibility Co bear any loss that may arise as the result of property acquisition financed by the Section 162(a) Loan in the event that the property so acquired is not used for urban renewal purposes � because the Redevelopment Plan for the Auditorium Urban Renewal Area Project " Minn. R-53 is not approved, or is amended to 'omit any of the acquired property, or is abandoned for any reason. The City further agrees that an expression of this undertaking of the City to assume such loss, if any, shall appear on the face of any Project Tempor.ary Loan Note and Notes issued by the Authority payable to the United States of America respecting the loan under Section 102 (a) (e)(b), �i�le I,. ri�usi:�g �'�ct of I949, as ?mended, anct the City further agrees -3- +" " , ` _ _ _ _ _ to pay the United States on demand any such loss sustained by the United States under the aforesaid loan, which undertaking and agreement shall be assignable to the United States of America upon its request. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals all as of the day and year first above written. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNF:SOTA (SEAL) . By Its By Its CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA (SEAL) By ' Ma.yor BY City Clerk BY Commissioner of Finance Countersigned by: Comptroller , Approved as to Form; Approved as to Form: Corporation Counsel Authority Chief Counsel . -4- � - � • Section E 222. Land Acquisition Report Section E 223. Relocatiotl Repart Sectio�l E 22��. B�sis for Estimates of Clearance Costs Section E 2?_6. Cost Estimates aitd I�ittancing Report Section E.2�1. Leg�-�.1 llata and all Authority recorcts and documents respecting th� Auditorium Renewal Project, including the £ormal repor� of the Plan�ing �io�rd of the City of Saint Paul, cerrified by Noland R. Heidet�, tiie Direci-.or, as of Septc�inber 16, 1968. Ndjd, T.HERErOI�F, �E IT RFSOLVEI3, by the �Iousing and F�edevelopment Au::liority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, as f.ol.loi•��: 1. That the findin`s and det'erminatiot�s of its P,�solutions ir'o. 66-12/21-1, l�o. 67-2/8�5, anc� r?o. 6S-LO/9-�s are in all respects hereby uffirn,ed. 2. That the Redevelopment P1an for Auditoritun Urban Rene�oal Area, otherwise designated as Project I�iinn. R-53, Project Area a£ ��hich is hereinbefare described, which Recie��elogment Plan consi.sts of t��elve (12) paoes and t�ao (2) ma�s, is hereby iri a11 res�ects approveci, and ttie Secretary is hereby direct�d to file a certi.fied cc�py of the Redevelopment Plan :airil �he minutes o�' this rneeting. 3. 7:hat the Er,ecutive Direc�ar is hereby authorized ancl directed to trar.srlil a co�y of this Resolu(:ion; to�ether with the F<.edeveiopment Plan and supparring documentatioi�, includinb a Relocati.on Plar. �nd Fir,ancial Plan, to the Council of the �ity of Suint P��ul, �aith request that said Counc�.l es�ablish a date for public he�ring upon sai_c; Redevelopr�ent Pla.n ancl said P.edevel.o�?r:�ent ProjPct in the m�nner. requ�re�? by l�;o, an:] the Execu+�ive Dir«�ctor is h4reby furt�ler autl�.orizecl and di.rected to take alJ. necess<.ry actions ir.cl.udin� �pp?i- cations to the Fe_cier.al gove-r.rn:�ent for Lozt� atid Capi_*GZ Grar�t unde�- all. eliUzblf� pro�r.�:ns for Federal �r.ant assist�ance. � � ' 421 ti"Jabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 02. Edward N.klelfeld,executive director.phone 223 5218 � NOUSlNG AND REDEUELO°i�iENT AUTHCRITY OF THE CITY OF SAf�JT PAUt, MINNESOTA October 18, 1968 Mr. Thomas Kilbride � ' Acting Assistant Regiona? _ Administrator for Renewal Assistance Departnent of Housino and Urban Development . 360 North Michigan Avenue Chicaoo, Illinois 60601 Dear Mr. Kilbride: Submitted herewith is the application for an "Early Land Acquisition Loan'.' for a limited area witfiin the Auditorium Urban Renewal Project, Minn. R-53. It is re- , quested that your office begin the preliminary processing of the Application a1- * though, at present, it lacks the local governing body's approva? of resolutions. ; The Authority anticipates early approval of these resolu�ions, which will subse- i quently be transmitted to your office within a month. . ; The need and desirability for the redevelopment of this area has long been a recog- nized fac*, as attested to in the City's� "Comprehensive P1ar,", and the "Centrai ; Business District Develoo�ent Concept", both of which call for the .expansion and � modernization of t�:e.C�vic Center Complex. Additionally, the success of the Down- � town Capital Centre Project, �tinn. R-20, presently in exec��tion, is partially dependent on this project in terms of increasing the desirability and marketabiii[y _ of its disposition parcels, as descra.bed in the Survey and Pianning Application , for this project. � , Project activities to be undertaken in this Early Land Acquisition Pro�ran include: � the acquisition of thirty-two propzrties; the relocation of six families, thirty individuals and thirty-tw� businesses; the denolition and clearance of .twency-seven buildings; and vacation oF streets and assembly of land fo-r disposition. The number of site occupants to be relocated is relatively small and the Autho:ity has identified more than sufficienr resou:ces to accommodate this cas�load. All of the properties ider_tified for acquisition ccmprise the selected site for the new Civic Center facili- ties, pr000sed to he coristr=�cted as the first phase of uevelopment in the expansion and ouodernization of the e:sistiag ccmpleY. The tempo:ary loan of $3,236,�32 reauested � for undertaking t��ese early project activities will ultimately represent approximately three-fifths of the Capitol Grant Reservation approved for this Project. The City's . share of the net project cost, consisting of the creditable cost of the Civic Center facilit=es to be coastructed on the property to be acquired, will exceed the necessary one-third Iocal contribut�on. Costs for t:�e deve�.ogment of *_hese faciLities will be approxiinately $13,000,000, to b� financed by the iss��ance of bonds by a non-profit � corporatien, as authorize�l by tlie State Legislature. . ' The planning and desi�n o€ �he naw facilities, consisting of a multi-purpose arena and public parking ramps, have been accomplished with a Com�unity Facilities �'�drinis- tration, Plannina �dvanc�, oi aoprox i.-natelq $!�OO,OCO. Additionally, the pro�ress on Lawrence J. Ha,yes, Narry P. Strcng, Jr., Qr�i{�e E. A��derson, Ne�ry R. Th�,rras, Kennetti J.�Lynci�, James ,;. Dal,lish, Vi�tor J. Ted�sco . cnrm,�,, i � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Mr. Thomas Kilbride - 2 - October 18, 1968 these facilities to date represents a substantial voluntary contribution in ti.me and involvement by local governmental officials and civic organizations. Currently work has progressed so that construction may begin in Spring of 1969. This work, plus project planning for this portion of the urban renewal area, has progressed to a point where the accelerated development and visible improvement of the area ' is both practicable and desirable. Consequently the availability of the sites is critical to establishing final cost estimates in the event additional money fs required, and to begia construction as rapidly as possible, to continue the forward momentum ef the community and to insure' its support for this and future projects. � f Therefore, the Authority urges your expeditious reviEw and approval of this � • application. Sincerely, .. 1����",�I�!i '' n Edward N. Helfeld Executive Director � - ' '. . , � • AOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION TO UNDERTAKE PROJECT ACTIVITIES DURING PROJECT PLANNING STAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS CODE N0. Form H-612 - Application for Loan and Grant � E-201 Labor Standards E-202 Project Area Report E-212 Basis for Determination that Objectives of Urban Renewal Plan Cannot be Achieved Through Rehabilitation E-214 La.nd Acquisition Report E-222 Relocation Report E-223 Basis for Estimates of Clearance Costs E-224 Cost Estimates and Financing Rep�rt E-226 Legal Data E-231